Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Is Time A Ticking By?
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
When Trust Becomes Broken, Jealousy and Insecurity Always FollowsRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I felt it necessary to cover my thoughts on jealousy. I have wrote these words before a few times, yet I feel it is important that I recover that ground, just in case I missed something about it...the previous time.
How I am able to retrieve that stored data is by saying, Dear Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ and Precious Holy Spirit, I ask that you allow me to travel back to the day that memory holds and allow me to act as a observer to the event...unfolding before me.
I believe what I wrote before was this: Jealousy was something that was taught to me by an very insecure mother who never could trust anyone for sure...Especially men and your best girl friend...
I believe I wrote before that my youngest son saw a shrink and he told him that it was all my fault for having taught him how to be jealous...for every relationship that he ever had, fell apart due to his level of jealousy and he knew he drew them away because of his weakness...
I told him that I took offense to what he was offering up for I didn't blame him for a thing, and he had given me lots of things that he wanted to hold the blame towards me...and because I knew then that whatever my mother taught is how I learned to see the world as well.
My mother, 1/2 me, my dad, 1/2 me...kind of thing.
So after mopping my broken heart about what my son had to say to me. I called my mom and told her what my baby son in his mid twenties had told me, that basically he was a snap head due to my child rearing skills...and that I taught him how to be jealous...
Instead of hearing how insensitive my youngest son was a acting out because of the Hillbilly I chose to make his father...
I heard, darn right I taught jealousy and distrust...for there is where smart girls live...and true to form...I accepted that perhaps I did teach this parenting flaw and I called my son and told him what his grand mother had to say...For my mom stated that in her life she had seen too many times that the total trusting wife was the last one to know all things...and when I asked her if she had done things differently would she still choose to teach distrust the next time around and she said absolutely she would do it again and again and is something that a smart person doesn't do.
So I apologized to my toxic background raised youngest son...and told him that trust can be found, yet understand that when it is broken, trust takes a lot longer to get back...sometimes it is never rediscovered for not all persons as you know can snap back and forgive on a dime like dear ole mom...
I also told him that even though distrust was taught me a growing up, that I couldn't have been so bad for I allowed your dad one large mistake and found him guilty of a second and I knew right then that it was time to bail for we were never going to get trust back at the rate he was a dishing distrust out at me...
I also reminded him that his step father and I didn't have a problem with distrust until we reunited after each and every split up and go back even though he might have thought us was the one to blame...all he had to notice after a 13 year marriage, who had the distrust issues, first? It was not me...So I would have to believe that the one leaving the other isn't the one that is the jealous one, only the surrender er...
Anyways, that is my story and I am a sticking to it...
The level of jealousy that I found in the T.M.P. Case that would cause such devastation to a family blown apart by a system that bought into the step mother's calculated master the same kind of devastation that I have seen with others that love might be a leaving them...for I believe that there are more kinds of contract killings, that sometimes only hurt the psyche of another...yet all don't know how many moments in time this adopted daughter held when she felt like hope was a leaving her...
And all I could give her was: Lean on God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and speak into the mountain that seems to want to take your life, that it has no power over you for you are a child of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and you can cast out anything that isn't real and of God!
So there is where this child took herself...directly into the waiting arms of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...and because of that,she has enough hope to keep on keeping on for now she sees the light at the end of the tunnel...too cool of a story wouldn't you agree?
I don't know how things will end for the step mother...I just know that there is no way in God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would she ever want the father back for she has a husband already and he is the one that she still loves deeply and dearly and long for his return...she knew he was innocent all a long even though the state intimidated her with all kinds of things to get her to say that he was indeed guilty and she never would...for she knew the truth and I guessed it long ago as well...
Enough for now...
All Have a Very Blessed Day
Love, Light and Peace
150th S.M.Newsletter Edition -Celebration!
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Getting My Writing Out Before I Have To Pack The Hard Drives, Away
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
It seems that I have been given a driving force to get all these editions out before I have to take my research center to the next level of being...
I imagine that my next website will be pretty awesome for I know the folks that can do this for me...rather easily. Yet, I had to start slow due to really limited finances...and I do thank all that had a contributing influence on the abilities of my hand built do such a wonderful job that it has.
I see the next level of abilities to be something as astounding as a web site as encompassing as Oprah, Dr. Phil, The Doctors TV...Tara Banks, Montel and many others that I have already encountered.
I will also be including on my awesome web sites, shopping centers for those wanting everything from a plane flight to anything you can imagine and more!
Something like the Power Mall shopping center that I have yet to make a cent off simply because I have to spend $150 on the shopping mall purchases for myself in order to qualify for the shopping commissions for all that have shopped at its door.
So if anyone has shopped at my malls...please don't tell me about it...for none of the profits came to me...still broke as ever with my current website...yet that is all right for I showed many people who couldn't believe in me until they were given a view of me up front and personal...hahahehe...all is still good, for one day, you just wait and see what my site will be able to do...
Concerning the Steve G. Jones site on my web page, , for all the free CD's that I had copied from my hard drive and gave out and all the raves of others about how different their world/health viewing has become...there as well, not a penny.
I would dare so as well that the Manetek site hasn't been a popping as well...even though I have told all about its key body changing supplements that would jump start ones immune system into full activation imagine taking the Natures Pearl, Muscadine Grape Seed Extracts, can you imagine the full impact of that combination effect.
As well can you imagine being able to take the Muscadine, Manetek Probiotic Formulas, such as the supplement tablets that were jump starters for me and when I can afford it...such as at the research center, where everyone will be on it in order to see just how much of a jump start it is as all of us at the center are acting as our own guinea pigs...with the M.D.'s there a documenting all of our progresses and regressions if at all any...
I keep telling all that there are tons of grants available to research centers such as my own...and still the grant writers haven't shown up, so I am just a taking that as a sign that here is not where my future research center will be.
When I look over the sum total of all those I called, friends, family and clients...of the years of our acquaintances and come up with them so blind that they couldn't see me clearly or not at all...I am saddened by the lack of recognition, yet that is alright for all things happen for a reason.
All things.
Along with all the body electric modalities that I want to continue researching with all center staff and all those a needing a different approach to wellness than what it was that they already tried.
I hope that it having a non profit status rating doesn't alarm anyone for when one has a teaching research center...that means that person goes from hands on research to teaching research to all those that walk through our doors in order to discover a better way...
I want to also research the benefits of taking a alkaline water filter system and thus assisting a body blood composition that normally in Type A individuals, stays in the acidic ratio...thus increasing the risk of immune system and other vital systems shut down which eventually leads to the most extreme of Type A behavior...cancer.
There are federal grants to assist with that alternative water research...
My brother still hasn't read of my future research center dream plans, for if he had, he would have seen his solar power/hydro thermal/wind turbine research, right at Angel Foundation Research Center, Which I will be the director/founder of Medical Vibration Medicine/Professor.
I believe that my brother is having a hard time a seeing the connection at this time for his head is so full of all of the dreams he knew were going to come to him after he made all of his past mistake choices, and was thus humbled enough to where he knew most assuredly that only God/Jesus and Holy Spirit could pull him back through again from the hole that he had dug himself when he took upon himself to make all of his choices of yesterday, and hadn't known how simple it was to just give it all to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...and all Their combined Divine Spiritual Energy to guide him where ever he needed to be...
The other night my brother said to me, "sis you know that I see myself a billionaire one day..." I told him that I saw the same thing myself...I then told him, "you know bro., were I you, I would pray that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit gift you with the gift of discernment...because you know the world is becoming more greedy and distrust full and with the kind of money that you will be one day a kicking down...God/Jesus and Holy Spirited team players should be all that you are a interested in having in your organization...of others helping others, receive a better way of power source management, at a cheaper cost...a prototype more or less that can be developed in all lands...
So if my brother doesn't see at this time...The far end of the dream that he is a manifesting, it is only because it is only his dream he is a dreaming...that makes him almost tunneled visioned at times...yet it is all good...not all can see the invisible...only because they believe they can't...I say all can do everything that I do for I am no more special than everyone who would one day read all of my
I say this because I know that each of us are special to Him who is Our Heavenly Father. None more important than all of Our Father's Children...for He loves us all the same...Black, green, white, yellow, brown...every hue is special to Our Father for think about it...As told us in The Bible, if our Heavenly Father knows how many sparrows He has and the count of feathers on their bodies, just imagine how special we are to Him!
To those individuals of lighter skin coloration that believe that skin color makes you more or less important to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...I have a news flash for you...when we all make our graduation walk Home, we leave the part of us that is skin toned, behind...simply because from ashes we are born and ashes we return...the part of us that lives on the color of water...
There are so many shades of hatred in the world and I believe that is the reason we are having such a hard time a getting along with each other and that is really what we should all be...
Getting Along means; allowing others the right to express whatever it is that makes them happy as long as their expression is not in direct opposition to my own...for if the behavior they have to demonstrate to me is harm filled to me as a person or God's child, than by all means, I can't allow harm to self or others...
For I don't believe that the God/Jesus and Holy Spirit meant for us to be peace filled warriors, not feared warriors for Him.
The Holding of the "middle ground," may not be such an easy place to arrive at when one holds both cards that are on opposite ends of the conference table...yet the point that has to come to light is that we all have to learn to bridge the great divide and realize that is was man's reach for more and more, that lead to the collapse of Atlantis...We could have going on right now, the collapse of Atlantis going on in other parts of the world...can we stop it, or will we stop?
Time will provide for us the answers. Stay in prayer for all of our world leaders...that they will know the urgency to get a handle of nuclear power especially in the hands of countries still wanting to play the shoot em, blow them up, and remove your opposition, that way games...
All nations should be a working together, yet aren't and that is okay for the moment; yet no one knows what that next moment will be or what it will bring...kind of a waiting zone we all seem to be hypnotized in.
Some are a worried, fear filled and perplexed; I am just calmly a riding the storm out for I know that where I end is where I am supposed to...for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit are totally a leading the way...
Take for Instance my next correspondence to Dr. Phil. I believe you will all find it quite interesting...for I had wrote several times in all of the emails that I sent him concerning T.M.P., since all of the injustices were done to my adopted daughter and her husband who has been in jail since November.
I wrote several times that I felt that it was extreme jealousy over the step children's biological mom...that caused a wife to go out of her head with anger that her husband still loved his former wife and thus my adopted daughter was a threat to her marriage...Can some people take jealousy to this level? I believe that they can especially when they also have children together and the thoughts of her husband not only back $24K in back child support payments...and falling further and further behind each day...
The taking of her husband's children from the mom, could have meant; child support payments now given them...from debt, to income...
I don't know what was in the heart of the step mother...things aren't a looking too good for the step mother at this time...and I don't know what residual damage has been done to all of the three children...I know that it severed the thin line relationship with my adopted daughter and her dad...yet I believe that eventually T.M.P. will forgive her dad for his lack of support when she needed it the most...for I have told her...don't be too hard on your dad, his teacher was his dad and we all have heard the horrific stories of your grandmother...and when you look at the toxic mess that once was your grand father, your dad don't look all that awful so maybe...your dad will wake up from the slumber...if not, well at least ask God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to forgive him for he obviously knew not what he did...
She said she already had and does feel less pain filled...for just like I told her, time will heal all wounds if allowed to and the very first step we should all take is to ask God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to forgive them, and then for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to forgive us for anything that we may have done that helped lead the situation where it had gotten...cover both ends, I always say!
Anyways, enough for now...
Dear Dr. Phil & Robin
May 19, 2009
T.M.P. Story Continues*
Dear Dr. Phil & Robin:
The other day TMP received a phone call from the Guardian Ad Lightum assigned by the state to look over the well being rights of both of TMP's children...H, age 11 and J age 9 1/2.
The woman's name is V.H. and her cell phone number is 000 000 000.
TMP stated that V.H.'s thoughts on the story that has been brought to bear by TMP's former husband and two children's step mother...
Is nothing more than TMP's children's step mother's jealousy and desire to get TMP out of her husband's and step children's life.
I don't know all the ins and outs of the stories that she collected from both of TMP's children when she had them by themselves and right now TMP is feeling quite confident that May 26th when the case goes to court, she will get at least custody of her youngest child J and perhaps the following month custody of her daughter that she hadn't gotten to see since August of 2008, and only talked brief from a stolen phone call that TMP's daughter captured...30 seconds.
Now Doc...if you look over all my past emails to get TMP and her family on the show...or at least get all that I wrote into a book for will see that at one juncture of the time, I too felt the same as these children's guardian ad lightum state appointed worker...
I believe it would make a great story about how far some women can take their jealousy level towards...
I am not sure of the questions that this guardian ad lightum worker covered in her brief discussion with the children...and all I can say is wow...
This worker as well according to TMP doesn't feel that TMP husband committed the crimes that has been laid upon him and he is still in jail awaiting a trial that TMP's attorney states, has no evidence in which to convict him of anything...
Dr. Phil, V.H. knows of my writing you all of these emails...perhaps a call to her, might give you the additional information that my emails couldn't give you...
Just a throwing it out there in order to see what comes up...
Still love your show and your son's and I know full well that an Emmy for your shows, along with Oprah's, should be an absolute definite...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Tonie Wallace
This was emailed me from Justin…thanks Justin for your poem…I know that I am beautiful…and thank you for reminding me and all others…you rock…
Dedicated To TMP: From Tonie
You are beautiful.
Before another thought enters appreciate your beauty. Take beauty
into your mind, welcome it home, let it stretch out, get comfortable,
relax, take a deep breath, and feel you.
Run to a mirror if you have to. Go outside breathe the tender breeze,
feel the vibrant radiance of the magnificent sunshine, fill your lungs
with the heartfelt fragrance of blooming flowers, follow a single
butterfly for hours, inhale the clean crisp Christmas in the pines, sing
sweet melodies to the birds, squeeze the security of a tree, release your
worries into every beautiful color you can see, rest stress free in a
fresh stream, gaze upon the pure white fluffy clouds floating gently
by, see the hawk fly free caressing the sky in your eyes, believe the sky
blue sky, feed your soul with light, allow blessed silence to sink
into your open heart, let the negative thoughts rise out of your open
mind, meditate on a beach, open your eyes upon a mountain top, take a sip
of water while remembering the ocean and the rain, ski down the slopes
of a dream, dance to the sound of the unique music only you can make,
touch softly your humane face, play fetch with a dog, converse with
a child, wave to a stranger and welcome his smile, hug a family
member, share a sweet kiss with a lover, recall a wondrous memory of a true
friend, think of a time when things turned out better than you expected
and laugh, experience the calm, continuous pulsating vibration of the
earth and feel your beauty from the inside out understanding that beauty
lives inside of you.
You are beautiful! You are beautiful! You are beautiful! You are
All of the beauty you are, you know, you see, you feel, you imagine
and you believe comes from you being beautiful, knowing beauty, seeing
beauty, feeling beauty, imagining beauty and believing beauty. You are
beauty beyond.
You are so beautiful you make up the rules of what beauty is to you.
You are so beautiful you can deny it. You are so beautiful too much
beauty can make you feel uncomfortable. You are so beautiful the only
thing stopping you from feeling beautiful every irresistible present moment
is you. You are so beautiful you can not comprehend it.
Think of all the beautiful things you see, feel, imagine, hear,
think, remember…
How are you aware of that beauty? It’s because of you, you are
identifying with the beauty already apart of you. Beauty recognizes itself
in you and you recognize yourself in beauty because you are beautiful.
It is that simple. It takes one to know one. Beauty knows itself,
Cinderella, you are beauty! Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate!
You are beautiful! You must have beauty to know beauty. Throw
yourself a beauty party! Invite everyone you know. Tell them to bring all the
beauty they have been, become, seen, felt, heard, thought, believed,
and imagined. Plant all the beauty in a field, give thanks, dance, and
rise with it! Your eyes are as beautiful as the things you see! Your
heart is as beautiful as the things you feel! Your love is as beautiful as
the things you love!
Every bit of beauty in the universe lives inside of you. You allow
the images, colors, feelings, thoughts, words, music, memories, smells to
bring the beauty out of you and make you aware of beauty. It is up to
you what you allow inside. It is up to you what you allow to come out.
It is up to you what you open yourself up to depending on how receptive
you are.
The universe is infinite and limitless. We are universes of the
universe creating our own universe within the universe. There is a universe
of pure present perpetuating unconditional irresistible
God-heaven-nirvana love if you allow yourself to be open to it and create it. There is
a universe of jealous brainwashing ignorant government stupid
television stinky dinner demonizing fear and you can allow yourself to be open
to that and create that universe for yourself as well. The choice is up
to you, you put in what you want to put in so you get out what you
want to get out, what you feel you deserve for yourself. I am not implying
deserve in the sense of a thought one day at work when a person feels
they are doing an excellent job while their boss is away in Aspen. The
person looks at himself in the mirror and thinks “I deserve a
raise,” then goes back to work feeling unsatisfied. Now while that is a
great, wonderful, beautiful thought, I am implying deserve in every
aspect of self, mind, body, and spirit, where you understand you
deserve more than your current situation is giving so you physically quit
your job and open yourself up to a new way of living, a new job that fits
your present growth.
But you are right! When one does have a thought that they deserve
better they do deserve better; that is why they have the thought. You do
deserve a raise! You deserve to not have any job that gives you any
insignificant negativity, you deserve your highest happiness! You are
beautiful! You deserve your beauty!
You deserve to completely ENJOY THE IRRESISTIBLE PRESENT! Not because
you might die tomorrow or because a friend of yours died three years
ago or because a player on your team is sick and you promised you would
win the big game in his honor or because your parents paid for you to
go to college or because you want people to like you or because someone
broke your heart and you want them to feel bad about what they are
missing or because your gym teacher said you would never amount to anything
or because I am telling you to. You deserve to ENJOY THE IRRESISTIBLE
PRESENT because you are BEAUTIFUL and you deserve to enjoy the
irresistible present for yourself.
Justin Blackburn
Intuitive Light Messenger At Kimah Healing Arts Center 864-232-3739
www.myspace. com/everyonelove seachother
News Flash/Deadly Virus
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
May 20, 2009
Keeping One's Immune System Strong Is What I Have Been A Saying for Twenty five plus years...
Dear All One Family:
So much stuff has hit the news room that many have chosen to bury their heads in the sand and just hope that their prayers of wellness for the world, will magically upright itself when they take their eyes off of it...
In a large way, I totally understand your reason, yet in a different way, I also get confirmations from the news...things that I were a seeing happen due to this financial time in the land...were a coming to pass and that meant to me that additional prayers were needed in every situation all over our great land/world...people were in trouble.
So some people need the news to keep them entertained, I need to news to keep me inform of areas of our land and world a needing help and prayers...
I guess, different strokes for different folks...for I know of several that have shut down the news service and just paid attention to movies or soap hopes that when they take their head out of the sand, that their magical new world would be here front and center, just as they prayed.
For all those that feel the way that I just expressed, I say to you all; it matters neither way which way is the best to proceed at this time...I watch the news to keep my mind sharp as to what is occurring outside my soft vision dwellings...and to extend compassion to every moment in time that another being is in harms way...this is just me and that is all that I have to account for, anyways.
I feel that this news story is something worthy to be placed in this posting for it states exactly what I have been a saying for several years now...especially after losing a very and dear sister in law to its ravenous effects after a head on car collision injured her severely and thus weakened her immune system dramatically...
My sister in law counteracted the virus mentioned here from a supposed hospital nurse who had just recently passed on...
So I felt prompted to write about my sister in law who was actually only a few years older than myself when she passed and the virus effects upon her, made it seem like she was in her eighty's yet only in her mid fifties...
Not a good virus at all, yet like I have told all here...The Manetek website on my major website has the link for my Manetek probiotic line up...products that I have used and recommend I have discovered help for poor and ailing body immune system organs and tissues and cells...check it out, plus you help fund this research center...thanks and be happy and joy, peace and love filled...
Deadly pneumonia caused by super-bugs on rise: studyTue May 19, 7:08 pm ET
LONDON (Reuters) – Deadly pneumonia caused by so-called superbugs are spreading outside hospitals and represent a growing threat to the public, U.S. researchers warned on Wednesday.
Making the problem more worrying is the recent H1N1 flu outbreak because the "super-bug" pneumonia most commonly appears following an influenza-like illness, Alicia Hidron of the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta reported.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections can range from boils to more severe infections of the blood, lungs and the sites of surgery. Such infections can often be treated only with expensive intravenous antibiotics.
Most cases are associated with hospitals, nursing homes or other health care facilities but infections acquired in the wider community are increasing, the researcher noted.
"Community-acquired MRSA infections are no longer restricted to certain risk groups or to the geographic areas where outbreaks first occurred," they wrote in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases.
"They now occur widely both in the community as well as health care facilities and have been reported on every continent."
As these superbugs spread in communities, more pneumonia cases are likely -- and the researchers said these may have mortality rates of more than 50 percent.
"However, the overall incidence of community-acquired MRSA pneumonia remains unknown," the researchers wrote.
In their analysis, Hidron and colleagues looked at two U.S. cases caused by a specific MRSA strain that is a culprit behind many superbug infections in the United States.
They reported the pneumonia usually features high fever and low blood pressure with rapid progression to septic shock -- a widespread infection that sends the whole body into a tailspin -- and an urgent need for mechanical ventilation.
The researchers said they do not know why community-acquired MRSA pneumonia appears so lethal but noted the bacteria that cause it are more susceptible to antibiotics than hospital-acquired infections.
"The best treatment of this ... disease has not been defined," they wrote.(Reporting by Michael Kahn; Editing by Maggie Fox and Jon Hemming)
Natural News
NaturalNews) A new study just published in the journal Postgraduate Medicine has good news about a way to help fight a potential flu pandemic, naturally. Researchers found that a specific strain of probiotics, which are beneficial microorganisms similar to the "friendly" bacteria found naturally in the body's digestive system, increases the body's immune response to the flu virus -- specifically, to influenza A. And the currently much hyped and much feared so-called swine flu, also known as H1N1, is a variant of influenza A.
Although many mainstream medical doctors as well as natural health practitioners have long recognized that probiotics can often help people with digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, gas, and bloating, the idea that taking probiotics could help healthy people stay that way has been controversial. But the new study could change that notion. It shows that taking probiotics regularly can boost the immune system in a specific way which helps the body give influenza A the boot. The probiotics strain, which has the scientific tongue-twister name of Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, PTA-6086, was found to cause significant increases in T-cell production of TNF-alpha, a key immune system activity marker, when health adults were exposed to influenza.
Researcher Mira Baron, MD, measured changes in blood TNF-alpha levels in 10 healthy adult volunteers before and after they took doses of the probiotic strain Bacillus coagulans (which is marketed under the trade name GanedenBC30 and found in various dietary supplements) daily and then were exposed to an influenza A virus. Results showed a huge 1709 percent increase in TNF-alpha levels upon viral challenge after the research participants had taken the probiotic for about a month. Dr. Baron noted in her study that the initial, dramatic increase in the body's production of TNF-alpha in response to viral exposure shows a heightened immunological response aimed at protecting against infection.
The study did not evaluate an immune response to the specific swine flu virus, H1N1, currently causing much worry. However, there's certainly reason to think that Bacillus coagulans could boost the body's natural defenses to fight a variety of flu viruses, including swine flu. "These results demonstrate the ability of GanedenBC30 to boost the immune system of healthy adults against viruses that cause some of the most common human illnesses," Dr. Baron said in a statement to the press. "The study helps support the long-suspected belief about the beneficial effects of GanedenBC30 on the immune system and adds to the emerging body of evidence that probiotics can benefit healthy people as well as those with specific health issues."
Dr. Gary Huffnagle, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Michigan, and author of the book The Probiotics Revolution reviewed Dr. Baron's findings and concluded the research adds to the growing body of scientific data that show probiotics boost the immune function of healthy adults to defend against infection and lessen the symptoms of disease. "I think it is a wise move to include the consumption of probiotics, such as Sustenex (a supplement that contains Bacillus coagulans), along with good diet, frequent hand washing and other recommendations by the CDC in the battle against flu. While more research is needed to demonstrate whether this translates into reduced hospitalization and/or deaths, it's a healthy, low-cost, proactive thing that people can do that has no risks associated with it."
For more information:
Buzz up!14 votes
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
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