Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Kryon Channeling For The New Year/"Flow Into The New World"
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Below please discover a channeling from Kryon. I believe it contains very relevent information on how to move through the New Year and because I found myself so busy during the Christmas Season, please excuse me for my absence and I am prayerful that all reading this had a very joy filled and blessed season and I hope the following year will be even better and brighter still.
I love you all,
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Thank you John W. Moore for sending this precious message to my email box...and for those wanting their own free copy, please go to: http://www.kryon. r.htm
Note to the reader:
Express the intent to be "in the NOW" at the channelling, and for your energy to be combined with the group that was present.
Kryon ~ Channelled through David Brown
2 December 2008 at Marina da Gama, Cape Town
"Flow into the New World"
Greetings Dear Ones for I AM KRYON of Magnetic Service.
Once again it is wonderful to be back here in the Marina da Gama. There is much love and much change in the air; many, many different energies approaching and the energies of Mars and Venus become closer and closer bringing love and the aggressive energy to shake out what stops you loving. There is a whole new world ahead and your energies must be clear. We know you have been on the path for many years and we are going deeper and deeper, deeper into a new world, clearing out ancient, ancient wounds, going further and further back into past lives and time, healing scars that have affected lifetime after lifetime after lifetime almost from the beginning of time.
The time has come for the great shifts to happen. The time has come where the meek shall inherit the earth. The ones that have taken their power have caused great upset and unhappiness over the years, particularly financially towards the end of 2008. This is what happens when you elect leaders that profiteer, when you elect leaders that are out of integrity with themselves and the nations that they lead. Leadership in men should come from a space of integrity within themselves. They should receive whatever they need through acting out of integrity and being absolutely in their authenticity. The days of this type of leader and leadership that is out of integrity is coming to an end.
It is very difficult for a family man with a wife and children to riot on the streets, but there has been civil unrest and civil disquiet for much lesser reason than the down-scaling of the U.S.A. and the global economy. This downscaling has occurred through greed and avarice and once again people completely out of integrity taking amounts of money for themselves, more than they could never ever spend in a lifetime. Taking money out of the pockets of people in difficult circumstances, people that have never owned their houses before, first time home owners that are having to sell their houses, a whole new world, a whole new system will be falling into place.
There will be shake down after shake down after shake down and those who stay in integrity, those who follow their heart and live their dream will be safe will be secure, will bring on the support of the Divine. Those who act out of integrity will not wait till other lifetimes to act out their karmic debt they will receive what they give out in this lifetime. There is enough knowledge and enough wisdom now on the planet evenly dispersed for these kinds of things cannot happen any more on this planet. There is a new world happening and a new world beckons, the new world is coming.
There are to be many great, great shifts of energy flowing through mankind. Those who are conscious and working on consciousness will understand these shifts and these shifts will also happen for those who are unconscious, being led by those searching for consciousness. A new world, a whole new world, the new fantastic point of view, a completely different way of living, a completely different way of manifestation is just around the corner.
There are many worlds that live side by side with planet earth, many worlds that can’t be seen that are far beyond the frequencies of human sight and human technology and these new worlds are working towards planet earth coming and ascending to new levels of consciousness. There is more and more energy and more and more knowledge being beamed to this earth creating a great awakening of the masses creating a great understanding. This will take a few years to unfold and those of you who are working on yourselves and becoming conscious of your behaviour and where your behaviour comes from will be at the cutting edge of this technology and your lives will begin to fall into place. Where you have experienced excessive trauma in this lifetime that trauma will begin to recede, the energies that you have found difficult to work with you will manage to overcome.
It is easy, very easy, to traumatize a child all it takes is a lack of love. For no love can bring death to a child. If it doesn’t bring physical death then many aspects of the child will die. A child without love is like a torch without a battery, there is no energy for it to develop and the child begins to shut down certain areas so that it can survive. It shuts down certain areas of its intelligence and it learns to manipulate the truth through behaviours like selective hearing, selective vision, avoidance of what is should really be dealing with and what it shouldn’t have to deal with. Its parents were there to support the child to nurture and to nourish to make the child safe and secure, and where this has not happened a child becomes traumatized and that trauma plays out in adult life.
Many, many of you in the new age and on your spiritual path have struggled with this child that is traumatized. In very serious cases of trauma the child completely overtakes the personality of the person and it is as if you are living totally in the past, totally in that moment of trauma and fear and your lives are not allowed to unfold. If a life for a child without love happened in nature it would be as if a tree would shed it’s leaves, it would just let it’s leaves die off, perhaps because a tree would see rain as love and if there is no water to nurture and nourish the tree then the tree slowly but surely allows its’ leaves to die back and this is exactly what happens to a child. What has to happen is that trauma has to be visited and re-visited over and over and over again. It is not only the trauma that the child experienced that must be re-visited because trauma naturally weakens the child and the adult, and this trauma in this new energy you will be able to release this child of trauma. You will be able to regain your core strength in your stomach and begin to create for yourself a powerful life, a life of your dreams.
No matter how traumatized the inner child is you still have your dreams and your dreams are your journey and as long as you keep processing your trauma just gently wearing it away, releasing step by step little, little at a time, healing the inner fight the resistance within you will conquer this, you will conquer your own life you will become the master of your own destiny. You will bring more and more love into your own life. You will bring more and more love to this earth for all to share and for all those that haven’t got the courage to walk the same path that you are walking you will give them many gifts. The power will belong to you for you will be the one that healed yourself, you will be the one that becomes enlightened. You will be the one that steps into truth, honesty and absolute integrity.
It is these wounded leaders that you are electing into power on this planet that are creating so many problems for the planet. They can’t see beyond themselves. They don’t have a vision of love. They don’t have a vision of how beautiful life can be. They can’t have that vision because the child controls them. The child, the hurt, the wounded child its needs are not fulfilled it’s full of want.
When you come to a stage of enlightenment you no longer have needs and you no longer have wants. You just are. Things just are the way they are. Whatever you want you have it, whatever you need you have it! There is no need to fuel relationships with fraudulent dealings, for your relationship with yourself is in harmony it’s just the way it should be.
There will be new ways of choosing leaders coming into the consciousness of man and once again this will take time, this will take a number of years for this consciousness has to filter through into the masses. It has to come from heaven and move into the earth and the way that happens is through mankind. When the energy flows through man and man can accept these energies he must pull it through his own body and push it into Mother Earth. That is the way to change life on Mother Earth it is to bring through these new energies and to connect them into the Mother Earth, to ground them.
But one must be grounded one’s self and this is the job and the duty and the will of the enlightened beings. They wish to impregnate the earth with love, justice, freedom and ecstasy, all these beautiful energies. The days of suffering are not quite over but they will be over for there will be no need to suffer. There will be no need for others to make others suffer for there are many, many changes.
We, in spirit world envisage an earth plane far, far beyond what your imagination can deliver. There are those scientists that dream of travelling to the boundaries of outer space there are others that dream of exploring the oceans and others that dream of exploring the forests and the jungles but the greatest exploration is the exploration of one’s self. The journey the Gnostics bring to you the journey of gnosis, the bringing into your body that special Divine wisdom, a special understanding not only of planet earth but of man himself, of humanity, of how you work, of how you operate for you are all far more powerful than you could ever, ever, ever imagine.
There is much power far beyond the veil and the veils are being lifted. Slowly but surely those ones of you who can handle the responsibility of this great knowledge and wisdom it will be given to you. It will be yours to teach and to use and to allow to flow into the rest of humanity for consciousness is about responsibility. The more and more conscious you are the more and more responsible you are. Love is consciousness. We always said in these channellings that love is the only answer and each question and each problem is answered in love, is more and more darkness in the light, as there is more and more love in your hearts.
It is sometimes difficult to answer a problem with love when you operate through the consciousness of humanity, of human consciousness, but when you can ride beyond human consciousness and allow your heart to deeply connect with the Divine your answers will come and they won’t be the same answers that your head gives you. Your heartfelt answers will change your world. Just allow your heart to show you the way. Just try it with a few small problems. A few problems that you view as unimportant, trivial, and just throw a little love at those problems and just observe, just observe. It is like a plant with sunshine and water they will grow and they will blossom, they will transform, they will turn your life into love and you will become like a love machine.
The more and more you practice this art the more and more you will grow. You will grow like the trees grow in the Amazon forest where they are saturated in humidity, water, sunshine and ambient temperatures it creates so much growth – that is what love is. One of the most beautiful experiences that you can experience is to give love, just give it to yourself.
So we ask you to close your eyes and just drop deeper and deeper into your bodies for this room is filled with the Angelic realm: with the angels, the guides and the spirit guides. There is much love and we ask you to become soft, gentle like a kitten, playful. Just allow the energy of a kitten. Become the energy of a kitten, soft, furry and warm. Just allow yourselves to become this energy… Just allow your hearts to open and become soft. Just allow your hearts to open in the present and don’t allow this energy to move to any aspects of your inner child or your inner parents, your masculine or your feminine, just allow it to flow into you that’s present in this moment. It might sound strange but your soul understands. Just become soft and gentle in this moment. Let the love gently flow… Just let the love flow. Just give it to yourself. Where there is resistance or pain or an inner struggle, an inner fight just acknowledge this inner fight or whatever stops the flow of love… In acknowledging your inner pain or your hurt this blockage, belief pattern or thought will release.
For Dear Ones, this is the Kryon energy and we are here to deliver consciousness. It is yours for the receiving… Just become softer and softer, easier and easier, relax going deeper and deeper and deeper going deeper and deeper and deeper at the same time going higher and higher and higher. You are all these things. You can do and be all of these things all at the same time. Just allow yourselves to connect with the Moon and with Venus and Mars allow these special energies to flow into your hearts and become one. Expand into the Universe, expand beyond this small room, expand beyond who is sat next to you. Just expand, relax and expand. For in relaxation there is expansion. For in momentum there is rest and in rest there is momentum. Just become soft and gentle.
You are just like a computer zip file sometimes compressed, sometimes expanded flowing into everything. Just allow yourselves to flow into everything. Flow where ever you want to flow. Allow yourselves to flow into the new world. Flow to meet these new energies that are coming for you are being held like the Sun holds the Earth you are being held in a very special space to receive these new energies. The energies of love, the energies of clarity… As you are expanding becoming softer and more gentle we ask you to become more and more loving for that aspect of your inner child that you find most difficult to deal with ; the part of your child that is traumatized, the part of your child that was starved of love, this is not all of you or all of your child just and aspect for the traumatized child creates a traumatized reality where things are stuck, where things don’t move, where abundance can’t flow, where there is no expansion and growth.
You will find that the likelihood is that you have been suppressing this child, using a lot of energy suppressing this aspect of your child. Your child fights you and you fight the child. When you fight the child what’s missing is love. For Dear Ones, you are all healers in this lifetime. The ones that hear these messages you had to experience this level of trauma in order to heal this trauma and hold the space for all those that come to you in search of healing. Just allow the softness, tenderness, the touch, allow the energies of responsibility to flow through your bodies taking full responsibility for whatever aspect of what happened to the inner child. Whatever you take responsibility for the answers will come to you and the healing will come to you. Secondly apologise to yourselves and to the child, for an apology is an expression of deep regret.
But you may question why apologise? Well you put that child through a very, very difficult childhood, a very painful lesson for a very painful experience and the likelihood is that the child won’t respond until it receives an apology. Also apologise to yourself for this child has created a reality all through your life where you haven’t managed to create the life of your dreams as a direct result. Usually one’s parents are involved and allow the apology to flow to wherever it needs to flow, parent’s, grandparents or any other third party for they also like to act in a certain way to traumatize the child, they could only have been traumatized themselves to be drawn into such behaviour.
The energy of apology is a gift, is a beautiful spiritual gift, not everybody has the gift of apology. So whatever gifts you do not have such as the gift of apology it would be wise to thank God for the miracle of the gift of apology. Give it to yourself… In order to resuscitate this child to bring it back to life, transform it from dead to alive, from stoic to moving with the energies of love and forgiveness. Fill this child with love and allow forgiveness to flow like the Amazon flows from the Andes to the Atlantic never stopping, always flowing pushing the ocean back miles and miles and miles with its force and its power. Love has a force and a power it is so light you can hardly feel it, you can’t touch it. When it comes it comes and you know it is there.
So fill this beautiful little child of yours, the soft gentle part of you that got so wounded with love and forgiveness for inside the most gentlest, softest parts of yourself, the parts that are easiest to wound is your genius. Just let the love flow deeper and deeper and higher and higher expanded and dense. Let it come with all the opposites of what love can be. Let the love just come and like the gift of apology thank God for the miracle of the gift of love and the gift of forgiveness. For they are gifts, they are beautiful gifts.
Now allow for the energy of surrender to flow through this child, surrendering all the behaviour patterns that have followed with this energy of trauma. The wounded child never acts in alignment with your dreams the wounded child will always act and project its energy into the world completely the opposite way you want to live your life. It will operate anti to your life and to your dreams. That’s how you become aware of your inner child, your wounded child. Your wounded inner child creates a reality that does not align with your dreams but it makes you stronger and stronger, more and more aware, more and more powerful. It teaches about consciousness and how this world became the world that it is.
So allow the surrender of all these behaviour patterns that no longer serve you… and now lets move on to the sixth necessary energy of healing that is the energy of gratitude. You may not feel grateful in this moment for that experience and the child definitely won’t be grateful but the present you have to accept that you have learned a great deal from this experience and you have derived great power and great wisdom, great healing energies as a result of going through this experience. Also on the flip side you can be grateful that you won’t be going through this experience again. So once again thank the Divine for the miracle of the gift of gratitude and remember the more grateful you are the more you get.
Just allow in the energy of gratitude for the experience you had and the experience that is now over, for all the wisdom and all the knowledge and all the love, for all the fun that you have had in the darkness and grateful now to be able to step more and more into the light. Remember that love conquers all and that you are love; that is where your power lies. Your power lies in pure authentic love. Your power lies in you being true to yourself and you being absolutely authentic. When the truth comes to you and you know that this is pure truth love is ruthlessly acting on the truth. Your angels are at your feet and your spirit guides surround you, they are washing your energies with love in awe and in honour of the work that you have done not only tonight but through your lifetime. Just receive this love wash, just receive this love, receive this connection and open yourself to guidance…
Now the final energy the energy of letting go, whenever you let go something better always, always, always comes not 99% of the time but 100% of the time. Something better always comes. So allow the energy of letting go to permeate this event and this child and your inner parents and your inner grandparents and the inner you, your inner masculine and your inner feminine and all those aspects of yourself that can receive this energy of letting go. Just allow the letting go to happen, just like a tree lets go of its leaves in winter or in autumn in preparation for the winter. Let it go…
Dear Ones, you are magical beings of this universe and with each day that goes by you become more and more.
Go well and God Bless for this is Kryon signing out. Thank you.
Copyright © David Brown.
All rights reserved.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Melamine In Infant Formulas
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
December 11, 2008
What is Next? As Well As Thoughts on FDA's Role In Health Treats To American PeopleRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
The following newscast came from Natural News website. I believe that it is quite factual simply due to the fact that the author of it is simply trying to bring about "changes," in the current system of checks and balances that our FDA is maintaining that they are a holding towards and really aren't.
Yet you be the judge...I hope to have been able to post the link that will provide this author's full site on this newsletter site of mine. If not than simply copy and paste into your browser the following link up: Melamine Infant Formula (comic)
As always,
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
How Yeast Can Create Havoc In Ones Life
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Enclosed below is Dr. Mercola's actual website article. It is very interesting and something I have been a telling my family/friends for years.
I personally have been very fortunate and haven't had to take any type of pharmaceutical antibiotic for over ten years and that time I took two capsules for a brown recluse spider bite that didn't appear to be such to the M.D.. client/friend that looked at it.
My doctor believed that it was perhaps a tattoo sensitivity that was occurring...yet like I told my doctor, I had the tattoo for over 2 years and wouldn't understand why it would be a acting up now and also too, I recalled a sharp bite on my leg in the night and when I got up and turned on the light, a light tan spider's body was found dead in the bed...(that rhymed by accident...hahahehe)
The reason why the spider bite didn't appear to be a serious spider bite was because I took precautions immediately upon being bitten and threw on the area, all the natural herbal antibiotics I had in the cupboard...both topically and internally...tea tree, colloidal silver and Indian tobacco.
The two antibiotics that were the strongest pharmaceutical grade that our chemical companies produce for human consumption...were enough to create havoc in my urinary tract to begin with...I for one couldn't imagine being on them for any extended amount of time like many persons that I know...have done.
Along with Dr. Mercola's suggestions...I would like to also suggest along with acidophilus inserted into the vaginal tract...perhaps aloe vera gel that is made for internal ingestion...this is what I have used on those occasions that I find myself a craving lots of sugar such as the season upon us all...I haven't considered boric acid, hmmm...something else to research...good stuff. Enjoy!
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
If you think you may be suffering from a yeast-related problem, keep reading. My free special report, available for download below, will teach you how to identify Candida overgrowth and, more importantly, how to overcome it.
Millions of people are currently fighting a battle against a single-cell fungus they cannot see. This fungus belongs to a family of yeasts called Candida albicans, and under normal circumstances it’s a harmless part of your skin, intestines, and for women, your vagina.
But Candida cells develop rapidly, and if your system is out of balance from eating unhealthy foods, taking certain prescription drugs, fighting an illness, and more -- Candida can quickly grow out of control. The result is an astounding array of health problems that can rob you of energy and interfere with your ability to enjoy life.
What’s worse most conventional doctors do not recognize the symptoms of Candida overgrowth, and are clueless about how to cure it.
Because Candida overgrowth, or Candidiasis, is so often overlooked by physicians, it’s difficult to say exactly how many people may be affected, but estimates suggest that up to 80 million Americans may suffer from yeast-related problems -- and 70 percent of them are women.
Some common conditions that indicate you may have Candida overgrowth include:
Irritable bowel syndrome
Food allergies
Chronic fatigue
Yeast infections
Weight gain
As you can see, the list is long and varied, and the symptoms mimic those caused by many other diseases.
If you think you may be suffering from a yeast-related problem, keep reading. My free special report, available for download below, will teach you how to identify Candida overgrowth and, more importantly, how to overcome it.
Could Candida Be Sabotaging Your Health? (Free PDF Report)
Discover the Amazing Health Promoting Benefits of Pure Virgin Coconut Oil
I recommend using Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil instead of other cooking oils when you want to go from flab to fab, help stimulate your metabolism, decrease cravings, or help restore more youthful-looking skin. It’s made from fresh-picked coconuts, and contains no chemical additives or trans-fats.
Find Out More
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
This is a VERY important topic for many women as up to 75 percent of all women will experience a yeast infection in their lifetime.
But why is that?
I believe one of the most important reasons is the overconsumption of processed foods and foods high in sugar, both of which serve as fertilizer for the growth of yeast and fungi in your body.
Oral contraceptives are also a factor, as these synthetic hormones create an environment that is conducive to yeast overgrowth. And, last but not least, overuse of antibiotics, which kill off both good and bad bacteria and promote the growth of fungi and yeast, contributes to making this such a common health problem.
Is Candida to Blame For Your Symptoms?
When we’re talking about Candida, it’s important to realize that vaginal yeast infections are not the sole health problem that can ensue. In fact, chronic fatigue is perhaps one of the most common ailments rooted in yeast and fungal overgrowth.
Yeast may even be a causative factor in cancer.
I know that sounds surprising, but I’ve previously published an article with a video featuring Dr. Simoncini, who explains this quite succinctly.
So how do you know if Candida is to blame for your symptoms?
Well, often you don’t know for sure, and that’s why so many people are suffering needlessly. If you’re suffering from some of the symptoms listed above, and nothing else you’ve tried seems to help, there’s a fair chance Candida is involved.
However, a good sign that Candida is taking a hold of your body is feeling “run down” and developing a craving for sugars and carbohydrates, as this is the main fuel for the growing amounts of yeast in your body.
The more sugar and grains you eat, the more the yeast grows out of control. Eventually, this will weaken your immune system, which in turn can allow the yeast to infiltrate various other organs, and the sicker you’ll become.
How to Treat Vaginal Yeast Infections Naturally
Many people opt to treat yeast infections with over-the-counter anti-fungal creams, and when the symptoms go away, they assume they are cured.
In reality, these creams only treat the symptoms, and do nothing about the underlying yeast overgrowth that caused the problem to begin with.
With yeast infections or thrush, the underlying causes are also related to imbalances in your body’s terrain, such as your pH balance, and the balance of good and bad bacteria. Yeast thrives in an alkaline environment, so to successfully treat a vaginal yeast infection for example, you need to adjust the pH in your vaginal area.
To provide near-immediate relief for a vaginal yeast infection, you can try any of these all-natural techniques:
Insert one Boric acid powder capsule into your vagina morning and evening for three to seven days for an acute infection, and 14 to 30 days for a chronic infection. I have not seen Boric acid capsules widely available in health stores or pharmacies but you can make your own by buying a bottle of Boric acid powder and gelatin capsules (a capsule-making machine makes the process go faster).
Studies show the effectiveness of Boric acid is very high especially in women with chronic resistant yeast infections -- one study with 100 women showed a 98 percent success rate with this condition. If you find that the Boric acid irritates your external genitalia you can protect the tissue with vitamin E oil.
Insert one garlic clove into your vagina in the morning and an acidophilus capsule in the evening for three to seven days.
Prepare a retention douche with bentonite clay, Pau D’ Arco tea, plain yogurt, tea tree oil and goldenseal and douche two times a day for seven to 10 days.
Soak a tampon with diluted tea tree oil (use a solution of one and a half tablespoons of tea tree oil and one cup of water) and keep it in your vagina overnight.
How to Avoid Candida with Proper Lifestyle Changes
In order to prevent yeast overgrowth, you need to create an environment that makes it more difficult for fungus to thrive. Typically, you can do this by making the following lifestyle changes:
Eat the Best Diet for You, and Exercise -- A diet rich in meats, chicken, eggs, seeds and nuts, vegetables, and healthy oils (free range and organic) -- while avoiding sugars and carbohydrate-rich foods -- will restrict the amount of fuel the yeast in your intestine has available to it. Ideally you should also make your diet in tune with your nutritional type.
Get Plenty of Good Bacteria -- You will want to increase your probiotic (good bacteria) intake with a high-quality probiotic supplement or by eating cultured and fermented foods, such as natto. These contain the good bacteria that keep your vagina and gastrointestinal tract healthy and will ultimately replace the Candida.
Avoid Exposure to Chemicals and Medications -- Antibiotics, corticosteroids and birth control pills all need to be avoided. Paints, household cleaners, perfumes and scents may also cause allergic reactions, and chemical sensitivities are very common in people with yeast overgrowth.
Address Emotional and Psychological Issues -- Food cravings, especially those for sweets, often are exacerbated by emotional dependencies. Tools like the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can help you to overcome unhealthy food cravings and other emotional hurdles.
Essential Food Restrictions For Yeast Control
Because yeast multiplies so quickly, it’s necessary to restrict not only sugar and refined carbs in your diet but also all yeast- and mold-containing foods, including:
Vinegar (and vinegar-containing foods like mustard and salad dressing)
Carrots, potatoes and beets (high-sugar veggies)
Fruits are important to avoid if you have this problem as the sugar in the fruit typically worsens those who are suffering with yeast infections. Fruit can be resumed once the yeast is under control.
Peanuts and corn (which often contain mold)
Mushrooms (fungus)
Aged cheeses
Also remember that the number one source of calories in America is not regular sugar, but high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is included in most all processed foods and should be avoided.
If you are already facing Candidiasis, I highly recommend working with a natural health care practitioner who specializes in treating yeast overgrowth to help see you through treatment.
Related Articles:
Holistic Treatment for Candida Infection
Fungus Causing Cancer -- A Novel Approach to the Most Common Form of Death
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and The Yeast Connection: Is Yeast the Missing Link?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
"Our Home-Grown Melamine Problem"
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
ThanksGiving Day, November 27, 2008
"Until We The People, Stand For Something, We Chance: Falling"
Dear All One Family:
I pray that all that have taken the time to see what it is that I write, rather today or in the future, feel the blessings that God holds for each and all that choose to accept Him as their King, such as myself.
On this glorious day that we offer up thanks and gratitude for all that we have and are about to receive in His Son/our brother Jesus Name and precious Holy Spirit, Amen...may you be truly blessed this and all days of your life...
May you also grow in understanding that without His Peace, Comfort and Joy, there will never be any peace to be found in your life or those that you love...for we are the guides to all those lost and trying to find their way in life...we lead by example.
Be Blessed always, all my loved ones
Now onto another matter I feel of grave importance...and that is the enclosed newspaper article from the New York Times.
So important is it to myself that I am a sending it to Dr. Phil's website for his son Jay who is the producer of the hit talk TV Show, "The Doctors," for something has to be done to resolve this crucial health issue, being the FDA is allowing this in my estimation to be okay of a food product, to be used in not only our food source yet that of our animals, especially if we decide to feed them our left overs...
Plus, we were already shown with the experiment of China in our pet foods, just what it can do to them as well as ourselves.
Remember also please, that China had several infants die from it being added to their formulas and I heard that two days ago, The Fayetteville Observer also carried an article about it being in our baby formulas as well...perhaps what is needed Mr. President Elect Barack Obama is a complete over haul of our FDA procedures as well, for they as well perhaps are being bought out by these high dollar corporations that are a putting all of us at health risk...we are fastly becoming a jobless nation, along with chemicals of all sorts just a hap hazardly a thrown at us.
My interest in Melamine goes back to the death of my toby cat, Baby. I decided to treat him with some of the specialty high dollar gourmet cat food...and before one knew it...he refused to eat and no longer was able to go to the bathroom at all and the next day...he passed.
This melamine product effects the kidneys and God knows whatever else organ associated with its functioning...perhaps the reason for such a large amount of individuals a now being seen having kidney stones...
Perhaps melamine pulls magnesium from our systems and thus the reason for the calcium salts in our body a calcifying into stones...something to think about don't you agree?
Magnesium is an element that is missing in our once fertile farming begin also helps with evacuating our eliminatory system and that as well is highly necessary for optimal health. For I believe that good health begins in the colon first and foremost after a swallowing our foods and liquids...just something to ponder...
Anyways, after reading the included news article...write your senators and congressmen and tell them to keep a watch on the FDA for it seems to those of us that are a paying their salaries that they aren't a working for our highest good in the land or abroad...especially since the FDA's witch hunt agains herbal, vitamin and mineral supplementations...for without them in our lives, we surely will be at the hands of the medical profession soley and to me...a chemical land is not what God had in mind for us all, especially since Scripture is filled with different passages that tell/remind us that "herbs, were to be our foods and medicine."
Just thinking out loud, on air time.
I love you all and please have a very blessed day and life.
Love, Light and Peace
Our Home-Grown Melamine Problen
By James E. McWilliams
James E. McWilliams, a history professor at Texas State University at San Marcos, he is the author of "American Pests: The Losing War on Insects From Colonial Times to DDT."
"Our Home Grown Melamine Problem"
"CHINA'S food supply appears to be awash in the industrial chemical melamine. Dangerous levels have been detected not only in milk and eggs, but also in chicken feed and wheat gluten, meaning that melamine is almost impossible to avoid in processed foods. Melamine in baby formula has killed at least four infants in China and sickened tens of thousands more.
In response, the United States has blasted lax Chinese regulations, while the Food and Drug Administration, in a rare move, announced last week that Chinese food products containing milk would be detained at the border until they were proved safe.
For all the outrage about Chinese melamine, what American consumers and government agencies have studiously failed to scrutinize is how much melamine has pervaded our own food system.
In casting stones, we've forgotten that our own house has more than
its share of exposed glass.
To be sure, in China some food manufacturers deliberately added melamine to products to increase profits. Makers of baby formula, for example, watered down their product, lowering the amount of protein and nutrients, then added melamine, which is cheap and fools tests measuring protein levels.
But melamine is also integral to the material life Of any industrialized society. It's a common ingredient in cleaning products, waterproof plywood, plastic compounds, cement, ink and fire-retardant paint.
Chemical plants throughout the United States produce millions of pounds of melamine a year.
Given the pervasiveness of melamine, it's always possible that trace elements will end up in food. The F.D.A. thus sets the legal limit for melamine in food at 2.5 parts per million. This amount is indeed minuscule, a couple of sand grains in an expanse of desert that pose no real threat to public health. Moreover, the 2.5 p.p.m. figure is calculated for a person weighing 132 pounds — a cautious benchmark given that the average adult weighs 150 to 180 pounds.But these figures obscure more than they reveal.
First, while adults eat about one-fortieth of their weight every day, toddlers consume closer to one-tenth. Although scientists haven't measured the differential impact of melamine on infants versus adults, its likely that this level intensified ratio would at least double (if not quadruple) the impact of legal limits of melamine on toddlers.
This doubled exposure might not land a toddler in the hospital, but it could certainly contribute to long term kidney and liver problems that we know are caused by chronic exposure to melamine.
On a more concrete note, melamine not only has widespread industrial applications, but is also used to buttress...the foundation of American agriculture.
We should worry about
American food, not just
Chinese imports.
Regulations might be lax when it comes to animal feed and fertilizer in China, but take a closer look at similar regulations in the United States and it becomes clear that they're vague enough to allow industries to "recycle" much of their waste into fertilizer and other products that form the basis of our domestic food supply.
As a result, toxic chemicals routinely enter our agricultural system through the back channels of this under-explored but insidious relationship.
So, sure, let's keep the heat on China. And, yes, let's take with a big dose of skepticism the Chinese government's assurances that they're improving the food supply.
Fertilizer companies commonly add melamine to their products because it helps control the rate at which nitrogen seeps into soil, thereby allowing the farmer to get more nutrient bang for the fertilizer buck. But the government doesn't regulate how much melamine is applied to the soil. This melamine accumulates as salt crystals in the ground, tainting the soil through which American food sucks up American nutrients.
A related area of agricultural concern is animal feed. Chinese eggs seized last month in Hong Kong, for instance, contained elevated levels of melamine because of the melamine-laden wheat gluten-used in the feed for the chickens that produced the eggs.
To think American consumers are immune to this unscrupulous behavior is to ignore the Byzantine reality of the global gluten trade. Tracking the flow of wheat gluten around the world, much less evaluating its quality, is like trying to contain a drop of dye in a churning whirlpool.
More ominous, the United States imports most of its wheat gluten. Last year, for instance, the F.D.A. reported that millions of Americans had eaten chicken fattened on feed with melamine-tainted gluten imported from China. Around the same time, Tyson Foods slaughtered and processed hogs that had eaten melamine-contaminated feed. The government decided not to recall the meat.
Only a week earlier, however, the F.D.A. had announced that thousands of cats and dogs had died from melamine-laden pet food. This high-profile pet scandal did not prove to be a spur to reform so much as a red herring. Our attention was diverted to Fido and away from the animals we happen to kill and eat rather than spoil.
Frightening as this all sounds, the concerned consumer is not completely helpless. We can seek out organic foods, which are grown with fertilizer without melamine — unless that fertilizer was composted with manure from animals fed melamine-laden feed (always possible, as the Tyson example suggests).
We could further protect ourselves by choosing meat from grass-fed or truly free-range animals, assuming the grass was not fertilized with a conventional product (something that's also very hard to know).
But assail the caveats above indicate, these precautions will only go so far. Melaminej after all, points to the much larger relationship between industrial waste and American Food Production.
Regulations might be lax when it comes to animal feed and fertilizer in China, but take a closer look at similar regulations in the United States and it becomes clear that they are vague enough to allow industries to recycle much of their waste into fertilizer and other products that form the basis of our food supply.
As a result toxic chemicals routinely enter our agriculture system through the back channels of this under explored but insidious relationship.
So, sure let's keep the heat on China.
And, yes, let's take with a big dose of skepticism the China government's assurance that they're improving the food supply.
At the same time, though, instead of delivering righteous condemnation, the United States should seize upon the melamine scandalas an opportunity to pass federal fertilizer standards backed by consistent testing for this compound which could very well be hidden in plain sight."
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Power of Prayer
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
November 25, 2008
A Moment of Prayer Filled Intentions
Dear All One Family:
Today I received this email. I don't know if one word of it is truth filled or not, all that I know is that it came across my mind today and therefore I am going to treat it as being real, simply because in Revelations we are told that in "end times," that many will be persecuted for loving Christ and thus being Christians, will be under attack.
It was quite a few years ago that I realized that many of the seals spoken of in Revelations have already been opened, so to not believe this to be true, is just like trying to pretend that our economy is a doing just fine...
So as my way of doing all that I can, please say the following prayer to all those a needing God's Light, Love, Protection and Peace.
Dear Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus, our dear brother and His precious Holy Spirit we ask that His Will be done for all we hold up in prayer...we also ask that He be with all those a going through rough moments in time all over the world, and be with our President, President Elect and all of His presidential elect cabinet, as well as all the world leaders...for we are all one and all need to understand that we are in this storm together...
All this we ask in Jesus Christ's Name, Amen...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
This is a request for prayer for YWAM (Youth with a Mission)
and their churches in Orissa, India. The request came from Mabel
Hurst, an
associate of HCJB Global. Please read and make this a matter of urgent
Dear friends of Good News India
We have never seen anything like this. We knew that Orissa was the
resistant and hostile State in India as far as the Gospel is
concerned. And
we brushed off the continuous threats and harassment we faced as we
about His work. But none of our staff imagined that they would see
this kind
of carnage.... And it seems to be totally under the radar of the
Media . Let me explain: A militant Hindu priest and 4 of his
attendants, who
were zealously going around the villages of Orissa and 'reconverting'
back to Hinduism, were gunned down by unknown assailants in Central
last weekend. Immediately the Christians were blamed. The cry rose
up, "Kill
the Christians!" And the horror began... In the past 4 days, we have
hand witness to hundreds of churches being blown up or burned and
many, many
dozens of Christian tribals have been slaughtered. For no other
reason than
they bear the name of Christ. Night and day I have been in touch with
Good News India Directors spread across 14 Dream Centers in
Orissa--they are
right in the middle of all this chaos. In Tihidi, just after the
came to offer protection, a group of 70 blood-thirsty militants came
to kill
our staff and destroy the home. They were not allowed to get in, but
did a lot of damage to our Dream Center by throwing rocks and bricks
smashing our gate, etc. They have promised to come back and 'finish
job.' Our kids and staff are locked inside and have stayed that way
doors and windows shut for the past 3 days. It has been a time of
desperately calling on the Lord in prayer.
More police have come to offer protection. In Kalahandi, the police
and some
local sympathizers got to our dream center and gave our staff and
kids about
3 minutes notice to vacate. No one had time to even grab a change of
or any personal belonging. As they fled, the blood thirsty mob came
to kill
everyone in the building. We would have had a mass funeral there, but
His grace. In Phulbani, the mob came looking for Christian homes and
The local Hindu people, our neighbors, turned them away by saying
there were no Christians in this area. So they left. We had favor.
The same
thing happened in Balasore. All our dream centers are under lock down
the kids and staff huddled inside and police outside. The fanatics are
circling outside waiting for a chance to kill. Others were not so
In a nearby Catholic orphanage, the mob allowed the kids to leave and
up a Priest and a computer teacher in house and burned them to death.
believers have been killed and hacked into pieces and left on the
women and children. At another orphanage run by another organization,
this began, the Director and his wife jumped on their motorbike and
fled, leaving all the children and staff behind. Every one of our
directors that I have spoken to said: 'We stay with our kids.... we
together or die together, but we will never abandon what God has
called us
to do.' More than 5000 Christian families have had their homes burned
destroyed. They have fled into the jungles and are living in great
waiting for the authorities to bring about peace. But so far, no
peace is
This will continue for another 10 days, supposedly the 14-day mourning
period for the slain Hindu priest. Many more Christians will die and
houses destroyed. Many more churches will be smashed down. The Federal
government is trying to restore order and perhaps things will calm
down. We
ask for your prayers. Only the hand of God can calm this storm. None
of us
know the meaning of persecution. But now our kids and staff know
what that
means. So many of our kids coming from Hindu backgrounds are confused
totally bewildered at what is happening around them. So many of their
guardians have fled into the jungles and are unable to come and get
during these trying times.
Through all this, I am more determined than ever to continue with our
the transformation of a community by transforming its children.
Orissa will
be saved--that is our heart's cry. If we can take these thousands of
throw-away children and help them to become disciples of Jesus, they
transform an entire region. It is a long term goal, but it is
thinking in terms of the Great Commission.
What can you do?
First, please uphold all this in fervent prayer.
Second, pass this e-mail on to as many friends as you can. We must
get the
word out and increase our prayer base for this is spiritual warfare
at its
most basic meaning. We are literally fighting the devil in order to
live for
His Kingdom. The next 10 days are crucial. We pray for peace and calm
pervade across Orissa.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please pass it on and
help us to
get as many people to partner with us on this cutting edge effort to
His mandate: Go and make disciples of all nations... Prayer works!
Blessings, Chip & Sandy Wanner Col 2:2 Team Facilitators to YWAM
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
More Hope To Perhaps Help Float Ones Boat of Life
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
November 25, 2008
A channeling from "Metatron"Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I believe that you will find the following channeling to be very hope filled. For those that perhaps "Hope" is not something that you are a wanting to savor at this time, I would highly recommend that you allow this posting to pass, yet for those that are tired of the negative spray of vibrational energy, this meditational channeling will pick you up.
My next most favorite channelings have been those of Kryon. I have been a following Kryon since his first book went into print.
I believe that there are now eleven Kryon books out in print and each and everyone of them have been more eye opening and correct in what things were a given us all in them... see and click on DNA activations...Just savoring in the free channelings there and listening to the Hebrew ennunciations given with each DNA activation is mind stimulating as well as DNA activated...thank you Kryon for all that you and Jan do for us...
Anyways, enough for now...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
What is the prognosis concerning the current economic situation both in the USA and worldwide?
This message is from Lord Metatron through the efforts of Carolyn Evers
www.MetatronMinutes .com
Let us discuss the word prognosis first as that can have many meanings. First of all know that all is in Divine Order. This unwinding of the financial markets might seem as something dire and for those who have lost homes or jobs, they are experiencing the dire effects of this unwinding. However, as an overview of events, this is happening to dislodge the dark from the money supply.
In that progression many will be hurt, and perhaps some will find more strength in their souls, and some will be discouraged and feel abandoned. Know in each situation each soul has the opportunity to stretch their wings so to say and evolve to the next higher level of ability.
No-one can go through trauma and not come out a stronger or weaker individual. Nothing stays static as the universe is in constant motion. We assist those who have been experiencing hardships and are feeling discouraged and some even abandoned. We send energy continually and it is up to the individuals who experience such pain to turn towards us and accept our gifts.
This aspect of Divine Love has always been present upon the planet Earth no matter what humanity has experienced. This has been true during all the eons of life as it has evolved upon Earth. So I am glad to take this opportunity to reinforce that idea. It is up to everyone to search for the gift of support and light during all the dark moments that one might find on their journey.
Sometimes this is called the dark night of the soul. No one can walk through this path and not find some sort of enlightenment at the end unless they lash out against their Creator and give up every vestige of hope. However for those who hope and search and reach for their Creator, they will find our extension of love and once they cooperate with our love they will find a way out of the morass of darkness and reach for the light.
I wanted to say that first so you understand that no matter where one finds themselves, there is always a lifeline given and in that gift there is the avenue towards growth and love for the Father/Mother God, the one we serve and the one we love.
I lead with that answer so you know that this is a very important part of the prognosis as you call it. This was considered before we began the struggle for the equality of payment for goods and services supplied to one another by the workforce.
For too long those who would confiscate every bit of your labor for less value than it is worth, have been taking advantage of the situation in government and in commerce. Those who have suffered for so long have sent their cries for Justice where they have set at the feet of Source and now you have your answer, though you do not see the hand of God in this unfolding.
So we say to you that the unfolding of the financial markets is but the unfolding of Justice and upon that unfolding is the hand of God.
We understand that what you really want is an answer as to how this will unfold in the financial markets. We say to you that this is just the beginning of the unwinding and this will not stop until all the masters of control are severed from the unbridled greed and the effects of greed upon the marketplace.
How far it will go will depend upon lessons learned by the controllers and what we see is that they are not learning. Rather in their arrogance they continue to feel that everyone should bail them out of their hardships that they see coming their way as this very careless set of dominoes continue to fall and bring down other phases of their governance.
Unless, and until, they see the injustice of their ways, this fallout will continue. Their greed and avarice is noted by your congress as those Presidents of the automobile industry went to Washington in their corporate jets to beg for more money from the public coffers. This was a good example of what I meant when I described the situation among the controllers.
Mother/Father God has decreed that there will be Justice in the area of payment for services. Each must be honored for what they bring to the world supply. The one that scrubs the halls of the hospitals must by the very nature of Justice receive their fair share of the profits that are received by the hospital. But rather what happens is instead of being a place of healing and compassion, there are those who now own shares in the hospital by way of stock and they receive the vast return upon what is considered a business and not a service to humanity.
My friends this has been happening gradually and so you do not see these results. There are those who have great knowledge through experience to serve the public in love and healing attention and they are brushed aside for promotion and pay increases by those who hold a degree from your universities and have no experience and receive the largest share of remuneration. We are not suggesting that education shouldn’t be pursued, but rather that service and experience should receive their fair share of the pay scale. All of this must be changed.
Those who suffer and are pushed out of hospitals before their time of healing is complete have struggled and in that struggling have cried out to Father/Mother God and it is another thorn set in place in the side of Justice.
Money, my dear friends and the greed that it has brought upon the backs of humanity must be taken out of the lexicon of humanity’s thought processes. As I mention these things you can see that these roots are deep and injustice is deep. If all of these things must by the nature of the decree of the Mother/Father God, be removed, then you can see that this will take a long time for Justice to come to pass.
We cannot say that this will be resolved soon. We cannot say that the bailouts that are planned will solve the problems of humanity. We will not stand by and see the Captains of Industry who have been absorbed in greed and the effort to control all the productive services of the people, themselves made whole while the people suffer more.
I say to you that this is the command of Mother/Father God and we of the spiritual hierarchy must by the very nature of this command see that the command is meted out in Justice.
This will be long. This will be hard. This will be done!
Now what we offer is that there will be great benefits from this. Those who must change their ways and are innocents in this change must search for answers outside of the box. They must go within to find answers to their situation. The old paradigm of looking for the Captains of Industry to GIVE you a job might have ended for you.
Look within and cooperate with your Soul Star, which is where the Hara Line or Solar Plexus resides. Connect with that also as your willpower and strength resides there. Connect and ask your overlighting soul to guide you to a means to support yourself. Find new ways to reach your happiness. We will offer some ideas on this in another message as this one grows long.
Know that your God is in the heavens and all is well in the world. We speak here of the world of spirit. If one is not connected to the world of spirit and the love for their God they will find despair at this time. I offer the light of God. Connect with that light within your soul and know that there is an answer for every problem if God is in the midst of the solution
Lord Metatron
Carolyn Evers is a messenger for the spiritual hierarchy. She has written six books and a course, Journey To The Other Side. Her work encompasses information that she has received from the Spiritual Hierarchy. Carolyn believes that there is a connection between spirituality and science, and she endeavors to incorporate scientific research along with what she receives from spirit. Her work can be found at * www.CarolynEvers. com * and her contact address is * Carolyn@CarolynEver My latest websites are www.SteveFossettLiv * * www.metatronminutes .com/ * She also works with the Cherubim Angels and reads from the Universal Akashic Records. She has two radio shows with BBS Radio, The Message and The Messenger. Call in for healings and readings from the Akashic Records * USA Toll Free 1-877-876-5227 * Canada Toll Free 1-888-815-9756 *
Dr. Richard Presser works closely with Carolyn and is the author of "The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it" - www.thecominggolden
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
(just copy and paste to your search engine, the following link)
Dear All One Family:
The above link is a beautiful rendition of Amazing will have missed a lot if you don't hear it.
Also please note to those that don't like the word expression Negro mentioned in the introduction...Negro means, isn't the same word as the slang "N" word, for the slang indicates lack of worth, value/and or absence of respect for the person any rainbow colored, (for remember we are all rainbow colored...for even white is in the rainbow colors as well) being called the slang version.
Negro to me is a term that fit the world at the time that it was obviously is not a real way to view the world today.
Although I believe that it is a beautiful song, and he has a beautiful voice, I must admit that we must be careful of reverse prejudices...meaning, I have personally discovered in my thus far soul journey of this life time; those that are still stuck in what they experienced in their own life and that of their family both past and current and thus are prejudiced towards those of the lighter rainbow skin tone types.
That as well, must also stop. If we are to have any kind of balanced life in America. The elected into highest level of the land office, one that is a African America, should show to all that yesterday is over and today is the first day of a life that God would have us a living...
In other words, to reach balance point, we all must participate in a good way...putting aside yesterday to reach today...for yesterday will hold one back from today if they allow it. "Free choice." you know?
I say this because I have heard too many lighter rainbow skin tone fellow beings state that, "they are tired of listening to the black man and woman, acting as if I or my family had done them an injustice and they need to get over for that happened to their grandparents...and they had nothing to do with it."
One thing that I have discovered in this life's journey of mine; is that as long as one is holding on to baggage of the past, they can't see the actual moment that Eckhart Tolle writes all of his wonderful books, that I have read.
I am not sure if he coined one of my favorite sayings or not, (avid book reader and career student)...I only know that when I heard it, it has never left my sacred conscious space of viewing.
Others that I have given these precious thoughts, have also agreed that it affected them the same way. I want to see how it could impact your world as well.
"As long as one is stuck in yesterday, one can't see the present moment, and there is where everything is a happening."
Which equates to me this mind set-perceptive visual. As long as one has a mental-foot in the past, or a mental-foot in the future, they are a missing the current moment, and by stepping into the current moment, where everything is a happening; you have arrived right on time.
I believe that the writing of the racist graffiti in a free expression area of a local university the day after election day, stating; "kill Obama," "Black House," was not a grand way to express ourselves...simply because I believe alleging harm to another, is not God's way.
I say this because of my understanding of Quantum Physics that stipulates that, "for every action, there is a reaction."
Should these kids be expelled from college?
I vote no...for they couldn't help all the fear this past presidential election left them with.
They are guilty of becoming the energy that surrounded them...perhaps school in combination with home, family and friends influences and their interpretation of the news.
Were I to be representing these four fear laden kids, I would ask for perhaps a year of community services and perhaps a 500 word essay on their thoughts as to why they felt that it was their right to express themselves in such a manner.
I feel that by doing this, the school/community wins for as Dr. Phil would state, "you can't change it unless you first acknowledge it." The kids involved wins for they will be able to see how their "grass root thoughts," has kept them back from obtaining all their God given rights, and United States Constitution Rights affords them...
When I call someone a racist-prejudiced...I am merely stating that if you don't take both sides of an issue into serious consideration before making a valued judgment, and voted strictly due to skin tone, you might have fallen into this category.
You might have been political party prejudiced, if you voted like you always do and gave neither too much time or consideration to look further into both candidates...and judged merely by appearance sake in depth look...for you voted like you have always been told to vote...
I call that political party stymied.
I believe that the next time that I hit the driver's license renewal period, I will state that I am an Independent...especially being I have taken so much heat for the Democratic Party and I really am for the right person...not the right party for I have seen errors in both parties candidates for years!
The last two election periods, I voted for Republican candidates. This past election process I voted proudly Democratic.
I didn't vote for him strictly due to his rainbow color...I voted for him because he spoke to the heart of Joe Grass Roots, as well as the wealthy that were a really a paying the issues...plain and simple...economy, jobs, wars, taxes, health care, education...and on and on and on...
I didn't get a chance to finish my correspondence to Rob Schenck...this time around...perhaps the next posting I will be able to focus on its completion. I have lots to say please be patient with me.
If nothing else you will go away with a better picture of how I think and why...some of it you will like I believe and some perhaps not too much...
In closing, I would like for you to view this next email posting piece. I don't know who the author is...I wish that we all could have authored it...yet I am a practical person and know that we are all able to focus on whatever we choose to and being God was kicked out of the schools and government...forty years ago.
So to believe that God would have been present at this school, when this happened to those four students, moment of free highly unlikely...unless their religion that they carry within themselves...where ever they go...contains no "Golden Rule," concepts of; "Do unto others, that which you would have done unto yourself."
Be Blessed
One and All
Love, Light and Peace
The Necklace
"The cheerful little girl with bouncy golden curls was almost five. Waiting with her mother at the checkout stand, she saw them, a circle of glistening white pearls in a pink foil box.
'Oh mommy please, Mommy. Can I have them? Please, Mommy, please?'
Quickly the mother checked the back of the little foil box and then looked back into the pleading blue eyes of her little girl's upturned face.
'A dollar ninety-five. That's almost $2.00. If you really want them, I'll think of some extra chores for you and in no time you can save enough money to buy them for yourself. Your birthday's only a week away and you might get another crisp dollar bill from Grandma.'
As soon as Jenny got home, she emptied her penny bank and counted out 17 pennies. After dinner, she did more than her share of chores and she went to the neighbor and asked Mrs. McJames if she could pick dandelions for ten cents. On her birthday, Grandma did give her another new dollar bill and at last she had enough money to buy the necklace.
Jenny loved her pearls. They made her feel dressed up and grown up. She wore them everywhere, Sunday school, kindergarten, even to bed. The only time she took them off was when she went swimming or had a bubble bath. Mother said if they got wet, they might turn her neck green.
Jenny had a very loving daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, he would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story. One night as he finished the story, he asked Jenny, 'Do you love me?'
'Oh yes, daddy. You know that I love you.'
'Then give me your pearls.'
'Oh, daddy, not my pearls. But you can have Princess, the white horse from my collection, the one with the pink tail. Remember, daddy? The one you gave me. She's my very favorite.'
'That's okay, Honey, daddy loves you. Good night.' And he brushed her cheek with a kiss.
About a week later, after the story time, Jenny's daddy asked again, 'Do you love me?'
'Daddy, you know I love you.'
'Then give me your pearls.'
'Oh Daddy, not my pearls. But you can have my baby doll. The brand new one I got for my birthday. She is beautiful and you can have the yellow blanket that matches her sleeper.'
'That's okay. Sleep well. God bless you, little one. Daddy loves you.'
And as always, he brushed her cheek with a gentle kiss.
A few nights later when her daddy came in, Jenny was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed Indian style.
As he came close, he noticed her chin was trembling and one silent tear rolled down her cheek.
'What is it, Jenny? What's the matter?'
Jenny didn't say anything but lifted her little hand up to her daddy. And when she opened it, there was her little pearl necklace. With a little quiver, she finally said, 'Here, daddy; this is for you.'
With tears gathering in his own eyes, Jenny's daddy reached out with one hand to take the dime store necklace, and with the other hand he reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet case with a strand of genuine pearls and gave them to Jenny.
He had them all the time. He was just waiting for her to give up the dime-store stuff so he could give her the genuine treasure. So it is, with our Heavenly Father. He is waiting for us to give up the cheap things in our lives so that he can give us beautiful treasures.
God will never take away something without giving you something better in its place."
Allowing The Hope Ship To Float
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rob Schenck...Faith & Action Missionary to Capitol Hill part 4
November 11, 2008
Dear All One Family:
I want to thank you all for supporting me up to this most important juncture of my life's journey...I hope that what you read will resonant within the part of yourself that knows...that God is love, not pain and punishment...He will forgive us anything...God is good, beautiful and wonderful...and yes a jokester...Be careful of what you pray for, for you just might get it and then what?
Please stay patient with me...being I only had a small handful of President Elect Obama supporters...and the abuse was sometimes almost enough to take ones appetite away from them...tough election grateful it is past...or is it?
I love you each and everyone...all of our Rainbow Nations Under God...we are all one and that isn't some of that hippie days is reality for the old way isn't a we finally have someone on board that is a willing to go all the way to a better world...and you are standing back and saying that God let you down by having this man in office...I say not...yet you can live in your head where ever you feel most safe, secure and loved...and I will stay in mine...for I awake each day happy...for my days and nights are always filled with the excitement about learning something new that I never knew before... life stays alive because each day is a new adventure...miracles all around for those a choosing to see them...some can, some never will...yet, were we all the same, what a boring world it would know?
Now Back to Rob Schenck, response to a 50 plus worried America...isn't Rob just a love...I can't thank him enough for sending me this newsletter posting...for it opened up all kinds of thoughts that I was a having about how better America could become were we to put it all on God's altar of our you blessed, light and peace...Me!
What Having A Democratic Election Means
The land of democracy states one valuable thing...when this type of government has an election everyone is entitled to a vote...
Secondly, there will always be a loser and a winner...
And when ones vote doesn't bring them the result they want, never less...they accept the whole process and pray for who ever has taken office for I asked God to guide my decision...didn't everybody else?
Especially now that it looks like down is up and up is down in the land? Our nation that was founded on Christian principles demand that we "obey the laws of the land" and to pray...Man oh man!
Kicking God out of school has created this type of havoc in the land that we have forgotten our most basic needs of survival which is prayer?
In a few hours it will be almost 7 days since we received our president elect and to tell you the truth folks...I am still celebrating inside of myself, for in my world of primarily Republicans...I am still being insulted/ criticized and made to look dumb as hell for having a voted for the thus the battle stage for me from others still very locked down from its media fear induced success project...something like, "ah we know how to make you talk to others," kind of thing, is still a raging onward.
At least one good thing to come out of the negative Republican Campaign was that it put lots of drama of suspense and the unknown out in our world it got the people talking before it went to them not a talking...lots of splits of close and not so close relationships came out of this election...that is sad...we all can't have our own opinions and everyone else be okay with that...
"People need loving the most when they deserve it the least." John Harringan
So please pardon me for being so soul expressive and honest here. I feel like it is part of my mission to express that which is inside of me and needs breathing and venting space to the world, for if things bother me, understand that I am a sensitive and thus am neutral until the energy of another enters my space and when I find myself surrounded more with fear energy than not...and it happens more than not, that is not a good thing...planetarily...for negative energy goes out of us and into the atmosphere a filling it with all of those fear charges and pretty soon, we start to have drought, or floods, or landslides, or earth quakes, or hurricanes, tornadoes and etc., etc., etc., our energy is effecting the planet...if we don't want a planet of negative energy, we simply tell all others how they are impacting the world and they don't care how their negative energy is effecting their children and their world at large as well...than what can I say? I only tried to give that which I would want given back to me...
Where I live, 60% voted Republican, 40% Democratic. I have a six out of ten shot to run into a Republican...and on the cup half full side, I have a 4 out of ten run into a Democratic. My practice in my energy vibration research field, is 80% Republicans...just a throwing the facts out to you, not complaining, yet I am a bit quiet, for their unhappiness about the election results...would be ruined by me dancing, singing and dancing, dancing and singing like Oprah and Will Smith...and too many to mention, others in the plus $200 thousand a year income bracket...or weren't you paying attention to that key thought?
Why didn't the number on tax changes believers based on Senator McCain's campaign, ring true for these folks...too caught up in his presence? In my estimation all that couldn't see that this man is for the people...than all need to take their sun glasses off for they are being blind sided with fear...
And fear will be the down comforter that tucks you in at night...and if that is what those folks want to call life...than go for it...I want to live with enough hope to keep my life is good trip a going, for I know that what one fears, comes at them greater.
Differences of Opinions
Mr.Schenck you obviously have your viewing of what you think is real and little ole me, I have my own...who is right? and who is wrong? shouldn't be the question...what should be the question is how do we make it work as a win win for both sides..and do we truthfully know for sure that our way will work for all of mankind?...taking in all of the variables that are different than our own?
For We Are A World Made Up of Different Cultures and Ways Of Expressing Ourselves
I know that I don't know all things. That is why I bring God, Jesus and Holy Spirit into my prayer equation...And just in case God is busy and can't get to my request as quickly as I would like...I bring in all of His hierarchy of Angels into the mix...
I really am not trying to change your way of thinking, for I am only responsible for my own way of looking at the world with my own soft vision eyes...I am just a trying to show you a different perspective than what you might have ever perhaps your spin might look a bit different after my correspondence...for all I am really trying to do is to offer you and the world a perhaps different way of a viewing all things...
My thoughts on abortions
I have never had one and never considered for a moment that it was something that I would ever want for end a soul-entering possibility-gift from God, our children, future and world...
End of Part 2 Hope Fills My Spirit
Looking Back To My Own True Life Experience, will help show you how an Ordained Spiritualist Minister can take such a stand, at least I hope that it does anyways...for the not taking of another's life is one of the Ten Commandments and having reviewed them several times over my whole life time...I can see how following those rules quite closely could make the difference between Heaven and Hell being a final given...hahahehehe...even though at times I believe hell is here on earth...For those individuals in my close network of friends, you had better hope that I am right and what traditional religion believes to be true...that there is a hell and you are going to want ice water and can't get it...forever!~ Is not correct...hahahehehe...and you know who I mean...
I have a framed Ten Commandments Picture hanging on my wall for a constant remainder...that is why Rob I joined your site, trying to help get the set of rules...back in place in the White House and public places...for when they were withdrawn...silly greedy behaviors starting a springing up automatically, for God's way was too difficult...seeing only ones own gravy train instead of those that were a feeding their gravy train...started automatically a springing up along to all high corporate commodies...and we the people started to suffer...we were the ones a feeding into that main source feed and we were a getting the less..., many call it getting shitted upon...I call it, without God as our witness how can we witness to others?
Men are visual animals...they need pictures to remind them when they want/or are tempted to stray off of the path...I vote, put it back in the White House where it belongs...Thought for Today If We don't Chose To Follow God Rules, How Can We Judge Our Children When They Don't and Lose Their Way? Who were the teachers, guides and most significant good/bad learning experience...
So Rob Schenck
That is why we had hope that someone so intelligent, loving of America to the degree that he would take on such an unbelievable mess to fall upon our nation since the late 1920's of our land...
President Carter, allow me to be the first to tell you if you haven't already were given the blame for the collapse...something about the mortgage lending policies of rescinded...and thus made it easier to purchase a home with all the barriers that my former husband and myself had when we purchased our lake front home back in 1982.
What the heck guys? When it came to our country's economic fall; who fell asleep, who was awake and if awake were they and what did they try to do to change it?
That is why I keep telling everyone that Senator McCain lost the election the moment he told Katie Couric that our economy was stable and two weeks later , the Market Crashed, followed by world banks, mortgage companies, insurance companies, now auto industries...a few years ago the airline industry, and a domino effect begins...simply being he had been in the Senate seat for 28 years...couldn't he see trouble ahead and why did he chose to listen to President Bush tell him to stay silent about the economy when people like me that haven't received health insurance coverage for our work and have to deal with the real man and woman at in my area...knew that after 9/11, we started a falling down and haven't gotten back up yet...
So the man that is to bring forth a change in our land, needs to honest and up front...gone are the days of a trusting nation, for now the only thing all in this nation can God.
"If He brings us to it, He will bring us through it."
With so many mathematical genius in our own land, such as my Algebra teacher, Dr. Clay from Oakland Community College..why haven't you ever called upon people like himself that love math so much that Dr. Clay told me personally when he traveled through all of its endless possibilities, that he almost got lost up into the world of numbers...
This man had to be good, for he took a person that didn't like math all that well, yet passed Algebra 1 & 2 with a A average. I never loved it...yet for semesters of my life...numbers started to make sense to me..This guy is someone that could play the numbers out to see what it is going to take to make a dent in the large deficit before us and our future world of our children and their children.
End of Part 3
Check Part 3 A New Possible Vision
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
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