Saturday, June 20, 2009
192 Edition "The Jumping High Awakening Moment & Continuing Vision Into Health Care Form
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
"Faith, Trust, And Belief The Size Of A Mustard Seed. Will Move Mountains In One's Life"
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone-Associate Director, Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
I want to first of all post the following article taken from California Psychics website.
I found it quite interesting to discover, just in case I were to visit this land and choose to write my thoughts about it...interesting, how we sometimes over look how much freedom we do have in our land?
I guess it is because we are a land only looking for the bad around us...I just hope and pray that we will never take it to the streets like the country, I won't mentioned...for just because the average Joe and Joette...aren't allowed to participant in the freedom of the Internet, doesn't necessarily mean those who threaten others in that government with punishment for aiding the rioting...using the Internet their medium.
Yet because I am not a throwing any sticks and stones at them, for I hate seeing violence in any of our lands...even though it has been a going on since Christ lived and walked our world...I personally would like for them to reach a happy medium instead of a divide...know what I mean?
So right here, straight up and personal...allow me to express this one thing that I heard about the differences in both leaders...The older candidate is a bit more milder than the younger candidate...yet still has a similar stand on nuclear arming his nation and both have a great dislike for America and perhaps will be as resistant to the idea that we are all in the world together and that all of our energies should be concentrated on rebuilding our land, government and people...
So I am kind of clueless as to why all of the commotion myself, for I thought that the older man had a wider vision of what every body's world would look like, if only one live nuclear weapon was sent into flight towards any land...
You know what I find to be so interesting is that Jesus and the New Testament Bible were born of the area with the most unrest...
I find that absolutely interesting...How does that saying go again? "A prophet is never recognized in their own land, and must go away so that the land will realize what they had in him to begin with." Don't quote me on that folks...Author Unknown.
Now having said that, isn't it very elementary folks to see that in the case of didn't come to pass...for Jesus has been gone now for over 2,000 years...and the battles still a continue and now they want to play with big guns that could end the world as we know it, for good.
Wow! Aren't we having fun, yet?
Now having said all of that, please allow me to post the sad story of a person who all she ever wanted to do was speak her truths and now is imprisoned because she didn't live in the right land that allowed it, like our own wonderful America!
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Please pray that somehow a miracle from God/Jesus and Holy Spirit sent her; will be her ticket back home. Thank You All for doing this for a stranger that didn't know that a speaking her truths would get her in so much trouble.
Heres Her Story
Taken from Californiapsychic website…
June 19, 2009
Today, Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel Prize-winning peace activist and leader of the National League of Democracy (pro-democracy movement in Myanmar/Burma), will spend her 64th birthday in prison. Presently, she is the only "detained" Nobel Peace Laureate in the world. As a bright, free-thinking Gemini, Suu Kyi was educated in England (Oxford), where she was raising a family. In 1988, she returned to Myanmar to help her dying mother, and was placed under "house arrest" by the military government for her political beliefs. Her single-minded Mars in Taurus and clear-thinking Jupiter in Virgo helped her lead one of the largest global peace movements from her guarded home. This year, she was put in actual prison on other unfounded charges. Many see her as one of the strongest, most admired women in the world.
Now I would like to travel to another mind awakening moment in time...That of the pressing need to look at health care in a different way...
To Our Former President Mr. George Bush, Jr.
Dear sir:
I do not agree with your thoughts on health care...a not needing to be changed...It has to for we are in a downward spiral with it...
Hospitals unable to make their bills completely and thus are a laying off necessary and already too tired staff members...
I have also heard of medical doctors not being able to make their bills due to insurance companies and attorneys finding loop holes in the medicine world similar to the show, "House."
If doctors can't treat in the manner of days past...that means a new kind of medicine a needing to be done is on the not too distant horizon...for if the insurance companies have figured out a way to limit treatment protocol...than aren't the insurance companies guilty of practicing medicine?
Yet President Bush, you say the system isn't broken? Doesn't need revision? I say you are absolutely not on the target here Sir!
Due to the several million poor folk here in America a not being able to have the same health care plan as yourself or all past elected all governments, large and small of our great nation!
That plan includes your paid plan for life by the American I really do think that you might need to take a different look at it for it does include your future health care needs a being met as well.
Great cuts to the Medicaid and Medicare serious stuff, you know? Not only for the retirees, such as yourself, yet as well the poor families with children...
For many have for too long, followed exclusively, the traditional medical way...of prescription drugs for the patients being the only all in all and then only sent to alternative health care providers such as myself, when the patient is normally exhausted and all systems either heavily medicated with no welcomed results end...and then be left with no other option to try; except acceptance for what is...and thus wait for death to happen.
As the medical profession almost most times than not, a warning the patient to not experiment with chiropractic care...ever!
I say; if the health care program that we have all participated in since the A.M.A., first went on line...Where as is system of treatment, once the body goes into a dis-eased state...I instead would like to see in place, a treatment protocol that moves more towards the preventative, versus the chronic maintenance plan.
I say that the idea of moving back to basics, keeping the medications at a moderate versus excessive manner...not prescribing tests that don't show the results one is a wanting and just recently the other day, one of my client friend's husband actually had created for him by a doctor or unthinking nurse...quite a disruption in one of my client/friend's husband's life...
Case In Point
When the insurance company discovered that their subscriber was a getting all kinds of specialized therapies, and chronic medical treatment for a non healing foot infection and the xray that was ordered up for him to prove that his foot was infected and what degree of infection he now had in place being his foot infection wasn't a healing and the barometric pressure chamber that he had long ago went on the list to receive treatment...being they are a busy place these days...(also sir, not a good sign...busy place,lots of people have similar problems with this staph infection he knows he got at the hospital that first treated his wound in his foot that just wouldn't heal...
So to add insult to injury, when the insurance company received the report of the x ray findings didn't show any infection in the foot...the insurance company denied this patient his specialized barometric pressure chamber treatment cost...for he didn't have an infection, per x ray finding...and being insurance claims adjustor's are not doctors...they had no clue that an x ray doesn't pick up too much except broken bones...
So the wound specialty doctor to correct this serious mistake so that his patient could get this barometric pressure chamber treatment...that are quite client friend's husband had to get a concur...the previous long termed chronic infection documented findings...
I say Former President Bush, that we have to move towards the world of alternative complementary Medicine...for our immune systems aren't a behaving very well with all of the massive doses of antibiotics our nation is a prescribing...were it a perfect world, I would see more research center universities that I am order to test the results of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, food supplementation, diet, exercise, water therapies...water, organic foods, solar and other viable alternative fuel/energy/water, air, land...sources.
Also Mr. Former President Bush, have you ever stopped to visualize 4.5 million and largely growing sick poor people and no place to go to receive treatment?
Also Mr. President Bush, with an already overload of patients...that staffing has been cut and shouldn't be operating at such a low figure to begin with...for the more eyes and ears, the better...know what I mean?
Oh that's right, you probably have forgotten what it is like to be an ordinary person...for you and your family, friends probably had lots of attending staff that could stay with your loved one...just in the event that an already tired nurse, who has worked such short staffed help for so many years already, that the nightmare of having to be responsible for so many; fell on her/his shoulders and hers/his alone...that she misses an important moment a happening...and life forever changes for her/him from that moment forward.
One ordinary person's real world picture of the health care and insurance reimbursing system:
My brother when my sister in law became injured in a head on collision by a 17 year old, a perhaps dreaming of a better world...moved through a stop sign that prevented traffic from a running into vehicles that have the right of way, supposedly...due to them being on a major highway...
Long story short, for over 12 months my brother, a man broken hearted due to him a losing his health since the long tragedy first began, a driving 80 miles back and forth to visit his wife...almost daily.
I would say 7-9 months of that time, his wife was in a coma, followed by a few more months on life she fought and struggled to get back to all of us that she loved...
My brother was allowed to visit up until a set time...and then he had to leave the hospital for the night, and it was in the wee hours of the early morn...that his wife a short time after coming out of her long and grueling coma...and responded well enough to talk finally on the phone to her kids and family members...
Then a very short time after it seemed she was a going to pull out of the hospital and return finally home to him; she complained to her husband,that the respiratory nurse punched her hard in the chest and in the area where, she had already been punctured in the car accident eons ago...
That morning when she told my brother what had happened, not much later that afternoon she went back on the respirator...and never ever got back off of it again until she died.
My brother brought the Greensboro Police Department into his wife's allegations case, and was given because the hospital rooms have no cameras...I am sorry, sir, we don't have any evidence that this respiratory therapist did what your wife said he did...
The police officer detective told my brother that this respiratory therapist refused to do a lie detector test, and besides they were no longer admissible in court...his hands were tied...and he was sorry for my brother's imminent near and approaching loss of her...
He was also sorry for his wife's fractured back and all of the pain she was a suffering...from it as well a couple of mornings following the alleged punch into her chest...and as the floor nurse described that morning to my brother that she had no idea how long his wife laid on the floor, with all of her tubes and attachments a going this and that way...for MRSA, eats you from the inside out...and one is basically, being eaten alive by a run away virus...
The nurse even stated that she had no idea how the bars on her bed were taken down to begin with...even if she was a near comatose patient on life support because MRSA was a destroying all major systems that it was a coming into contact...hmmmm, many unanswered questions you know?
Oh well, my brother then started taking his eyes off of his wife a returning home and now he was to plan her burial...
So Mr. President Bush:
How much compensation for the injury, and suffering to my brother's wife and himself in his twelve month long struggle to attend to a sick wife that perhaps wouldn't make because of an serious error of another?
My brother received $17K after the attorney he had to hire, got his cut...all because the consumer believing that he has enough insurance by purchasing the smaller premium and higher deductible is safe in all conditions.
Under the current insurance workings, they are only liable to a set amount...$30 K was the ceiling on the teen ager's grand father's insurance policy from that means...that my brother could have moved to sue the grandfather and grandson together...and both would have to come up with law suit amount.
Perhaps Mr. Former President Bush:
Being you don't see a need to change a thing...for even now, you might perhaps be a thinking; "well that is for them to worry about and not anyone else." I say that would be a good response were it not for the fact, that the teenager made a bad judgement mistake...and my brother had to decide was it bad enough for my brother to strip the kid of a life after the accident, he believed the kid hadn't really wanted to happen...for him and his 15 year old brother were in the vehicle that struck my sister in law...head on..
Also as well, it was obvious to my brother that the grandfather who had taken him and his brother in being both parents of these teenagers were a dying of cancer...and that is why the grandfather had them and already he was already a living in a less than most persons places...and a less than he needed retirement pension.
My brother told him that he was a sorry for all of the family's woes for he as well has seen those extreme poverty moments himself...and he didn't want to destroy their lives by his gain, for he knew that what someone else gains from another, that brings the other much pain and suffering...never ends right and besides, no amount of money would ever bring his wife back to him, anyways...
So all he wanted was for the grandson to go to hospital now that his wife was recovering from the accident he created that caused her so much suffering and apologize to her and my brother would forget continued legal action against them being their insurance company let them down...
I know Mr. Former President Bush, you are probably a wondering where this is a taking me...
I am telling you the medical system of only treatment maintenance isn't a working...especially when we are in the midst of viruses and bacterias that are mutating due to over antibiotic usage...
I believe we need to move into a different direction instead of the body chemical, I would like us now to move towards the body electric aspects...and what feeds that electric body aspect...and as all that are in the vibration medicine field, know its the mind, body and spirit connection...
The finding of better ways of rebuilding ones immune system, naturally would be my first vote...
Especially in light of the facts concerning our epidemic problem with MRSA...being present in most hospitals...and it wasn't all that long ago that Medicaid and Medicare stated on Katie Couric's News Program that they wouldn't be a handling the payment notes on any patient found to have counteracted the that leaves the payment of the hospital and treatments to fall back on the a way to teach the doctors and nurses to utilize better sanitation habits of a washing their hands...
Which I believe will add even more deficits to an already slumping financial over load.
For just imagine...
It was the MRSA, that my sister in law had counter-acted from the last place that she was being treated at, a place that had just recently had one of the nurses died with MRSA and the hospital felt that it moved through the hospital and it was a problem with no solution.
So basically everyone would just have to deal with it...For it was just another run away train moment...
The researching of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, fatty acids in relationship to rebuilding a body, has to be in a research center as I proposed so that the medical doctor a practicing in today's medical world...would be privileged to the research findings of not only the kind of research center I am proposing, yet all of the other research centers that will be looking into the link up with cancer being seen primarily in high acid blood levels...and all other high incident destroyers of ones total functioning body capacity...
For I don't know about you, with medical health care being the third leading killer of the American today's world viewing statistical findings...and non affordable to those without insurance, unless they want to risk bakruptcy or even you Mr. President Bush might say potatoe and I might say tomatoe...who is right and who is wrong?
Just consider this for a moment as well please.
I too was one of those persons that had to experience incorrect dealings with insurance companies policy set on not a giving me my fair share...For both my accident claims were due to the incorrect action of someone injury netted me because I chose Alternative-Complementary Medical course...$2500 total after the attorney got his cut...and the other one that I was found to have 3 herniated cervical discs, and one MRI., confirmed torn medial meniscus in my rt. knee, with a highly probable torn medial meniscus in my left knee in worse condition that my right and the work that I do, demands that I have full and good usuage of my legs in order to stand, walk and bend...all actions...depended on these critical areas of my legs.
I received...$7K total of which I got $4500 after paying the attorney and the car rental company that wanted to take me to jail for stealing their car, being the insurance company of the person that struck me, had decided that I had had the car long enough and they were no longer a flipping the bill...
Even though my damaged car by their subscriber was in the shop,and repair delay was due to same insurance company a playing hard ball with my own insurance company...Doing something like this; "you pay, no you pay!"
I therefore feel President Bush, that the medical profession and the insurance companies both need a large revision in their handling of their patients and subscribers...yet I possibly could be wrong...yet if I am not...please understand that experience is most definitely your best don't feel bad, I know that you never realize that their would be so many poor people in the land that you once held in your loving well wishing for us hands; the entire nation of people...under your watch...
All those that want to say that this problem was due to our President Mr. Obama...had better re-read the history book...we were a falling so fast...that the stock market went crazy before the election was ever held...I believe that is what caused most voters to take a serious look at the president candidate that only two weeks prior had told, "Face The Nation," I believe when asked by the news caster that just recently died...(name has gotten away from me at this moment in time) how stable was our economy, really? Senator McCain, stated some like, very.
So there you have President Bush, my thoughts about your thoughts...Isn't it grand that we live in a free land? And all of us are able to share our opinions without fear of being killed/blown up or imprisoned?
Do you know what else I think is even more impressive than that?
Our President Obama a wanting our thoughts and experiences and those of others so that he can really get a good handle on the government and its peoples problems he is having to re-invent, eliminate...change or well as attempting to close the doors that deregulation allowed to open that helped take our financial banking world/Wall Street and job security of millions of folks into a domino effect...not seen almost since the depression years.
So Mr. President, again I ask that you revisit this area...and perhaps you will see a different picture, and while you are a taking a stand on this or that; that would make our president's job even more difficult with your non-researched highly limited vision...please remember also, "what goes around, comes around" and as you know, that is the Ten Commandments...The Golden Rule.
"Do unto others, that which you would have done unto you." Actually, I am also telling that to all gathered here now...for just because it has been a world of "get them before they get you," that doesn't mean that we Americans will choose to "stand down," for now it seems that we are a nation of more victims than survivors...
Intention is the all in all, and later I will return will more ideas that want to explode all over the newsletter posting pages...
Enough for now...May All Always Feel Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Time For God-Astrolgical Vibrational Notes To Balance Us All During These Awespicious Times Of Our Present Moment
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 20, 2009
Taking My Love and Devotion to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, Public...
Plus Looking Through The Eyes Of Astrology Vibrational Word Sound Therapy
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone - Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Today I went into my over 50K unopened yahoo mail account...Spam account...I believe perhaps 50 by now...
These two posted emails...were so delightful and interesting in their design...Of course I couldn't copy the format that they were presented to me in...yet I hope I was able to catch the words correctly for they both show us a way of thinking things out differently, yet the same...
I hope that you find them interesting and educational...thank you A.S., and thank you Spiritus Sanctus...for all that you do to help man kind awaken to the divine in all of us...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Read only if you have
time for God
Let me tell you, make sure you read
all the way to the bottom.
I almost deleted this email but I was blessed when I got to the end
when I received this
e-mail, I thought...
I don't have time for this...
And, this is really
inappropriate during work.
Then, I realized that this kind
of thinking is.... Exactly, what
has caused a lot of the problems
in our world today.
We try to keep God in
church on Sunday morning...
Sunday night...
And, the unlikely event
of a midweek
We do like to have Him
around during sickness....
And, of course,
at funerals.
However, we don't have
time, or room, for Him
during work or play...
May God forgive me
for ever thinking...
That... There is a time
or place where..
HE is not to be
in my life.
We should always
have time to remember
all HE has
done for us.
If, You aren't
ashamed to
do this...
Please follow the
Jesus said, 'If you are
ashamed of me, I will be
ashamed of you
before my Father.'
Pass this on ONLY
Yes, .....
Love God.
HE is my source of
and Savior.
He keeps me functioning
each and every day.
Without Him, I will be
But, with Christ,
HE strengthens me.
(Phil 4:13)
This is the
simplest test.
If You Love God...
And, are not ashamed of
all the marvelous things
HE has done for you...
Send this to ten people
and the person who
sent it to you!
Now do you have the
time to pass it on?
Easy vs. Hard
Why is it so hard to tell
the truth but Yet so
easy to tell a lie?
Why is it so easy to
delete a Godly e-mail,
but yet we forward
all of the nasty ones?
Of all the free gifts
we may receive,
is the very best one.....
There are no costs,
but wonderful rewards...
Notes: Isn't it funny how
simple it is for people
to trash God and then
wonder why the
world's going to hell.
Isn't it funny how
someone can say
'I believe in God'
but still follow satan
(who, by the way,
also 'believes'
in God).
Isn't it funny how you
can send a thousand
jokes through e-mail
and they spread like
wildfire, but when
you start sending
messages regarding
the Lord,
people think twice
about sharing?
Isn't it funny how
when you go to forward
this message, you
will not send it to many
on your address list
because you're not
sure what they believe,
or what they will think
of you for sending
it to them
Isn't it funny how I can
be more worried
about what other
people think of me
than what God
thinks of me.
I pray, for everyone
who sends this to
their entire address
book, they will be blessed
by God
in a way special for them.
The Moon Angels of Sunlight on the Moon
Angels of ‘E-M-P-E-B-Y- N’
26th Day of Lunar Cycle
‘We explain the influences that the sunlight has on the moon
and from there onto humans, the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms;
in mental, emotional and physical respect.’
"As above, so below."
Every divine virtue manifests on all levels of
pure being, will, intellect, flowing feelings, and form.
Every physical thing in creation has analogous correspondence
with the divine virtues on these levels.
The Sun is analogous to, or is the physical manifestation of the
Divine Creative Electric Masculine Power of INTENT, or WILL
for the divine virtues and the highest good of all.
The Moon is the manifestation of the Feminine magnetic receptive power
of FLOWING FEELINGS of the highest good of all and the Divine Virtues.
Will is electric in nature and Feeling is magnetic. Together they form the
Electro-magnetic energy that flows and forms the hologram of Creation.
The ancients call this the Electro-magnetic fluid.
When the Sun’s Light hits the Moon, will unites with flowing feelings.
Electrical energy transforms and becomes magnetic.
Magnetic energy of flowing feelings is the precursor of
change in the physical realm. Magnetic energy ATTRACTS.
All miracles in the physical realm are preceded by,
and depend upon, the generation of appropriate flowing feelings.
Each degree of the zodiac that the Sun focuses on the Moon determines
the specific WILL or INTENTION that the Moon changes into flowing feelings.
By knowing the INTENT, you know the FLOWING FEELING that expresses it.
If a specific change is desired upon the physical realm,
even though it can be manifested any time, it can be most easily
and powerfully manifested through flowing feelings during the
appropriate zodiacal degree of the sun.
The second factor is the day of the Moon Cycle.
Each day of the 28 day Moon Cycle has a specific receptivity.
A person determines which day of the moon cycle
corresponds with the specific flowing feelings that need
to be generated for a specific manifestation.
For example, the 25th day of each 28-day Moon Cycle is attuned
to plants. Anytime a person desires to create and manifest a
miracle concerning plants, it is wise to do it on the 25th day
of a moon cycle when the feelings are magnified.
For example, suppose a person wishes to grow medicinal
plants that enhance EMOTIONAL attunement to Divine Will
for the highest good and the divine virtues.
The specific time to meditate and generate the being, will,
concepts, and flowing feelings to manifest the most powerful
plants of this nature, would be anytime during the sign of Cancer,
because the entire constellation of Cancer is the attunement to flowing
feelings of Divine Will of the divine virtues and the highest good of all, with
particular emphasis on the 25th day of the Moon Cycle, the moon day of plants.
The 25th day of the Moon Cycle is governed by
the Angels of Plants, the Angels of ‘Lavemezhu’.
By looking at the Angels who govern the sign of the zodiac
for each day, and seeing which day of the 28 day Moon Cycle is in
effect, a person aligns flowing feelings of meditations accordingly, in
order to ride and influence magnetic waves of Universal Flowing Feeling.
‘We explain the influences that the sunlight has on the moon
and from there onto humans, the animal, vegetable and mineral
kingdoms; in mental, emotional and physical respect.’
By meditating on the divine virtues associated with the letters in our name,
and calling on our assistance, the following is gained:
‘E-M-P-E-B-Y- N
Through the virtue of omnipresence, we are attuned to
cosmic consciousness as it manifests in terms of materialization
and dematerialization and the power to create new realities.
We are masters of fluidity and the emotional
flow and receptivity of the moon.
We teach divine nostalgia and the longing for merging with
perfection of spiritual realization, the outpouring of light from the Sun.
We confer special INTUITION and the faculty of
universal transfer of consciousness.
We reveal cognition of Universal LIfe and polarity; yin and yang,
sun and moon, male and female, will and flowing feelings, and
how each compliments the other, leading to profound wisdom.
We teach understanding of the rhythms of light and darkness
of the sun and moon, the dance of male and female. We
teach how the application of these principles explains
many of the miracles spoken of in holy books.
We seek to bless humanity with supreme happiness and to awaken
recognition of the state of spiritual evolution of every being.’
The melody formed by the letters and virtues of our name are the notes:
D ~ D ~ B ~ D ~ A ~ C# ~ A.
In the time of the Alpha and the Omega, the time of
Heaven on Earth, which is now birthing,the Children of God
flow with the natural rhythms and cycles of the Web of Life,
the unified field of energy.
Every 26th day of each 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the feelings
of earth with understanding of flowing feelings of Divine Will as it
expresses through the sun’s rays on the moon. We do this so that individual
will aligns with Universal Will in the cycles and rhythms of flowing feeling.
Sigil of
*** ECSTASY ***
Revised Document: 17 November 2006
spiritus@mindspring .com
*Names, phrases, or sections, in Italics or single quotation marks are quoted
or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon, [The Practice of Magical
Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02- 6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN
3-921338-13- 4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany.
These books have detailed information on the meanings of the letters on all
four levels of will, mind, feeling, and form, and all of the beings of the zodiac.
For serious study of the ancient language and easy reference, you
can purchase these books online at:
www.amaluxherbal. com
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