Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Enclosed below is Dr. Mercola's actual website article. It is very interesting and something I have been a telling my family/friends for years.
I personally have been very fortunate and haven't had to take any type of pharmaceutical antibiotic for over ten years and that time I took two capsules for a brown recluse spider bite that didn't appear to be such to the M.D.. client/friend that looked at it.
My doctor believed that it was perhaps a tattoo sensitivity that was occurring...yet like I told my doctor, I had the tattoo for over 2 years and wouldn't understand why it would be a acting up now and also too, I recalled a sharp bite on my leg in the night and when I got up and turned on the light, a light tan spider's body was found dead in the bed...(that rhymed by accident...hahahehe)
The reason why the spider bite didn't appear to be a serious spider bite was because I took precautions immediately upon being bitten and threw on the area, all the natural herbal antibiotics I had in the cupboard...both topically and internally...tea tree, colloidal silver and Indian tobacco.
The two antibiotics that were the strongest pharmaceutical grade that our chemical companies produce for human consumption...were enough to create havoc in my urinary tract to begin with...I for one couldn't imagine being on them for any extended amount of time like many persons that I know...have done.
Along with Dr. Mercola's suggestions...I would like to also suggest along with acidophilus inserted into the vaginal tract...perhaps aloe vera gel that is made for internal ingestion...this is what I have used on those occasions that I find myself a craving lots of sugar such as the season upon us all...I haven't considered boric acid, hmmm...something else to research...good stuff. Enjoy!
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
If you think you may be suffering from a yeast-related problem, keep reading. My free special report, available for download below, will teach you how to identify Candida overgrowth and, more importantly, how to overcome it.
Millions of people are currently fighting a battle against a single-cell fungus they cannot see. This fungus belongs to a family of yeasts called Candida albicans, and under normal circumstances it’s a harmless part of your skin, intestines, and for women, your vagina.
But Candida cells develop rapidly, and if your system is out of balance from eating unhealthy foods, taking certain prescription drugs, fighting an illness, and more -- Candida can quickly grow out of control. The result is an astounding array of health problems that can rob you of energy and interfere with your ability to enjoy life.
What’s worse most conventional doctors do not recognize the symptoms of Candida overgrowth, and are clueless about how to cure it.
Because Candida overgrowth, or Candidiasis, is so often overlooked by physicians, it’s difficult to say exactly how many people may be affected, but estimates suggest that up to 80 million Americans may suffer from yeast-related problems -- and 70 percent of them are women.
Some common conditions that indicate you may have Candida overgrowth include:
Irritable bowel syndrome
Food allergies
Chronic fatigue
Yeast infections
Weight gain
As you can see, the list is long and varied, and the symptoms mimic those caused by many other diseases.
If you think you may be suffering from a yeast-related problem, keep reading. My free special report, available for download below, will teach you how to identify Candida overgrowth and, more importantly, how to overcome it.
Could Candida Be Sabotaging Your Health? (Free PDF Report)
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Dr. Mercola's Comments:
This is a VERY important topic for many women as up to 75 percent of all women will experience a yeast infection in their lifetime.
But why is that?
I believe one of the most important reasons is the overconsumption of processed foods and foods high in sugar, both of which serve as fertilizer for the growth of yeast and fungi in your body.
Oral contraceptives are also a factor, as these synthetic hormones create an environment that is conducive to yeast overgrowth. And, last but not least, overuse of antibiotics, which kill off both good and bad bacteria and promote the growth of fungi and yeast, contributes to making this such a common health problem.
Is Candida to Blame For Your Symptoms?
When we’re talking about Candida, it’s important to realize that vaginal yeast infections are not the sole health problem that can ensue. In fact, chronic fatigue is perhaps one of the most common ailments rooted in yeast and fungal overgrowth.
Yeast may even be a causative factor in cancer.
I know that sounds surprising, but I’ve previously published an article with a video featuring Dr. Simoncini, who explains this quite succinctly.
So how do you know if Candida is to blame for your symptoms?
Well, often you don’t know for sure, and that’s why so many people are suffering needlessly. If you’re suffering from some of the symptoms listed above, and nothing else you’ve tried seems to help, there’s a fair chance Candida is involved.
However, a good sign that Candida is taking a hold of your body is feeling “run down” and developing a craving for sugars and carbohydrates, as this is the main fuel for the growing amounts of yeast in your body.
The more sugar and grains you eat, the more the yeast grows out of control. Eventually, this will weaken your immune system, which in turn can allow the yeast to infiltrate various other organs, and the sicker you’ll become.
How to Treat Vaginal Yeast Infections Naturally
Many people opt to treat yeast infections with over-the-counter anti-fungal creams, and when the symptoms go away, they assume they are cured.
In reality, these creams only treat the symptoms, and do nothing about the underlying yeast overgrowth that caused the problem to begin with.
With yeast infections or thrush, the underlying causes are also related to imbalances in your body’s terrain, such as your pH balance, and the balance of good and bad bacteria. Yeast thrives in an alkaline environment, so to successfully treat a vaginal yeast infection for example, you need to adjust the pH in your vaginal area.
To provide near-immediate relief for a vaginal yeast infection, you can try any of these all-natural techniques:
Insert one Boric acid powder capsule into your vagina morning and evening for three to seven days for an acute infection, and 14 to 30 days for a chronic infection. I have not seen Boric acid capsules widely available in health stores or pharmacies but you can make your own by buying a bottle of Boric acid powder and gelatin capsules (a capsule-making machine makes the process go faster).
Studies show the effectiveness of Boric acid is very high especially in women with chronic resistant yeast infections -- one study with 100 women showed a 98 percent success rate with this condition. If you find that the Boric acid irritates your external genitalia you can protect the tissue with vitamin E oil.
Insert one garlic clove into your vagina in the morning and an acidophilus capsule in the evening for three to seven days.
Prepare a retention douche with bentonite clay, Pau D’ Arco tea, plain yogurt, tea tree oil and goldenseal and douche two times a day for seven to 10 days.
Soak a tampon with diluted tea tree oil (use a solution of one and a half tablespoons of tea tree oil and one cup of water) and keep it in your vagina overnight.
How to Avoid Candida with Proper Lifestyle Changes
In order to prevent yeast overgrowth, you need to create an environment that makes it more difficult for fungus to thrive. Typically, you can do this by making the following lifestyle changes:
Eat the Best Diet for You, and Exercise -- A diet rich in meats, chicken, eggs, seeds and nuts, vegetables, and healthy oils (free range and organic) -- while avoiding sugars and carbohydrate-rich foods -- will restrict the amount of fuel the yeast in your intestine has available to it. Ideally you should also make your diet in tune with your nutritional type.
Get Plenty of Good Bacteria -- You will want to increase your probiotic (good bacteria) intake with a high-quality probiotic supplement or by eating cultured and fermented foods, such as natto. These contain the good bacteria that keep your vagina and gastrointestinal tract healthy and will ultimately replace the Candida.
Avoid Exposure to Chemicals and Medications -- Antibiotics, corticosteroids and birth control pills all need to be avoided. Paints, household cleaners, perfumes and scents may also cause allergic reactions, and chemical sensitivities are very common in people with yeast overgrowth.
Address Emotional and Psychological Issues -- Food cravings, especially those for sweets, often are exacerbated by emotional dependencies. Tools like the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can help you to overcome unhealthy food cravings and other emotional hurdles.
Essential Food Restrictions For Yeast Control
Because yeast multiplies so quickly, it’s necessary to restrict not only sugar and refined carbs in your diet but also all yeast- and mold-containing foods, including:
Vinegar (and vinegar-containing foods like mustard and salad dressing)
Carrots, potatoes and beets (high-sugar veggies)
Fruits are important to avoid if you have this problem as the sugar in the fruit typically worsens those who are suffering with yeast infections. Fruit can be resumed once the yeast is under control.
Peanuts and corn (which often contain mold)
Mushrooms (fungus)
Aged cheeses
Also remember that the number one source of calories in America is not regular sugar, but high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is included in most all processed foods and should be avoided.
If you are already facing Candidiasis, I highly recommend working with a natural health care practitioner who specializes in treating yeast overgrowth to help see you through treatment.
Related Articles:
Holistic Treatment for Candida Infection
Fungus Causing Cancer -- A Novel Approach to the Most Common Form of Death
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and The Yeast Connection: Is Yeast the Missing Link?