Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
July 12, 2009
Southern Response As To Why The North Won The War Between The States: They Stole Our Shoes!"Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
I know that you are probably wondering why the need for so much background information to be given on my adopted daughter's parental influences of two generations back.
I am doing such so that the Guardian Ad Liteum volunteer and the attorney for the Guardian Ad Liteum office out of Wadesboro will understand why even though there was substantial evidence to have this case dismissed and my adopted daughter free to recapture her children that were stolen from her and having her husband released from jail and able to be deported back to his country of Mexico and the family that waits for his release and return...
I am directing all of this portion of my adopted daughter's case to the Guardian Ad Liteum volunteer because V.H. is the only one in the entire judicial assembly of folks that understands something really big and profound is a laying down precedence that could impact every person of color that is not acceptable to the area that they are a residing in...for when a system appoints an attorney to uphold the rights of his court appointed client, that is exactly what he should be a doing and if anybody doesn't understand that, than I don't know what pumpkin patch you have risen up out of...for Our Constitution that states that we "are all innocent until proven guilty," already has been shown to me is one of those rights that have been denied us all...for it is now, one is guilty until it turns out that with all the evidence provided a conviction isn't about to be gotten and thus they are acquitted.
Just like my adopted daughter's attorney stated to me, "her husband will never be found innocent for the best he will get is, acquitted which means he was neither innocent nor found absolutely guilty, thus leaving it wide open to speculation as to what really occurred...
When my adopted daughter's attorney stated that in juvenile court the system is different than in the criminal court for in the juvenile court system, all we have to have is 49.99% proof that something did occurred and we can get a guilty conviction on the proof we have and we don't have to prove who, what or when conclusively...
Now please examine all that which I just wrote...I already told you that I know someone close to me that flew into this nightmare storm with a court appointed attorney for no one had the funds to help him fight the system that was set on conviction without fact and only the statement of one that had ulterior motives according to his youngest daughter who played her own CSI investigation because her dad's poor man's court appointed attorney played the similar card game hand as my adopted daughter's court appointed attorney.
Now I want your imagination to jump into a Billionaire's Celebrity Case whereas the same unconstitutional injustices as my adopted daughter's situation.
My adopted daughter's attorney told me as a way to calm my wanting to march in protest all the way to the White House and the Mexican Embassy! That her husband will not be found innocent (new name -acquitted so that one can never sue the system if all the evidence and the torture damage brought them in the system's slanderous reputation destroying technique as a way to break them down in order to extract the truth) won't come back and slap the system squarely in the face when none of the evidence presented showed guilt, only innocence...
A protective device used similar to what hospitals and doctors use so that you won't bring down financial law suits when it is discovered that errors were made by those in charge...of the case...so neglect or Mal practice cases will be kept to a minimum.
Not a bad safe guard system in place wouldn't you say? Is it legal? Absolutely not! It is unconstitutional yet Michael Jackson with all of his billions couldn't give us back that which was stolen.
Also, I got news for those that are the "white is right." politically correct types, this grave injustice also applies to you as well so it isn't only a problem for those with varying skin color types...so please wake up and smell the coffee here folks, okay?
"Facing The Nation, Looking Straight Into Bob Schaffer's, "One Nation Under God" Eyes, Ears And Heart.Dear Sir: I used to have a hard time a having to leave for church so early in the morning for the previous church that I had been a member of for so many years of my twenty years of living in this county, a church that the music and sometimes the minister with a word said here or there a setting me on fire and knowing conclusively that he was a man of God and working for Him, Jesus and Holy Spirit to intercede in the lives of all those he professed to be trying to lead God's children to the right path leading Home and the rewards that await those having passed God's Marker for their life mission He assigned them before leaving Heaven and coming here to help awaken those still asleep.
It was a church that the music set you afire and most of the minister's word having some value yet not a really a talking to my heart or Christ spirit living inside of me, yet the music more than made up for it and besides a few therapists I had personally trained and past clients that still to this day, I hold up in prayer to Our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, no matter what judgment call they may had used to stop me from becoming too entwined in their world that their ancestors laid before them...that stated that those of varying skin colors were not as valuable/or as trustworthy as those with the right skin color.
For in my blended nationality world mind eye, I know that everything laid before in my path, was Divinely Guided and most of those that experienced my way of style of being more than just a oil pusher over the bodies of those paying me to relax, it was a recharging and a revamping that I was a doing...a body tune it...and the most low costing as well in the entire area!
Even at this lower costing factor and a obtaining much much more! I still haven't advanced much since I first started a moving and a attempting to change the energy in this place for the better...
Spa Telling Me To Step Down From Supervisor And Take My Normal Place As All Others Without Proper University Paper Degrees Good Worker Bee, Not Management Material, kind of thing...
So after I was once again a drying my tears and a shaking my head and a saying to myself that how can the awarding of this spa's worth in the first three months of opening, be given Top Spa In The Country, In Body works and Skin Care Area, of which were one to look back at the financial reports...Whereas the department of myself and that of the other supervisor, forced after our spa went number one, to hear our Director state to me, "If I would along with J., keep an eye on things while she and her real supervisors went to lunch."
How could I be disqualified on the grounds that I didn't have the right amount of paper degrees to hold my position and besides your crew state that they don't like you all that much for you are too bossy!
Of which I replied, I didn't know that my staff didn't like me for I have not had many problems with my staff other than when we are forced to go to meetings that are absolutely nothing more than brow beating sessions and also greed and deception producing sessions...
Of which, to prove the point; let's go back to the first meeting we have had with the top management team...the assistant director that you hired in over me, even though his resume stated that he was the director of it, was the only thing he held over me...and I was okay that he got the job over me, even though I had set up more body works businesses than himself, I was okay with that move, until he became my boss and I got to see first hand what a con he was...I knew more than he about setting up that which had never been set up before, I had more knowledge in the field of body works than he, even though he stated he was a massage therapist as well, when I asked him questions about what additional modalities he had Incorporated into his basic training style, since becoming a therapist?
I got that he hadn't done any body work for quite some time now and that he never really cared all that much about it anyways...
So then I deducted that because this area used to have the largest house of ill repute just down the road a bit...that perhaps they brought a man in being it was it was a female that had ran the w...house, called, "Magical Touch."
Besides, I had already walked through that gender problem at the college when the program that I and the Director of Nursing worked so hard with the good ole boys handling the higher education system in the county to show the board how it could be created and designed...Just to see the teaching position go to a man...being this college had decided to cancel its first birth and its first run through with me a doing it single handily...all the way...because the field I was a teaching used to be part of illicit adult education...just up the road a bit.
So looking at the Director of this several million dollar costing spa...I told her that the reason my staff were not able to draw close to me, is because in that very first meeting you and the big wigs of this spa end of the golf club resort corporation...told my staff that what they should be doing was a visualizing themselves five years or less in my job position...
I also told her and the human resource team that, "your Donald Trump corporate under handed business technique , unbeknown st to yourselves; set up a spirit of competition amongst my employees under my supervision and thus as well a putting themselves up in competition of a survival of the fittest game within their own job position circle, whereas their main job function was to devalue those around themselves so that they would always appear more qualified than those others around them...and being I was the job position they were to try and obtain on your orders...a devaluing me, behind my back was their first step as my employees strove to show to management all of my flaws in order to get my job for themselves...
It didn't matter that most of my employees were either less than part timer therapists professionally before getting hired by me or were fresh out of massage school and still were a finding their way in what it was that they had gotten trained in...
Yet under your management umbrella, they could still gain my job if they could prove that they had more going than myself...
To The Director Of The Spa That Asked Me To Step DownI will never forget the look on your face when my second level boss, your assistant director, picking up the rotten tomato that you just threw at me and all your other supervision and management heads that very first day all of our crews and departments head and mere worker bees gathered to be welcomed by all of the who's who's in management of this famous golf resort...we all now called our working home world...for right at the start, all saw real fast that the needs of this job place were more important than the job we all had going at home when we left this world that always demanded more of us than we could possibly give so that you could have something to note in each and everyone in management's files...that only you had the lock and key to...
The Funny/Unhappy Look On Your Face, Ms. DirectorI will never forget the reality check look on your face that day when you threw down that bomb to all supervisors and working bee employees, your assistant director-my first line boss; stated, for you gave him the lead in; "that's right, I see myself a being in our director's desk and chair within a couple of years!
I saw the look of horror as you reflected upon where you are a living, the south and a knowing that white men such as himself, could possibly accomplish that end, for this wasn't an area that supported women over men in high paying management income jobs...
I smiled to myself when I saw the surprized and quizzical look hit your pretty pale with no wrinkles white complexion, long blond hair, face. It was a classic look and I thought, pay backs baby...and I knew that from that point on, the days of my second level boss, the assistant director were numbered, for now it was your job to get the dirt on him so that he could never slide into your job that you knew you could lose...due to gender alone.
So you set out to tear him down anytime that you felt like it...for he was the dog that you kicked when wanting to make a point and then I was the dog that he kicked when no one else was available and being I was his employee and he didn't want me to take his job before he could take yours...what a back stabbing land you set up little missy...so if my employees didn't like or respect me...we got things done successfully as a team and the proof is in your financial department hands...
And if my team didn't feel safe enough to come to me with their concerns, perhaps if my own assistant director hadn't been so busy a trying to debunk me behind my back and taking credit for the work and ideas that I gave him, plus taking credit for the help I gave him with his own jobs assigned by you, plus my own so as to keep you at bay from me for I too was victim to your anal retentiveness for that is the corporate way, never show appreciation, only displeasure for that is how one keeps their employees always scared and pushing for more than what was yesterday inside of them...perhaps if he hadn't been so busy a going behind yours and mine backs to our employees...perhaps my employees wouldn't have felt so embrassed for telling him the things he needed to use against me as a way to show you that he was a working and not just a sitting at his desk a talking on the phone to his boyfriend that he and him were having so many problems being you were basically a busting his balls so much in order to keep him small and immaterial...
I also told her that due to what she was a doing to my immediate boss, he was a doing to me and to be truthful for a job duty with so much responsibility a covering all shifts, and a taking my work home every night and doing it basically for free for I was not on the time clock, and being paid only $3 more an hour than the therapists under my management wing, and myself a part time working therapist as well...they got the deal of a life time and rather cheap at that!
So they weren't going to keep me simply by asking me to step down into head therapist position which meant, still micro manage for them for still wanted to know what is going on behind the troop lines...and as well embrace those that didn't feel I had enough to handle the job...and thus set about a stabbing me in the back when ever my back was turned...yea right! I told them; so you can use me some more and force me to be just like the other therapists with no idenity...just a trying to discover their own way...along beside those that were jealous and didn't like that I had gotten where I did...from the fire into the red fire ants nest!
I remeber the last Sunday that I attended at this church that at the time, held not more than perhaps a hundred members and one service and located in an old conference room building of a hotel thrown down years prior to the church a renting it...I remeber it well for I had been a considering a throwing in the towel to this area of the country that I had made home for so long...simply because I was tired and worn out from having done so much ground breaking work in my field here and never getting the cigar, yet always reasons as to why I wasn't enough...as proof of their action...
So this was the first Sunday after my last and largest ground breaking ever and dream realization all going south and down the drain, once again and I vowed that I would no longer work for heartless and greedy self serving corporations again and I didn't care if they were non profit for I had discovered that non profit is purely to obtain tax advantages that they could using those labeling words...
So as I settled into the sermon that followed the singing of all of the congregation, together a resulting in the bringing in of Our Holy Spirit to fill us...as I still stung with the hurt of my last take down from those in power that no longer needed me for I had given them all that they needed from me, and trying to understand why so many here could and would do something like that especially to one that knew undeniably that Our Heavenly Father sent me here to help change this area into something a whole lot better than what it was when I first arrived.
Then the minister started to speak and the subject was on loss of job promotion and I instantly opened my ears, for I had been so engrossed in all the pain of rejection and lies and deception and greed and wondering what God/Jesus and Holy Spirit still had left for me here in an area of unfairness...
The minister that I tried not too hard to take all he had to say to heart in the past because he and I weren't all that similar in how we viewed things spiritually, yet because I had been so depressed and so down trodden since my human resources experience...so I had been immersed in prayer for already two days and knowing then like I still know, "Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it will be opened up to you." So I was a waiting on a miracle!
So having God/Jesus and Holy Spirit bring forth my answers this time around and so soon after the fall...I was all ears...and as my heart started beating faster in anticipation, this is what this minister said to his congregation that morning of my last visit...Also, I would like to mention that this minister held eye contact with me...the whole time.
This was the second time that my minister had done this and the last time, what the minister said; and the reaction that he sent forth from his words, caused all that knew the situation between my nephew who had been attending high school here and a staying with me and the girlfriend that he was now leaving behind as he moved back home to Michigan...one of this churches precious own young lady, loved by most of her age peers...caused me to stay away from this church for almost a year and here I was just recently having returned and again, I was made the recepient of his sermon on companies a firing you and having good reason!
For I don't remember the contents completely of this so called sermon of God, just like the last one that caused me to leave his definition of God's House for over a year...being he was incorrect and one as well, that hadn't been taken personally to him for this minister doesn't have private conselling available to his flock...
So if the information that he gathered and spoke upon was valid...why wasn't my side called into play? Also as well, why did he feel that he had the right to judge my behavior from the opinions of others, worried that I would press further into the whys and why nots...of promises never coming forth from a large corporation that could hoo doo the small people for they had the power, control and money in which to do so...
The bottom line of what this minister said was this...some people in the world, look all around them when they are let go from a job, and state that the reason that they were let go was because they didn't like them or that they weren't the right sex or that they were back stabbed about...
Looking at me the whole while as he is speaking, so they go from one job to another and get sent off later from each job, and blame their boss each and everytime for not liking them or accepting them...or they were let go because they weren't the right sex and such...always a blaming the boss and never realizing that something within themselves was a causing their job losses and it wasn't the boss it was them...a not being educated enough, a not being liked by those they managed...so stop blaming others and start looking inside of your own self...for without God in your life...one does find it easy to blame all others...
I am not really sure how long ago it was that this sermon happened, yet since that time...I have never wanted to go back and visit...that is how strong his sermon left me a thinking...for I now knew without a doubt that if my minister could get the news of my dismissal and reasons given him by who ever being the same as when I left their resource office that day...the gaining of any kind of sympathy from this guy a wanting my tithing donations and wanting me to not make any waves in his community, forced me to see him up front and personal...and I didn't like what I saw..."for if one isn't part of the solution, they are definitely part of the problem."
Wake Up Mr. SchafferI am sorry for such a lengthy intro into what I want to address with your show this morning...for I didn't go to church today because to tell you the truth, I don't like being seen in public anymore and want to hide out from an area that doesn't know what real love is...even though I know that there are folks in my church that are loving folks...and good folks...I just don't want to venture outside there for everytime that I have and put myself totally out there and giving my 100%...it was always in twenty some years, never enough...
So your show today and the words that you stated about Michael Jackson that triggered all these things inside of me and that which happened last Tuesday that took me even further over the edge of realizing that in our land we still have discrimination a being allowed to still run rampant...and what you said today about Michael Jackson stated to me that you obviously missed the whole point of House of Representative Sheryl Jackson Lee from Texas...and what she was a wanting to do...set the record straight for Michael Jackson...for it was our judicial system that ended up killing Michael Jackson, a system set up to defend us, actually can end us...for he never got those words innocent and instead got acquittal, which means neither innocent and more assumed guilty, they just can't prove it...
So Michael was never free from the cases that caused him shame and the ridicule of a nation and world that he loved and wanted more than anything else to please and now couldn't because not one yet two boys set out to take down the King of Pop, and because he was so different and odd looking than ourselves, we sat back and watched the entertainment and the destruction of one that gave more to others than he ever gave to himself...
Mr. Schafer, it hasn't been all that long ago that I just loved to catch your mini in the news views and right now I would rather look at you as a person that has time dated his age...for I am 58 years old and I grew up around Michael and his music...and from a young boy, I saw his struggle trying to be all things to everybody and never feeling like he ever reached that point...so as I wrote before, in this case...of my adopted daughter...I too know full well what that feels like, a being judged on appearances alone and not on the music and dance style he gifted our nation and world...
Because of your age group...probably being the big band era stuff...I can understand your lack of insight into the music he created in a era of so much stuff a happening in the land...Michael's music uplifted our spirits and caused our feet to dance when all we wanted to do was lie down...he gave us hope when the news told us that only bad things and bad people were a happening...Michael's music touched not only his race souls, he touched all souls in a way that mankind wanted to not accept so when those with greed and ill intent issues went after him, many believed him guilty for how can anyone love those so unlovable and needy?
Also many couldn't understand his need to have around those things that he didn't have a chance to investigate when he was a very young child a trying to grow up too fast...so that when he made it to where he wanted to be, he returned back to that which he gave up for us with the music and dance movements he birthed and gifted us forever with...
Mr. SchaferAs for Michael's odd appearing looks...you obviously don't know what it is like wanting to be accepted by all and knowing because of your differences you aren't?
How very lucky for you...and obviously you don't know about the blown nose job of his cosmetic surgeon and all the failed attempts after that, that just kept him having more and more of the nose removed as the specialists called in to repair that which should never have been damaged in the beginning, had he been living in a land of the free and the brave where all are called equal...so the nose job was to take a African typical nose and make it into an acceptable white person one...
The turning of his skin to white when brown was his real dna color...I can understand that as well...read all those take down times of mine posted on my adopted daughters case that I find so totally unjust and so unfair that I don't even like this state anymore for yes I am like all those other persons that take four or five or ten things in which to make their decision about rather staying or going...and I have to say at this time and point...had I been white skinned as yourself...and maybe more willing to do anything I could to advance...perhaps things would have ended up a lot different for me in this land a living in yesterday's battle waste...land.
Do you know what is even more mind boggling than all the stuff that came out of me when I heard your views this morning while I was a hiding out from the folks that I know never loved or respected me in this so called Bible Belt of The South Land?
I considered finding out what natural substances I could take to lighten my skin being I would never change my sexual gender in order to just fit in and advance in a nation that finds white men more valuable than women.
You know that is pretty sad...especially since we are living in 2009 and not the years before when other skin colored persons than just white had been treated like second/third/forth/no class citizens...
When I passed the road in another little rural town like where this kangaroo, barney fife court house resided that awoke and shook me awake, finally...thank you God! My mind and memory in the height of my sadness and depression jumped back to the time that I had finally been given the teaching job at the college because those students promised it and who had paid their money to the college to attend my intro class and were promised it...
So my strong Zenya type student, knew her rights and the rights of me and her future students and she went around and had all of them sign a petition that stated that all had attended my intro 101 class and they were not going to allow the college to do that to them the students that had given up their time and money to investigate, this professional field, for truth is truth and none that signed the petition were going to allow them to take that away from them as promised and I was the teacher that they wanted and no other...My Zhenya friend from having been around the block a time or two and being she could pass with them being blond haired young and fair skinned...she knew that the college reasonings were all based on the good ole boy stuff and a need to stay in the same oh same oh place...and she also stated that maybe a few on the college board also either patronized the massage parlor or had their man caught in the police raid that closed it...for many were stated to have been caught then present paying saps, just never no names put to them...
So as I A Driving Along Trying To Get Back To My Rented Space Where I Would Be Able To Hide And Escape From Those Things That I Hadn't Wanted To Accept Since Living Here Amongst Those Believing Their Names Are A Written In The Book of Life And Praying That They Are Right, For I Now Was No Longer Sure About The words of this little Fundamental Baptist Christian friend spoke of about ten years ago, this little former blond hair beauty gueen from West Virgina and imported here about 15-20 years prior, told me that my hair was too dark and that I needed to lighten it up were I to ever be respected and listened to by my students and the college and people native to this area that I am a trying to open up and develop in my field and still haven't quite gotten there in spite of all of my hard work, extensive knowledge base and such.
At first I was shocked that she had said that to me, for I believed that things were all different in the land since mankind had awakened to the fact that we are all equal...and it seemed that employers knew that they couldn't discriminate due to sex, or race let alone skin or hair color...yet this little one had never given me anything false before so that is when I went and got my hair lightened for the first time since a living in this county I now had made home for ten years...or more at that time.
For several years after a doing that one small thing to make myself more acceptable, everytime I would see this client/friend, I would wonder what was it that she knew that I didn't...for I never had anyone openly state that they found me different than themselves...yet again, no one other than the hair stylist that I discovered for the first time the day that my friend/client told me what I needed to do to command respect and acknowledgment in the land...that saw white as more better than those of other skin colors...
That hair stylist that met my client/friend that told me to lighten my hair color and myself on the memorable day of almost ten years ago...is still in my life today for when I told her in front of my friend/client what she had told me, my hair stylist friend from Okinawa told me that she was right for she too had to make a few modifications...to her looks so as to fit in...and not be a looking inside from the outside such as what I had experienced my whole life...already up to that point in time.
That hair stylist friend that has become from that first day she lightened my hair so that I would be found acceptable, I called her the moment I eventually found myself at my safe house...and I told what had transpired and I told her that I needed for her to lighten my hair up again and make me look more American looking...for right now when I look into the mirror...I see an ugly sad person a looking back at me...
My friend not only cut my hair and lightened it, she told me that I have again aged about ten years from the experience of Tuesday...and you know when I looked in the mirror after the hair cut and lightening job...I still see myself as unacceptable to myself...the reason being is because had I spoke up and took all the offenders of my rights in the past, perhaps things like what I saw Tuesday wouldn't have dared to have been allowed...So Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, please forgive me my part in what just unfolded before our nation..."for the truth will set you free!" Please help me find that place that doesn't judge others by their own limited viewings of what is real and the place that I can continue to do the work You sent me to do, not feeling like I am a wasting my time on those too lost in their own self important imaginings...
A place where we all can work, live harmoniously a working our dream and mission and a loving it...
For when I almost got home I thought how wonderful it would be to just go inside my house, grab my pets and a few clothes and leave all the rest of the reminders of the twenty years I had given to an area that was only interested in gaining my knowledge than sending me back to where it was that their dishing of me would take me for they didn't really give two rats tail where! Just go, fly away little different one than ourselves...
Another thought came to me as well today, isn't it interesting that it doesn't matter what land one hails from as long as they are white skinned?
These folks are accepted in an instant...no matter where they are imported from and yet were one to have color to their skin, sixty million questions later...you discover you are either in or out...having money and lots of impressionable things helps those with you are what your play toys amount too...yet for those that feel that no matter how good you are or how much love you give to others around you, you will never be allowed to fit in...our lives.
Mr. Schafer, I really hope that this story reporting today of yours is never repeated for you definitely didn't Michael Jackson's story too much accuracy in the job you gave on it and it seemed to me to be quite a bit almost like the reporting of stories in the days of our land when one was casted out due to their differences, in comparison to what the white man called their norm...so please sir...don't compare apples to oranges...I don't remember so much the job of our former president Ronald Regan...I do remember that we had some stuff towards the end of his presidency that when investigative groups asked him some pertinent questions about it...he couldn't answer them for he stated his Alzhemiers Disease was a getting the best of him...
So no, I didn't watch President Regan's memorial service...and I didn't really get to catch too much of Michael Jackson's as well, for I was in a kangaroo court room a trying to understand how a land of persons calling themselves God fearing, could do the things that were a being done and sleep at night...
I also understand from the length of this court proceeding already and all the damage to all involved has been...and also the fact of pertinent evidence available and hidden by those a saying they know the truth and guilt is there 110% and yet the proof that innocense is there 120% and that isn't brought forward...so for Michael to have gotten his cases acquitted...when he fit the profile about being unfittable to those that believe that in God's Kingdom they have more worth and value than him and all others that do not fit the acceptable mode...all I can say is, we will see...now won't we!
May You Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace To All