Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Open Letter To Dr. Phil & Robin
Thursday April 23, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
What you are being given below is one of my "Save The Children Project, One Child At A Time Moments," or what I call simply, helping put out another fire/victory for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit.
How you will preceive the following story is purely your own...some have called my writing Dr. Phil and Oprah a total waste of good time for nothing...I say nothing is wasted...for if nothing else, my dictating these thought reflections off of mind and heart, has somehow lighten the road and burden that these kind of things a happening around me have installed within my psyche and beingness...
It was a choice of getting involved even though it mattered to most, not...Like all other things in my world...when the going gets tough, the tough get going...and I don't regret one single moment of the time that I pounded away on my computer key board...I would do it again if necessary...and this was a necessary moment in time for me..."Saving Our Children, One Child At A Time"
These are the last two emails I sent to Dr. Phil & Robin
TMP's Battle To Stay A Float In The Heat of RNC A Wanting To Send Her To Jail and Her Kids To A Foster Home.
April 13, 2009
Dear Dr. Phil and Robin:
Tomorrow I will be going to court to watch a "Howdy Doody Court Case Go Down"
For tomorrow TMP will be in battle to save every shreds of her dignity and self respect that the court decides to leave her weary and torn and shattered soul image.
I didn't tell you about the latest to occur. A few days after TMP was given her charges simply based on the allegations of her 11 year old daughter a stating to the DSSI worker: that she had been molested by the step father and others, and a bunch of other sexual moments that the child stated happened…
Guilty, simply because...
TMP won't admit that her daughter wasn't lying and admit that she knew that these things had gone down to her and because TMP won't say these things the DSSI worker wants her to admit…for now the D.S.S.I worker who now believes 110% that it did occurred to the female child, just as the child stated it;
Simply based on the facts that an 11 year old child couldn't have an imagination this big, were it weren't real! And is now wanting to hang the mother-Tonya for having known about it a happening and allowing it...
Allegations based on testimony of a child programmed to speak and the gut feelings of a D.S.S.I worker…
Oh wait, it gets better...
A few days ago, TMP's dad who has temporary custody of her youngest son J.H. (10 years old) and wanting permanent custody of A.M. (16 years old), was a visiting T.P.'s daughter 11 year displaced child now in the home of her dad. (I believe one of 4 supervised visits with his granddaughter and grandsons together since Aug. 2008.) For it was the home of T.P's children dad and step mother...who have temporary custody of just now T.P's daughter until this case settles...
TMP miraculously called her dad while the supervised visit was a going on, something she had never done before and when her daughter heard her mother's voice over the phone her grandfather held, and asked if that was her mommy?
Upon which the little girl grabbed the phone and told her mommy that she did love her and missed her terribly and wanted to come home and it was all the doing of her daddy and step mother…for she was told what to say.
Remember this is a mommy who hadn't laid eyes or seen or talked to, since August 2008.
This is the mommy that was Heather's whole world until a year ago when the bio father decided that it was time for him to take responsibility for his two children by TMP.
So this was a child like I had alleged in all of my pleas for help for TMP and her husband that has been in jail since November, (what was that about 14 emails to you both about this case?) that I claimed was being prompted to tell the authorities what the parent and step parent that were the only ones allowed around this child unsupervised…you know something like the missing parent a wanting total control now that the child is old enough to baby sit and the mother a work aholic…due to need…her only crime in the whole thing!
and TMP has just been told that all the talks that she and her husband were a having while she visited him, would be used against her in court to show conspiracy...
For the DSSI worker told Tonya that by her visitation record...15 minutes a week since November he was thrown in jail awaiting trial; that it showed to the DSSI worker and the prosecutor that she took her husband's part over her own daughter...
Yet I alleged the child was under an alienation syndrome complex, and thus a child easily tormented by thoughts that mommy had stopped loving her and didn't care what happened to her.
Did you not have a show Dr. Phil on just this very subject about how children can be lead in the wrong direction with a bad program that stays with them at times forever? Thoughts of my mother a not loving me anymore and not a wanting me back, would have done me in at that age…
I also alleged that this would be a precedence setting court decision, for both victims TMP and her husband, have had allegations made against them that were false.
My proof is what Heather the child, said to TMP her mother, over the phone...In that 30 second phone call that she grabbed from the hands of her grandfather. That fate filled moment in time...
My hearsay words spoken to me by TMP…
She told my adopted daughter, (her mother) that her daddy and step mom, made her say those things, and if she told anyone, that they did this that they would see to it, that she would go where no body could find her.
I don’t believe it was a threat on her life, yet to an 11 year old, it might have meant the same thing…in my estimation. I as well haven’t been able to talk to Heather…so I don’t have a clue as to what or how this little girl internalized the moment…do you have any ideas?
I also told TMB that her dad had to have been right there when Heather spoke those quick words to her mother...for I know that he moves quite slow and he is a big man...so I can't see him a moving that fast away from a situation that he was supposedly to be in charge of...and that was to keep the mommy away from her children, rather physically or by phone.
So I asked TMB what did dad have to say about what had to say?
TMB first told me that her dad had told the DSSI worker what he had heard his grand daughter say, and the DSSI worker said that it was "here say."..I say, bull crap, for he was a key witness.
I have told many persons about all the emails I have sent you concerning TMB and what I call a key precedence setting case of injustice...
Yet I understand that this is the kind of land we are a living in currently...Little person falls down if they don’t have adequate representation in the land…for court appointed attorneys unless they are extra ordinary, don’t necessary give you the best job possible for they are too busy a handling the masses, for there is where we are today…many out of work…and a needing their services…
Later today, I again asked TMB again what her dad had to say about what he heard her daughter state over the phone while he was a sitting close by?
She told me that she doesn't remember anymore, simply because it doesn't matter for her daddy is a wanting custody of her older son, so she believes it probably wasn't the truth that he told her that he told the DSSI worker; for in her estimation there isn't anything he wouldn't do to get custody of her son his oldest grandchild Anthony so that he can give her oldest son all of the child support money that TMB once received so that he could use it as spending money during his last two years of receiving it...up to and including even taking him away from the mommy to do it.
Neet dad wouldn’t you say? How would you like to hear that her dad,'s dad; did the same thing to her dad’s mom, Tonya’s grandmother…Ahhh, “the sins of the parent a falling down upon the parents for six generations,” kind of thing, like what is stated in Our Bible.
I told TMB today, how sad I was to hear her response about her daddy...for this is key moment -turning point time for Tonya's case...and that for her to forget this key moment, that meant that the trauma of all of the last few days and weeks and months prior to that time it all hit her was definitely a hitting her hard and full in the face.
No wonder, dad wasn't a backing her up anymore, because it is only his back and his oldest grandson's back that he is a worried about...what becomes of his other grandson and grand daughter, and daughter mattered not…it seems.
I told her today, “that is too sad to fathom...for doesn't your daddy know TMB, that your failure is also his?”
I told her that I am asking God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to put it on her father's heart, mind and spirit that in Our Bible...one of the key scriptures I have found contained within it...is this one, "the sins of the parents will fall down upon the parents for six generations." This simply means if one doesn’t change the generational thinking and acting lineage, that loop and dip goes on for six more generations and her father is being given the opportunity to change the family program and can’t see clearly enough to do so…
I also told her that instead of her father a cutting her head off to spite his face...which to me is a very incorrect thing to do in my estimation and I told her, that he should be a holding her up and supporting her, yet is instead a slapping her down to where everyone else that is a wishing her to fail, lives. Know what I mean?
Allow me to state. It has been a few weeks past 2 years since my dad graduated Home to God. And I am so very grateful that my father passed Stop and went to Go for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...and that one little change made all the difference in the world…of myself and my siblings.
For the years prior to my parents a asking God/Jesus and Holy Spirit into their hearts and home...was pretty rough and I am so very grateful that they journeyed there for if it wasn't for the example they left me...I would have had a more difficult time on my "Stations of the Cross," for I believe that all believers grow to realize that is all their rough life is about...
I believe it is all that very simple...see a miracle, be a miracle...
For to be more Christ like, we have to experience all of life's ups and downs. Just like Christ did when He lived here on the planet called Earth.
Just like Christ did...and it isn't all that necessary how many wins or losses we have through the many storms that pass our way, what matters the most is how we played it all out...with faith, hope , trust, honesty, humility, gratitude and charity, etc., etc.;
Or self, greed, lust, fear, worry, envy, spirit of lack of everything, especially non-gratitude to God, etc., etc., etc…
Two choices, both very different life styles arising from them both.
I also told her to give it to God, "for if God, be for her, who could ever possibly come against her."
I also told her to pray to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and ask them while she slept (with the help of her anti depressants and sleep medication) to help her with her now growing bank of PTSD symptoms and to place on her heart, mind and soul, that which I told her over the phone and see if God will weave His magic into her day of and pending court appearance tomorrow.
I told her that I would be there to record the events for you Dr. Phil.
I promised my brother that I wouldn't have any loud outbursts for I got into trouble when I stood up and said in my brother's recent court appearance, "your honor, he doesn't have an income for he is on visit to our area, he hasn't had time to get a job."
I was ordered to sit down and shut up or face contempt of court charges. Then when I started praying allowing my lips to move, the jailer again ordered me to shut up or be taken out of the court room...
I immediately told him that I was a praying and then stopped a moving my lips...and kept praying with my lips not…hahahehe…man, the judge was a hard man and the jailer just as…
Dr. Phil & Robin:
So I will be good so that I don't go to jail for a speaking my truths out of turn, I will instead write them to you.
Yet if you want to try and make tomorrow appointment court date...it will start at 9:30 A.M. o’clock in RNC, as previously stated.
I also told TMB that if she saw me a leaving before it ended. She is to know that I found it too uncomfortable and ridiculous to stay and listen to or too frustrating for me to handle...one or the other...for I have cleared my entire day of appointments to be with her and I will try my best with God’s help to stay in the current flow of things…hard as it might be…
I also told her that two other people besides myself were a praying for her to have Divine justice and intervention...and to have that being only one of the three are really related to her and that prayer filled person, isn't her dad, and with that I am truly so sorry to say...
So having the three of us a praying makes her a blessed person, for some people don't have another soul a praying with hope to God for a bright and better day.
And to think that all it takes is two or more a praying for her along with her a praying and God is right there within the mists of it all a going down...oh so very cool wouldn't you say Doc and Robin?
I also want to include another thing Doc., are you a putting all of 14 plus emails on TMB into a book for her and her husband's new life that will begin when this "Funny Farm Life-Court in America Story," goes down?
I do hope so...for they can sure use the compensation to begin again after the devastation of a storm created by a D.S.S.I, worker...that didn't do her C.S.I., or Forensic work up...for shouldn't a person that is investigating a felony case as what she presents?
First start of all: Measure the: possible intentions of charging parties?” Establishing Motive?
The first thing that I see a standing right out there and a slapping one in the face, is that the biological father; is $24,000 in back child support and if he gets both kids, he will never have to pay another dime for then the mother would have to pay him and his wife...especially a man that is mentally/slow handicap and doesn't work and the wife makes a small income when she does work.
For isn’t monetary gain one of the biggest motivations to create the biggest messes in our land?
Dr. Phil, and Robin, please imagine what kind of day Heather was having prior to the allegations of the charges when TMB was a full charge parent...Heather would call her mother's cell phone ten to 15 times or more a evening after school and until the time her mother got home from work...they had a very tight relationship, at least that is what I saw since H.H.'s birth.
This child had an open communication with her mother...imagine the loss of that one factor...know what I mean? Alienation, abandonment...all created by forces outside of this little girl...what are your thoughts in just that gray area alone?
Life time counseling perhaps...My separation from my mother happened when she was 80...I can't imagine being forced to remove my mother out of my life at 11.
Losing her when I did in my mid fifties was hard enough...I know you know what I mean.
Anyways, those are my thoughts at this moment in time...I will be back if I don't hear from you first...
RNC Courthouse,
I will probably put a little blirp about this in my newsletter so that perhaps some of the many that view it will also keep God's highest will for TMB's life in prayers tomorrow and always for I see that she is going to need it.
How she has held this all together is due to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, for I am forever a telling her, "If you can't change it, stop worrying about it and give it over to God."
For even if it doesn't turn out like you would have it turn out, when you find the learning lesson contained within it, you will then see that it was a very positive thing to happen...
Perhaps my saying that she might end up owning RMD County in earlier writings to you both, even if they might be bankrupt from the charges she will later levy against them for their total lack of evidence and investigative handling of this prejudiced D.SSI worker...may not be all that off the wall….
Just my thoughts a thrown out...I hope and pray that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's Intervention in this case will produce the results that will bring forth more Grace to her and her husband and children’s life than she could ever contain...in her remaining life time years here…
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace-non legal adopted mom-16 years. and counting…
TMB's Story Continues
Dear Dr. Phil & Robin:
Lots have happened since the court date that T.zp. had last week and I asked you to be present.
What I took the court date to represent was the social worker, DSSI person (second to be assigned the case) was the legal formalities of taking TMB's children away from her since August...
I guess the DSSI person and her supervisor felt it necessary at this time to cover all of their bases...smart thinking...
For all the court case that day on TMB was to establish the residences of both her children...in this in between time of hers...court ordered temporary children assigned residences.
Heather the accusing minor, age 11 with her dad and step mother...where she has been since August.
Jordy, age 10 with his mother's father...
The positives of that day for TMB was that she gets one hour a week, (supervised by her dad) in which to visit with her ten year old son...as long as she doesn't talk about the case with him.
That was more than before so TMB feels a bit ahead...still though, no contact with her daughter, even by phone.
I also got TMB's dad to admit that he heard his grand daughter state those things that I wrote before...daddy and step mother a making her state those lies and if she didn't, both daddy and step mother would send her off someplace, no one especially her mother would know where...
Not only did TMB's dad admit it to me, he also admitted it to his wife's sister who along with myself, were the only two women in the court room that were for TMB, as well as her dad.
Not only did TMB's dad admit it to his wife's sister, yet also the Guardian Ad Lightumn worker assigned by the state for the children's behalf...
I believe that Guardian AdLightumn folks are attorneys...I am not sure...so hopefully, this lady had her listening cap on...she acted like she did...for then TMB's dad then said that he had told the DSSI worker what he had heard in that short conversation that his grand daughter quickly uttered before he grabbed the phone from her...for this was a no, no thing...for mother and daughter were to not have conversation/contact between them...
I then told the Guardian Ad Lightumn if she would please see that when this child is with her mental health therapist that neither the step mom or dad were present in the room for it seems like this child was terrorized in saying what she had told the DSSI worker...
The Guardian AdLightumn worker then told me that she believed that the child was allowed to be in the therapist's presence alone...
Anyways, I felt like I had a good meeting with the Guardian AdLightumn worker...I believe she knew for the first time that perhaps all that had been appearing real, wasn't...time will tell how the story plays out from this point...
I also gave TMB a copy of the last email that I sent you and TMB had a copy of it made and given to the Guardian AdLightumn worker...for I told her that I had been a writing you about this Kangaroo case since about the time it first began...almost 14 emails by now at least...
She told me that was good, for it shows chronological reporting as it occurred...and by the way, nothing has come back given me by TMB since August to not be exact...everything she has given me in the way of reporting has been exact...no lies told me by her...
Just thought I would throw that out...for remember TMB's family had been trying to get me convinced that Tonya wasn't all that she appeared to be...and actually I found them correct...she is much more than what they could ever imagine to be good and a great mom!
For allow me to tell you what happened to TMB yesterday...she was called into court to discuss the problem they were a having with her ex husband and his wife on not getting her 11 year old daughter to her mental health therapist office for her weekly visit and had missed all but two of the ten therapist sessions...to date.
So the judge moved the 11 year old girl to the home of her step mother's sister, who lives with a man that all believe is a drug dealer...oooh boy, here we go again!
TMB's dad wanted to get his grand daughter, being his daughter, TMB is living with his deceased wife's sister and it is many miles apart from where he lives.
No go...Heather is now in the company of additional strangers...kind of like the threat that her dad and step mom had made to her if she told the truth, came true...that is kind of how I am a viewing it...what do you think?
I am quite interested in the fact that she was being held from her therapy sessions, and I believe all that are supposed to be following this case and are standing on 110% believing they are right and TMB is wrong...should be kind of a re-viewing it, Wouldn't you think?
Anyways, TMB has stopped seeing her husband as instructed by her court appointed attorney, (8 weeks ago) because the state had already informed him that they will be a using all evidence of her visits and dates...of 15 minutes a week...on Tuesday nights only...against her...as proof that she didn't believe her daughter's allegations...too much love for her husband; to see clearly kind of a thing...bad. bad mommy!
What did the attorney tell TMB after that court case appointment? This is before he had heard the testimony story of TMB's dad..."I will do my best to get your kids back to you, the state has no evidence in which to use against you or your husband."
The next court date scheduled is May 26, 2009...I don't know if the state will be ready by that time...for the judge told all parental parties present that if the persons assigned to this child doesn't get her to the mental health therapist visit...the next lodging place for this 11 year old child, is a girl's home in much further way than my place...
How nice...
Just thought I would throw this out to you both...
I feel more than ever positive that the DSSI worker's and their supervisors were negligent in the handling of this case...
For they didn't look a bit at motive arising from the estranged husband and step mother a wanting custody of two children that the father was back in child support payments totaling over $24,000 and according to his former father in law, a man too lazy to work and only worked until the child support payments started coming out of his checks...for he was a man not willing to support his own children and forced TMB to have to work additionally in order to recap the money the absent father should have been paying towards support of his two children.
I told you in all of my correspondences, that the only crime that TMB committed was that she worked too much...I don't really see that she had a choice myself, for she did the best that she could do and when the best isn't good enough...than all of us could fall victim to the same kind of "kangeroo court room behavior," Whose right and Who is wrong and does it matter?
I say yes, others may so no...
Just think of all the ramifications that has come from two kids a playing (father and step mother of Heather) adults...and think about the cost that it has cost all parties even a failing county department budget...all of this could have been eleviated...had the social worker, supervisor and court appointed attorneys for
T.P., as well as H.P. truly done a better job investigating the allegations...
Too mind bending to keep imagining...too sad that is what I am saying...
Anyways Be Blessed Always
Hope to hear from you soon.
Love, Light and Peace
check out www.onlinetoniewallace.com and go to spiritual ministries newsletter to see what I did with this story...
I am doing this simply to show to all that I have more fires to put out than just the few that I have presented on my newsletters...besides you guys are all over my newsletters of yesterday...especially all the great and sound ideas that you have presented to all down through the years a working both your missions...that I have captured from time to time...
One Last Note
If you don't get to this project...it perhaps wasn't meant to be...yet for years and years of writing you and Oprah...I don't believe it was all in vain or delusional either...for I have dreamt of working with you both for several years and somehow I know that I am at this time a helping work God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's Magic through you both...just like I feel that I will be a working with doctors such as what your son's show he is producing...The Doctors TV Show...a highly informative and cutting edge show, just like your own...
Good stuff, good people a trying to make a difference in a world wanting to look down side instead of up...a world wanting to yin instead of yanging...
I can't wait to try the bio hormonal idea of Robin's...it still expensive, yet one day i hope to have arrive where it is that I knew I was always a heading...know what I mean?
Love, Light and Peace
Be Blessed Always,