Sunrise-8/08/2008. Key Largo, Florida
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Allowance is key to all significant relationships
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
August 30, 2008
Dear All One Family Members:
Today I am going to allow you a little peek through a communication that put the relationship that my favorite sister and myself into a distant holding pattern. I personally believe that it wasn't an accident that we have decided to go our own ways...at least until the presidential election is over with anyways...hahahehe.
My sister doesn't believe that she is prejudice. I told her that she was and that was the end of our communication.
I told her that she basically couldn't help it that she was...yet that is just a fact that I can see quite clearly, for it was basically part of our dad's upbringing of us...I know that this is true because I lived it and spent many years trying to put down the gut feeling that somehow my dad never felt totally accepting of my mom's mixed heritage of Panamanian and Chinese.
Yet he changed down through the years...as he grew wiser than those that had somehow convinced him that skin coloration made the marker of rather a man was good or bad...
Numerous times during my youth did I heard my father state that he moved us from Panama, simply due to "his fear of anyone of his children a marrying a black person, being Panama was heavily mixed with them and sometimes when one grows up around them, one sees the other as not being different."
Panama was the place where he was stationed when he met my mom. I was the second born of three children that was given birth in that country.
Presidential Candidate-2008, John McClain and I share the same birth place...Coco Solo Navel Hospital, Panama. Different years of course...hahahehe...
My father also never allowed my mother to teach us Spanish, even though it was her native language...all because he didn't want us to be looked upon by the community of European folks that settled in that farming town in Midwestern Michigan...as migrant workers.
Little did my father realize...his plan wasn't a working for segregation was still around when I was a growing up...in Michigan. And because we were the darkest skinned persons this area had seen...we were on the same level of acceptance...we were not.
So I told my sister, were she still racially motivated...I would understand it, for being she is 8 years younger than myself...her growing up days were not anything compared to mine and she couldn't compare the two at all...only somewhat...is that fair enough?
She only needed to know as well, that she was a helping her children not see so clearly about all being equal if she decided that based on what a person appeared to her as being...without fact...they too would follow her lead...perhaps that isn't important to a conservative natured person...yet in Revelations we are told that "in end times, good would be bad and bad would be good." We are also instructed to "stay flexible to the changes," and to me; change is all that my life has been about, my whole almost 57 years of being on the planet...again...take what you need and do please leave the rest...please?
What lead us towards this path of controversery that we would want to waste precious time a squabbling/and going off to our own corners of the world over who is right and who is wrong?
The Obama and McClain presidential election for she is a Republican and I am an Independent.
She told me that like Clinton, she felt the same energies as she did for Bill Clinton. I then told her that she hadn't given Obama a chance because she hadn't taken the time to hear what it is that he was a saying about what kind of changes he would make were he president...
If one judges another by appearances alone...they are in effect only going off of their gut reactions.
Now if they could say 100% that all things that raises their gut reactions are definitely on the money...than I would say...hey you might just be right...yet I know of a few times that her gut didn't lead her down the correct road...and I too claim the same...no one but God is 100% totally all knowing...
I also told her that one becomes the energy that surrounds them and if one finds themselves strictly in the company of Republicans...guess what...your ideas are purely the blending of the group that you are in...
Also, if all your mind's imaginings are due strictly by the negative emails that have been going around for over a year now on Obama...and you didn't take the time to go to Snopes.com to see if the junk was real or not...and you didn't bother to listen to his speech at the Democratic Convention or check out his website at barackobama.com and at least check out to see what his platform was...than how in the devil can you call an apple a squash?
How do I know that she wasn't a watch the Democratic Convention when Barack spoke? Because she was on the phone with me and not a wanting to let me go, almost as if she knew that if I did get to watch him...I would be even more difficult to turn away from him being the best candidate...in which to vote for.
Yet, I still had my tv set on...and I saw the reactions that he drew and later when I caught the news and heard some of the things he spoke of...tears came to my eyes and tonight in my email mailbox...I was sent a link from barackobama.com to hear the whole thing...thank you God!
What started the big controversery? The fact that McCain chose a 42 year old Governor of Alaska mother, wife to be his running mate and she liked what she had to say.
I told her that I had heard her speak somewhat and I found her voice too shrill and a lot like Hillary...rather demanding, and pushy and like I told her...perhaps too busy to take on all the ills this country has headed itself towards...and no, I didn't believe that George Bush was the total problem with our country the last 8 years...
George and crew played their part, like all those other presidents and cabinet members that went before them...did. President Bush unbeknownst to himself, took on a time frame that would hold lots of problems to be solved...perhaps years from now we will see the fruits of his labor, than again, maybe not...
I will not judge the job that he did for I know that no one has total power over anything...all decisions are generally a consensual thing...that is how our system works or doesn't...
One thing positive that I have discovered in this momentum Chinese Year of the Rat is that a black man is running in office on the year anniversery of Dr. Martin King's, "I Have a Dream." Also the anniversery year of women being given the ability to vote...Now having a black man-running for president and a woman running for vice president...can't you see the synchronicity of this new direction for America?
Perhaps as well, it was a good thing that Hillary didn't get selected to run for vice president...because the state of affairs in the White House that they both would have taken heir to...how convenient for the Republicans to nail the black man and women for having created it...when it was already set into motion...just like it was for George Bush.
So whatever change that the Obama administration brings forth...I still believe will be better than what ever change the McClain team could ever dream up...purely because when ones whole life is spent in the combat mode...going into a communicational mode wouldn't be an easy endeavor and it has to be for the one taking office for we have too many hot spots in the world that is a needing to sit down at the oval table and talk things out together...for we are all in this together...all nations need to be lined up with NATO, not just a few...we are all sharing the same energetic world together...when one nation throws a nuclear bomb...one is thrown back...and pretty soon...there is no world left to fight over...for us all...
I also told my sister that if McCain sees a governor of Alaska...the state that holds more oil than any other state...in our nation and still no talk about harvesting it rather than our off shore mining endeavors that just might be again in trouble with the largest hurricane a sweeping perhaps down upon it...
A woman governor/ vice president material...it makes me wonder if he wasn't just trying to get the non committed votes for Hillary this election year...being the race was too tight between Obama and Hillary that it could have easily gone either way...never less...
One other thing that has always bothered me is the fact that women are not valued or respected in most of the Middle Eastern countries...and large power countries as well...China, Iran, North Korea...etc., etc...is it really time for a woman vice president? I think not...yet I could be wrong...perhaps if we hadn't had Ms. Rice a doing most of the leg work in a land of conflict and war torn edges...that definitely didn't like or respect women all that much...perhaps more could have been accomplished over there...just my thoughts. We are all entitled to think and say as we choose you know?
Also I will be a watching her and McCain's speech this Republican Convention week...just like I gave time to the Democratic Convention...for that is how one does their analytical work properly...listen to the issues tabled and then make ones decision...
Also I don't believe that anyone should judge another's love for country or God by the words of that person's minister...for most men are asleep with their eyes opened/ears shut down when going to church...
Also, no one but God can judge the level of God/Consciousness contained in anyone of us...to say that one is not equal to ones own idea or conception of what Christianity is...is to be self-righteous...for not any are righteous enough...to hold that position as judge and jury...anyways those are my soap box ideas...all can have their own...for that is what America is all about..."judge not, least thee be judged."
I hope my sister doesn't stay out of communication until the election is over, yet I wouldn't be surprized if she did for she is a Taurus you know and they are rather bull headed...just like McCain is weathered...and when looking at McCain, one must look at his aging status factor...and at his running mate...for the chances of him not a making it through his 4 year term...especially being there are so many fires he and his vice president will be a needing to put out...and that leads one to consider...what kind of job will this woman be able to handle especially being she has already a large load already to carry with her already responsibilities..yet never say never!
Besides God already knows who will be in place in November and I am much too busy with the game show of trying to survive until relief and help comes for the persons caught up in professions that many feel is a luxury instead of a necessity...
May All Be Blessed
Please do have a nice evening...I will overcome this point as well...for it is all good!
Life is good!
Love, Light and Peace