Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Happy Memorial Day!
May 24, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone, Associate Editor/Contributor
Dear All One Family:
I know Happy Memorial Day, is one of those bittersweet memorial honoring to all our fallen heroes that have served in all United States country related work service jobs...These folks gave to our great land the greatest of all mankind service kudos possible.
I am humbled by their memories...and Jada and I would like to extend the largest thank you to all of them...whatever service they may have held...or still do!
I love each and everyone of you, rather living or fallen asleep like Colin Powell stated this morning on "Face The Nation."
I as well pray for those that have taken their departure pass; that where you are is where one day I will return...and there as well I will be proud of you still...thank you for volunteering for this save Earth mission.
I count all of your successes and failures the same, for unlike others that just stand by and say nothing...and eventually sometimes, do nothing with their lives...you all knew that to love this country truly is to take a stand...however small or meager of an effort it might be...thus believing that to say something is so much better than a saying nothing. You know what I mean, all that do, please say Amen.
Yet I ask you to not just jump out and say anything, just to say something...all I ask you to do is your homework...then when you speak you will at least have some data in which to back up your stance.
Today I felt off centered a bit and just wanted to take some time to my self and be here with you all...and write these "matters of my heart" felt intentions.
I am glad that I missed church, yet not...know what I mean? Anyways because I felt moved to stay home, I got to see another American hero of mine, Colin Powell speak to Harry Schafer on the "Face The Nation," Sunday morning, 10:00 clock A.M., show...and that made me feel probably as good as if I had gone to Sunday service...
For in it, I regained hope again for our land...Colin Powell when talking about what Russ Limbaugh had stated about him...since he put forth his vote for Barack Obama for president.
Were I to sit down with Russ Limbaugh, this as well is what I would have said.
Call me a political activist if you want to...I am merely a calling things as I see them and this is what I see with you Mr. Rush Limbaugh.
I too voted quite similar to Colin Powell...more times Republican than Democrat...and being I am more of an Independent Republican like Colin Powell...I vote for the right person that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit leads me to pull the voting booth handle for...
After doing so, I feel confident that because my vote took harvest that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...will be done for the greatest good for all of mankind...
I like yourself Mr. Limbaugh...had my reservations in the very beginning for I too as well had to throw down the racial eyes of yesterday, to see more clearly that our great land is truly a moving forward into the Light, Love and Peace of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit.
What I heard come forth from one of our nation's grandest hero's...was that he really cared what became of our land and world...no finer service can a nation receive from one of their finest!
Mr. Colin Powell...Sir!
I am so humbled and thank ful to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for your presence in our nations government...so many years of your life you have given so unwavering...
When I heard you express that you gave the country all of the reasons you felt that a democratic vote was necessary and vital for our country's security and growth and development.
Yet all of your Republican peers, chose not to see what you vote. I experienced the same kind of anguish...until I realized, of course I was going to get opposition from those that know me well or at least think they do...we are too close in energy and thus I can't be seen by them...
I am grateful that I had gotten to see/hear what it was that made you feel like a Democratic vote was necessary, for as I compared notes, I discovered that all you had covered were on my own same page...
I guess that is what one would call...confirmation that my prayers and answers were on target!
The other day I had a even more staunch Republican...who probably as well feel that Mr. Rush Limbaugh is the all in all...that when she prayed and asked God to direct her vote...he had her pull the Republican button...
Then she asked me if I had ever voted wrongly...I told her no...all but one/two that I have voted for...came into office.
Many times even though I moved back and forth from the Republican-Democrat...I was a doing so as I moved towards voting for the man after looking at both of them carefully and then a praying for the results to be given me.
I feel Mr. Limbaugh had you really paid attention to that which Mr. Powell had stated you would have seen quite clearly that what he saw is exactly what is occurring...
Yes I know that it is hard for conservative Republicans to bend and become flexible to the changes as their thinking has to move out of the box...yet move out of the box is how we have no other option but to make...for we are in the process of rebuilding from the ground upwards America and by so doing...help other lands a needing to discover a better way to be...
Mr. Limbaugh you are a bit too traditionalist to play the political go round wheel...and besides it seems we have too many traditionalist Republicans in the wings anyways...We are in desperate times and through desperation comes enough anguish, stress, worry and fear...by the Republican Party Die Harts a wanting to continue the low level of fear...I ask you, how are you being of assistance?
Mr. Limbaugh you knew that our president Barack, is a fine man, educated, deep thinking outside of the box kind of man...perhaps that is why you are so hesitant to accept him into the country honoring fold...
Perhaps you are fear filled that if he receives too much acceptance and knows well how to deceive, we will fall asleep to all the things that he is a doing that are unacceptable to your own thoughts and ways of doing things.
Yet when I look, I see how the campaign promises delivered quite similar to that which he originally stated that he was a aiming towards.
His speed is unsurpassed when one looks back on all the presidential selections we have had since I started voting proudly in almost all elections...I believe that I might have missed one or two, for I felt that I didn't really have a choice, for all given us were hit and miss kind of fellows...all those that know what I mean, please say Amen!
I for one believe that the ability to vote for our president and cabinet is a privilege and an honor...and it makes me proud to be an American and have this right...Especially being I am an American woman and lots of countries still find women to be the lesser species...and to all those that helped America became the great land that it is...because of the stands they took...I am humbled and honored that they lived and had their being in our land...Founded In God...to all the past and present human rights groups wanting to make a difference...I celebrate your efforts as long as you realize that we all have rights in the land.
Also I would like to mention to Mr. Limbaugh and all other human rights groups, that not only do we all have to learn how to share, and become flexible to the needs of others...as well, learning how to compromise with each other, is also a good thing...throwing God out of schools was a dumb thing...having legislators vote on amendments insuring the rights of kids to not have to obey the rules of the home if it differs from their own is a dumb thing.
I say with the horrendous "sows ear," gift the President Obama and his team received when they volunteered to help this country turn back the tide of bad choices made by those in power...at all levels...and for several presidential terms now...you Mr. Limbaugh are a pushing too hard for immediate change for you know that isn't possible...yet you still keep a pushing and then I hear Mr. Powell saying that our president is perhaps a moving too fast and needs to slow down a bit before a moving too fast...
Go, stop, move slower...can you see Mr. Limbaugh how difficult it must be to hold high office positions...think about all the 10 Million voters that it took to blow past Senator John McCain....they too must have felt like Mr. Powell and myself...Senator McCain...too traditionalist, too inside the box and conservation...and this country needs a large change and not the same oh, same oh...
Mr. Limbaugh:
Albert Einstein speculated that, "what we fear, comes at us greater." I say when the Harvard Professor of Psychiatry told the nation (Face The Nation) in how to handle their children in these recession times...he stated that we should keep optimism going instead of pessimism...I say to you Mr. Limbaugh..."if one isn't part of the solution, doesn't that make them part of the problem."
I believe that the greatest gift we can give our land is this spirit of optimism...now I could be wrong...yet don't believe that I am...
When former vice president Cheney spoke about his preference being you over Colin Powell...I knew then...how so very uninformed of a man that it truly is...for just consider that former President Bush, Jr., wanted Gitamino closed and Vice President Cheney was against that move then.
How do I feel about the war prison camp being closed? I haven't studied the issues both pro and con like our President Barack, Colin Powell and former President Bush Jr. has, and if they are viewing it as a good thing...than it might be...I am just a giving God/Jesus and Holy Spirit those prayers for understanding and protection...for that is all that we truly and really do have...you know?
We in America are a nation of more cultures and nations represented here...agreeing with all things done is something that all nations all over the land are in battle over...if we can stop the battling here, perhaps we can obtain peace in all lands and worlds...
I am also comforted by Mr. B. Gates, last Sunday's "Sixty Minutes," showed me how much we have in an government official whose job is to watch over our soldiers and allies and I am humbled by the thoughts of him a being there in the office.
Thank you President Obama for seeing the value in this man that has served I believe, 8 terms of office
Those are just my thoughts today as I sit back, relax and think good thoughts about all those brave and American loving soldiers, and government and civil workers, both past and present are giving and have given our great nation.
I am humbled and grateful to all that have given our land and nation the best that they have to give...thank you and God Bless You All, Always and Forever...
To all have a very blessed day tomorrow...My memorial weekend starts today...as I savor the holiness of this special day...and all other days which are as well special to me...
Be Blessed One and All
Love, Light and Peace