Monday, October 6, 2008

Channelings of Others for K.R.

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Channeling by Karen...
October 06, 2008

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:

Many that have seen my inbox, can't believe how many emails that I have in that are un opened (latest count, 23,000 plus)...most are correspondences such as this one that I am enclosing...there is tons upon tons of stuff being written now, in all types of it my imagination or is it Memorex?

How do I feel about this channeled information? These types of channelings actually offer up hope to me in a way...not all channelings I can state that about...enjoy and do as I do with them...keep an open mind, for right now, anything is possible for we are a living in uncertain times.

Also, I bought my first bottle of Advil in perhaps ten or more years! so the predictions about wanting to sleep alot is me, the pain in my neck, shoulders, legs, knees and feet is real...and about a month ago, I had these weird kind of headaches that I hadn't had since my last two car my moving through pain cycles is really quite there were lots of confirmations that I got in this channeled piece of

Also I wanted to state in closing, that about one month ago, K.R. told me that she knew that God was a preparing her for something...she didn't know if He was a bringing her Home due to some kind of ailment such as cancer or surgery flops...being she is the one that I wrote to Ginny my Nature Sunshine UpLine, friend and Master Iridologist, Herbologist, about her genetic ailment in my newsletter about one month ago or less...look for it please...because it is relevent to our discussion about her epiphany experience because she no longer has the ailment according to her surgeon doctor...that's right folks...her M.R.I. that showed that she had it prior to her latest M.R.I. of two weeks ago...was shown her and sure enough it was present.

K.R.'s doctors are mystified, and K.R. knows that God healed her of her afflictions and Job told her in a channeled session that he removed her pain...

K.R. is now sure that what she was waiting for to happen, happened this weekend and she knows beyond any shadow of doubt that God is real...and prayers do get answered, as well, she also knows that because she sent forth her original prayer of healing when she thought she was going to pass...that whatever K.R. told God she would do were He to grant her, her wish, she had to follow through and since doing that she now knows that the love of her life, she might have to move past because he obviously like Job had told her, was an interference...because they both were now unequally yoked.

I too in my own interactions with making a covenent with God on three ocassions, knew this as well to be true...

My three times of praying earnestly to God and making a deal with Him to stay working in this alternative health care field a helping His children not only stay well, yet help them with the road map of finding Him again if they somehow like we all do from time to time, lose our way...were he to: One, insure that none of my brothers who were in the military, had to go to Viet Nam...69 early seventies, then when my youngest son at the age of 2 years old, couldn't be given a prognosis of when he would pass being his illness was only typical to two boys his age and the other boy died at age 8 of Scleroderma; the disease described as turning its victims skin into stone...organs as well.

The last time was when my oldest son was stationed in Kuwait with the Marines and his job was the disarming of land mines, by hand...not machine as some were fortunate to have. The only time that I ever went on anti depressants and stopped taking them when he returned.

So I too know how important it is to do a follow through with Our Heavenly Father...on those things that we promised Him before He granted us our wishes...for when we do as we promised...the "Parable of Job," makes all the sense in the world...and I know that there is the other side and right now...why in the dickens wouldn't God allow His angels/archangels to assist with the transformational just makes good sense to me...yet perhaps some would find me weird living with this much hope...that is alright too...we all have differing opinions and that is what makes the world go round and know?

Another case in point: in line with the subject of God answering prayers...

About three days ago, K.W., not K.R., told me that she prayed and asked God for two was the location of her missing necklace that she loved so much and had been lost to her for perhaps 6 months...and the other question to God, she asked me to not mention.

When she awoke in the morning, she knew instantly where the necklace was placed by of those Oprah Winfrey's "Aha Moments in Time," and the second question before the evening set answer was given her as well...even though it caused grave distress like K.R.'s initial experience of her live channeling experience...and the news that she had to simpify her life and leave behind the one that she knows she will never stop loving...

To both K.W., and K.R., allow me to state my take on the tears and grief that you both are experiencing..."anything that God leads you towards, He will bring you through it." That is Biblical...sometimes the winds, rains and tornadoes and hurricanes blow through, yet if you hold tight in the knowledge that "If God be for you, who could possibly harm you?" kind of thing...think about it.

The sun will shine tomorrow and the next and look at it like this...for I do, if God gifted you with the prize that caused your heart to flip and make you breathless, don't you believe that the next one He sends will be even grander, for it is for Him that you are making the sacrifice...just like Job did.

Be Brave and know that God and I love you, even if the world doesn't...somebody in the world other than your parents, family and such...does.
perhaps the last three postings that I have made in one day to all...will be enough to awaken them and if not, understand as well; "God never closes a door without opening a window."

I love you both and all
Be Blessed again...

Life is good
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

October 6 , 2008

The What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts are offered several times per month by viewing them here. Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering information on this website free of charge. Please make a donation.

As the fall of the old world continues in earnest, varying scenarios are becoming more and more evident. If we can remember that we are smack in the middle of the end times, it can perhaps ease our minds that all is in divine and perfect order. The end times…we are in the end times…and considering this fact, I believe we are doing very well indeed.

As the transition from the old to the new continues on, we may thus find ourselves enmeshed in a little of this and a little of that. This grand process of ascension was meant to be gradual in order to create the most ease possible. So then, the more we find ourselves enmeshed in the old, the more difficult our lives can seem. And the more we find ourselves embodying the new, the easier and more effortless our lives can be.

The energies of the old are frightened now. They know at some level that they are leaving. In this way, they are becoming ever more difficult to interact with, as fighting, fear, nastiness, and an extreme effort to maintain some kind of control has the lower vibrating energies by the coattails. When those of us embodying more light begin our attempt at departing into the higher realms, our departure can be met with grasping and holding on by the old. Like a swimmer attempting to rescue someone who is drowning, the rescuer can easily be forced under and dragged down by the one who is drowning.

It is ever important now to stay out of what is falling, or we will go down with it. And when we stay out of it, we can easily find ourselves in spaces of magical synchronicities, a new unity with others, and a new reality where all our needs are always met.

We cannot bail out the old. We are in the higher vibrating energies now, and thus, there is no more energy to sustain and fuel the old. There is nothing left for it to hold onto. If we go back, we can easily get sucked under, turned inside out, thrown off balance, and become lost in a whirlwind of fearful and grasping energies. What is creating this now rapid fall is the simple fact that so many souls have now arrived on “the other side.” This joyous fact signaled the next phase resulting in the fall of the old very rapidly now….and it took nearly the entire year of 2008 to complete this latest phase.

Enough souls had to be on board…enough had to be ready to let go and leave the old behind. Those struggling to hold onto what must now depart are in a space of unpleasantness, most certainly. It is time to surrender to a new way.

And in this regard, our time is finally here. It is finally time for us to jump in…to jump in to the new…not the old. Who is in your space now? Whom do you find alongside of you? In what energetic space are you now residing?

While the old continues its’ fall, those on the other side will be forming small communities of sustainability. In my small community here in the mountains of New Mexico, we are having talks of year round community greenhouses, mutual supports in building natural and earth sustained homes, and the like. Individuals are coming together now more than ever before. Putting our passions together to form a whole is the key.

The “temperature” has not been right in all ways until now. So now, it is time to jump in. It is time to move forward, to create, to unify, and to begin some new. And in this way, we will thus be supported.

Thus, October is bringing in some very new projects for many. Our time is now. We have completed our “re-connection” (although this process has different and varying timelines for everyone), and we are now very ready to roll along with the new, as we are the ultimate creators. It is those who are bearing the most light that will hold this planet up now as never before. By staying out of the old and out of what is falling, and creating new connections and a new grid of reality, we will most assuredly find ourselves in a very new Heaven on Earth.

Re-connecting to a new us, a new us with more and different responsibilities to the spiritual evolutionary process of the planet, has then ushered in these very new projects. In this way, all is in divine and perfect order. Some manifestations of this re-connection or new space can be felt as sleeplessness (as we now need to be here, more than ever before), various muscle pain, especially in the feet (as we are now very grounded here), feelings of pressure (as there is so much to do and these energies are arriving rapidly now), and even upper back and neck pain as we open more fully and connect to our angel wings.

The key to staying centered and on the other side during the fall is to align with your creativity and passion. Staying in this space as much as possible allows for anything and everything needed to arrive for us all on its’ own. And even though it may be difficult at times to watch what is occurring now within the old, knowing that each and everyone there will have the opportunity to be where we are now, can give some comfort.

It is time to get ready with our store-fronts. These arenas of our service to others who are still on the other side will serve to sustain us while we are transitioning into a reality where money no longer exists. In hard times, there is always money available. This is an undeniable plan we created at soul levels, and thus, it will work. In this way, we will all be fine. And when we are not involved on that dimensional border with our store-fronts, we will be interacting in unity with our brothers and sisters on the other side, having fun, enjoying ourselves, and having all our needs met in an effortless way as we each contribute to our very new whole.

Do we need to live in remote areas to stay safe and secure during these times? No. In 2007, the San Diego area of southern California experienced some intense fires. There was so much community support there, so many services were offered, and so many came together, that there was actually an overabundance of help! A love and respect for one’s community is all that is required, no matter where we reside.

There will be more natural disasters, most certainly. The eastern US will experience some untimely and intense hurricanes. While I was there most recently, I continually picked up this vision of what is to come. But here is another certainty as well. One year, I saw that the US would experience nine hurricanes that year. The very next day, CNN reported that they we predicting nine hurricanes that year as well. As it turned out, we did not have even one. With so much unpredictability now, and with the ability to make change and choose differently, as we are the ultimate creators, most any scenario is possible.

We will all be right where we need to be. There can be no mistake. We were not meant to go down with the old. It is not part of the plan.

As we begin to connect very rapidly now to our new and very needed roles, the roads before us will open very clearly, and we will be united with our very new projects, very new people, and some very new ways. These are very exciting times indeed…and if we are willing to let go, the river will take us to a very new shore.

Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times...

Until next time,


Some Other Thoughts on Rather The Story of Job Was A Parable or A True Story

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

October 6, 2008

Dear All One Family:

My search in Google lead me to these ideas given forth from others that also question rather Job was a parable or a real figure...

K.R.: look at Wikipedia, definition...prose framing device...again, what kind of work did you state that the physical host did for a living? Quite interesting wouldn't you say, being you told me that he had a framing business...hmmmm...again, hmmmm...

What do you think?
Love, Light and Peace

by Herbert Lockyer - 1988 - Religion - 384 pages
The kernel of the parable is that, "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall" (Proverbs 16:18). The Parable of Job (27:1; ...

Book of Job
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Book of Job (Hebrew: איוב‎) is one of the books of the Hebrew Bible. The Book of Job is a didactic poem set in a prose framing device.
The Book of Job has been called “the most profound and literary work of the entire Old Testament”.[1] The numerous exegeses of the Book of Job are classic attempts to address the problem of evil, i.e. the problem of reconciling the existence of evil or suffering in the world with the existence of God. Scholars are divided as to the origin, intent, and meaning of the book.
James 5:11
11As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and

Christian Defense website…

When Jesus used a parable in the NT, He never used names, but when He was telling a story such as the story of the rich man and Lazarus, He would use names. These stories might seem hard to believe to some, but if we start throwing out books like Job as being real, then stories about Noah and Jonah and even creation will be challenged as well. I have always found it best to believe the Bible exactly as is although I am not aware of definate proof of everything in it. However, very few people search for convincing proof for the things that they read in other books. I do believe that there are references to a guy named Jobab from Uz in Genesis and also in the geneologies in 1 Chronicles. I think this is why most people put the book of Job as something that happened at a very early date. Hope this helps!

In the love of Jesus,

personally believe he is real bcoz...i just dont see how it could be a parable. in the old testament days...anything was possible. in the land of wasnt that great but yet still like...there were great wars fought there. prohpets carrying out Gods will. that land of cannan isnt even that great yet the bible just shows it as a great place. and if that is real i dont see how Job isnt real...i guess...the only of knowing for sure is...when we all goto heaven...we can always ask right?

or even better...we can always see him in heaven next to us praising the Lord

Ezekiel 14:14
14 even if these three men-Noah, Daniel [a] and Job-were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness, declares the Sovereign LORD .

Ezekiel 20
20 as surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD , even if Noah, Daniel and Job were in it, they could save neither son nor daughter. They would save only themselves by their righteousness.

James 5:11
11As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

The Parable of Job

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
October 6, 2008

Dear All One Family:

As promised, this is the story that I captured from Google search...this pdf didn't have an I can't credit him for his work, I can only thank him for such a gift...for Craig I believes needs to see the story from a different angle than perhaps he had ever been given by anyone...this story is a gift and I would gladly give the author the credit were he to come forward...thank you unknown author!
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

Could the Story of Job
be a Parable?
(When quoting scriptures, from the Rotherham Emphasized Bible New Testament,
I will substitute the Hebrew word Yahshua for Jesus, Yahweh and Elohim for Yahweh and Anointed for Christ.)
The Book of Job is a nightmare to most Christian’s. A righteous man being physically
tortured, losing his children, his material possessions and all by the hand of his just and
righteous Eloah, Yahweh. How could such a thing happen? Well it all began when
Yahweh was bragging, to the accuser, on His servant Job. The accuser bets Yahweh that
Job will curse Him if he removes His protection from him. Yahweh takes the bet and
removes His hand and the calamity to Job begins. Yahweh wins the bet but righteous Job’s
life will never be the same. The lives of his children and his servant’s will never be the
same either because they were all killed. Does this remind you of a Greek tragedy where
the Yahwehs in heaven are playing with a righteous man’s life? Job is a difficult book but
there must be an answer. The message or lesson of Job is presented in the Book of James.
The answer to how it was written might be that the Book of Job is a Parable and Job is
only a character in a play.
A parable is a short simple story from which a moral lesson may be drawn. An example of
a parable is the story told by Yahshua about ‘The prodigal son’ in Luke 15:11. The
characters, in this parable were the Father, the elder son and the younger son. The
characters in the parable of ‘The rich man and Lazarus’ in Luke 16:19 were the rich man,
Lazarus and Abraham. A parable can give proper names to its characters and places.
Another example of a parable would be the story Nathan, the prophet, told King David in
II Samuel 12:1. The question is, “Could the Book of Job be a parable?” instead of a literal
account of someone’s life?
The Book of Job appears to be a literal account of a man’s life. If this book is a literal
account, then it also appears that Yahweh killed innocence people (See Appendix A). The
people in question are the ten children of Job and his servants. The account begins with
Yahweh conversing with the accuser. “And Yahweh said unto the accuser, Hast thou
applied thy heart unto my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a man
blameless and upright, one revering Elohim and avoiding evil? And the accuser answered
Yahweh, and said, Is it, for nought, that Job reveres Elohim…But, in very deed, put forth,
I pray thee, thy hand, and smite all that he hath,—verily, unto thy face, will he curse thee.
And Yahweh said unto the accuser, Lo! all that he hath [this includes his children and
servant’s], is in thy hand, only, against himself, do not put forth thy hand. So the accuser
went forth from the presence of Yahweh” (1:8-12). Job’s children and servants die.r>Yahweh does take responsibility for these calamities (42:11). It appears that Job’s children
and his servant’s lives are of no more value, in Yahweh’s eyes, than Job’s livestock, which
were also destroyed and replaced. Job’s life was spared when Yahweh said, “only, against
himself, do not put forth thy hand” while Job’s children and servant’s lives were given tor>the accuser when Yahweh said, “all that he hath, is in thy hand.” The children and servants
are portrayed as pawns in a chess match. This is not our Elohim, Yahweh but more like a
Greek Yahweh who plays with the lives of men. These accounts contradict the rest of
Yahweh’s Word and Yahweh cannot contradict Himself.
When we have an apparent contradiction, the contradiction must be in translation,
transmission or in our understanding. I believe the only explanation for this apparent
contradiction would be that the contradiction must be in our understanding. We have taken
the Book of Job literally instead of taking it as a parable. If Job is a fictitious person, then
his ten children and his many servants are characters in a parable and not people who died
in a calamity. This would make Job, “a man blameless and upright, and one who revered
Elohim, and avoided evil,” a character in a play.
Let us begin by looking at some facts. “A man, there was—in the land of Uz, Job, his
name,—and that man was blameless and upright, and one who revered Elohim, and
avoided evil… So Job died, old and satisfied with days” (Job 1:1-42:17). This quote is the
beginning and end of the Book of Job. Does it remind you of a story? Job has no lineage to
anyone in Yahweh’s Word and no one is sure where the land of Uz is located. The story of Job has in it seven characters presented in the order of appearance:
Job Main character
Yahweh Creator
The Accuser Enemy
Eliphaz the Temanite Friend
Bildad the Shuhite Friend
Zophar the Naamathite Friend
Elihu, son of Barachel, the Buzite Youth
The first set of Job’s seven sons and three daughters are not named while in the last set of
children only the three daughters are named. Job’s wife is also never named, which is very
unusually if this is a literal story but it would not be unusual if this is a parable. She is not
a main character and is therefore referred to as wife:
Job 2:9 Then said his wife unto him, Art thou still holding fast thine integrity? Curse Elohim, and die!
Job 19:17 My breath, is strange to my wife, and I am loathsome to the sons of my own mother;
Job 31:10 Let my wife, grind to another, and, over her, let others bend!
Let us take a look at the odds of some of the events that happen in the book of Job. Job
begins with seven sons and three daughters, which all die. Job ends up with another seven
sons and three daughters. What are the odds on that happening? Also the numbers 7 and 3
are used frequently.
Story Begins with: Story Ends with:
7 sons & 3 daughters. 7 sons & 3 daughters.
7,000 sheep 14,000 sheep (7 + 7)
3,000 camels 6,000 camels (3 + 3)
500 oxen 1,000 oxen
500 she-asses 1,000 she-asses
Another unusual aspect of this story is when Yahweh is having a conversation with the
accuser and is challenged by the accuser to smite His servant Job (1:6-12). Yahweh takes
the bet and the calamity begins (42:11). First, there is no other place where Yahweh has
direct contact let alone have a conversation with the accuser. (Yahweh did not have a
conversation with the serpent, in Eden, although it appears he may have had contact with
him.) Second, Yahweh communicates to the accuser by way of His messengers. Yahweh’s
messengers rebuke the accuser instead of having a conversation with him. “Yet Michael
the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst
not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee” (Jude 1:9).
“And he showed me, Joshua the high priest, standing before the messenger of Yahweh,—
and, the Accuser, standing at his right hand, to accuse him. Then said Yahweh unto the
Accuser, Yahweh rebuke thee, O Accuser, Yea Yahweh rebuke thee” (Zech. 3:1,2).
Yahshua also rebuked or says, “it is written” when he was confronted by the adversary.
“Withdraw behind me, Satan! A snare, art thou of mine, because thou art not regarding the
things of Yahweh, but the things of men.” (Mt. 16:23).
Four calamities result from Yahweh talking to the accuser. There is one survivor in each
calamity to tell the story to Job. What are the odds on this happening? The survivors also
enter on the scene one after another on the same day within the same hour:
1st A messenger… said,—The oxen, were plowing…and escaped am, only I alone, too tell thee. (1:14,15)
2nd A fire of Elohim, fell out of the heavens…burned up the sheep…and escaped am, only I alone, to tell
3rd The Chaldeans…smote they with the edge of the sword; and escaped am, only I alone, to tell thee. (1:17)
4th Thy sons and thy daughters..and they died,—and escaped am, only I alone, to tell thee. (1:18,19)
Another unusual event is when Yahweh refers to Himself in the third person, as Yahweh.
“And Yahweh said unto the accuser, Hast thou applied thy heart unto my servant Job, that
there is none like him in the earth, a man blameless and upright, one revering Yahweh [He
says Yahweh instead of Me] and avoiding evil” (1;8)?
The dialog between Job and his friends, which is the real lesson or message of Job, ensues
for the next thirty-four chapters. Each friend takes his turn in order of appearance except
for one occurrence. These dialogs exist in patterns of three. What are the odds on this
3:1 After this opened Job…and cursed his day. 4:1 Then responded Eliphaz the Temanite, and said:—
6:1 Then responded Job, and said:— 8:1 Then responded Bildad the Shuhite, and said:—
9:1 Then responded Job, and said— 11:1 Then responded Zophar the Naamathite, and said:—>12:1 Then responded Job, and said:— 15:1 Then responded Eliphaz the Temanite, and said:
16:1 Then responded Job, and said:— 18:1 Then responded Bildad the Shuhite, and said:—
19:1 Then responded Job, and said:— 20:1 Then responded Zophar the Naamathite, and said:—
21:1 Then responded Job, and said:— 22:1 Then responded Eliphaz the Temanite, and said:—
23:1 Then responded Job, and said:— 25:1 Then responded Bildad the Shuhite, and said:—
26:1 Then responded Job, and said:— 32:6 So then Elihu…the Buzite, responded and said
34:1 Furthermore Elihu responded, and said:—
35:1 Moreover Elihu, responded and said:—
38:1 Yahweh responded to Job…and said:—
40:1 And Yahweh responded to Job, and said:— 40:3 Then Job responded to Yahweh, and said:—
40:6 Yahweh responded to Job…and said:— 42:1 Then Job responded to Yahweh, and said:—
The message of the book of Job has to be in the dialog between Job and his friends.
Yahweh as ‘Shaddai’ (Almighty and all Bountiful) is used thirty one times in the Book of
Job1. Yahweh as ‘Eloah’ (Yahweh worshipped and reverenced) is used forty-one times in
the Book of Job2. The key message of Job must also be revealed by the quote in James 5:7-
“Be patient [makrothumeo], therefore, brethren, until the Presence of the Lord:—Lo! the
husbandman, awaits the precious fruit of the earth, having patience for it, until it receive
the early and the latter rain: Be, ye also, patient, Stablish [sterizo] your hearts, because, the
Presence of the Lord, hath drawn near…An example, take ye, brethren, of distress and
patience,—the prophets who have spoken in the name of Yahweh. Lo! we pronounce them
happy who have endured [hupomeno];—Of the endurance of Job, ye have heard, and, the
end of Yahweh, have ye seen,—that, of much tender affection [polusplagchnos], is
Yahweh, and full of compassion [oiktirmon].”
Key words in James 5:7-11 are:
Be Patience ‘makrothumeo’ and you will receive the fruit.
1) to be of a long spirit, not to lose heart
1a) to persevere patiently and bravely in enduring misfortunes and troubles
1b) to be patient in bearing the offenses and injuries of others
1b1) to be mild and slow in avenging
1b2) to be longsuffering, slow to anger, slow to punish
Stablish ‘sterizo’ your heart because the Presence of the Lord draws near.
1) to make stable, place firmly, set fast, fix
2) to strengthen, make firm
1 Sixty-five percent of the usages of ‘Shaddai’ occur in the Book of Job.
2 Seventy percent of the usages of ‘Eloah’ are in the Book of Job.
3) to render constant, confirm, one’s mind
Happiness if you endure ‘hupomeno.’
1) To remain1a) to tarry behind
2) to remain i.e. abide, not recede or flee 2a) to preserve: under
misfortunes and trials to hold fast to one’s faith in Christ
2b) to endure, bear bravely and calmly: ill treatments.
You will see the end of Yahweh.
Yahweh is tender affection ‘polusplagchnos’ and full of compassion ‘oiktirmon.’
1) full of pity, very kind. 1) merciful
The message of Job is that Yahweh is the Bountiful (Shaddai), the worshipped (Eloah) and
He is very kind and merciful. The lesson is that if we have patience coupled with stability
and endurance, happiness will ensue and we will see the end of Yahweh. Is the Book of
Job a literal account of a man’s life or is it a parable? If the book is literal then Yahweh
allowed innocence people to die for the sake of a prideful bet. As you well know, this
cannot be. If the account of Job is a parable, then the book of Job does not contradict the
rest of Yahweh’s Word.
Appendix A
If our Father is a Elohim of Love
why does it appear that He harms and kills His
Servants in the Old Covenant?
The image of Yahweh, in the books of Genesis through Malachi, is different than
Yahweh’s image presented in the four Gospels. In the former books Yahweh is presented
as someone who could bring sickness, even unto death, on His servants while in the latter
books He heals and brings the dead back to life through His Son, Yahshua. What accounts
for this contrasting image of Yahweh? Did Yahweh change His behavior between the time
of Malachi and the ministry of Yahshua? No! Then what accounts for this contrast? In the
Old Covenant, Yahweh did not reveal our adversary, the great deceiver, to Moses or to any
other prophet. The evil acts committed in the Old Covenant were attributed to Yahweh
even though the adversary and other factors were actually responsible3. The truth about the
3 Where does bad weather, sickness and wickedness come from? Let us begin by stating that Yahweh’s will has always been to
fellowship with His children in Paradise (Gen. 1 & Rev. 21). In Paradise there is good weather, joy, health, goodness and life
age-abiding (Is. 35, Rev. 21,22). Bad weather, pain, sickness, wickedness and death are all part of this age. They are a result of
the disobedience of mankind. Yahweh gave His messengers (angels) as well as mankind a freedom to choose life or death
(Deu. 30:19). One-third of the messengers chose wickedness (Rev. 12:4), which results in death, while today, people choose
good or bad, life or death. When mankind chose to sin instead of eating of the tree of life the earth became cursed, which is
where we get bad weather, sickness and death (Gen. 3:17). So where does wickedness come from? Wickedness comes from
wicked messengers (Jn. 10:10) and mankind (Rm. 1:18-32). Demons and wicked messengers need a vehicle to accomplish
adversary could not be revealed until the coming of Yahshua. Yahshua then instructed the
believer that our fight was not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness
(Eph. 6:12). Yahweh’s true nature has now been manifested in its fullness through the life
of His Son. Yahshua said to Phillip, “He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father” (Jn.
Yahshua made known the Father. “And, the Word [Yahshua], became, flesh, and pitched
his tent among us, and we gazed upon his glory,—a glory, as an only-begotten from his
Father. Full of favor and truth…the law, through Moses, was given, favor and truth,
through Yahshua the Anointed One, came into existence. No one, hath seen [known],
Elohim [Yahweh], at any time: An only begotten elohim [Yahweh], the one existing
within the bosom of the Father, he, hath interpreted [exegeomai4] Him” (Jn. 1:14-18).
Yahshua came to reveal the Father and the adversary in a truer light than Moses and the
prophets ever could.
As an illustration, let us examine the topic of divorce discussed by Moses and then
Yahshua. In Deuteronomy 24:1, Moses wrote “When a man takes a woman, and marries
her, then shall it be, if she find not favor in his eyes, because he hath found in her some
matter of shame, that he shall write her a scroll of divorcement, and put it into her hand,
and shall send her forth, out of his house.” Yahshua brings this matter into a truer light
than Moses. “And, they, said—Moses permitted, to write, a roll of dismissal, and to
divorce. But, Yahshua, said unto them—In view of your hardness of heart, wrote he for
you this commandment; But, from the beginning of creation, male and female, made he
them; For this cause, shall a man leave behind his father and mother, and, the two, shall
become, one flesh; so that, no longer, are they two, but, one flesh. What then, Yahweh,
hath yoked together, let, a man, not put asunder” (Mk. 5:4-9). Yahshua explained divorce
in the best light. Yahshua also unveiled the goodness of our Father and the wickedness of
our adversary.
The enemy of Yahweh is, “the great dragon…the ancient serpent, he that is called
Adversary and the Satan, that deceives the whole habitable world” (Rev. 12:9). The
adversary was introduced in Genesis 3 as the serpent.5 We were told his methods and his
fate but we were never given instructions on how to deal with him. When Cain murdered
Abel the adversary’s influence on Cain was never mentioned. The full story comes to light
their wickedness, which are men. For example, the adversary wanted the Anointed One (Christ) dead. King Herod and his
soldiers became willing accomplices to the adversary in the killing of the children in Bethlehem. Man was involved as also was
the adversary. The Good News is that Yahshua was given authority over the weather, sickness and spiritual wickedness. He
also has given us the same authority because we are His Body (Jn 14:12, Lk. 10:19).
1834 exhgeomai exegeomai ex-ayg-eh’-om-ahee AV-declare 5, tell 1; 6 1) to lead out, be leader, go before2) metaph., to
draw out in narrative, unfold a teaching 2a) to recount, rehearse 2b) to unfold, declare 2b1) the things relating to Yahweh 2b2)
used in Greek writing of the interpretation of things sacred and divine, oracles, dreams, etc.
5 In the Book of Job, most translators translate the Hebrew word, ‘07854 Njs satan’ ‘ Satan’ when it means ‘adversary.’ The
word is not a proper name and was used to refer to an adversary. “2 Samuel 19:22 And David said, What have I to do with
you, ye sons of Zeruiah, that ye should this day be adversaries <07854> unto me?
in I John 5:10-12. “Herein, are, manifest, the children of Elohim [Yahweh], and the
children of the adversary…just as, Cain, was, of the wicked one, and slew his brother!”
Demons, as we know them today, did not exist in the minds of Old Covenant believers. In
the Old Covenant, evil spirit’s came from Yahweh because there was no knowledge of our
spiritual adversary. “Then came there a evil spirit of Yahweh unto Saul, he being in his
house, seated, with his spear in his hand,—while, David, played with his hand, Saul sought
to smite David with the spear” (I Sam. 19:9). Demons were just as active then as they are
today even though they were not mentioned. Yahshua came to expose our adversary and to
equip us with the necessary tools needed to defeat him.
Yahshua was the first person to deal with demons and the adversary. We never saw Moses
or any other Old Covenant prophet cast out demons. Yahshua came to expose and
deliverer us from the authority of the adversary.
“Healing all that were oppressed by the adversary.” Acts 10:38
“He might paralyze him that held the dominion of death, that is, the Adversary.” Heb. 2:14
“He might undo the works of the adversary.” I Jn. 3:8
“To open their eyes; that they turn from…the authority of Satan unto Yahweh.” Acts 26:18
We know now that “The thief [adversary] doth not come, except that he may steal, and
kill, and destroy; I [Yahshua] came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly”
(Jn. 10:10). The spiritual enemy has now been revealed. In the Old Covenant, there is no
mention of a spiritual enemy even though they existed. In the Old Covenant, Yahweh, not
the adversary, was presented as the spiritual enemy, who brought about sickness, poverty
and death. Why? These believers could not be equipped spiritually to fight spiritual
wickedness because they were not filled with holy spirit. The information concerning our
adversary had to be withheld until the outpouring of the gift of holy spirit, which first
occurred on the Day of Pentecost. Believers were then equipped spiritually, with holy
spirit, to confront our spiritual enemy.
Another example of Yahweh withholding information from His servants would be Him
outlawing the eating of pork. Did the Hebrew’s understand the problem with eating pork?
No. Today we understand the wisdom of such a law because when you under cook pork
you can get trichinosis. In the Old Covenant, Yahweh was presented as the Good Guy and
the bad guy.
“And it shall be, if thou wilt, hearken, unto the voice of Yahweh thy Yahweh, to observe
to do all his commandments which I am commanding thee to-day, then will Yahweh thy
Yahweh set thee on high, above all the nations of the earth; and all these blessings shall
come in upon thee” (Deut. 28:1,2). “But it shall be, if thou do not hearken unto the voice
of Yahweh thy Yahweh, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I
am commanding thee to-day, then shall come in upon thee all these curses and shall
reach thee:— Cursed, shall thou be in the city,—and cursed, shall thou be in the
field…Yahweh will cause to cleave unto thee—the pestilence,—until he hath consumed
thee from off the soil which thou art entering to possess. Yahweh, will smite thee, with
consumption and with fever, and with inflammation and with violent heat and with the
sword, and with blight and with mildew,—and they shall pursue thee, until thou perish”
(Deu. 28:15-22).
The Old Covenant believers were looking at Yahweh through a dim window as we also are
today. “For, in part, are we gaining knowledge, and, in part, are we prophesying,— But, as
soon as that which is complete is come, that which is in part, shall be done away. When I
was a child, I used to speak as a child, to prefer as child, to reason as a child: now I have
become a man, I have laid aside the things of the child! For we see, as yet, through a dim
window, obscurely, but, then, face to face: as yet, I gain knowledge, in part, but, then, shall
I fully know, even as I was also fully known” (I Cor. 13:9-12). Yahweh spoke to the Old
Covenant prophets in one manner and unto Moses in another manner. “When ye have your
prophet, As Yahweh in a vision, will I make myself known, unto him; In a dream, will I
speak with him. Not so, my servant Moses,—In all my house, trusty, is he: Mouth to
mouth, do I speak with him And plainly—not in dark sayings, And the form of Yahweh,
doth he discern” (Num 12:6-8). Yahweh has now spoken unto us though His Son, who has
interpreted unto us the Father and His kingdom and the adversary and his kingdom (Heb.
1:2). These unveilings had never before been revealed. We now see a Father of love, light,
life and healing. We also see a spiritually evil kingdom where death and destruction are
it’s objective. The adversary is today called the ‘elohim [Yahweh] of this age’ (II Cor.
4:4). In the Old Covenant, Yahweh was presented as the Good Guy and the bad guy but
now we see clearly that He is only the Good Guy. Yahweh is Love (I Jn. 4:16, I Cor. 13).
Our struggle has never been against Yahweh but against the curse that resulted from the
sin of Adam and Eve and “against the principalities, against the authorities, against the
world-holders, of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the
heavenlies” (Eph. 6:12).

A Channeling Epiphany - Story of The Parable of Job

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Monday October 6, 2008
Happy Birthday Son, wow 38 years old!

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:

This newsletter goes out to K.R., who called me tonight hysterical because a dear friend of hers, is channeling Job while he slept and has no idea that he has been doing it for over 6 months, that his girlfriend has been sharing secretly with K.R.

Well K.R., has discovered it for herself, while locked in a car en route to New York City and back to North Carolina where they all live...three days of her girlfriend's long term boyfriend a dozing and doing the channeling thing that basically had her terrified...a.ka., can't sleep, the clowns will get wasn't until I talked her down from her hysteria with one of my famous on the spot God, Jesus and Holy Spirit...that she finally relaxed long enough to hear me clearly...that I have had many channeling's in my presences as well as sent me via email format...and I as well have channeled Archangel Michael from time to time...yet I didn't like doing that...for it took so much energy...and I liked better the format of healing work that I do which is rather physical and difficult as well...yet well worth all the spiritual awakenings that one and all have given me...these last 24 years...

Yet when K.R. first told me of Job a being angry and rather insistent that both she and the host body that he was temporarily occupying, girlfriend...

I got taken quite aback...simply because I had confused the parable of the "Prodigal Son" with Job's story...

After reviewing Job's Parable, I now understand the urgency that Job is trying to convey to K.R. and her friend...especially since K.R. had a near death experience in which she asked Our Heavenly Father to help her feel better and if He did so for her, she would right her world and start living her life for Him...of which I call simply, "surrender to Our Father's Highest Will for our lives.

She told me tonight that she hadn't done this yet and that was back in February, and since that time, her life has been on a radical change pattern...for the better and she knows it, even if tears have to fall, she knows as well that she has spent her whole life a not crying any tears...and she has a large reserve to still draft off of, besides like I have told her is all good...yeap, all good...tears cleanse not only the soul, yet also the physical body...heart, eyes especially...

K.R., also asked me to tell all that I love about her Job channeling's...for there is an urgency about his warnings and I know why...2012 is rapidly a coming upon us...for the story of Job is to me...a story about loss, than total gain from having faith, trust and belief in God...unwavering faith through all kinds of storms that Job had to weather before the storm subsided and he was gifted back double that which he lost...

Job's message is simple to K.R. and that is...strengthened her faith considerable, simplify her life...move into a mode of peace, surrender and trust that God is basically in control, remove the interference, take priority in her life, hug her girls, because they can't respect her until she respects herself.

Pretty powerful message given her...Job as well gave me one...calling me a "priestess", when he told her that she needed to talk to "the priestess, now so that he could rest," as she went to take my return phone call to her.

Too cool, I too am being gifted with his presence...I feel blessed by God.

My next following newsletter is going to be...something that I got from Google search...the author never gave himself credit for the writing...yet I am grateful for it...for Craig will now be able to see with his own eyes...that which is using his physical vessel to help all of mankind...and an divine entity that has been a channeling to Craig's family for generations...

I told K.R. tonight that in Revelations it is my understanding that the veil between this world and our real world of return...Heaven...will become thinner so those on the other side with God, will be able to come through so help lead us all towards the path that God would have us follow in "End Times."

By End Times, I am not talking about Armageddon...yet to some it would perhaps from a distance look like a Armageddon viewing...the world in my perception will continue...yet those that haven't obtained the vibratory level needed to weather that next level...through, taking responsibility for all past actions, through confessing of our past choices and asking for forgiveness...will be too heavy in which to survive...

With only four years till 2012...I can understand now Job's urgency with his message to the world...

Please Feel Blessed
Love, Light and Peace