Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
The Time Is Now
November 06, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Those that haven't spammed me yet...that is, hahahehehe...Yes it most definitely has been a long and hard fear filled negative presidential and such campaign and I for one am grateful to God that the negative crap has stopped!!!
For those that didn't get the one that you wanted...perhaps the next election you will...In all the years since my 18th birthday and I had been allowed to vote, becoming of age...I have voted in perhaps all but one election...this election I wouldn't have missed it for the world!
I didn't film the entire day from start to finish like Will Smith stated on Oprah's Show today...How he told how he and his family voted the day of the election together and filmed that as well...and how upon hearing the news, later broke down and cried like a baby when it happened.
I did as well and only stopped laughing,crying and dancing when those closest to me in my family, called me up to scream out at me; all of their two year pent up anger and fear... call me stupid, call me a dreamer, tell me that the only reason that you will continue to patronize me is simply due to my beauty and not my brains/or love for mankind, or God-laden gifted talents based solely on what you deemed to have been the wrong decision of voting for the "n," it all doesn't matter for the one God would have in office, is there.
Get over it...
All that you say in disrespect is not a good thing, for like it or not, He is our Commander and Chief.
I personally believe that he is the one that will help tremendously to get us out of the situations we are a facing...again, call me a dreamer...call me stupid...I don't care...stop loving me, stop allowing my emails, stop patronizing me...it is all your choice...yet I say to all those that do call me this...and do this or that...understand one valuable thing here...In This Land that we all have our being, we are all entitled to our own opinions.
That is how a true democracy works itself out...your vote, my vote...sometimes the same, sometimes different...yet who is right or who is wrong is clearly up to the one a viewing it a coming from their own perspective...
Yet I say to you, that I looked at all the negative fear generating stuff and saw where the majority of it was a coming from and thought to myself that perhaps all these things were a presented to us so that we might look further into them and see what comes up...what came up to me was that lots of it was purely stuff that have been given lots of exaggeration and pretense...none of it came to light in the same text that it was given us...fear intimidation left heavy marks on our land and some lives it has changed perhaps forever or a long, long time....assignation plot of two skin heads, key example: Or perhaps the firing in Fayeteville, N.C. onto two middle school buses...no one was injured, yet a window was shot out...or perhaps maybe the man who shot and killed I know at least one child, with an assault rifle...that I heard that McCain-Palin wanted to keep in public circulation.
Not all of us in TV land, have a need to go hunting with a rifle that can put out sixty rounds of ammo in a space for a few minutes...
I even had one family member tell me tonight that he voted for McCain simply because the man had a prisoner of war record...and I told him, why would you only vote for the man for that reason alone?
Even though I too am proud of his dedication to our country with his war record history...I personally believed that the area we needed him the most...the economy, was never fully embraced and I made up my mind the night, two weeks out from the Wall Street Crash...when asked point blank...what condition our country's economy was in...being many felt we already were in a recession? Of which he answered: "The economy looks good."
Even though I knew that Senator McCain, was getting up there in years...and only a few years younger than my dad was when he died over a year and a half ago...Senator McCain was a somehow not having his eyes on our economy...the most fragile part of our governmental system...and knowing all the ins and outs of "Face The Nation," and other political shows that were trying to explain to the nation the need for the financial bail outs and such...I put a good two years of weighing all the issues...and I felt with Senator McCain's health issues of cancer, and the damaged state of his physical frame from his war prison camp days, that he just wasn't physical focused for all the demands that this messed up governmental system would need.
Plus with a Commander and Chief that only knows that drum beat of war drums and not the art of communication skills...I just couldn't bear anymore thoughts of war...and know that if this country is to go to war with another...it will simply be due to theirs and ours inability to communicate adequately...for we all are in this world together...and what effects one nation, affects the whole...just like a stone thrown into the pond, ripples outward from the source...so does the actions, and emotions of war...affect all the nations.
There are no winners in war...except perhaps the builders of the bombs, ships and war weaponry...and the rebuild crews...with the real losers being the lost loved ones in battle, marriages, children growing up alone without their parents in their lives...while they are off playing GI Joes and GI Janes for our precious government that they love, honor and serve and to all we need to give them a standing ovation to dedication...Thank You again all veterans of all wars...past, and current...You are our heroes!
Just For The Record
I felt the recession shortly after 9/11-on my business and my ability to get and encourage my clients to take care of their health needs first with my work...for without their health...what would they have...and what money they hoarded, would only be spent on trying to get themselves back to first base...
Oprah Winfrey
Saw in Senator Obama, that which it took others like myself...longer...Yet never less, what she gave him was a seed planted in his subconscious and where he took her hits of intuition is simply astounding! You go Oprah! Thank you for all that you have given our world...You would make the most wonderful Ambassador of Peace that perhaps have ever lived!
I know, I know you have the television network that you also are a gifting our world...yet perhaps...you could find the time while you slept...just kidding...where ever you land Ms. Oprah...is right where you are supposed to be...your intuition/divine guidance such as my own will lead you exactly where you need to be...and used for Our Lord's Highest good for you life...I know this to be true...for it is true for all of us that have Faith, Hope, Trust and Belief in Him that send us all here to planet Earth.
I for one know how much you suffered for voicing your vote to the world...I too faced similar character assassination for our beliefs that weren't the carbon copies of those that felt that their righteousness were more than our own...
For the emails send around the world about the Eckhart Tolle workshop were done up in the same manner as all the negative character profiles on President Obama...all created to induce fear and doubt...for to take your goodness and turn it into evil...I believe was not a good thing...for like all the debates and President Obama's website...I visited so that I could give a fair and non biased opinion...I did the same for the workshop...I was there every time it was shown...and I changed and so did my world...President Obama, became our 44th President...
I thanked you then and I thank you again for caring for us enough that you gave as always, your very best...you Oprah are my hero...and I can feel and sense like yourself...that the best is yet to come!
To President Obama...your team did a fine job...and talk about a work aholic...my goodness...what a hard campaign...and the cost of it all...I hope will be worth all the blood, sweat and tears that you and Vice President Biden still have ahead of you.
Thank you both for caring and loving this country enough to want to take on such a mess!
Be Blessed
One and All
Love, Light and Peace