Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
"Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way", "Love Is All", Marc Anthony.
The Laughter and The Tears That FAll"...words from song.
February 10, 2009
Dear All One Family:
Hello again, I am so glad to have you all here again. Thanks for all that you do for myself and the world.
Having said that, I would like to quickly dive into the presented chapters of Jada Stone's Book, "Love Is All, The Laughter and The Tears that Fall." I just simply love it thus far and do hope that you are enjoying it as well.
When Jada left off at the previous newsletter: she had moved into the phase of acceptance and a giving thanks to Our Heavenly Father for putting it on her and the hearts of her sons a going off to the Middle East to work, that it was His Will; being the economy here in America has shown itself to have 13 jobs lost a minute and work in just about all fields had slowed down to the point that to have a job is a blessed thing.
Jada also indicated that one of the positives given her by God was that she no longer had assumed that her sons found our Heavenly Father's hand and being they now will be held in His protection, Light and Love.
Jada states that this is the greatest gift she could have been given by her sons and because to her they are her proud, joy, peace and greatest accomplishments in life, wanted them to not only own that free ticket to Heaven, she also wanted them to experience that peace, joy and comfort that as the Bible gives us all, "surpasses all understanding."
To date with one son already in Iraq and the youngest; just about to take that long 18 hour jet plane ride as well; she keeps reaching beyond their listening ears to try to teach them how to receive this peace by becoming the example.
What Jada felt as a necessary second baby step, more than not; believed that she was totally off the world and had guts a daring to tell anyone her truths, especially her sons who had enough already on their aching stiff backs and necks.
Instead of compassion, support and comfort, all Jada felt given her from those she called; closest to her heart space, was comments that told her, "she was wrong and needed to be guiet and allow her adult men to just pass quietly from her, for they are grown and can make their own decisions and choices.
To which Jada stated:
"In this world there are several forms of parenting and the one that I felt chosen to adhere to is the one that states that without God in your life, you stay lost and asleep. With Jesus in your life you have His precious Holy Spirit and that in itself is the answer to all that ails one, rather it be financial, spiritual, health, protection/comfort and joy!
To all of my loved and cherished ones:
that be incorrect in your mind's eye imagining; please excuse me for I am an Ordained Spiritualist Minister and it is very hard for me to think/express else wise. As I have told you numerous times, I have been Ordained since 1994."
"Telling my true stories with names, being changed to hide the identities; is how I get more healing done."
"I do this by telling the lessons of others to those a wanting to explore those edges. Telling all what they need to hear versus what they would rather hear, hasn't always been an easy line to walk and when I discovered that those wanting/demanding me to walk those edges were not looking after the best interests and will of Our Heavenly Father."
Jada understood the need of those caught in the "parental authority not welcomed, generation," that her sons sprang forth from, to not understand or permit the words of mom to come forth.
Yet the words, thoughts and actions of those in the same age group of Jada, (mid-late 50's) to reverberate the same feelings as sons and spouse; just made Jada sick at heart, for she knew beyond any doubt that the moments of dishonor, disrespect given her were gotten honestly by her sons and now, as she prepares to be with both boys in God's Prayer Filled Spirit and tells all that she once felt close to:
" I am not complaining, only explaining, please be patient with me for once I get it all wrote down, instead of having to tell you over and over these things, you can merely read the books! Hahahahehe...love to all." Jada Stone
Be AT Peace
God Bless All
Love, Light and Peace
"Before You Go, Know This My Dear Sons"
"Now that you have surrendered your will over to Our Heavenly Father, know that with that important step that you took, comes the step of complete surrender to His Way and Path that will lead you Home to Heaven if that is His choice for your life/s.
What exactly does that mean sons? It means that once you relax into that great comfort zone of always being watched over, yes even when from time to time you might get lost, Our Heavenly Father, Jesus and Precious Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Guide is there a carrying you through the resultant storms in your life that might blow from time to time as sometimes a result of you taking a wrong turn...
Neverless know that He is a there a watching, waiting for your return to His Path and a need when you pray to send in your and His angels to assist."
Imagine if you will, a God, Heavenly Father on stand by, quite awesome picture isn't it?
That Perhaps Is Too Much Like "The Wizard of Oz or Alice In Wonderland For You Both
Yet it is me and I feel very real and that is why I told you both, "don't make this move as a way to save me for God is a holding me up, as He has always done since I took that prayful first step as a very young child."
The first time that I accepted Jesus into my life. Just like my youngest grand-daughter did this weekend. I did this by simply asking Jesus to forgive me all of my sins as I vowed to try to be what He would have me be. Yes, another; "what would Jesus do, kind of story."
Perhaps a bit too "chick Flicky," perhaps more real than you could ever imagine.
You guys are my world and I want you both to hold within your hands, the song: "I Hope You Dance." My sister dedicated it as well to her sons; just in case she would pass before she had a chance to tell them how much she as well, loved them.
Know as well sons, by placing you both on God's Altar; I can spend my time a doing God's Will and not a falling apart from the worry and fear of you both being in harms way, for in my mind, heart, soul and spirit, you will be alright.
For God Will's for our life is exactly that, His will; we aren't to question, only follow.
Be Totally At Peace
Mom is done for awhile.
God Bless and Keep You Always!