Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Monday May 04, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone, Associate
Dear All One Family:
Whew! I don't know about all of you, it seems like to me that we somehow are encountering varying levels of fear intoxication. Swine Flu, National Economy, Joblessness, Homelessness, with extreme poverty, still a blessing over homelessness...Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea...our adulterated food, water and air quality, education being compromised, due to so many teacher lay offs, and early retirement programs, teachers cuts in pay...raising insurance costs, less coverage than ever before.
And I could continue that mind path, yet have decided that all can do what ever it is that floats their boat.
I personally choose the road of God, Jesus and Holy Spirit a handling all of lines of hope that I will need as I step out of my self created shell and move bravely forward, not a knowing, who or what or where...a blindly a reaching out to what ever star that can handle my weight as I move towards the point that I know is just around the bend from me.
Who will follow Jada and myself? Is a question that only God/Jesus and Holy Spirit knows. I see many friends and family members a coming into the research center, university Eco-green vibrational Medicine, Alternative/Complementary Medicine, health facility and community.
Rather all that I see futuralistically at this time, will decide to follow the dream reality, will be totally seen when that moment in time; when the call comes through from Oprah, Dr. Phil and The Doctors, will again be seen.
Why would I say this? Again, allow me to state; I have been writing Oprah and Dr. Phil for years...and because my spiritual counseling is such a hit parade for most of my 24 year plus clientele...I really do believe that I am not viewed by them as being a nut job...
Many have asked me, have you ever gotten a call from them that they are interested in all that you have proposed?
That is a hard question for me to answer, because I am primarily in communication with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, most of the time I am awake...while working on clients, family and friends, and especially when I am a writing...
So I would say that I am kind of like a lucid dreaming person most of the time...and in those lucid dreaming moments...the call did come, actually three. And in those lucid dreaming moments, the first call from Oprah, I told her that I was no longer interested in her publishing my books and that I would find a different way to get them published...and that one was a dumb nightmare one...because who would be stupid enough to not take the hand of a fellow sister light house of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...for just look at all the good she has personally brought to the World...
The second call I got was her a confirming that it was only a nightmare and she hadn't called me and got such a arrogant response from me...and that she was a ready to bring me to Chicago so that we can get all of my books of thirty years a writing together with editors and such...whereas I would give her 20% -net of all of my books to her Angel Foundation, as well as 20% of all of my future salaries...if she built it and provided the Deltec Homes of All of The Administrators and Directors of the research center.
See prior newsletter postings about the research center dream...No, I don't remember which ones I posted that has all of the details, I am sorry.
Yet the more you read about me, the more you will get to understand how I tick...
That lucid call from Oprah to myself was to see if I was a ready to spread my wings...and fly to the land of her choosing?
I remember telling her that I had a few things to clean up and move around in order to simplify my life and that I would be ready perhaps sometime in the early spring...
The third lucid call was to ask me again were I ready. I then again asked for additional time, perhaps the early summer.
My Dreams Always Come True
Many have asked me why I call it my lucid state of dreaming and why can't I separate fact from dream land?
My response to that question is this...all of my life I have never felt that life placed that much value in what I was about...my writings to most that told me that they loved me, was just a bunch of yesterday happenings that indicated to everybody that I was a past incidents resident and that I needed to just move past it...and leave all things in the past...in other words, move on from it or stay the loser...
So when one spent so much time a allowing others to go before her, when it finally became my time to come first in line...perhaps my mind, like a person shell shocked and buries the memory in the conscious mind...you know all things are possible?
Anyways, that is my story and I am definitely sticking to it...call me delusional, call me crazy, just don't call me late for supper!
Yet, what if like all of my other dreams of yesterday, what if this does come to pass and I am right and not wrong? Would you then believe me?
My plan B? Grocery chart, with my dog and my cat at my side...a wearing my cross, Archangel Michael medal, and my crystal moldavite; to deflect the negativity of many away from me...as I roll along...of course it won't be that bad.
If this was all a delusional dream...I am sure someway, somehow the dream will transpire...for I have been a creating it for years...and I can see it in the distance and not all that far away?
Timing is everything, you know?
Enough for now...
Be Blessed and Know It
Love, Light and Peace