Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
May 06, 2009
Walking Our Talk
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone, Associate
Dear All One Family:
I had so many pictures I wanted to display on this newsletters, yet I wasn't allowed to travel there. Oh well, It is what it is.
Perhaps I have too much stuff on it and it is almost time to move towards a more perfect website design.
Don't you just love how God/Jesus and Holy Spirit have shown me how to take a frustration and move towards a larger picture of it for the good...
Glass almost filled, instead of half empty...
Today's subject is one that I have been a dreaming for perhaps 9 years. Why I stayed on as long as I did was for those that I knew that my move away would mean for them, a great loss.
I also held this heart space for a man that couldn't see or hear me. I represented too much change and that wasn't what he wanted.
For he was a man that just took all he could take from the kind of women that weren't part of the solution as to why men and women were having such a large communication relationship.
This wonderful fellow had married he felt, three of them and he just wasn't willing to travel there again and staying single just made more sense. For in his mind's imaginings, staying out of the heart zone meant that he could travel any direction at any time he chose.
Yet I told him, repeatedly down through the great span of time that I couldn't let it lie and rest and thus; then be able to move on after doing such.
So perhaps I too went into hibernation mode, yet in a different way than my moon, stars and heaven...in other words, no one can bring you to any level of habitational design unless one gives permission for it to occur.
It was a life choice and I am glad that I got to experience it, for how ever long it lasted...and how ever long it took to get over it.
We were just two broken wing servants, a just trying to get it right, and not trying to hurt anyone...just trying to get through it...without getting broken ourselves...
I now believe that I can see all things more clearly now and even though I will miss the knowledge that somewhere out there close, he is near and not far...Yet in my heart he will live on forever, for that is what unconditional love is all about...you love them, even when all they feel for you is friendship...
It was also a tainted one in the fact that our Heavenly Father/Jesus and Holy Spirit doesn't really like the idea of union ship not based on love.
When one spends so many years a asking for forgiveness from Our Father for being intimate with one so unequally yoked as myself, and not really wanting to get rid of the one thing that held us together, for somewhere was better than no place at all.
Of course, that placed a rift distance between God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, for inside of myself I knew that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, were probably a losing hope that I would ever change...
I firmly believe that communication breaks with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, occurs when one was participating in a relationship that was in essence, making that one person more important than God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, in others he was my God/Jesus and Holy Spirit.
Not good, for that meant that I was always a breaking the first of the Ten Commandments..."Thy shall have no other gods before me, for I am a jealous God."
That is why intimacy is out for me until I am married in God's eyes, first and far most.
Staying single and not sexually involved is easy when we truly believe that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit is a leading the one that I wait for that will be with me and me alone, until the end of our experience here and in Heaven with me, forever.
I have also stated in the many past moment times, that if for one reason or the other, he has arrived and I passed him by, and we won't be able to get together in this life time, perhaps the next one, we will.
Now having said all of that...I believe I am ready for my next leg of the journey, what ever it may be and where it may lead me...God/Jesus and Holy Spirit are at the wheel, I am just a passenger.
This weekend I am a taking my brother up to the mountains to check out a off the power grid community that like I have told others, might hold the next key and maybe not...it is my first trip away from the home bound status that I have found to be my only avenue...
I won't call it a vacation, for I don't really know what one would be like, for all of my out of town trips were for others...believe it or not, I have also considered a C.E.U. bodyworks training cruise, so as to capture both worlds, God and myself...yet I knew that my first cruise would be with the one that will continue to take my breath away, forever with the Titanic love shared, and not intermingled with tragedy and without God/Jesus and Holy Spirit in ones every moment of life, that is a hard space to achieve.
All that know what I speak to be true, please say Amen.
My brother and myself are also going to look at the Deltec Company that will one day provide the housing and building facilities for Oprah's Angel's Dream Foundation.
I have a whole lot of things to inquire about and through it all, I want to watch the dream that my brother has; come into its own manifestation.
For he is a man tired of just being ordinary...and he knows that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit are real...and also watching and guiding his every move...for like myself, this surrender to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit is a very wonderful thing...for life starts to make sense for the first time...a life on purpose...the good, the bad, the indifferent...with all things occurring for the good, after the storms clouds pass and clarity is given when one turns it all over to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit in prayer
This trip is thus utilizing two stones with one attempt...both of our missions.
So my spirits are up, and not down...am experiencing a wee bit of sadness for twenty plus years, is still twenty plus years...yet I am excited for every door that I have been a opening of late, has been a grand one...all good, life is good!
I will write more later...
Want to kind of chill out and see what the next moment brings in the way of inspiration...this is now pamper me time...
Be Blessed Always and Know It
Laugh, Sing and Be Happy
Love, Light and Peace