Friday, November 7, 2008

We The People-Part One

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
November 07, 2008
What Does It Mean To Be Rainbow Colored?

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:
Below please find a email that came to me yesterday...and my attempt to address all things that kind of jump out at me while reading this email from Rob it...he gives his truths about his observations following our recent Presidential Election...some really good stuff. I hope that you enjoy both of our responses for both were given from our Christian love filled hearts...differing opinions, yet all headed towards the same pass and re pass...

Of course it is long, you should already expect that of me...hahahehe...

What Does It mean To Be Rainbow Colored?

We are all Rainbow Colored...for even white is contained within the Rainbow...that is why I call this God's Greatest Cosmic joke! For when we all go Home...we leave behind that which color defines us and take our soul essence body onward...and that soul essence body is the color of water...

Be Blessed...
Love, Light and Peace
November 6, 2008

Dear Tonie,

Rob Schenck-Faith & Action Missionary to Capitol Hill
"Tuesday's election of Barack Obama for president of the United States has been met with a broad spectrum of emotion. For millions it signals yet another major milestone in our country's path toward realizing one of the great self-evident truths our Founders enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, "that all men are created equal."

Here at Faith and Action, my brother Paul and I, our families and ministry team join in rejoicing with those who have struggled with oppression, marginalization and despair either personally or through their ancestry and community ties. I can't pretend to fully appreciate the magnitude of relief, elation and affirmation this new era will bring for them, but I do know America is stronger and better today because of this watershed event. Thank God.

Rob & Paul: "Watershed," is such an interesting name to give what I would also call such a grand moment in time...good job you two!

I too feel that America will become stronger and better for this moment in time to be a happening...

I as well was one of those individuals in America (born at the same Navel Hospital in Coco Solo Panama as Senator McCain...not the same year, yet while it was still American occupied territory...Senator McCain father was a Navel Officer and my own father a Army Military Police Officer.

Yet unlike Senator McCain, my mother was 1/2 Panamanian and 1/2 Chinese...thus even though my birth place was the same as Senator McCain...I came from a blended genetic parentage...and was treated inferior to those that chose to see me not white and not yes I am in total celebration...for we are all equal in God's eyes, for we are all His children. I too thank God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, President Elect-Barack Obama, First Lady Elect Michelle Obama...

Rob Schenck
"Yet, for others, the specter of an Obama Administration brings disappointment, vexation and even fear. The resolution is to learn exactly who this man is, what he stands for and how he operates. Knowing someone, even if you consider him your enemy, makes him far less threatening. As far as personal animosity, it requires repentance. Jesus taught us to pray, "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." For those who feel violated by Barack Obama's victory, bearing a grudge will only make things worse."

Tonie's Response
Rob, I want to thank you for a showing both sides of the presidential issue here...those for and those against the election results.

Many living in the land of victory, need to understand the feelings that those that lost their victory...are a feeling...thank you for showing us this so clearly.

Living in the land of democracy is sometimes hard when the one you want, you can't have...for it is a majority vote thing...some one will lose and some one will win...we all had a fifty-fifty vote. Lots better odds than the lottery or casino!

The area where I live is a strong Republican area and this is the first time I believe in many years that our state went we have lots of folks in the area where I live that are in this state of mind right now...three days after the election.

I heard on our local radio channel that my county went 60% Republican vote and 40% Democratic. My clientele of which I earn my bread and butter from...are about 80% Republican and many didn't know how I was going to vote from the this group...until they asked and I took lots of abuse for my opinion as you can imagine. Yet it is all good. The last two years of this campaign was very difficult...those that I had known the longest and were Republican and knew that I was going to vote Democratic...left my side to ease their fear filled hearts and minds.

So financially it was also limiting to believe the way that I did, yet I never stopped a believing that a grand miracle was about to happen to our land...for in President Elect Obama...I didn't see the color difference than him...I didn't stay too long with the fear energy that the Republican Campaign so adamantly casted upon us...I instead looked at the issues that he was a seeing a needing to be I chose him for the issues he chose to acknowledge and answer with his then limited view of what needed to be fixed.

I don't believe that the Republican Party folks were able to see anything but the fear that the unknown before them...represented/assumed was lying a waiting. I also believe that had they listened to him, and I mean really listened and read his ideas about changing America...they too wouldn't have been so easily lead down the wrong road of vision that the Republican Party wanted them to catch and hold...for two years.

It is my guess/feeling that The Republican Party campaigner committees saw how the fear campaign won President Bush his second and last term of office, evenwhen his popularity was they thought it would work for them...being our nation was for 8 years... majorly conservative...

I know from my having lived in such a majorly conservative area of the country for almost twenty years it has impacted my vibrational medicine practice...for conservatives are in my judgmental estimation; very rigid and non body/mind as well as spirit...change is not an easy commodity to them...and to believe that we are more energy than physical too much for their traditional minds to handle.

Thus they have not a clue that they were handed a two year long dose of fear energy gathering to help the Republican Party a win the election...for when the election was over...what was Senator McCain's farewell speech about? Were we not told to honor and respect our newest 44Th Commander and Chief, for he was a good man?

To all of those lost in fear land...a still tallying up the votes of negative checks against our President Elect...was that not the absolute slap? How quickly President Elect Obama went from being the Antichrist/friends with a good Joe Public and perhaps Joe The a now going..."oh Senator McCain had to say that, for his office demands respect a given our newest President Elect...yet you don't understand I say...Senator McCain was not only born on American held soil...he too like myself was born an American...he too has The First Amendment Right...the same as all Americans...and not. Freedom of Speech...I say that he couldn't say it, because none of the stuff could be was just propaganda...

We all become the energy that surrounds us and to tell you the truth...I personally hope to never see another campaign like this one...for all lost in the war amongst ourselves that was initiated by campaign stretched mistruths...

I am glad that Senator McCain told us all to work together...He also stated that he was going to work with President Elect Obama and Governor Palin stated the same thing...So were all the ads and such true...why would they want to work side by side the Antichrist? folks think about it...Dear Fellow Americans, please transform that anger/fear into a new day and beginning...for the energy that you hold, is a hurting our world...not a helping it...

Rob Schenck
"In St. Paul's first letter to Timothy, chapter 2, verses 2-4, he says, "Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."

Tonie's Response:
Great passage selected Rob! Oh so very true even in our day and time...prayers, gratitude and divine inspiration is what Americans need to do right now...pray for all leaders in power...for it is the leaders that need Divine guidance for they basically are a running our earthly show...and they can make it a good run or a bad one...know what I mean?

Rob Schenck

"In the New Testament period, Christians were subject to the worst, most cruel and maniacal tyrants in history, who persecuted and murdered them. Yet, theses Christians were told to pray for their tormentors and even be thankful to God for them! "This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior," St. Paul declares."

So, even if, like me, you strongly disagree with--or even oppose--President-Elect Obama on many issues, we are none-the-less constrained by the Word of God to show the new president all due respect for the office he will occupy. This proper attitude toward governing authorities can even set the stage for their salvation.

At the same time, we must be honest with ourselves and with others as well as bold with a future Obama Administration, especially when it comes to those things that matter most: The sanctity of every human being, the sacredness of marriage as between one man and one woman in monogamous union, and the public acknowledgment of Almighty God.

Tonie's Response

Oh, oh Rob! Dang it...our spiritual beliefs have started to drift here...yet you know that is alright...for in Revelations it is written that in "end times," we will all be united under one church and I believe having discovered that there are several hundred or more different denominational religions/trillion of churches/temples/mosques in the and elsewhere...the thoughts of all of them combining into simply mind boggling to me, so it is my out there belief that the church signified in "end times," is simply the God of love a living within each of us...and He like beautiful Oprah Winfrey raved on her television show and network...Eckhart Tolle so magnificent and immense to her...that calling Him the source of all there what defines her, yet there churches/groups and individuals that acted like the Republican campaign committess to attack her very fiber!

Doing to her the same thing done to President Elect Obama...why? Because she was the one to strike the spark within Senator Obama, that he had all he needed to take this country to the next level of beingness...that was her reward? I watched the entire workshop and am better for having done so!

Go to Oprah's site and see her blog from the seekers of God's Purpose for themselves...from all over the world...not only in America! This Oprah Winfrey is our own true shining star and we have collectively hurt her...she is in case all don't know...perhaps the greatest humanitarian this world of ours has ever seen! She has dedicated her life to helping mankind find him/herself out of the mud/sticks and stones in our own eyes...she is my grandest hero...not guru...God/Jesus/Holy Mary/Divine Holy Spirit and all of His Divine Heavenly where I derive my guidance/direction perhaps you and I are different in our Divine Inspiration Leadership, yet it isn't journey that we are given, it is the path that we chosen to travel towards that you not agree Rob?

When I read all of the terrible emails about her and her so called church...that church was the God that lives within her perception and being. To be truth ful...that God is a God and Father of peace, goodness and kindness...and she radiates that to all those that can see the clear vision of what it means to; "Do Unto All Others, That Which You Would Have Done Unto Yourself." Golden Rule...yet she too had to be crucified by those that follow the pack of fear mongrels and not check things out themselves...just a going by the one tenth truth, instead of the whole truths...

When one lives in a land surrounded by so many different cultures, blended and can one use ones word...soley by their interpretation of what that person meant, when words mean different things to different folks...think about it...when I find a person's life changing for the better...I know that God will bless my work for Him...I don't know how many billions Oprah has on her divine tab is the only thing that I need to be a concentrating on...know what I mean?

My thoughts about the marriage ammendment are on the previous posting...I agree that to keep down the torment of judgment/anger from those that have these opposite sex marriages...that holy matrimony should perhaps be preserved for them and that being we have such a large and growing special interest group, that a name given them such as "Civil Unions" or something more appropriate would best serve their legal needs and thus keep this drama to a low hum...for even though the same sex gender thing isn't for me...I have learned a long long time ago, that I can only take care of my own red wagon that I am a pulling through life...and it is only myself that will have to stand before Our Maker and confuse to Him my intentions for all those things that I knew were not His way and why...

Jesus gift to mankind was our ability to have "free choice," and to me that means again Rob, we are a butting heads...just go easy on my head okay? For I have had three concusions already and I don't think that I can handle too many bangs on my coconut head...hahahehehe.

Can we please agree to disagree and be alright with that...for you know in Revelation it also states about "end times," as being in my interpretation; a time when good will be called bad and bad doesn't it? And like you already stated in the beginning of this correspondence..."give peace a chance," and offer up God.

The only thing that I see this nation a owing Oprah is an apology and gratitude for all that she does not only for us all...with her shows and such, yet all others all over the world! This woman is not only a beautiful lady...her heart is as big as all the oceans in the world combined! I Thank God For Her!

I have always stated that she deserves several Nobel Peace Prizes...for she is our prize!

Please check out the picture of my brother attending the President Elect Obama's final rally in Charolotte, N.C. the night before the election and the same day of his grandmother's transition Home...In spite of it all, he still showed up in the pouring rain to a crowd of 30,000 adoring supporters like my was a time that my brother will never forget and he has the tee shirt to prove it happened!

The next day he sent us all the picture with the caption below it..."I told you sooo!" For my brother never waivered from the hope that Senator Obama would obtain presidency...In fact, hee drove all the Republicans in our family nuts with his enthusiam...that many just spammed him and he them in return...oh well, "some may lose and some may win." Wasn't that a song a while ago...

End of part one...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

How Will President Obama Approach Alternative Health Care?

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Alternative Health Thoughts Of Another
November 7. 2008

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

November 07, 2008
Dear All One Family:

Contained below is a Natural News, Newsletter: The following are the thoughts of one that believes that Alternative Health Care practioners like myself. I personally believe that Alternative Health Care and Medical Health Care can live together…
These are his ideas and I would be interested in finding out what your thoughts are on it as well...As for the thoughts of this author about President Bush...I don't chose to call him a criminal or the actions of his party...I believe that lots of things have been in the wash for many presidents leading up to President Obama...and I still believe that our president did the best that he could do and it doesn't matter who did it it all up is something that I believe President Obama can do if given the time and support and prayers of the people...just my thoughts...we all are entitled to our own opinions, no matter how stupid others may think of them...

Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

NaturalNews) In an astonishing turn of events for a nation that seemed headed for certain economic destruction just weeks ago, Americans overwhelmingly chose Democratic candidates in yesterday's elections, selecting Obama as the next U.S. President and securing Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. While virtually the entire world is now celebrating the close of the era of Bush tyranny, the question that's on everyone's mind today is: Ok, now what?

For starters, in the last eight years, President George W. Bush has managed to leave behind a God-awful mess. The nation is embroiled in two wars, a cascading banking crisis, out-of-control debt spending, an unprecedented health care crisis, an environmental mess and an international relations reputation that's downright disastrous. Its economy is in serious trouble, its manufacturing base is all but gutted, and its citizens are far less free today than they were eight years ago, thanks to the ill-named Patriot Act and all the fear mongering that followed 9/11.
Is Obama being set up?
Any person thinking they can waltz into the White House and fix these issues needs to have their head examined. In fact, it's not unreasonable to wonder if the half-dozen or so men who actually control the world have allowed Obama to win this election in order to have a convenient scapegoat for upcoming economic disasters. What better way to discredit the very idea of a black President than to make sure the Titanic starts sinking under his watch?

Of course, that's the conspiracy theory viewpoint on all this. The Optimists Club viewpoint says that Obama will solve real problems for our nation. And while I could write an entire article on the justified skepticism about any one President being able get much of anything done in our present political environment, in the spirit of positive change; I'm going to focus instead on offering suggestions for how we can revolutionize our national health care system under an Obama presidency.
The days of Big Pharma dominance may be ending
Let's start with some good news: The days of Big Pharma's dominance over Washington may be coming to an end. No more drug companies ripping off the taxpayers thanks to a Bush-approved Medicare bill that made it illegal for the U.S. government to negotiate volume discounts with Big Pharma. An Obama presidency will stick it to Big Pharma and work to help lower the cost of prescription drugs for consumers. (But that's not really a health care solution. It's just making dangerous drugs cheaper.)

You can also say goodbye to any kind of ridiculous pre-emption ruling that would grant Big Pharma blanket immunity against claims by victims who are harmed by their dangerous products. An Obama presidency will very likely see the passage of laws reinstating the rights of consumers to sue companies who sell them dangerous products, even when they're approved by the corrupt, fraudulent U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Here's an important question: Could an Obama presidency prioritize meaningful FDA reform and the restoration of health freedoms for all Americans?

Without question, there's more chance of this happening under Obama than McCain, but let's also remember that Big Pharma is all of a sudden funneling tens of millions of dollars into the pockets of Democrats, and there's one simple truth about Washington that transcends all political parties: Money buys influence.

And Big Pharma has more money than you can imagine (thanks, in part, to the Bush-sponsored Big Pharma ripoff of America over the last eight years).
Thirteen suggestions for positive change on health and health care
So what can Obama really do to revolutionize health care in America and slash the disastrous health care costs now devastating our national economy? Here are my 13 suggestions on revolutionary actions that could make a lasting, positive impact on the future of health care in the United States of America.

#1 Launch a national health insurance program that covers all citizens

Having 45 million Americans walking the streets without health insurance is an embarrassment. We need a simple, national health insurance program that provides basic coverage to everyone. That's for starters. From there, we can get into nutrition, disease prevention, natural health and other subjects.

#2 Allow naturopathic health practitioners to treat patients (and get paid for it)

It's time to end the ridiculous monopoly on health insurance collections by drug-wielding doctors and oncologists. Why shouldn't health insurance cover chiropractors, herbalists, naturopaths, bodywork practitioners and other providers of the healing arts? It's time to end the AMA monopoly and embrace the future of medicine.

#3 Ban junk food and soda advertising

As much as I believe in Free Speech, I don't support it when it's commercial speech funded by wealthy corporations whose products harm our children, promoting obesity, diabetes, heart disease and mental disorders. ALL advertising of junk foods, sodas and other non-nutritional foods and beverages should be permanently banned. Sure, they can still sell cola that causes diabetes and obesity; they just can't advertise it anywhere.

#4 Legalize stevia; outlaw aspartame

Stevia is a safe, non-caloric herb that sweetens foods and beverages without adding any sugar or artificial chemicals. It's legal just about everywhere in the world other than America, where the FDA has kept it outlawed in order to protect aspartame profits (a crime engineered by none other than Donald Rumsfeld).

#5 End FDA tyranny over health supplements

The FDA has censored the free speech of health supplements for so long that people have virtually forgotten what it even looks like. Ending FDA tyranny and censorship would allow supplement companies to tell the truth about the scientifically-validated health benefits of their products.

#6 End Direct-To-Consumer drug advertising

DTC drug advertisements have no medical justification whatsoever. They exist for one reason: To spread false information about fictitious diseases (disease mongering) so that more people buy more drugs they don't need. Ending drug ads would save billions of dollars and thousands of lives each year.

#7 Clean house at the FDA and USDA

The FDA is staffed largely with white-collar criminals who used to work for drug companies. That's why the agency is so blatantly corrupt, routinely making decisions that betray the American public. It's time to clean house at the FDA and fire (or arrest) the offending decision makers at the top who have engaged in such destructive actions against the American people.

#8 Tell the truth about anti-cancer nutrients in public service announcements

Want to prevent cancer in America? Nearly 4 out of 5 cancers can be prevented with Vitamin D alone, and this is especially true among men and women with dark skin color. But the cancer industry remains silent on this issue, preferring to keep black men and women nutritionally illiterate (like in the slave days, remember?) rather than allowing them to read and learn the truth about how they could be empowered with free nutrients that can prevent and even reverse cancer.

The cancer industry is an industry of immense evil, operated much like the Bush Administration's war-mongering machine, keeping people trapped in fear and false information while destroying their health and lives. It's time to stop the cancer industry crimes against humanity and tell the truth about Vitamin D and other anti-cancer nutrients.

#9 Provide free nutritional supplements to the entire population

There are some things that taxpayers should always fund for the next generation: Education, environmental protection and the gift of nutritional supplements. ALL young women of child-bearing age should be on prenatal supplements. Providing taxpayer-funded multivitamins and multi-mineral supplements to the population is the single greatest investment any nation can make in its health. If the supplement is made with quality ingredients and not the usual low-cost multivitamin garbage (like synthetic vitamins), it could greatly enhance health, reduce disease and slash health care spending costs in just a few months. Get 100 million people taking resveratrol and you'll see a huge drop in heart disease and cancer. And that's from a single supplement! (Imagine if they all took Moxxor, too... Wow!)

#10 Ban the poison from the food supply!

All the following ingredients should be outright banned because they are poison: MSG, yeast extract, aspartame, sodium nitrite, partially-hydrogenated oils, artificial coloring chemicals, saccharin (and other chemical sweeteners), processed salt, processed sugar and processed white flour. Natural alternatives exist for all these ingredients.

#11 Cancel all patents on genes and medicines

Medicine should exist for the public good, not for private profit. It is the endless quest for pharmaceutical profits that has turned the industry of medicine into a raging monstrosity of fraudulent science and deceptive marketing. Ending the patent protection on medicines would unleash a new era of natural substances being made available that are safer, more affordable and far more effective than prescription drugs. More than 95% of all prescription drugs can be directly replaced with medicinal foods, herbs or nutritional supplements, saving the nation trillions of dollars and ending the tyranny of Big Pharma and the FDA.

#12 Restore health freedoms to America

Vaccination programs should never be enforced at gunpoint in a free society. Nor should chemotherapy be forcefully injected into someone shackled with handcuffs. Yet these things are happening in America right now (Maryland, New Jersey, etc.). It's time to restore health freedoms in America and return to the People the right to choose what medical treatments they wish to accept for themselves and their children. Freedom cannot be administered at gunpoint! Mandatory vaccination programs should be immediately halted, including the ridiculous HPV vaccine programs which were nothing more than clever fear-mongering and profit-taking.

#13 End the drugging of our children with psychiatric drugs

It's time to end the horror of our children being mass-medicated with dangerous psychiatric drugs that cause violent behavior, suicides and school shootings. The industry of psychiatry is literally run by madmen who have been drugging our children with dangerous amphetamines. ADHD is entirely made up by Big Pharma to sell more drugs. This chemical holocaust against our children must be brought to an end.
But what about prevention?
Obama says he's for investing in "preventative" health care, but as NaturalNews readers know very well, that's just a code word for an agenda of mass mammography, mandatory vaccinations and mental health screening that will only result in yet more people being harmed and killed by conventional medicine.

Nowhere in Obama's health care platform does he talk about nutritional cures for disease, health freedom or restoring companies' free speech rights to talk about the benefits of nutritional supplements. If we hope for the Obama administration to pursue any meaningful reforms in the area of health, we are going to have to educate Democrats about natural health, the cancer industry, the FDA and the promise of natural medicines for ending these epidemics of degenerative diseases -- almost all of which are preventable.

Using the information we know right now, we could eliminate 90% or more of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, kidney stones, depression, asthma, skin disorders and much more.
Watch NaturalNews for grassroots action announcements in 2009
Throughout the Obama presidency, NaturalNews will be spearheading grassroots action campaigns to urge support for health legislation that moves us in the direction of natural health and honest medicine. Subscribe to our email newsletter to stay informed of these important initiatives (see the link on the top right of this page).

With the Bush criminals out of the White House, we may very well have a unique opportunity to get some pro-health legislation passed in America. But it will take a lot of effort, intention and hard work to make it happen. Remember: Big Pharma is funding Democrats now, hoping to buy their influence with drug money. We have to counter that destructive influence with positive, truthful information about the natural health solutions available right now that could revolutionize the future of health care in our nation.

While Obama's election doesn't guarantee any of this will be successful, we at least now have a chance. I say we use it to create the greatest good possible. Let's use this opportunity to restore health, freedom and nutritional literacy to the People. Let's take back this power from the corporations, the bureaucrats and the professional criminals who have occupied Washington for the last eight years. It's time to give America back to the People who have suffered so long under the oppression and tyranny of the Bush-supported FDA and the scandalous medical industry.