Tuesday, May 19, 2009

147 Edition Posting "Oh No, She Didn't Say That"

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Another Plea To Be Heard If Of Course; one wants to hear that is...
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:
I heard your inner thoughts and that of my own...after stating what I stated about my sister and my conversation during our last phone visit...the part of her stating that her children were raised closer than my own...and thus her children had a greater understanding of her needs, because unlike my parenting skill/gift of always a running after my kids after they had done something consciously to hurt my feelings...

Simply because her kids know that when Momma is upset, that she needed time to cool off and they needed time to rethink their action that caused her great discomfort...where as I simply ran off to my children after reprimanding and trying to explain why I held such and such opinion...

Therefore I was too soft and not strong in patience for when they returned back, time and time again...on their own and I told her that for all of my life, I always tried to assume that others had my wellness over my demise...and because through others opinions about what makes the world go round...for them, I can see my own disney land...and sometimes, not all of the time, one gets lucky and sees that it isn't about all the chaos and wrong doings in the world...it is all about being present in the moment and not a looking too far forward or too far backward, for sometimes one can get caught up in the whole of things and miss the forest amongst the trees...

What you call dear sis...closeness, I call closeness too and all that I ask is that when you look over your progress record and that of my own...don't compare notes in such a manner...please...for I feel so close to my sons that I braved them a no longer a loving me for speaking up and doing what it is that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would have me do and be...

I told my sons that all of my true and real moments have been captured on these web pages and if one day that they really wanted to explore the mom that they called real or my grand children, friends and such....here is where I could be found for I had discovered a long long time ago...that the best offense is the defense and if one couldn't express their truths to those that they loved and cared about, who could?

So dear sis, I disagree that my sons and I aren't as close and connected as your own two sons...for like yourself, both my sons are equally important and real to me and even though they might not pay as much attention to me as they would like...just a calling me on all my special days and I them...then what does it matter if a card arrives or not? Love is something that isn't love until it is given away...

You know that...and besides you say that it counted because when asked if he got his children's mother a Happy Mother's Day Card and he said yes...of course!

Now that really ticked her off N.Y., and I would have to agree...you knew the rules young man and know as sure as your mother has breath in her...that there is no compromising here to be done!

Your curse words didn't make the situation any better as well...for there are too many cards all over the place for mother's day, especially on a military base as large as yours...

I do hope as well, that your slams weren't on purpose, just because your kids mother is a divorcing you and wanting all but your shorts in the mix...remember all women are not the same, just because it seems you picked one, don't for a moment be lead to be convinced that all women are the same for when you make that mistake, you end up a living alone for the rest of your life with only your occasional intimate moments of time captured by those a wanting the same as yourself, only a passing moment and before you know it, you are an old man with only porn magazines and a vivid imagination...hahahehe...just telling it as straight as I can see it...guilty by self-disclosure...

What makes it even more harming in my estimation is that you could have easily picked up a card for your mom, because you were there and it was there, so duh, I am not a totally take your part up for I believe you will discover that this was a very selfish moment in time and now Brad is being given kudos over your behavior and you know that isn't right...

For it has been a full moon of behavior since Brad went all out for me on that grand day of Mother's Day...I hope and pray that you won't make this a habit, for it really does show to other women that are a looking you all over as being hot, a lot about how you will treat them if you can't treat your mother right...

Straighten your crap out dear son, N.Y...you know that your mother loves you and would never harm you, and had every reason to question your lack of showing her and your dad and brother how much you care about them on their special days...

Please nephew/son...honor both your parents...and it doesn't matter if your spouse or girlfriend/friend believe that you are a momma's boy because you decide to check in from time to time...trust me it is a good thing when sons and daughters check in, for sometimes...great lessons given them...couldn't have been received if no contact is kept...

The way I am a hearing it dear nephew/son N.Y., is spelled out like this...your behind is in trouble not only for the missed birthday and mother's day card...both on the same day every year...now how lucky could somebody be? Two holidays for mom, on the same day?

So simply, yet too difficult for you...and now look, my behind is in the "snapper" because I jumped to your defense and conviction...and to tell you the truth...I remember other times that you weren't all that giving to your parents or brother...so am I sorry for coming to your defense, no...for sometimes all isn't all what it seems...never say, never is what I say...and I say that I will never give up on you that you will always know what is the best next step in your life, for all you will simply have to say to the mountain is this...

Dear heavenly Father/Jesus and Holy Spirit:

I ask that lead and guide me in all things that I may endeavor or encounter...I ask that all of my steps being counted in your Kingdom and Home...and that I will in return to endeavor to be all that I can and know I must be...All this I pray in Jesus and precious Holy Spirit...Amen.

That is it dear nephew/son...N.Y. and all of your steps in Afghanistan will be safe and God's Will...

You know nephew that I love you and your brother as if you were my own sons and all that I pass to you, I pass because I care for you, now and always and it doesn't matter what you say about this aunt of yours...knowing that I love you in spite of yourself and own self doubts and dis-illusionments.

I told your mom that perhaps you had not enough money to buy both cards and being you know that you are a sucking up with one acting like the enemy...makes some sense to me...just know that after the storm passes and your wife becomes your ex and definitely hopefully left you with more than your shorts that still could get hocked...and you headed over to Afghanistan...I say this...you wanting to go is different than you a wanting to stay...for it is my understanding that this is your choice...to go instead of staying and I say this...wow, what does that mean when the desire to put one in harms way, is greater than the wish to stay where all you are a facing is a marital break up that perhaps you played more than a heaping part of it for its eventual demise...

So perhaps it was guilt that lead you towards the end you chose to travel...

Who knows for sure? God/Jesus and Holy Spirit that is who...and even though you can hide things from the parents, family and friends...from God/Jesus and Holy Spirit there is no hiding place...always remember that dear nephew/son and life will always be filled with good moments and hopefully less indifferent or bad times...

Looking at your mother and father's health patterns...I would say that you might need to keep a better eye on them and try to help them as much as you can, for I have been a trying to as much as I possibly could afford, while it seems that you a spending alot more on yourself...than perhaps you need to, yet that isn't my call...for only you can call that one, for only you know what your limits were or are...

Just know that my prayers and well wishes will surround you as I imagine myself surrounding all of our country's finest over there, rather in the military or private civilian contractors sector...for what happens over there, happens here...and by keeping you all on the my altar of prayers before God/Jesus and Holy Spirit is what I believe is a doing my part...to assist in keeping up all's mantle, shield of protection...

A mantle and shield of protection that can only be turned on by the one a wanting it to be as such...for with only myself a holding the mantle of protection energies of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit towards you, it serves you little...there is where the importance of "two or more in my Name a praying together and God/Jesus and Holy Spirit a not only a hearing the prayer, they are within your presence as commanded in the Bible."

Perhaps dear nephew/son, you are a acting in this manner simply because you need additional prayers from all that are a believing that you are lost due to your wife and you a divorcing and her a wanting all but your dirty shorts...something like even bad behavior attention is better than no attention at all...is so...straighten up coconut head...moms are special in their prayer requests to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit because our brother Jesus so enamored His Mother, Mary, that He allotted extra prayer manifesting power to all moms of all lands requests...I bet you didn't know that?

So as a warning to all those that would dishonor their moms, wives and sisters...In the way of praying power...ability...I see it as very harmful for those a needing God/Jesus and Holy Spirit assistance...for when you upset the mom, sometimes she gives up on you and just allow yourself to pray yourself clear of the storm's impending lesson giving winds and rain...

I don't believe your mother will ever stop praying for the change in you that she has been anxiously awaiting your whole life...For I know there is where I live...never give up, and never surrender...yeap that be me...

Just know that I love you both and want both of you to learn how to compromise and come back together...also N.Y...I believe when you told her that you weren't coming home before Afghanistan...bothered her a great deal...I don't believe she bought whole heartily the excuse as to why you couldn't...I don't know how you are going to resolve this episode....pray and ask God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for counsel...for you know this wasn't a very dignified example of how you were trained up to be and accept...so get with the program...please...your mom has enough on her plate to handle at this time...this is not good behavior..

Be Blessed Always...
Love, Light and Peace

Sis: I am not upset at you as well...you said what was on your mind and I agree our parenting skills are a bit different, yet very similar for I too believe that the truth will set one free...if they are paying attention, that is...

Be lite and free with your spirit as you allow your wings to take flight...

I love you still, no matter how you feel about different things than myself...

What Does Green Building Mean To You?

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Our President Obama Supports Green Technology and Moves Towards The Future of ChangeRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:
I know that I didn't elaborate much on the journey to a 300 acre off the power grid community a practicing the art of a attempting to live off of the land in a community developed center...

So here goes a brief glimpse of that moment in time that my brother and I shared a couple of week ends ago...

The best way that I feel that I can capture that moment is by responding to an email that one of my client/friend posted to me as a way to help further my brother's vision of capturing the solar panel, hydrotherapy and wind turbine world that all kinds of grants are currently being given...

Being what one assumes to be green design, another would find not all that welcoming...

Be Blessed Always

Dear P.E.:
Thank you for thinking about my brother and his dream of getting into the solar panel and wind turmbine industry.

As of this point, he is still working with his future investors and dreamers also of having their own off power grid systems...

He knows that he has lots of work to do in obtaining the necessary grants and really was a wishing the same as myself that the grant writers that are out there, will come magically out of hiding...hahahehe...

When I told him about your email, he stated that green building means different things to different people...that primarily it meant someone a wanting to build a office totally natural...from the land.

Plus being he and I both believe that the Deltec home design to be about as green as he and I were a wanting to travel in structures that would last the hand of time and wind and weather conditions...

Besides when we looked at the structures present with most of the buildings present on that primitive estate...we saw the most natural structures a full of mud dappers that feed off of the clay structures and the only natural structure that seemed to not have as many mud dapper bee like insects, was the one created from a straw combination with some sort of cement insulating sealer...

As for him a working with "habitat for humanity," in a volunteer manner, were he retired or financially able, he would jump at the chance yet right now, he is a busy a working while a developing his dream, for without survival funds...he can't leave his visiting residence with me...or afford to purchase the vehicle that he will need that will perhaps take him and the mechanical engineering friend of mine of several years passed to California where the company that is a wanting to work with him franchising the solar panel warehouse that they own there and bringing it here...

I told my brother that he should broach his potential future investors and ask them to donate to the expense of him having to get certified and the travel expenses of both him and the mechanical engineer that will later design the system that would be more cost effective and effecient...and thus allow him more ability to receive the different grants that he would later need.

Yet again, my voice is not heard by anyone saying that they are a paying attention...

Do I believe that my brother will arise out of the dust victorious, absolutely...for anyone to fly, all they have to do is believe that they can...for wasn't it Andrew Carnegie that made his and his family's fortune on only a dollar?

Anyways, those are my thoughts...please take what you need and do please leave the rest...when one is in a crawling stage, imagining them a walking then a running is all we can do for them besides praying that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, will bring them all that their hearts are a yearning and a dreaming of...

I thank you P.E., for all that you do for us all...Habitat For Humanity is only one of the good things that you are a helping this planet project with...You are the bomb dear one!

Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace

Email response from P.E.: May 16, 2009

"Tonie: Habitat for Humanity's Midway development is going to be a green build. Maybe your brother could talk to the general contractor of the project to help or volulnteer or even get some kind of job. They cannot afford solar panels tho.

Prior email posting to Tom Murasso wrote:
Tonie Wallace Wrote:
Dear Tom:

I have been in the newspaper, several times in the field that I am about and have my God/Jesus and Holy Spirit mission...sort of kind of, undiscovered earth bound awakened servant .

I would love to see what level I could take my mission and work towards additionally, yet unfortunately many would tell you that I am already a too high and outside of the box thinker for them...and that I boost too much about myself to ever be taken seriously...and because I like yourself am a dreamer and writer...with the difference between us lying in how effective we can take ourselves to the strangers that know us not and thus am because of this stranger factor, become quite successful...

For it is a known fact that those that know us least, give us more attention.

Tom, I have been a following your emails for quite a while now and I truly like what it is that you write and can relate to lots of things that you write and also of a different opinion on some of your stuff...which is a good thing, for that is what makes the world go round...different strokes for different folks...

Thinking back to what differences I discovered about what you wrote, really wasn't all that life stopping...and hearing others different spin on things...can only makes us more informed and further our out of the box kind of thinking, reality creating experience...

I would thus like to experience the next level you believe I can reach...currently I am in a sort of transitional phase of my ever life expanding experiences and would like to bring it all to a head or a conclusion...yet at this moment in time, I think I would like to pass...for I believe it is going to happen rather I take your course plan or not...for I have been a waiting my whole life to experience this very moment in time, I am experiencing...

Yet, I promise when the financial independence picture finally arrives, I will be back for I totally believe that what one experiences and what another one experiences can be quite different...yet so very similar...know what I mean?

I have wrote several newsletters of which I have posted some of your writings Tom...Good stuff!

Please feel free to explore the many editions...over 130 by now...you might find a different Tom than what you believe is occurring in this present moment in time...than again...you might just be given confirmation to that which you already know and are experiencing to already be your reality picture.

Be Blessed Always Tom,

I promise I will be back...for I have to post your email concerning karma and past lives...it holds a lot of truths and some stuff that I have personally experienced to be my truths...

Love, Light and Peace
Rev Tonie Wallace
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies

--- On Thu, 5/7/09, Tom Murasso wrote:

From: Tom Murasso
Subject: is this you in the newspaper Tonie?
To: "Tonie"
Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009, 5:54 AM
Hi Tonie,

Imagine opening your morning paper one day and seeing
a headline telling the world that you finally figured
out how to get the manifestation process to work for
you - over and over again!

I wonder what that headline would say? Maybe something
like this:...

"Tonie Celebrates More Health, Wealth & Happiness
With 16 Minute Manifestation Technique!"

Isn't that way better than the gloomy news we're used
to seeing every day?

Wouldn't it be great if you could get to a point where
that headline was a common occurrence in your life!? Just
think about it for a second Tonie... How would it
feel to know, and I mean absolutely KNOW that there was
a simple 16 minute a day process that could bring you in
alignment with your desired outcome in such a way that
whatever you really want actually starts showing up!?

Sound like fiction? Well you wouldn't be the first person
who's sick and tired of all the hype around "the Secret"
and the "law of attraction".

The truth is, even many of the teachers in the "the Secret"
agree that while the movie did raise awareness, it did
little to actually help you apply the profound and life-
changing principles it discussed so enthusiastically.

The bottom line is that you've probably been on an endless
quest since you first saw or heard about the law of
attraction and have yet to find a practical, easy to apply
process that doesn't leave you more confused than when you
started. You just want something that works - right?

Well how does 16 minutes a day sound to you? Are the things
you're looking to attract important enough for you to be
able to squeeze in a simple exercise that completely
energizes you and actually leaves you feeling so connected
with your desired outcome that you can practically taste
it?... Well?

If you are truly committed to your dreams and you're ready
to set aside all the confusion and information overload,
then you will definitely want to take a moment and discover
one of the first comprehensive manifestation exercise that's
totally fun and so easy to apply, you might just get hooked.

Dõv Baron has spent the past 25 years teaching people from
all walks of life how to apply this simple formula called
The Equation For Manifestation™ with huge success. Whether
you've heard of Dõv or not, I'm sure you'll soon agree that
he is probably the best kept secret in the personal development
field. His ability to clarify the science of the mind, show
you exactly how to bypass your ego mind and tap into your
own conscious manifesting ability is amazing.

As you can imagine, Dõv usually charges a substantial fee to
teach in front of a live audience, but I've managed to twist
his arm in a BIG way for you. Over the next 7 days, he's going
to give you a video course on the "X-Factor" which is one of
the missing ingredients in most people's manifestation process.
And it won't cost you a single penny!

If you haven't been getting the kind of results that blow your
hair back, that's all about to change for you. Right here, right

When you finally see Dõv's video mini-course, you'll be excited
at how easy it is to use and how powerfully effective it is.
Apart from the fact that Dõv is an amazing teacher, he really
cares about you getting results!

Go watch his first F-R-E-E lesson Here:

To your success,


What Is This Capturing The Moment Thing?

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
May 19, 2009
Dedicated To My Sister

Dear All One Family:
This posting I am dedicating to my sister who is eight years younger than myself...she is in an emotional uproar concerning her youngest son who forgot her birthday and mother's day...knowing full well that his mother even if the card holds no money, still held the thought that he was a thinking about her...

As I tried to tell her how I handled all those times that cards didn't come from my sons and how I had learned to live through it, she stated that her relationship with her sons was closer than the one that I had with my sons and that thankfully I had started to change and stopped running after them when they acted up...

I tried to tell her that when her son goes over to Afganistan in August, she will have wished that her broken lines of communication currently with him...wouldn't have all that much meaning...yet she states that she raised her sons better than I had mine and they know the rules about, "when mommy isn't happy, nobody is."

I tried to tell her of all those moments that I wasn't happy, yet forgiving for I know that perhaps one day both my sons and family will get to see what really makes me tick and cry as well...

She then told me that I didn't have any complaints being I not only was gifted a card and two gifts on mother's day, and even though I protested that this was a first in a long, time...she disagreed and said that her son was nothing but self centered and greedy with his money and time...

That she knew him and I didn't and that the largest problem he had was making exaggerated promises and I merely reminded her that this problem was not the first I have personally heard in our family and perhaps he got it honestly and she said, sorry not...

Oh well, it is her head ache and I definitely have my own as well...just a throwing it all out there for all that keeps one upset and angered, weakens one immune system and right now with all the virulent viruses out there...a staying out of sorts doesn't help anyone...especially the one being controlled by the one that holds your upset...

Be Blessed Everyone...
Love, Light and Peace to sis and all...

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

A World Changing & Transforming State We Are!

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
What Goes Around, Comes Around
May 19, 2009

Dear All One Family:
I forgot to mention in my last posting about the changes that our president has ordered our American car makers to comply with in order to get additional bail outs...I feel it is a good thing that our auto creators need to move towards so that we can as a whole become not only more competitive in the land and more cost effective...and yes that signifies major changes, yet changes we have to be about...

I also heard in the grape vine that GM is threatening to take and build their cars in China and I have this to say to you...were you to do that I would just simply purchase a foreign car produced here State side, thank you. For no longer would I find your commodity to be all that special...

I will continue to do that which I have always done, support American workers...first and foremost!

Having said that, I will now enclose the latest news release about President Obama's purposed changes that our American Auto Companies have been submitted...

Be Blessed All
and know That God/Jesus and Holy Spirit Love You All
Love, Light and Peace

Obama takes aim at climate-warming car emissions
By John Whitesides John Whitesides – 53 mins ago
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama took aim at climate-warming greenhouse gases on Tuesday and ordered the struggling auto industry to make more fuel-efficient cars under tough new national standards to cut emissions and increase gas mileage.

Obama said the national standards, announced at a White House ceremony attended by auto industry and union leaders, would reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil and give five years of cost certainty to an industry battling to survive.

"The status quo is no longer acceptable," Obama said in an announcement that will pressure carmakers to transform and modernize the industry to produce more efficient vehicles.

"We have done little to increase fuel efficiency of America's cars and trucks for decades," he said, calling the standards the start of a transition to a clean energy economy.

Obama has made fighting climate change a priority, and lawmakers from his Democratic Party are this week wrangling over a historic bill many hope will provide broader guidelines for controlling greenhouse gas emissions.

Growing public support for efforts to battle climate change and the weakened state of auto companies, which are restructuring with the help of federal bailout money, gave Obama a window of opportunity to impose the rules.

Under the new vehicle standards, U.S. passenger vehicles and light trucks must average 35.5 miles per gallon (6.62 litres/100km) by 2016. Obama said that would save 1.8 billion barrels of oil over the lifetime of the program -- the equivalent of taking 58 million cars off the road for a year.

The Environmental Protection Agency would regulate and reduce tailpipe emissions for the first time under the standards.

The U.S. Congress does not have to approve the standards, which will be implemented through federal rules.


The plan was praised by automakers and environmentalists but will mean higher price tags for consumers. The new program will add about $600 to the price of producing a vehicle.

Obama said car-buyers would recoup the money with the lower fuel costs realized under more efficient mileage standards.

"This is a winning proposition for folks looking to buy a car," he said. "In fact, over the life of a vehicle, the typical driver would save about $2,800 by getting better gas mileage."

The plan could cut deeply into voracious U.S. gasoline demand, dealing another blow to a refining sector hard hit by recession and bracing for more climate legislation.

The White House announcement came as U.S. gasoline prices soared for the second week in a row, with the latest pump cost up 7 cents over the previous week to $2.31 a gallon amid signs of an easing of the recession.

Obama was flanked at the ceremony by executives from 10 automakers, labor leaders. Gov. Jennifer Granholm of Michigan, whose state includes the capital of the beleaguered auto industry Detroit, also attended and embraced the plan for giving the industry cost certainty by setting a uniform national standard.

The plan resolves a long-running dispute between the government and California, which sought a waiver from federal law to impose its own tough standards on emissions. That could have led to a patchwork of different state regulations.

Obama said a series of lawsuits tied to California's efforts would be dropped. California would save money by avoiding the need for a special state compliance program.

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger attended the announcement and told reporters the weekend negotiations on the plan were "very intense."

"Then all of a sudden it all clicked and it came together," he said. "It really was a huge battle and the president has brought everyone together and now we're marching forward in the same direction."

The proposal is aimed at cutting climate-warming carbon emissions, which would fall by 900 million metric tons or more than 30 percent over the life of the program.

(Additional reporting by John Crawley, Lisa Lambert; Editing by David Storey)

Tonie's additional comments

So instead of taking aim at me for having voiced my opinion, rather welcomed or not...understand that it took more courage to write this than to keep it to myself...

Be Blessed Always

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

144th Edition Obama

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
How What Kind of Rating Do You Believe Our President Deserves?
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:

I know that many are no longer watching the news service and don't have a clue what is a going on in our land...I say lots of stuff and perhaps too much stuff for any individual to do much with...for some of the things that our president is being forced to handle is tricky in itself for it deals with levels of other people's opinions and thoughts...and a world that is quick to draw up conclusions of their own...

I thought that I would break for a moment and remind all about the newsletter posting I made of my church's visiting pastor and his talks about impending change and transformations and then as you proceed backward to the previous newsletter see all of my writings about change and transformation and him as well a mentioning Israel and Pakistan...

So in reality, you received the news before it became public knowledge...now how cool is that for confirmations given those paying attention?

Yet before I go there, allow me to reveal to you the testimony of a current Harvard student, who volunteered her time to not only assist democratic nominee Barack Obama and Joe Biden in their run for office in the Iowa Caucus...as to what kind of job she believed they were a doing.

She stated that she is still happy with her decision and choice and that she as well felt that he (meaning the president) was perhaps a moving too slow in her estimation on the agreed campaign promise of allowing gay marriage rights...

I told her that even though it wasn't my choice in alternative life style...I still support that government can not over take the land...free choice was a given us all and what we are and how we are a living is found acceptable to those/God/Jesus and Holy Spirit a choosing it folks...than I for one celebrate their very being, for I have my being that I know is answerable to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit alone to contend with...

For while I am a tripping through others back yard and not a paying attention to my own...I might be found asleep...and trust me...it is alright to travel through the path of discovering other people's ideologies...and fault finding discoveries, just understand that it will be your own actions or lack of that will be up question...

Having said that, please allow me to also state that I told this Harvard second year student that our dear president for only having a little over one hundred days in office has done many of the things that he had promised before taking office...and with the Norte Dame crap...of not knowing if he (meaning our president) would be found acceptable to give the current graduating class commencement speech there...was almost too representative of why we are a having problems in the land...

I hear the president's thoughts on Norte Dame a questioning rather it was a good move or not to have him present there...of which in my perception, he told them that he was grateful that he didn't dislike them for their religious beliefs that are different than his own...

Have I not always told others here that all that I ask is that you take that which you want and do please leave the rest...for all are on different levels of awareness...from the look out point I see...I see many traditional religious folks that will never see stem cell research in a good light and for those I say...perhaps you have your reasons, yet our president states that he will put into place, safe guards to make sure we don't become a baby killing type of land...for research purposes only...

Now on the other hand, he is for all making the decision to end or begin a new life given to the one that is with child...and not allowing the government to call the shots...I have to agree with this idea as well...not because I believe that abortions are a good thing...for I don't and never will...I just believe that we should not allow government to control our every decision...

For how can you take one size and fit all? Think about it...

I also told this Harvard second year student...that were she a hearing what my Republican clients/friends and family members were a saying about President Obama and his vice president side kick that needs duct tape for his mouth at times...I also told her that with so many directions that our president needs to travel to try and stop the destruction progression that our past legislators, Congress and Senators had allowed get put into place, plus all of the world not a understanding the need that we have to work together...

And that if he were to try this campaign promise on the table at this given moment in time...gay marriage rights...I can just a see those religious believers that would cry foul again...even though I know within my every cell being that I can only judge within myself what is my right and wrong for me, what it is for another is totally their free choice, for it will be only my own wagon I will be a pulling when it is time for me to graduate and go Home...

Thus I see more right with gay marriage rights, than wrong...for all kinds of legal technicalities come into play when gay marriage rights aren't a honored...insurance, taxes, property, children and on and on and on...

Thus I found it quite appropriate in order to show all that my posting of my visiting pastor from my church this past Sunday, was rather synchronistic...for all got here, the news before it was the news...this is called prophecy for filled...for as the visiting pastor uttered to us all present there...major changes and transformations getting ready to happen...and the mention of Israel and Palestine and Iran, North Korea...that prophecy came into being...

Also, after you read the enclosed news releases, understand like our Pastor's wife Brenda spoke this past sunday concerning her brother...("faith the size of a mustard seed, and one can move mountains") "that it wasn't enough to just move the mountain, one also had to speak into it and command it to withdraw.

I say, that anytime one is placed directly into history making moments...jump into it and celebrate the moment...for our president was a very wise choice...look at what he has already done in one hundred days and see what work he has on his plate before you judge him this or that...

I know that it is impossible to make everybody happy all of the time, that is why I think politics stinks for you always have to find the middle ground, even when the best middle ground is quick sand...yes, that be right, that is my story and I am a sticking to it...

I love our president because he is an analytical man...and only wants to give the world his best and I believe that he and his family are doing the best job that can be expected since he was given such a broken land...

Those are my thoughts, take what you need and do please leave the rest...just know that it is quite easy to find negatives more so than positives...yet I say, strive to see the good, versus always the bad and maybe then, just maybe...life will take on more brillant hues of changing colors than the dark, drab ones of yesterday...

Just my thoughts...

Thus I give the presidential family a A Plus, Plus!

Also for those a keeping score of how many years have passed since I graduated...It was 40 and not 30 as I had wrote to M.J. The president of our high school graduating class, sent me an email just moments prior to my sending M.J., the rather long email posting...and asked would I be present for the 40th year celebration? Coming up in June.

This was the first reunion invite I had received in almost forty years so needless to say...I am impressed...and what else impressed me is the fact that I left this website's address in my profile so those like K.M., would happen upon it and realize that I did do exactly what I had told him that I would one day do...write about the moment I couldn't tell him about before...

Will I finally go and par take of the reunion next month? I don't believe that I will have arrived by that time or not...for I don't want to go as the current person that many believe God/Jesus and Holy Spirit are a punishing me for at this time...

So I might not make this year's reunion...maybe the next five to come...that is the best I can give all at this time...

So having said all of that, allow me to post the news articles that I do hope will find, informative and necessary to follow with prayers...

Be Blessed All Forever
Love, Light and Peace

SOUTH BEND, Ind. - More than two dozen pro-life protesters were arrested at Notre Dame University Sunday as President Barack Obama told a graduation ceremony at the Catholic school that both sides in the abortion debate must stop demonizing one another.

Obama acknowledged that "no matter how much we want to fudge it ... the fact is that at some level, the views of the two camps are irreconcilable." But he still implored the University of Notre Dame's graduating class and all in the U.S. to stop "reducing those with differing views to caricature. Open hearts. Open minds. Fair-minded words. It's a way of life that always has been the Notre Dame tradition."

One of the noisiest controversies of his young presidency flared after Obama, who supports abortion rights but says the procedure should be rare, was invited to speak at the school and receive an honorary degree. "I do not suggest that the debate surrounding abortion can or should go away," the president said.

The Rev. John Jenkins, Notre Dame's president, introduced Obama and praised the president for not being "someone who stops talking to those who disagree with him." Jenkins said too little attention has been paid to Obama's decision to speak at an institution that opposes his abortion policy.

Ahead of Obama's address, at least 27 people were arrested on trespassing charges. They included Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff identified as "Roe" in the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. She now opposes abortion and joined more than 300 anti-abortion demonstrators at the school's front gate.

More than half held signs, some declaring "Shame on Notre Dame" and "Stop Abortion Now" to express their anger over Notre Dame's invitation to Obama.

Obama entered the arena to thunderous applause and a standing ovation from many in the crowd of 12,000. But as the president began his commencement address, at least three protesters interrupted it. One yelled, "Stop killing our children."

The graduates responded by chanting "Yes we can," the slogan that became synonymous with Obama's presidential campaign. Obama seem unfazed, saying Americans must be able to deal with things that make them "uncomfortable."

The president ceded no ground. But he said those on each side of the debate "can still agree that this is a heart-wrenching decision for any woman to make, with both moral and spiritual dimensions.
"So let's work together to reduce the number of women seeking abortions by reducing unintended pregnancies, and making adoption more available, and providing care and support for women who do carry their child to term."

He said he favored "a sensible conscience clause" that would give pro-life health care providers the right to refuse to perform the procedure.

Before taking on the abortion issue, Obama told graduates they were part of a "generation that must find a path back to prosperity and decide how we respond to a global economy that left millions behind even before this crisis hit an economy where greed and short-term thinking were too often rewarded at the expense of fairness, and diligence, and an honest day's work."

Obama's appearance appeared additionally complicated by fresh polls that show Americans' attitudes on the issue have shifted toward the anti-abortion position.

A Gallup survey released Friday found that 51 percent of those questioned call themselves "pro-life" on the issue of abortion and 42 percent "pro-choice." This is the first time a majority of U.S. adults have identified themselves as "pro-life" since Gallup began asking this question in 1995.

Just a year ago, Gallup found that 50 percent termed themselves "pro-choice" while 44 percent described their beliefs as "pro-life."

A Pew Research Center survey found public opinion about abortion more closely divided than it has been in several years.

Pew said its latest polling found that 28 percent said abortion should be legal in most cases while 18 percent said all cases. Forty-four percent of those surveyed were opposed to abortion in most or all cases.

Gallup said shifting opinions lay almost entirely with Republicans or independents who lean Republican, with opposition among those groups rising over the past year from 60 percent to 70 percent.

The abortion issue also is front and center as Obama considers potential nominees to fill the vacancy left by the retirement this summer of Justice David Souter. Abortion opponents are determined to see Roe v. Wade overturned, but only four court justices out of nine have backed that position. Souter has opposed arguments for overturning the ruling.

The Catholic Church and many other Christian denominations hold that abortion and the use of embryos for stem cell research amount to the destruction of human life, are morally wrong and should be banned by law.

The contrary argument holds that women have the right to terminate a pregnancy and that unused embryos created outside the womb for couples who cannot otherwise conceive should be available for stem cell research.

Within weeks of taking office in January, Obama eased an executive order by President George W. Bush that limited research to a small number of stem-cell strains.

On the Notre Dame campus, members of an abortion rights group also protested while a plane pulling an anti-abortion banner circled above. Tara Makowski of Seattle, who received a master's degree Saturday from the school, said she was dismayed by the way Notre Dame was being characterized.

"Seeing us being portrayed nationally as radical conservative has been really tough," she said. "People need to realize that the majority of students and faculty" favored Obama's visit.

But Bishop John D'Arcy, whose diocese includes Notre Dame, skipped commencement. He attended an open-air Mass and rally. He said he wanted to support the students protesting Obama's speech.
"All of you are heroes, and I'm proud to stand with you," he said.

Obama was the ninth president to receive an honorary degree from Notre Dame and sixth sitting president to address graduates. Other commencement speakers have included Dwight Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.

Back in Washington, Vice President Joe Biden attended Mass with his family at Holy Trinity Church, where a granddaughter received her first Communion.

By TONY KARON Tony Karon – Mon May 18, 8:50 am ET
President Barack Obama welcomes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House on Monday, at a moment when the White House and the Israeli leadership are undeniably at odds over the path to Middle East peace. While the Obama Administration remains steadfastly committed to Israel's security, its ideas on how to achieve that security differ markedly from those of the hawkish Netanyahu government. As Obama moves to revive the stalled Middle East peace process, Monday's meeting has been widely predicted to be a tense affair, but that may be overstating the drama. Netanyahu, like any Israeli Prime Minister, has an overwhelming incentive to get along with Israel's single most important ally; Obama, for his part, needs to fashion a peace process that produces results, for which he requires Netanyahu's cooperation. So Monday's encounter won't be a showdown as much as the opening exchange of a difficult conversation that could continue for months.
Herewith, a short guide to the issues that divide Obama and Netanyahu:
A Two-State Solution?
The idea of creating an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel on the territory it occupied in 1967 is the overwhelming international consensus, accepted even - according to opinion polls - by a majority of Israelis. The Obama Administration is not content to simply articulate that vision, as President George W. Bush did; instead, it seeks to move briskly toward realizing such a solution before the evolving facts on the ground make it untenable. Netanyahu, however, has refused to endorse the principle of Palestinian statehood, insisting that sovereign independence for the Palestinians would endanger Israel's security. The Palestinians, Netanyahu has argued until now, will have to settle for a more limited form of self-government within borders still effectively controlled by Israel. Despite some speculation that he might make a rhetorical concession on the statehood issue on Monday, a top aide told the Israeli media Netanyahu would not do so - at least, not yet. (See pictures of Israel's recent war in Gaza.)
The Administration has made clear that it expects Israel to work toward a two-state solution. Netanyahu is expected to agree to talk to the Palestinians, to ease their circumstances and build their economy. But he maintains that trying to reach a final-status agreement right now is misguided and counterproductive, arguing that the priority is to build Palestinian administrative, security and economic capacity - and to tackle Iran, which he sees as a spoiler to any peace effort. (See pictures of Israel at 60.)
Next: What Gets Priority?
Iran First?
Netanyahu will argue that Washington's goals are best achieved if it gives priority to curbing Iran's nuclear and geopolitical ambitions before separating Israel from the Palestinians. He claims his Arab neighbors agree that reining in Iran is the region's priority, because it threatens their own stability. Given Tehran's support of Hamas, he'll say progress toward peace between Israel and the Palestinians is impossible until Iran has been pushed back. (See pictures of Jerusalem divided.)
Obama will agree that curbing Iran's regional influence and limiting its nuclear activities is an urgent priority. But the U.S. President won't buy Netanyahu's sequencing. Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains a matter of urgency, Obama will argue, and he'll point out that the moderate Arab neighbors with whom the Israelis want to stand against Iran are also the ones most urgently insisting on the immediate implementation of a two-state solution with the Palestinians, whose unresolved plight strengthens radicals against moderates. Netanyahu will say no progress is possible on the Palestinian front until Iran is defanged; Obama will argue that rallying Arab support against Iran's ambitions requires resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Next: The Timetable
What's the Hurry?
Netanyahu will argue that whether the outcome is two states or something less, this is not the moment to try to conclude the peace process. The Palestinians are hopelessly divided, with the moderate Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas lacking the political authority to deliver on any peace promises. Indeed, the PA President's term of office expired in January, and polls show he'd lose to Hamas in an election held now. Instead of final-status negotiations, Netanyahu will advocate building the Palestinians' administrative and security capacity, and promoting economic development, in enclaves currently under Abbas' control. Without this infrastructure of stability - and the neutralizing of Hamas - he'll argue, no progress is possible. (See pictures of Hamas-Fatah conflict.)
Obama will make clear that whatever stability has been created thus far in the West Bank is premised on the achievement of Palestinian statehood, and will collapse without rapid movement along that path. Politically, President Abbas' Fatah movement suffers from the fact that its moderation and almost two decades of negotiation has seen only an expansion of Israel's occupation of the West Bank. Fatah cannot remain committed to a peace process without end if it is to reverse its declining political fortunes among its own people. The same may be true for the U.S.-trained security forces that have helped subdue the West Bank. Hamas has proven to be an intractable reality of Palestinian political life, and Obama may argue that a workable peace process would require its consent. Most importantly, he'll note that time is running out for Abbas and the Arab regimes that have cooperated with Israel and have come away empty-handed in the eyes of their own people.
Next: The Settlements
Freeze the Settlements
Obama will tell Netanyahu that stability is undermined, potentially fatally, by Israel's continued expansion of its settlements in the West Bank, and by its moves to extend control over East Jerusalem, captured by Israel in the 1967 war but claimed by the Palestinians as their future capital. But Netanyahu's government includes strong settler representation, and while he'll unenthusiastically promise to dismantle outposts built in violation of Israeli law, he's unlikely to court a confrontation with the settlers unless there are substantial political rewards. He'll insist on maintaining the "natural growth" of Israel's settlements, and reiterate his view that sharing Jerusalem with the Palestinians is a nonstarter. (See pictures of Israeli settlers resisting eviction.)
Next: Gaza
Unfreeze Gaza
The Gaza war earlier this year forced the Israeli-Palestinian issue to the top of the Obama Administration's agenda, and although the fighting has ended, no formal cease-fire has been agreed, and the Israeli blockade - and Palestinian political infighting - has prevented any of the $4.5 billion pledged for reconstruction by international donors from actually reaching the territory. The potential remains high for a renewed outbreak of fighting, and Obama will press Netanyahu to ease Israel's blockade to allow in construction materials and normalize economic traffic. Netanyahu remains committed to overthrowing Hamas in Gaza, and he wants Obama to pursue the same course. And his government will insist on securing the release of captive soldier Gilad Shalit before easing up on Gaza.
Next: Dealing with Iran
How to Handle Iran
While supporting Obama's diplomatic efforts, Israel wants to see time limits imposed to prevent Iran playing for time while increasing its nuclear capabilities. Netanyahu has repeatedly warned that if diplomacy fails, Israel stands ready to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. Obama agrees that negotiations with Iran should not be open-ended, but will allow a longer time frame than that preferred by the Israelis for diplomacy to succeed. Israel's leaders believe Iran will not back down and that negotiations are necessary primarily to win support for stronger sanctions or military action. Israel has agreed to refrain from attacking Iran without first consulting the U.S. following reported warnings from the White House to avoid surprising Obama, whose military and security advisers have long argued that military strikes on Iran would cause more problems than they would solve. Once the diplomatic process with Tehran gets under way, the two sides may also disagree on where to draw the bottom line on uranium enrichment on Iranian soil.
View this article on Time.com
Related articles on Time.com:
• Israel's New Leader: Can the U.S. Work With Netanyahu?
• Israel's New Government Won't Make Obama's Middle East Task Easier
• Looking Ahead and Back on Netanyahu Meeting Obama
• Is Obama Ready for a Hard-Right Israel?
• Netanyahu to the White House

By AMY TEIBEL, Associated Press Writer Amy Teibel, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 36 mins ago
WASHINGTON – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is signaling he may resist President Barack Obama's pressure to support Palestinian statehood as the two leaders try to tackle an array of Mideast issues Monday on which they disagree.
A senior aide to Netanyahu, national security adviser Uzi Arad, suggested the Israeli leader might not yield to pressure from Obama for a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict. He also seemed to hint that Israel might consider military action against Iran when he said there was a "sense of urgency" in Israel over the Iranian nuclear threat.
Such rhetoric suggests diplomatic high stakes as the two men hold their first White House meeting against a backdrop of disagreement over several key issues: U.S. overtures to once-shunned Iran and Syria and pressure on Israel to support a Palestinian state.
The Obama administration is trying to promote dialogue with Iran and Syria, Israel's arch foes. Israel fears such efforts could lead to greater tolerance for Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Prior to Netanyahu's trip, confidant Zalman Shoval, a former ambassador to the United States, said the Israeli leader would ask the Americans to give Iran a deadline of "a very few months" to comply with international demands to halt its enrichment of uranium — a process that can be used to build nuclear bombs.
"If by then we have not reached an agreement with you, all other options are still on the table," Shoval added in a clear allusion to a military strike.
Before his Feb. 10 election, Netanyahu derided the latest round of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, which stalled late last year, as a waste of time.
Jewish settlement activity is another source of potential conflict with the United States.
In Israel on Monday, settlers announced that government officials have begun taking bids to build infrastructure for a fledgling Jewish community deep in the West Bank. The timing of the announcement could cause friction at the Obama-Netanyahu meeting.
Palestinians want Obama to tell the Israelis that they have obligations under an existing U.S.-backed peace plan to accept the two-state solution and stop settlement construction, said Saeb Erekat, a top aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and longtime negotiator.
While not opposing the Obama administration's efforts to promote dialogue with Iran and Syria, Israel is skeptical. Like Washington, it dismisses Tehran's claims that its nuclear program is peaceful and fears the U.S. outreach could lead to greater tolerance for Iran's nuclear ambitions. The Israelis are also worried by the recent diplomatic shuttles to Syria for fear they reward Damascus even as it maintains close ties to Tehran and harbors Iranian proxies that have warred with Israel, Lebanon's Hezbollah and Gaza's Hamas.
Still, there have been mixed signals from the Israelis on the Mideast peace process ahead of the Obama-Netanyahu meeting.
Israel's president, Shimon Peres, said Sunday in Jordan that Netanyahu would abide by agreements signed by his predecessors, including the U.S.-backed Mideast peace plan calling for a two-state solution to the conflict with Palestinians. Peres said progress depended on an end to attacks by Hamas militants and greater Palestinian efforts to ensure Israel's security.
Netanyahu has tried to persuade the Americans that Iran, with its nuclear ambitions and anti-Israel proxies in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, must be reined in before peacemaking with the Palestinians can progress. Israel's security services see the Netanyahu-Obama meeting as crucial in this regard, and the military chief of staff, the head of military intelligence and the Mossad chief all held lengthy meetings with the prime minister ahead of the trip, defense officials said.
The meetings focused on what Israel sees as Iran's attempt to develop nuclear weapons and on the effect that would have in strengthening Iran's allies in Hamas and Hezbollah and undermining the stability of Western-allied Arab countries.
The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the meetings were not made public.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama proposed on Tuesday the first U.S. regulation of auto emissions in a bid to reduce climate-warming greenhouse gasses and lower dependence on foreign oil.
The initiative is centered around the strictest plan ever for increasing fuel standards for passenger vehicles, sharply raising pressure on struggling automakers to make more efficient cars and trucks.
Obama said at the White House the plan would give carmakers new certainty about federal regulatory policy and permit them to better plan for the future as struggling domestic companies restructure.
"The status quo is no longer acceptable," Obama said. "We have done little to increase fuel efficiency of America's cars and trucks for decades."
The proposal would require the U.S. passenger vehicle fleet to average 35.5 miles per gallon (6.6 litres/100km) by 2016, saving 1.8 billion barrels of oil. It would also instruct the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate tailpipe emissions for the first time.
The proposal, if finalized, would also resolve a longstanding dispute between California and the government over the state's attempt to regulate emissions to curtail global warming.
The Obama administration said California would yield to the new federal policy and that a series of lawsuits around California's efforts led by the auto industry would be dropped.
(Reporting by John Crawley, Editing by Doina Chiacu)

By TONY KARON Tony Karon – Mon May 18, 8:50 am ET
President Barack Obama welcomes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House on Monday, at a moment when the White House and the Israeli leadership are undeniably at odds over the path to Middle East peace. While the Obama Administration remains steadfastly committed to Israel's security, its ideas on how to achieve that security differ markedly from those of the hawkish Netanyahu government. As Obama moves to revive the stalled Middle East peace process, Monday's meeting has been widely predicted to be a tense affair, but that may be overstating the drama. Netanyahu, like any Israeli Prime Minister, has an overwhelming incentive to get along with Israel's single most important ally; Obama, for his part, needs to fashion a peace process that produces results, for which he requires Netanyahu's cooperation. So Monday's encounter won't be a showdown as much as the opening exchange of a difficult conversation that could continue for months.
Herewith, a short guide to the issues that divide Obama and Netanyahu:
A Two-State Solution?
The idea of creating an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel on the territory it occupied in 1967 is the overwhelming international consensus, accepted even - according to opinion polls - by a majority of Israelis. The Obama Administration is not content to simply articulate that vision, as President George W. Bush did; instead, it seeks to move briskly toward realizing such a solution before the evolving facts on the ground make it untenable. Netanyahu, however, has refused to endorse the principle of Palestinian statehood, insisting that sovereign independence for the Palestinians would endanger Israel's security. The Palestinians, Netanyahu has argued until now, will have to settle for a more limited form of self-government within borders still effectively controlled by Israel. Despite some speculation that he might make a rhetorical concession on the statehood issue on Monday, a top aide told the Israeli media Netanyahu would not do so - at least, not yet. (See pictures of Israel's recent war in Gaza.)
The Administration has made clear that it expects Israel to work toward a two-state solution. Netanyahu is expected to agree to talk to the Palestinians, to ease their circumstances and build their economy. But he maintains that trying to reach a final-status agreement right now is misguided and counterproductive, arguing that the priority is to build Palestinian administrative, security and economic capacity - and to tackle Iran, which he sees as a spoiler to any peace effort. (See pictures of Israel at 60.)
Next: What Gets Priority?
Iran First?
Netanyahu will argue that Washington's goals are best achieved if it gives priority to curbing Iran's nuclear and geopolitical ambitions before separating Israel from the Palestinians. He claims his Arab neighbors agree that reining in Iran is the region's priority, because it threatens their own stability. Given Tehran's support of Hamas, he'll say progress toward peace between Israel and the Palestinians is impossible until Iran has been pushed back. (See pictures of Jerusalem divided.)
Obama will agree that curbing Iran's regional influence and limiting its nuclear activities is an urgent priority. But the U.S. President won't buy Netanyahu's sequencing. Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains a matter of urgency, Obama will argue, and he'll point out that the moderate Arab neighbors with whom the Israelis want to stand against Iran are also the ones most urgently insisting on the immediate implementation of a two-state solution with the Palestinians, whose unresolved plight strengthens radicals against moderates. Netanyahu will say no progress is possible on the Palestinian front until Iran is defanged; Obama will argue that rallying Arab support against Iran's ambitions requires resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Next: The Timetable
What's the Hurry?
Netanyahu will argue that whether the outcome is two states or something less, this is not the moment to try to conclude the peace process. The Palestinians are hopelessly divided, with the moderate Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas lacking the political authority to deliver on any peace promises. Indeed, the PA President's term of office expired in January, and polls show he'd lose to Hamas in an election held now. Instead of final-status negotiations, Netanyahu will advocate building the Palestinians' administrative and security capacity, and promoting economic development, in enclaves currently under Abbas' control. Without this infrastructure of stability - and the neutralizing of Hamas - he'll argue, no progress is possible. (See pictures of Hamas-Fatah conflict.)
Obama will make clear that whatever stability has been created thus far in the West Bank is premised on the achievement of Palestinian statehood, and will collapse without rapid movement along that path. Politically, President Abbas' Fatah movement suffers from the fact that its moderation and almost two decades of negotiation has seen only an expansion of Israel's occupation of the West Bank. Fatah cannot remain committed to a peace process without end if it is to reverse its declining political fortunes among its own people. The same may be true for the U.S.-trained security forces that have helped subdue the West Bank. Hamas has proven to be an intractable reality of Palestinian political life, and Obama may argue that a workable peace process would require its consent. Most importantly, he'll note that time is running out for Abbas and the Arab regimes that have cooperated with Israel and have come away empty-handed in the eyes of their own people.
Next: The Settlements
Freeze the Settlements
Obama will tell Netanyahu that stability is undermined, potentially fatally, by Israel's continued expansion of its settlements in the West Bank, and by its moves to extend control over East Jerusalem, captured by Israel in the 1967 war but claimed by the Palestinians as their future capital. But Netanyahu's government includes strong settler representation, and while he'll unenthusiastically promise to dismantle outposts built in violation of Israeli law, he's unlikely to court a confrontation with the settlers unless there are substantial political rewards. He'll insist on maintaining the "natural growth" of Israel's settlements, and reiterate his view that sharing Jerusalem with the Palestinians is a nonstarter. (See pictures of Israeli settlers resisting eviction.)
Next: Gaza
Unfreeze Gaza
The Gaza war earlier this year forced the Israeli-Palestinian issue to the top of the Obama Administration's agenda, and although the fighting has ended, no formal cease-fire has been agreed, and the Israeli blockade - and Palestinian political infighting - has prevented any of the $4.5 billion pledged for reconstruction by international donors from actually reaching the territory. The potential remains high for a renewed outbreak of fighting, and Obama will press Netanyahu to ease Israel's blockade to allow in construction materials and normalize economic traffic. Netanyahu remains committed to overthrowing Hamas in Gaza, and he wants Obama to pursue the same course. And his government will insist on securing the release of captive soldier Gilad Shalit before easing up on Gaza.
Next: Dealing with Iran
How to Handle Iran
While supporting Obama's diplomatic efforts, Israel wants to see time limits imposed to prevent Iran playing for time while increasing its nuclear capabilities. Netanyahu has repeatedly warned that if diplomacy fails, Israel stands ready to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. Obama agrees that negotiations with Iran should not be open-ended, but will allow a longer time frame than that preferred by the Israelis for diplomacy to succeed. Israel's leaders believe Iran will not back down and that negotiations are necessary primarily to win support for stronger sanctions or military action. Israel has agreed to refrain from attacking Iran without first consulting the U.S. following reported warnings from the White House to avoid surprising Obama, whose military and security advisers have long argued that military strikes on Iran would cause more problems than they would solve. Once the diplomatic process with Tehran gets under way, the two sides may also disagree on where to draw the bottom line on uranium enrichment on Iranian soil.
View this article on Time.com
Related articles on Time.com:
• Israel's New Leader: Can the U.S. Work With Netanyahu?
• Israel's New Government Won't Make Obama's Middle East Task Easier
• Looking Ahead and Back on Netanyahu Meeting Obama
• Is Obama Ready for a Hard-Right Israel?
• Netanyahu to the White House

Tarot Cards/Horoscope/Astrology/M.J.

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Response Letter to M.J.'s Response Email Letter
May 19, 2009

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:

Back at you once again...Yes I totally agree, one never knows what they will find when one comes to this site...some will say, "sorry that isn't how I remember things, yet because they were my perception moments, who is to say really what it was that actually took place, besides this is my story and Jada's that we are a writting, each can call real what ever they want to call it...

Take for instance this email posting that I did today...to M.J., that I gave three newsletter conversations towards...it does have a happy and a sad moment contained in it...yet never less the friendship still trives rather than diminish and for that reason alone...it was a very important moment in time to be shared by all, for I believe lots of things are being given to not only the receiver of my personal message, yet all that will one day read it and see what it is that I see wonderful about that one shared moment in time...

I also included my today free email today's reading from tarot.com...for M.J. it might be another synchronistic moment as it was for me, being only yesterday and the day prior I spoke of many changes and transformations a occurring rather we want to see them or not...

So Please enjoy the journey...wordy I am...yet well intentioning, I also am...

Be Blessed One and All, Always
Love, Light and Peace

May 19, 2009

Dear wonderful sis:

I was very grateful to see that my correspondence in response to yours, was welcomed. That gave me lots of continual hope that our relationship hadn't been severed due to my Divine lead self perceived revelations.

When one has knowingly picked up their own cross and are a carrying it all over the land a proclaiming the good news that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit aren't dead and that not to drink of them, is rather quite silly, yet I realize that is my own perception.

Personally at this very moment in my life, I am so over those that would have me keep my silence...by doing what the world I have called my own most meaning filled moments in time being lived, was called their norm.. (silence is golden) .I somehow lost my own wits and bearings.

Sexual Harassment

I remembered telling a fellow worker, male about my forced by knife point rape by a supervisor of our company. He told me to simply grow wings like a duck and allow it to flow over you.

This married man and father of three children...felt that as a female worker in a factory of the majority being males, and that by myself allowing the odds to be so great against me, that I somehow gave permission to this type of behavior. Rape by knife point, and subsequent stalking incidences?

Hmmmm...harsh and incorrect words? Or corporate America that I by accepting the job position...in my late twenty's?

I say that I was purely a clock number on a card...for how I handled that matter simply due to the threats that I was a given if I ever told of his prior prison days for armed burglary and rape...to my brother and his wife and children and especially my own, for we were all a living together at the time.

How I handled that serious matter was not a calling the police into it, for a dear friend from high school and my oldest full brother's, best friend.

One of our graduating from high school, town police officer. A person that I know loved me more than he ever would admit openingly to. For I represented all that his mother didn't want, a pre-fab family.

I couldn't give him the children he wanted of his own, only a substitution of my two sons from my first marriage, children obviously a missing their own dad something awful.

Children a not all that happy to see my boyfriend and him a rather a feeling the same way...hey, you get what you give out...

A man anxious never less, to wonder later had he done the right thing by a walking away from me, just because I wasn't what he or his mother wanted in a selection of perfection.

So he asked me to move in with him and give my children to their real dad for it was now he turn to help raise both our sons...and then when I told him that I would never relinquish either of my sons for any mere mortal men, for only God/Jesus and Holy Spirit will I surrender them to!

My dear K.M., told me that he would allow my sons to move in with us...only I shouldn't allow him and my sons to ever be left alone with, for I just might come home one day and find all three of them, hanging up in the closet...being I knew of all the stories he had told me of his step father and how the crazy man had raised him and his largest fear that he would turn into the Heckle and Jekyll character as well.

Stories about him being tied to the bed and made to learn his addition tables by flash cards and that when he got it wrong, he got a spanking with the belt.

I had no other choice but to walk away from love that could have been; for it was my children that I had the stamina to keep, keeping on...

So in spite of all my former boyfriend/idios, I chose not to report the incident to the police for I didn't want K.M., a going after J.G....even though, K.M. and I did get together after a brief interlude of separation and unfortunately it was right after the two rape incidents that J.G. had committed and K.M., told me that he got a S.T.D. from me, Chlamydia...

Had I not have been raped, I would have known if it was my rapist that gave me the disease or actually K.M., for like you M.J., I too have always liked the tall, dark haired six foot type...with a cutting edge of high adventure and cutting razor edged men.

Those guys that bring nothing more than challenges and reasons to help cure that which was asleep in myself...cataylst types of men.

So I have never been sure if K.M., gave me the S.T.D., or J.G., aka...rapist, did. K.M. was a tramp and high adventure was his middle name...my brother and him grew apart when I started to date K.M. In fact my brother told him that as for a man and a person, the only fault he felt he had was that he thought his own penis to be the all and all and that he had watched him down through the years, throw away wonderful women and he found him disgusting in that reason.

Thus when my brother passed, K.M., couldn't bring himself to go to the neatest brother he had ever had...because of me. I single handedly pulled a once close relationship apart...so therefore by my not reporting it to the police...I somehow help K.M., keep his wits about him and retire from the police force of which I have heard he has...

In case I didn't tell you before...how did I stop the rapist from a stalking me and a leaving me love notes in my tool box at work?

I didn't grow wings and allowed it to float off of my back, I instead told my unionj committee man what had happened and the threats to my family and children and myself life, and that you can check his prison record and not see that he was one of those hard headed coconut headed men, that don't learn the lessons of yesterday and go on and stop their control ideaolgy way...that costs many their health and mental facilities, simply because for years I hated him for what he had done...I at not time enjoyed any of the moments that occurred and for years I tormented after the stolen moments by knife point that could have cost me my own and that of my immediate family for I couldn't even tell my own brother because like K.M., the police officer boy friend, kind of sort of...he too would have taken off after him and unfortunately my brother knew lots of desperate money a needing to be earned men...

My telling the committee man what happened, lead to the supervisor being fired for having lied on his job application...the part of no felony charge.

Yet him getting fired was not a good thing, for that is what he had threaten would end my family and my own life...were he to lose his job or 9 month pregnant wife for the first time...since he had been released from prison.

Also, things got rather sticky at work as well, for those that thought J.G., was the cat's meow...women included, after hearing the story from the grape vine...divided up sides against me and unfortunately, I had supervisiors that went out drinking with the man and thought him all that...and they brought forth the ruling that I couldn't receive any help from the guys that I worked with, only my floor leader...

Well my floor leader was busy the day I was a handling a $60K plus piece called the Hamilton Standard...just as I needed my floor leader who was a standing only a few feet from my machine with another fellow shop worker...and was too wrapped up in conversation and a checking out my hind side...as I struggled with what seemed like a over hundred pound piece of steel bearing...

Standing on two wooden platforms and hovering over a almost ninety degree drop...set me up for a crushed disc in my low back...being the company argued that they weren't to blame for my injury...I had to file harassment papers against the company and the company managed to get it dropped and they awarded me a $10K settlement...

It has been a long time since I left that company and all of the so called fun times of my peers...thankfully it has been a long time since I stopped dreaming nightmare dreams of still being employed there...and working hard all night and waking up to working hard in the day time as well, to never get thanked or paid for my efforts.

I do have a letter that was given me by the company personnel director who hired me and after my quitting after 7 years...he told me that if my job ever came up again that I could walk back in and go on working for them.

I am sure that he wouldn't have written that type of letter, had he believed anything my co-workers might have allowed him to know.

The man who actually made my world at this ball bearing company once called Big Beaver Screw Products...was my knight in shinning armor...the man that 7 months after dating him, we got married.

For no one at work really thought him all that wonderful, until he and I got together...No one wanted to hear his boisterous mouth when ever he got angry or upset and yes he knew all about the rapist and threats...and what had occurred, he even knew about my policeman friend and our story...

In fact one day, he and his wife and my husband and myself, all went out on K.M., 60 foot katamaurang on Lake Erie and had a phenonmenal day!

Sort of our closure day on what could have, yet didn't occur...both of us happy for the choices we had made...and later K.M., telling me that his first daughter carries my middle name...so cool! And that his wife was a wanting a second child and he thought he had barely survived parenthood with one child and here his greedy wife was a wanting another!

I told him that I believed that the healthiest relationships survive when a child is forced to get along with another sibling...for two was just as easy as one if you spaced them out enough...and that his daughter now being two...perhaps was a good time like his wife had suggested.

So no, K.M., didn't get a whole lot of sympathy from me...no whining here...and somehow we had lost touch from each other all of those years...yet I do remember telling him that one day he would read what I had to write of those moments in time that we shared...before it changed and we moved out of each other's range...and about that which I couldn't tell him then...

So if you are upset with me for not having asked you how you and your precious dog is a faring at this point in time...understand that I have placed this newsletter site on my classmate.com site and like true to what I told K.M., as we fast approach our 30th class reunion time...here is where you can find me all, a writting my tail off...hahahehe...

I would like to attend it, yet feel that I haven't arrived where I thought I would be...

So if you don't see me there, know that one day you might just live long enough to see that day of return...Till then it is what it is...

Just like you M.J.:

The tarot cards that I drew for you not once, yet twice was done as validation to me...for when I first dealt them all out...most of them were back wards and I said, I must not have looked at the deck very well and I must place them all in proper order or else risk this kind of display....so I righted them all in the deck and reshuffled them all again and cut the deck as always in half and dealt the cards out from the cut portion...

And again all the cards even the fill in card of "total surrender," that I personally marked in the blank card decks presented to one and all that purchase them...that card came front and center, once again...

That is why I told you that if they didn't fit where you were a standing at that moment in time, than it had to be me that I was a mirroring...so rather than just a saying, because I prayed for the God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, wellness factor be revealed to M.J., that it has to represent only her...for as you know and wrote..."we are all one," just because someone else receives a message, does not mean, that it was only given for the one that needed its wake up calls...know what I mean?

I do feel for the injury that you loved animal received...I am sorry for all the discomfort that it might have caused you...perhaps it was nothing more than Heavenly Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit a telling you silently, that before this animal became yours, this precious animal of yours, was His...and to celebrate each moment that you have them and when you don't, they await your return Home...just like all of my previous pets that I once held and loved...

Many that have viewed my presence here, see somehow that I am a being punished for one reason or another, I say that I am merely in the transitional phase of my life and that the best is yet to come...rather that is real or only delusional thinking...time will tell...for all that I have told others about their life, has come to pass...some exactly how I once seen it and others, changed a bit as they grew to see how they were a creating their own reality as they moved along life's many learning paths...

So dear friend, take great hope in knowing that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit are a guiding your life, ever so wonderfully, even when those moments are filled with bitter sweet moments in time that sometimes take your breath away...just know that the breathe less moments that Father/Jesus and Holy Spirit deliver us all...are good, no matter how they may first appear...

I love you girl and always will...nothing you could or anyone else say, would ever change that factor for in this life, there are many forms of love and caring...my no longer being held to silence, is my greatest gift given me by God/Jesus and Holy Spirit.

Thus, said, thanks for allowing me the ability to explore some past moments in time that silence had to be held to protect the unknowning ones...

Be Blessed Always dear sis!
Love, Light and Peace

Nothing Written In Stone: Today

General Daily Horoscope Influences
The sensitive Pisces Moon joins Uranus at 11:44 am EDT, shocking us with feelings that can throw us off balance. But it's not about the intensity of an emotion; it's more about the source. We may react to a situation that doesn't intimately involve us, rather than from a personal interaction. Later, we are moved to share our needs when the Moon enters spontaneous Aries at 7:30 pm EDT. In both cases we may be surprised at the suddenness of change. Listen to more about today on Rick Levine's Daily Planet Pulse Podcast.

Virgo Horoscope for you
You may be rethinking vacation plans now or juggling your responsibilities so you ...

Tuesday, May 19th, 2009 -- You may be rethinking vacation plans now or juggling your responsibilities so you can squeeze in a quick trip. But don't assume you can do this alone. You'll be much better off if you have the support of your co-worker or partner, so involve him or her in your scheming and dreaming from the very beginning. Just keep in mind that nothing is written in stone. Whatever you decide today could easily change next week.

The Discovery of Neptune
May 18th, 2009 by Jeff Jawer
Those who follow Astrology (and those who don’t) know that we are in a period of profound change. The astrological shifts began with Pluto’s entry into Capricorn in January 2008 and grew more evident with last fall’s opposition between structured Saturn and deconstructive Uranus, a pattern that doesn’t end until next summer. Saturn’s entry into Libra this fall brings it into a series of tense 90-degree squares with potent Pluto, a powerful symbol for deep-rooted changes personally and collectively. Later next year electric Uranus and expansive Jupiter will enter Aries, a cardinal sign like Libra and Capricorn. This powerful pattern suggests that transformation is inevitable. However, whenever we are confronted with the notion of a major shift, especially one involving complex outer planets like Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, it’s common to expect the worst. And, of course, our current financial climate, along with two ongoing religious wars, has already laid thick a carpet of unease.
Good news, though, comes in several forms. The first is simply that we humans have so many unexplored avenues of creativity that there are many answers to the problems that we’ve created for ourselves. Second, the cardinality of the coming patterns is associated with the creation of something new rather than simply the destruction of the old. Cardinal signs initiate the four seasons of the year and correspond to conscious shifts of direction. There also is more gold in the pot of possibilities from the current conjunction of visionary Jupiter with spiritual Neptune and compassionate Chiron in Aquarius. This trio may be building a network of as yet unconscious awareness that may well blossom into an expanding vision of human potential.
An underreported astrological story is Neptune’s return to its place of discovery. The planet of faith and imagination was discovered in 1846 at the dawn of a shift to new political freedoms in Europe and the rising abolitionist movement to end slavery in the United States. Neptune expanded our solar system and our consciousness with a modern rebirth of metaphysics and spiritual values. Neptune returned to its discovery position of just under 26 degrees of Aquarius last month and, after turning retrograde on May 28, will begin moving forward at this point in November 2010. These “returns” of Neptune may infuse us with both the positive and negative meanings of the planet. The U.S. government’s investments to save failing companies scare those who see these as socialist tendencies that will undermine our capitalist system. Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, published in 1848, certainly represents the Neptunian ideals of a more egalitarian society. However, Neptune’s tendency to blur details spurs emotional responses that are not helpful to discerning and defining the complex relationship between public and private interests that is in question now.
Constructively, Neptune reminds us that we are all connected. This spiritual truth is being brought home on the material level through collective economic contraction. While becoming lost in fear and projecting it through one’s individual political lens is understandable, we also may grow more compassionate toward one another. A culture less rooted in consumerism might overcome the isolation of modern life with more fulfilling community activities.
Faith is be one pole of Neptune’s force and forgiveness is another. Compassion is not something to reserve for the most unfortunate among us; it is a gift to give to ourselves and to our enemies. The dissolving force of Neptune can melt outmoded ideological boundaries, creating new syntheses of religion, science and politics. One of the challenges of working with this planet, though, is its tendency to create confusion through a lack of details. However, confusion can be an ally when entrenched patterns resist change. The clouds of uncertainly make it difficult to know where to stand and fight and, therefore, force us to let go. It is from the emptiness of surrendering what we know that the next forms of self and society will flow.

Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies

From: M.J.:
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: Fw: [Spiritual Ministries, Newsletters] Oh Boy, Disneyland!
To: "Tonie Wallace"
Date: Sunday, May 17, 2009, 9:34 AM
Wow - took a few readings .....will read again and again. Thank you. Love you.....MJ

My Georgia was attacked by another dog yesterday around 1:20pm.....not long after all our emails. It was one of the strangest days I have had - - defending life, and caretaking - - and trusting guardian angels were actually all around us.....because the wolfhound that attacked her missed her carotid, jugular and trachea - 12 staples in her neck though. and her right arm a few as well with nymerous puncture wounds. I am in a different plane forever now. She is home and resting. As am I today. Roo was unharmed. So, as you do and always have thank the energies around and help me continue to see my safety versus my vulnerability. Especially now when I continue to work through all this. Love Love MJ, Georgia and Roo