Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
February 19, 2008
Bruce Springsteen, "Working On A Dream"
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I feel like I am being totally transformed in order to be able to handle the enormous project that I have been a dreaming about; my whole life. A total Holistic Healing/School/University with on site living research participants that are the directors and family members of such.
A research community of folks that understand that without Jesus in their conscious sights, a community of this enormity wouldn't be able to stand the Light, Love, and Peace that could result from them a holding their own "Lighthouse Light," lite.
Thus these folks that believe that the "Ten Commandments," just makes good sense in a world not able to tell the difference between up and down...knowing that in Revelations it does state that, "in end times, that which is good, will be called bad."
I didn't know that there are Christians Muslin's. Of course it just made good sense to discount that fact when one is caught up in the illusion that only the bad acting ones, exist.
I can see why we were commanded by God to, "not judge, least we be judged."
I know in my own life I too have fallen short of the mark of not being all that Jesus would have me be. So I will attempt to not judge others, yet some are a acting so irrational in my mind's eye.
Yet it is my opinion and thus I have to ask God to forgive me my judgement call, just in case I am wrong and don't realize it at the time...all that know what I mean, please say, Amen Sister!
I ask that those from the Angel Dream Foundation that will be a heading the movies to come forth from the latest step that Jada and myself are a walking through in order to find that piece of Heaven on Earth healing education center. To incorporate all of the songs of Bruce Springsteen, latest album, "Working on a Dream," it is what I gifted myself yesterday and all the songs speak to that which I would like to impact my viewing audiences.
I will give you the words to "Working on a Dream," at the close of this newsletter, than you will be able to see how perfect and snchronistic it came into being, even though I heard it from a distance on Super Bowl Sunday, for I was a working on a energetic weakened family member and only heard the melody in the background a playing softly, I knew I liked the melody then, yet hearing it and reading the words of it...while writing you this newsletter, just brings me so much peace filled, excited tears!
The Life Long Dream
Perhaps it is a dream too big for those not able to see that far, yet. So people like myself and Jada have to jump forth and create the dream illusion for it to become a reality.
Something like from the movie, "A Field of Dreams," "If you dream it, they will come."
I believe like so many other crazy thinking people like myself and Jada, that all things happen for a reason and the reason this dream couldn't happen before now, was that we as a world of believers of this and that way, couldn't get together and reason out the reason our worlds weren't a working properly.
We had all buried our heads in the sand and pretended that all the destruction, chaos and stuff would all go magically away as all we did was meditate and hold the illusion that all was a up in a down world.
Unfortunately, not concentrating on the problem is now showing us all conclusively that the old ways are no longer a working.
Illnesses of all sorts are a taking over the lands...health care costs are rising to the point that the ones needing the prescription medications from their medical doctors, they can't afford, the baby boomers are coming swifting into vogue with extreme health conditions at a time when they number the most in population...and no money other than borrowed money from the government is around to meet its escalating increases.
The latest figure I got on the amount of American Citizens that have no health insurance and thus get no care for they don't want to go into further debt...thus getting little to no care, is 4.5 million.
I personally don't see our government able to handle the socialized medicine theory as well, for I don't know of too many doctors that could handle the government a regulating their income source amount. I could be wrong.
Besides when doctors are forced to fun assembly lines and one doesn't have a choice as to what doctor they will see or where, I somehow see a part of us kind of going away...for I am not one in believing that our government has always, always, our best interest at hand for us all and being placed in one slot, is kind of a way of categorizing/labeling a nation.
Thus I believe that organizing a research center whose aim is prevention/maintenance of the Mind, Body and Spirit, makes a whole lot more sense than a science of medicine that holds prevention last, and maintenance with chemicals, first.
I would like a center that would move towards a blend as all the directors of this blending process, move towards the well being of the planet, versus the well being of their own pockets. Just my thoughts, no judgments here.
Yet can you imagine a total center and private housing of directors, all going solar and wind turbines in order to not only produce our own electricity harnessing the natural elements of our world, yet also storing electricity and a selling it back to the power companies for a profit being made for the centers other continuing financial needs...imagine a win win for all!
Now imagine a center able to produce and harness its own food needs, with minimal needs in the organic nature having to be obtained outside the center?
Imagine a bed and breakfast in the Deltec Homes design that would accommodate guests of the directors for short amount of time stays. Imagine ones guests, privileged to be able to sample our natural richness through guided tours of our centers and the ability to move into various treatment areas with their insurance companies a paying the research visits?
Calling All On Board
I have currently put on notice; several directors, telling them all that if they help me visualize the center and add their input, our chances of realizing this massive dream can occur.
Of course it will be a smaller scale than the rest of the prototypes to come from this move forward into faith...yet one small step can lead to other larger steps...I am also a telling them to visualize 15 directors Deltec homes such as mine a peppering the surrounding hilly fertile land, with high fenced in gates to protect the privacy/security of us all (with Oprah, Dr. Phil and others perhaps amongst us as well) with our healing center, broadcast/recording studios, gift shops/herbal center and shops and restaurants a nestled below us and in the center of our landscape viewing.
I am also seeing in my dream illusion center, the green houses, the housing for our students, doctors and therapists, coming from far and wide a wanting to join our whole body healing/make over/maintenance center that will focus not only on chronic muscular problems, yet as well chronic illnesses such as cancer, MS, Lupus, Gastro troubles and afflictions of all sorts, such as PTSD, Manic Depression, Addictions, with the list being endless...
The placement of those special areas I will leave to the design experts...for my expertise lies in vibration medicine and being the director/over seer of that large department reaching into skin care and our spa, along with bodywork modalities that date back to the year 2,000 A.D., while also being an instructor myself will keep me rather busy.
Just some more thoughts a throwing it all out to all...
Get yourself a copy of Bruce Springsteen "Working On A Dream." It will be well worth the money.
"But here the nights are long the days are lonely
I think of you and I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
The cards I've drawn is a rough hand darlin'
I straighten my back and I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
Through sometimes it feels so far away
I'm working on a dream
And how it will be mine someday
Rain pourin down I swing my hammer
My hands are rough from working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
Though trouble can feel like it's here to stay
I'm working on a dream
But love will chase the trouble away
I'm working on a dream
Through it can feel so far away
I'm working on a dream
And our love will make it real someday
Sunrise came I climb the ladder
The new day breaks and I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
Though it can feel so far away
I'm working on a dream
And our love will make it real someday
I'm working on a dream
Though it can feel so far away
I'm working on a dream
And our love will make it real someday"
Isn't this the most perfect song? Working in harmony for the total whole of the entire world...what greater gift can we gift mankind than Hope?
Go In Peace, Knowing All Are Blessed, If They Want To Believe It/Feel It or Not!Love, Light and Peace Always