Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 13, 2009
Let Me Show You The Moves of Love
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Today the weather is rather warm and the sun is shining in its glorious self that it is...
All is actually peace filled and not at all boring, for as you can see, we all are going through our own little dips, dives and new heights discovered...I want to thank all that have thus far, traveled along with Jada and myself and all those that are part of our world and thus make up our world.
Down through the years, I have personally held a writer's hand to so many of you that now spans the continent and I have to say, you are all near and dear to my heart and I know that I speak as well for Jada.
Thank you again for sending me those emails that you knew would touch my heart to so many different opinion flying degrees...for just like the question that is never asked, is never answered; the same as such with all of your emails...just like the Dr. Phil, Oprah, The Doctors, Montel, Mourey Show, Sixty Minutes, Medium, The Ghost Whisperers, Gossip Girl, Tyra and other news shows, open up avenues of out of the box kind of thinking, your emails have done the same.
I will never believe that out of the box kind of thinking is harmful...only unless the thinking attempts to harm another...
For I still believe that we are all necessary for the sound functioning and continued life span of our planet....a falling down into deep despair is somehow a weakening our land and causing us to move into some pretty wild patterns as can be seen with our weather changes for one.
Many other changes can be seen...yet for time span wise and being I have heard personally that many aren't a paying attention to the news because it is just too down right disturbing...I couldn't agree more, yet, I still say, when one buries their head in the sand or up their back side, some would say...isn't that like becoming an ostrich?
I say, isn't all things a going on, just because you aren't in the forest, don't you still believe that when a massive tree lands, its sound and vibration of its fall is still heard by all of the woodland creatures?
I personally am a monitoring the news because it leads me to greater depths of my thinking, of not a buying into the fear energy, for like Jada, I have enough hope to float many persons boats...
I have this capacity not because of who I am, only because of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's whose channel of energy keeps me a ticking like the "Energy Bunny Rabbit."
Time waits for no one, we wait for it...sort of a thing.
Along with Jada's second posting to Angeline, I would like to comment that I too am very proud of the choice that Angeline made when she decided to no longer cover for the weak excuses of her former husband, whose needed to skip work for the day, for what ever reason.
Perhaps had Angeline who is a supervisor over about 90 employees that she holds in her 8 to sometimes 8PM day, and had to fire someone for doing just this very thing of lying to get out of work...and she had informed Jada's son of such a crazy moment in her world...it wouldn't have been so bad of an outcome for him...yet, Jada's son had told Angeline that she needed to fire the man.
So how many days again I say to Jada's son that his judgment call, came back to slap him? Hmmmm...another coconut headed moment perhaps? "Judge not, least thee be judged." Ouch!
I want all to know that soon after the last newsletter was posted, I received a few responses from it and this is what I believe Jada is getting ready to address...so please bear with us...for more than not are applauding Angeline for being able in spite of her unconditional love for her former husband and father of their youngest daughter...
They have also expressed how proud they were of her in being able to walk her talk, for as they have told me:
When one holds themselves out to be a good example, that example includes the ability to speak ones truth and act as if the whole world could be a watching them...even when only a few are looking, for one never knows who is a looking too closely and a mimicking your same action.
Besides when one has in their mists a person caught in the world of time imbalances and have a need to lie to make it through their world...when one fosters that lie and keeps it a rolling, aren't they in essence, a assisting that person to remain stuck in their own tangled weave that they are a weaving.
So when the children that are supposed to be the glue that holds them forever grateful and together start a copying that deceptive behavior, don't they as well, learn how to lie from the supposed experts?
So does one beat a child that one supposedly showed how to do such a silly thing...for in end times I am understanding from Revelations that all things buried will resurface...hmmmm...perhaps larger doses of honesty are what is needed to recapture the once flaming embers...perhaps the flame has gone down too much...
Just my thoughts a throwing them out there like seeds, in hopes that one day they will take root before it is too late, yet knowing as well, all things are what they are.
My Blessings to all
Love, Light and Peace
Jada's Letter to Angeline Once Again
Dear Angeline:
The other day you mentioned a very strained comment that my son made to you about you a telling all things to everyone and you mind went to my having said things to my son the day that I called him after waiting almost a month in which to do so.
I told you to relax that you hadn't come up in the conversation, no not once, for he had ordered me to not speak of his life and personal stuff...or risk him not calling or returning my calls...I was told to especially not bring up your name...I was to keep my questions minimal and under no terms, step over the line.
Wow, is all that I can say...
How my son gathered that you had spoken to me, when he ordered us both to stop talking and communicating with each other...was when I believe I asked him if he was a planning on going back to Iraq and he told me, that he didn't know for he had to wait and see what the doctor had to say about his condition.
When I asked him what condition...he told me that it was between his doctor and himself...now isn't it.
I guess it wouldn't have been so awkward and difficult for me to accept this decision of his, were it not for the fact that I am an alternative health care provider for over 24 years and have lots of great resources that I and Tonie have amassed as well as grand ideas...
Yet that stigmata of family and friends being your greatest hard heads to reach out towards, again is very truly sad and true...darn it!
Those that we love the most, hear and see us the less...doesn't seem fair or real does it?
Yet I can understand it, for if God/Jesus and Holy Spirit can help us see others so clearly that we could watch their every move so that they don't stumble and break a bone...or several...than how much responsibility is placed on the shoulders of the one a trying to assist those that are needing necessary falls in which to help them find themselves out of the hole that they have dug themselves...now think about it.
So by us giving away too much information, we are in essence a making the one that we are a giving the future visions too much help, for what we can receive about others life's, we can gather about our own...
So the person that Brad wants to become, he and only himself can find...yet he won't find it in the eyes of others, until he changes the energy that he is presenting that is real to the world...
Something like, want a miracle, be a miracle kind of thing...
Or something like, want love to find you, find the love within yourself first and then it will radiate back to you so that its radiance will attract the one that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit are a willing for your life...
I have a very good example to give you of what that means...I believe I gave a wee bit of it the other day...yet my brother has brought me news of the situation since the time that I spoke to you.
I do hope that all will also find it interesting...for remember, I have been unattached for so long and still just a loving it...for I know that soon he that I also await, will find me and I him...
I will call this rendition... Miguel
I noticed Miguel the very first time that I saw him in church.
He is a very handsome Mexican man about 5'8" in height, sandy colored hair, and a bit too heavy yet fixable...hahahehe...as is our church minister's way, every now and then he tells us all to hug, or high five our neighbor and tell them that Jesus loves them...so I remember the first time that I high five Miguel, for he said, "does He?"
I said to him, of course He does silly one, for he loves us all, the green, orange, yellow, black, brown, white ones...I told him and his friend that spoke little to none English, that I was glad that they had found their way to our church and that I hoped that they would return for this was a fine place.
Miguel had to interpret all of our minister's sermon to his friend and I noticed that he did such, lovingly and patiently and I like that as well about him.
Miguel and his friend, promised that they would return for they loved how the church energy and minister and church members made them feel...welcomed.
Miguel and his friend made it a regular thing of coming to church after that...and all but one Sunday, did they choose to sit behind me.
Then about a month ago, Miguel in five minutes told me his life story...divorced, father of three children living in Mexico and that he hadn't visited his home land in 12 years and that one day he wanted a home not only here, yet also in Mexico so that he could visit both places that he loved...
Both of his parents were still living in Mexico and he hadn't seen them all these years as well...
Then he asked me out on a date.
I told you Angeline that in the past when I made various choices along my journey's path ways...I never took the time to stop and qualify my man...by qualifying a man this is what I mean...
Dear Heavenly Father in the name of Sweet Jesus and Holy Spirit, I pray that you put it upon my heart if this is the one that You would have me with...all this I ask again in Jesus's name...Amen.
This is what came forth in my mind's imaginings...
Dear child:
Miguel is a very sweet and wonderful son of mine. Yet you asked for a man that could hold equal ground in conversation and this one doesn't know the language well enough to understand you...so conversation wise I would have to say that it isn't equal ground you will be receiving.
The age difference between you might not be a problem, yet the communicational area that you seek, won't match up and perhaps that will bring you the most discomfort...for as you continue to age, he will stay more youthful than you perhaps care to have...happen.
Now onto his plans of the future. One house here and one house there. Can you divide your life up that way? Expand on how that would one day unfold itself...
Besides, if you can't communicate with basic things, how will you know until it is too late that he is still carrying baggage about a previous spouse...
Along with that picture you are a looking outside of the box at...what does three more children along with your own with abandonment issues of the dad, show itself as?
Then it was also shown me the financial picture of this man with a mother and father still a remaining in Mexico and I was shown the picture of my adopted daughter whose husband is also a Mexican with family back home a needing his financial assistance and I then had to make a decision...with all those that I love and cherish that I am already a putting on my already heavy plate financially a needing my assistance can I really handle the extra load?
For Miguel not a going home for 12 years should state that it wasn't due to him financially a being able to do such...so that meant to me that he too was caught up in helping those that he had left behind for the world of advancement...
So my choice in my sixty seconds time of making a decision had to be, a polite no, and thank you as I told him that I wasn't ready to date anyone as of yet...for too much work for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit was expected of me.
I also thanked him for asking me as I brushed his cheek lightly to show him that I was impressed with a 45 year or there about, a believing I was a youthful enough to keep up with his energy and what fores.
Meal preparation wise...would also might play a role, because I like Mexican food, yet not all the time...too fat and calorie laden for my tastes...yet I could be wrong for I have seen slim figured ones as well...
Now I know Angeline that I already shared all the above with you, yet this is the latest update:
Yesterday my brother told me that he had ran into Miguel at the bank and just like he figured, the reason that Miguel hadn't been to church was because of me a hurting his feelings.
What my brother told me:
"I ran into your friend at the bank." I said Miguel? He said, "yes."
"I asked him had he been to church lately, being we had two services and he could have chosen the one opposite ours and being we also hadn't been in a few weeks...perhaps he was now a going and wondering where we were at..."
"He told me straight up that he was hurt at you for you had declined his offer of a date, for in you he saw the most beautiful woman on the planet and knew that he wanted to be yours."
"My brother then told me that he told Miguel that perhaps I declined his offer being he had three kids, that you might still be married and he said, no, I have been divorced for years."
I then told my brother, I already told you that the reason I declined his offer was for all the above mentioned reasons and that most of all, were it not for his age, the fact that I don't speak the same language as himself, would be my hardest mountain to cross over for all of the choices I had made in the past, were men that were good about communicating their own needs and this time...I wanted one that could not only listen, yet hear and keep up...
Besides the fact that Miguel used me as the reason to not return to church, is lame in itself and speaks rather highly of a wounded victim and just because I treated him like all of the family church members...I am to blame for his short fallings...so in essence, he confirmed with his own words, that he is a victim...for just because one wants their cake, ice cream and eat it as well, doesn't mean that this is the soda shop he is a searching for...
Thus I told my brother that another broken winged man is not what I am a searching for...and I don't want one that I can't throw all of my books into his hand and tell him to read them so that he can better understand me...and have him say, I can't for I can't read...understand?
For I have had enough non readers already....they are called in my memory cells, ordinary and typical men that I couldn't get awakened and thus had to move on...
Just a throwing this all out to you dear one. I thought you would find it interesting...for all that looks good from the outside, might not be all that you are a needing and a wanting...
More later,
Love to you and yours and mine
Be Blessed Always
Mother Jada