Thursday, April 30, 2009

LightWorkers, Unite, Patrica Diane Cota-Robles

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Editor

Newsletter from Diane Cota-Robles

April 30, 2009

Dear All One Family:

I received this newsletter today and again hope is still a floating...please take the time to read it, for to me it is confirmation that all that I have been a saying is those that trust no one than it perhaps will be meaningless, yet to those that are wanting to more clearly see and awaken, it too will bring them hope like it has myself...

Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Many new people have signed up to receive our monthly E-mail articles, and several people have asked us to send this particular mailing to their friends and loved ones. Because of the importance of this information, we have decided to send it to our entire mailing list. Please read this information carefully, and take it into your heart of hearts. This is a critical turning point for Humanity and all Life on this planet.

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

What Humanity is experiencing now has been referred to time and again in various ancient scriptures as the "time of screaming and the gnashing of teeth." Despite that ominous description, ALL of us volunteered to be here during this purging process.

The question is, why would we subject ourselves to such pain and suffering? Why would we agree to be in physical embodiment during the most challenging time in the evolution of this planet? Well, the answer is clear. We volunteered to be on Earth at this time because prior to this embodiment we were shown the bigger picture.

In that revelation, we saw the end result of our endeavors in this lifetime. We saw what life will be like on this planet after the obsolete behavior patterns of Humanity's fallen consciousness are purged and all of our human miscreations are transmuted back into Light. With that sacred knowledge, we knew through every fiber of our Beings that no matter what we had to endure in this process, it was going to be worth it.

We were shown the New Earth in all of her splendor. We witnessed Humanity living with the full knowledge of the Oneness of all Life. On this New Earth, every soul recognizes and reveres the Divinity within every other soul and in every particle of Life. People work together to find viable solutions that reflect the highest good for all concerned in every situation. Win-win experiences are achieved in every line of endeavor. The New Earth transcends all of the maladies now existing on this planet. Exquisite joy, love, abundance, health, happiness, peace, wisdom, enlightenment, and every other aspect of our Father-Mother God are the order of the day on the New Earth.

This is not, however, the only reason we made the sacrifice to embody on Earth during this unprecedented moment. Through our I AM Presence, we were well aware of the Universal Laws governing the evolution of the Sons and Daughters of God. We knew that in order for something to manifest in the physical plane, it must be invoked or asked for through the free will choice of someone existing in the physical plane.

With this inner knowing, we clearly understood that in order for us to transform the Earth and all her Life into the infinite perfection of the New Earth, we must be abiding in the physical plane. This is what is meant by the words, "God needs a body."

No matter how much our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven want to help us lift out of the horrific situations we have created, they will not interfere with our free will. But once we lift our heads above the mud puddle of our human miscreations and ask for Divine Intervention, the floodgates of Heaven open in response to our heartfelt pleas.

In order for the Sons and Daughters of God to transmute the human miscreations we have deliberately or inadvertently created during our Earthly sojourns, we must invoke the Light of God and project that Light through the Divinity in our hearts into whatever it is we are striving to transmute.

Our Father-Mother God revealed to us the miracles we would be able to accomplish by embodying on Earth and joining forces with other Lightworkers. We were shown that the unified efforts of embodied Lightworkers and the Company of Heaven have the ability to move Heaven and Earth. Together we can greatly accelerate the transmutation of the surfacing negativity. With this clarity, we understood without reservation that we are capable of assisting Humanity and all Life on this planet through the tumultuous end times in a matter of months, not years.

With this knowing, each of us willingly responded to the heart call of our I AM Presence and selflessly volunteered to embody on Earth. The Divine Intent of our mission is to assist in quickly transmuting Humanity's miscreations and to invoke the Light of God in order to expand the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical plane.

We are One with all Life. This means that every particle of Life on Earth is interdependent, interrelated, and interconnected. What affects one part of Life affects all Life. "As I AM lifted up, ALL Life is lifted up with me." The fact that we are One allows each of us to serve as a surrogate on behalf of every man, woman, and child on this planet. We truly are our brother and sister's keepers.

Whenever there is such a monumental demonstration of selfless Divine Love by the Sons and Daughters of God, our God Parents balance our efforts with additional grants of Light. In this case, a Cosmic Dispensation was granted to the Company of Heaven giving permission for the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth to come through the veil to meet us halfway. As a result of this gift of Divine Grace, we are now receiving more assistance from On High than has ever been granted to the Children of God in the whole of Creation.

We are in the midst of the most intensified cleansing Humanity has ever experienced. This event is catapulting us forward in the Light, and people everywhere are beginning to awaken. Their I AM Presence is taking dominion of their thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. People, en masse, are starting to remember who they are and why they are here.

When our awakening occurs, we remember our purpose and reason for being. Then our I AM Presence magnetizes to us information and whatever else we need to help us fulfill our part of the unfolding Divine Plan. We listen to the inner promptings of our heart, and we realize that this is our moment. We understand that this moment is the culmination of everything we have been preparing for, everything we agreed to accomplish for ourselves and Humanity prior to this embodiment, everything we agreed to do to assist this blessed planet and ALL her Life into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

My experience has been that even with this inner knowing, awakening people often hear the word Lightworker and feel that term is referring to someone else. They believe that a Lightworker must be someone special, someone who is far more adept then they are at invoking the Light of God on behalf of Humanity. Many times this misunderstanding prevents people from taking the action they are capable of taking and from trusting themselves enough to do what their heart is encouraging them to do.

During this auspicious moment on Earth, every person on the planet is capable of being a Lightworker. KNOW that it is not by chance that your I AM Presence has magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness. You are reading these words because YOU are a Lightworker! Please take this information into your heart-of-hearts, and ask your I AM Presence what your part is in this vitally important facet of the unfolding Divine Plan.


The Company of Heaven has assured us that the meltdown that is occurring in the global economy is a necessary part of Humanity's cleansing process. For aeons of time, our monetary system has been used to manipulate, control, dominate, and abuse the peoples of the world. Now that the archetypes for God's Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace have been anchored in the physical plane, everything that conflicts with those patterns of perfection is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted into Light.

There are people in positions of power around the planet who are scrambling to try to hold on to the old monetary system, which is crumbling before our very eyes. This obsolete paradigm was based in greed, selfishness, corruption, and the abuse of power. These behavior patterns cannot and will not be sustained within the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth. Too many people have awakened, and as a result of this monumental shift of consciousness, the Light of God has reclaimed this Earth.

Fortunately, there are also people in positions of power who are very aware of what is taking place. These enlightened souls are cocreating a new monetary system. This system will be based in integrity, generosity, fairness, compassion, and the highest good for all concerned. It will rise out of the ashes of our obsolete monetary system like a mighty Phoenix.

In order for the pain and suffering involved with the collapse of the old monetary system to be cleared and transmuted as quickly as possible, Lightworkers are being called into action. Our unified efforts will allow this purging process to be accomplished much sooner than seems possible from outer appearances. Many experts believe the painful effects of the present purging of our global economy will take years to overcome. But the Company of Heaven has assured us that the unified efforts of the Lightworkers can complete this process "in the twinkling of an eye."

Beloved Ones, accomplishing this mighty feat is the greatest need of the hour.

Once this facet of the Divine Plan is complete, the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will easily expand through the hearts and minds of all Humanity. This will enable our Divine Birthright to be restored. That Birthright is the perpetual flow of God's Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace.

A Divine Plan has been set in motion to accomplish this vitally important mission. The Company of Heaven is invoking Lightworkers around the world to come together both physically and in consciousness to fulfill this plan. If you are reading these words, your I AM Presence is revealing that you have a part to play in this unfolding Divine Plan.

Listen to your heart. Your I AM Presence will guide you unerringly. Your part of the plan will be revealed to you. You will know in your heart-of-hearts how you can best add to the Light of the world during these end times. When you respond to your heart's call, you will be God in Action, and you will fulfill your part of the plan by quickly transmuting the surfacing negativity.


In order to accomplish this facet of the Divine Plan, our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending forth a Clarion Call to all embodied Lightworkers. We are being asked to gather within the portal of the most powerful 5th-Dimensional frequencies of healing and transmutation on Earth. This Portal of Light in Tucson, Arizona, is the location on the planet where the Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation is projected from the core of Creation into the center of the Earth. From the heart of Mother Earth, this Sacred Fire expands through the Crystal Grid System to bless all Life.

The Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation is a resplendent emerald green flame with a violet radiance. It is the most powerful frequency of healing and transmutation on Earth, and it is the instrument through which Humanity's surfacing miscreations will be transmuted into Light at a greatly accelerated pace.

The Company of Heaven is asking Lightworkers from all over the world to gather within this Portal of Light to unite our Heart Flames. Together we will form a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to accomplish the most powerful healing and transmuting of Humanity's miscreation ever to manifest in the history of time.

It is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present in order to form this transformer. All of the Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who they are through the inner promptings of their heart. Listen to your heart, and Trust your inner guidance. Your Light is urgently needed.

In addition to those inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the Lightworkers are physically gathered; thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a thousandfold.

Every Lightworker will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What is important, is that we respond to whatever our I AM Presence is guiding us to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present within the Portal of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true whether we need assistance with time, energy or money to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission.

The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers is the 23rd Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will take place August 15-20, 2009, during the 22nd anniversary of Harmonic Convergence. We will gather at the beautiful Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona. This exquisite resort exists within the heart of the Portal of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation. All of the information you will need to participate in this unprecedented opportunity is posted on this link:


Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization


FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.

©2009 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.

Visions Of Tomorrow And Now, Where All Things Are Appearing Real

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
April 30, 2009

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone, Associate

Dear All One Family:

Quite an interesting few days it has been for me. Many new avenues of thinking processes, for as all know, "to those that much is given, much is expected." I believe in a couple of weeks, I will be having my moving sale.

I am wanting to get rid of all things, except my books that have been a following me around for most of my life it seems...hahahehe...perhaps much of the older vibration medical/alternative research equipment, for I am a dreaming of the new stuff that will one day take its place.

Also being I am so into mind expansion research work, my musical listening pleasure has been all but limited to Steve G. Jones, and Bruce Springsteen's "Working On A Dream CD, I will be putting my CD musical collection for a large part...into the sale...for yes I have been a dragging them along with my books and now that I have moved into a different vibrational medicine mood state, all other music seems to be not necessary at this time and they are all just a collecting dust anyways!

I believe I might even get rid all my know kind of like a total clearing out of old energy to make room for the new kind that comes with an all new change about.

So perhaps in a month I will be totally gone physically from this area, yet simply due to the power of computers, always here with Jada and myself as near as you a clicking onto us...Contact will be only lost to those not wanting to keep it...

I believe Jada is a wanting to have some time now as well. Since Jada's last writing she had received communication from her youngest son and all isn't all that Jada had hoped would have happen, yet as Jada knows, all isn't all our way each and every time, for His way is the most important.

So with out delaying further...Be Blessed, life is good and is getting better all of the time...I have had several years of dreaming of driving around and trying to find my home, for I know that I have wanted to move years ago and just kept a waiting for the time that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit will give me a sign that it was a time to move along...lack of all things, is perhaps the greatest red light one could ever receive.

The eating of free coalition food is another, for I want to be the one a giving food and other stuff and support towards, not with drawing it...know what I mean? Besides, there are so many others needing it worse than myself...I at present, don't feel whole or complete, yet I know that is because I am surrounded by the energy of limitation and what one sees within themselves, they see in all others... kind of like the mirrored effect.

I know unequivocally, that I was sent here to help hold the light, love and peace of this area and to also help build up the alternative health field. That was the reason I had so many (first) positions.

Some of My Firsts
First non state licensed massage therapist to get hospital board approved hospital rights to perform medical & body works massage therapy on their health club general membership and staff.

I also headed and implemented their "first" massage therapy healing sessions section.
My title back when the health center first opened? "Head Massage Therapist"

I was their first ever to receive hospital publication and advertisements, and to date I know of no other therapist to receive that recognition and support.

I was also the "first" non state licensed massage therapist to ever teach at our local college, the medical massage and body works curriculum certification that would lead those wanting to take their national boards in order to get state licensing from our state's massage and body works bureau.

I was also the "first" of my area's established non state licensed massage therapists, to ever open their own medical massage training schools. Up until the time that we got state licensed (a statute that I personally fought to obtain, with calls to my senators and legislatures and did a few newspaper release stories on the plight of the alternative health field a not getting recognition...and respect from the medical fields and thus no insurance compensation.) and lost the ability to teach simply due to politics and lack of funding and technical support.

I also set up several salons and teaching centers with their first ever alternative health program and left them with the client base generated by my presence there.

I was also the "first" alternative health Reiki Master, Teacher and Lecturer to ever offer up Reiki Mastership Training to our area local college students a taking Massage and Body works Training there.

I was also the "first" alternative health, teacher, lecturer, licensed massage therapist, etc., etc., etc., to take the job of Bodyworks Supervisor at our largest and world renown health spa at same golf resort and was asked to step down from the job, two weeks before it became known to the world that our spa had became a "five star," spa with my department and that of the skin care supervisor, a paving the way...for that golf digest report and magazine coverage.

I have had many other "firsts" than what I reported above...the reason I wrote all of this down was not to make anyone think I was a whining, I wasn't a complaining, I was a explaining that simply due to all of my "firsts", I know with out any shadow of a doubt that I am research/university center material...

Each and everything that I wrote above wasn't to brag as well, for each victory that I had, I celebrated it as a win-win for each one became my teacher and guide through the doors of alternative health and it kept automatically just a moving me closer and closer to understanding this great mission of service that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit had lead me towards.

So it doesn't matter who didn't wake up to my worth or value, what mattered was that I took the lesson and gathered slowly, additionally ducks of knowledge to place in my large and highly accumulating basket of abundance or sometimes not moments.

Thus it was all good and thus I hold no grudges against those who couldn't or wouldn't awaken. I gave this county all I had for over twenty years...and that as well was all good.

Where I & Jada to go from this point forward is totally up to where God/Jesus and Holy Spirit leads us, for right now...I am definitely seeing many clean out/closure, and simplifying moments ahead!

Please keep Jada and myself in your thoughts and prayers of wellness and divine goodness bearing beingness in a world that used to see us both as the misfits in a world too upside to see right side up...

For did you see Dr. Phil's son's show The Doctors, today? It was dynamic! The Mind Body Connection! Totally awesome and they even had Montel on the show as well! I love that man as well...Dr. Phil even appeared on the show and he along with the other team of doctors...know what I know...people we have no other choice but to change how we are a looking at health care today...

Go on line and see it for yourself...the move is on, yet many are still caught up in do I need to change or does the world? I say if one is waiting for the world to change, good luck...

Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

Obviously again, I took too many words to say what I felt I needed and had to say...Jada will command more attention in my next newsletter. I promise.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Surrendering More Stuff!

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Dear Heavenly Father/Jesus and Holy Spirit; I Surrender All To YOU, Tell Me Where I Am To Travel Next?
April 28, 2009

Dear All One Family:

Jada and myself are kind of in the "In Between Time," of this research center continued operation or door closing.

Jada, her brother and my minister stated along with all the other things that Jada mentioned, that right now you are wondering if leaving is better than staying and all I got to say is, say another prayer and ask God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and then watch and wait for the miracle/answer to your prayer to follow as it always does...

So without myself or Jada appearing whining (you know some of you were a thinking it, you have told me so repeatedly! hahahhehehe) allow me to state that without workie, nobody floats very long...and I am basically tired of all of the resistance to vibrational medicine for it makes all the sense in the world, being we are a energy and a vibrational flow...what we flow through our vibration patterns, also determines ones weather conditions, at well as many other things...fires, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis's. cyclones and such.

For those persons in my life that I have given the deserted island rating, you know that when I tell you were you the last person on the planet that I would rather bury myself in the ground and wait for Jesus, you know up front and personal that your energy and mine are definitely not a hard feelings, just truth to be told here.

For I & Jada feel that we know what it is going to take to get us through the few years that our country gets itself back up and running smoothly...a change that has to begun within ourselves...if not, than the reality of the probable reality show Jericho, could become a reality...think upon these things and then take it to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and see if what I speak, doesn't make further sense.

Take for instance Numerology...a telling of events in ones life, using ones birth date, year and time, place of birth, latitude and longitude, plus the exact time of determine a possible life mission plan...

I have paid to have done several numerology charts and quess what, they all say primarily the same as others that I have received...too coincidental, I think not...for I had a college Algebra Instructor that told me that he loved numbers so much that he almost lost his mind into...numbers are unending...

If you get a bit brave, order a numerology chart up yourself...after reading some of the free emails moment updates...pretty interesting stuff...

Paying attention to numbers and astrology constellations is perhaps evil to some to others that thinking outside the box doesn't bring them migraines, would call good and always,you be the judge.

Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace


Understanding ones life and how we all fit in it isn't easy. Everyone needs to know all they can about themselves. While Numerology gives us excellent details and specific information, some situations call for a broader picture, let's say the 'big picture'.
As one of my most valued customers I know you need this 'wide lens' view for you to truly see yourself and how to improve your life.

Jill Saint James
Master Numerologist

So, what is the big picture?

In our day to day life, we are so intent on looking at the small things, like the leaves of a tree, that we fail to see the branches, the trunk, the roots, the soil, the hundreds of other trees next to it, and alas, the entire forest. We’ve got to step back, way back, and look at the forest, or in this case the big picture.

Are you trying to make yourself happy doing something you’re not meant to do? Are you trying to make yourself someone different for someone who doesn’t appreciate you? Are you making excellent progress down the wrong road?

You need to step back and look at the big picture of YOUR life and Astrology can give you that picture, that second opinion.

You may ask, if I have already purchased a numerology report, what can astrology offer? This is a good question, and while the two are complimentary, numerology and astrology are different. Numerology has a more narrow focus and can tell you the specific details about your life, where as Astrology can give you ‘the rest of the story’ of your life’s journey. With the addition of this Astrological knowledge, your understanding of your surroundings allows you to see far clearer than with Numerology alone.

This is why I needed to put this Astrology package together for you Tonie, and why I’ve secured the help of a good friend and a great astrologer named Jhair Jamin. We’ve put together the perfect package for you, Astro-Talk and TimeLine.

Here’s how Jhair describes each report.

Let’s talk about you!

The truths you will discover through my AstroTalk personal report will change your life- for the better. Astrologers find that the patterns revealed in the rhythmic motions of the planets are a great help in shedding light on the seeming “chaos” of everyday life. My report will provide you with a no-nonsense and easy-to-understand interpretation of your chart, and will guide you on an inward tour that will uncover the personal talents, skills, and potentials that are uniquely yours. It will also bring you face-to-face with the challenges and struggles of your one-of-a kind personality. Your grasp on your life will strengthen when you learn about some surprising discoveries that you may not yet readily acknowledge or even share with those closest to you.

The revelations and confirmations that my AstroTalk report will bring you will enable you to build confidence in who you are or who you can become. Understanding yourself is the first step to achievement, and its impact on your life is transforming. What an advantage to know enough about yourself to be able to affect your life outcomes.

Each of my AstroTalk reports is comprised of ten different chapters – that is ten different perspectives – on your natal chart: Introduction, Planet Aspects, Life Landscapes- Major Life Periods, Burn Rate- Changes, Chart Patterns/Soul Type- Your Inner and Outer Self, Elemental Balance, Challenges & Abilities, Interface Nodes, House Activity and Emphasis, Major Transits, and Explanatory Supplement.

I am confident that my AstroTalk report will come so amazingly close to who you are and how you are perceived by others, that you will want everyone you know to have one as well!

See a sample of the AstroTalk report.

Know what’s headed your way!

Who wouldn’t want to know what the future holds? Forecasting has been one of an astrologer's most important functions for thousands of years. Everyone wants to know what is to come, because that all important knowledge gives you the power. My TimeLine report does just that.

The place of astrology is not to tell you that a specific event will happen to you at a specific time and place- however, what a TimeLine report does tell you are exactly what planetary influences will be at play in your life and when, and what those influences are likely to mean to you based on your own personal birth chart. That means that you know what you’re working with, but the choices of what to do – or not do – are yours. That’s the draw of astrology. You have the knowledge that gives you the power to make the right choices at the right time, but the freedom of choice is yours. The accuracy of my personal TimeLine report will amaze you.

Each of my TimeLine reports begin with a description of the “highlights” (times to pay particularly close attention to your surroundings) in your life, and then continues on to offer in depth readings for each day. Your report is written in a clear and easy to understand style that requires no formal knowledge of astrology. This way you’ll intuitively key in on those things that are most important and meaningful to you at that moment. The rest comes naturally once you understand what’s up – or what’s coming up. Don’t lose the chance to find out what your future holds.

My very special offer to you.
You can’t wait any longer for this information and because you are one of my VIP customers, I’m willing to send it to you for an incredible price if you act today.

Order this package within the next 48 hours and you’ll receive;

A comprehensive, life changing personal Astro-Talk reading (a $29.97 value)
12 months of your own personal and powerful TimeLine chart (a $59.97 value)
Both for only $29.97, so it’s like getting TimeLine for FREE! You can’t lose!
Click here to order this incredible and important package.

I will send this report to you via email within the next 24- 48 hours so that you can see the impact almost immediately!

I truly believe in Jhair Jamin’s ability to change people’s lives and I'm so confident that Jhair’s Astrology reports will help you to see the “big picture”, that I am offering a money back guarantee if you do not see amazing results right away I'll return your money promptly."

Rick Levin's Astrology reading for me April 16, 2009

Virgo Horoscopes
(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow
Thursday, Apr 16th, 2009 -- You are the one that others look to because your practical outlook is just what they need. It seems as if your workmates have been inefficiently running around and today they have to play catch up, so they come to you for assistance. If you have been doing your job all along, now you are ready to slow down a bit and relax. Nevertheless, you'll still probably help out your friends if they need it. Just don't do it begrudgingly; do it because it comes from your heart. Listen to more about today with Rick Levine's Daily Planet Pulse Podcast.
General Daily Horoscope Influences
We are coming to our senses today as the calculating Capricorn Moon creates a Grand Earth Trine with Saturn in analytical Virgo and Mercury in determined Taurus. We feel more self-sufficient now and are comfortable with what we know about ourselves and others. But talkative Mercury creates a tense semisquare with sensual Venus on the very last day of her six-week retrograde phase, tying our tongues and making it difficult to ask for what we want. Listen to more about today on Rick Levine's Daily Planet Pulse Podcast

See all one family, when ministers would have you believe that who ever believes in this stuff is totally off the mark, perhaps for some it is, yet to me anyone that can bring me hope to keep my boat a floating would suffice right now...know what I mean...allow your spirit to test the spirit of all that you would have read for you, for some are just a floating their own boat and not paying attention to who it is that is in control...and that is God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, so do please ask God to send you where He would have you go for these special readings...just a throwing it out there as me...
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone, Associate

Ahhh, The Lesson Of Release

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
April 28, 2009
After Surrender, Comes The Releasing Point

Dear All One Family:

I understand with all of the time constraints that all seem to be under right now, perhaps you might be too busy to come and visit; so I am not disappointed that you don't have the time or as often as you would like.

Just know that Jada and I will be here a waiting for your return each and every time, for we both love you all that much.

Many people realize their gift to the planet and this is both our efforts combined. We love that we can help as many people as we have in the time that we both have been given here to serve.

Perhaps to many our gifts were misunderstood, yet never less, we kept on a trucking along.

Telling all that all isn't lost, only if all isn't wanting to be found.

I have known since I was a small child that the world wasn't all that it was a showing itself to be and as I kept praying to be awaken, my awakening came gradually as I needed it to be.

All things on time, kind of a thing.

The biggest thing that I got out of it all, is this: How can anyone call any one's gifts, journey path; wrong, unless of course it wrongs others lives, beside one's own that is?

Jada has something to offer here on the subject of others calling you this or that...It was basically what our minister's sermon was about this past Sunday. I thought it Divinely Inspired and Right On Time, yet that is my opinion and all knows that we live in a world of differing opinions. Take What You Need and Do Please Leave The Rest, kind of thing.

Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone-Associate

Jada Stone
Dear All One Family:


This day finds me quite serene as if I am awaiting the appearance of the world that I know is coming fast upon me...the world of Oprah and Dr. Phil, The Doctor's Bio Energetic Research Center a finally becoming a happening and no longer just in the dream stages...a step into the research of the world that the medical profession didn't find valuable, perhaps is becoming finally more into vogue as it should have always been, yet was allowed to be removed which left insurance compensation barely to none a happening.

A going back to basic, and thus a re-definition of what was our reality picture that wasn't a working. Just too encompassing to imagine.

We are the ones in control of our own little piece of the universe...for how we use that little piece determines how much explanation will have to be given when we all cross over, return to the land we originated from...our graduation party results being dependent on how we played the journey out and how many prisoners we didn't bring Home as a way to provide proof and validation that our actions were not of our own creation...

Remembering as well, that forgiveness is all key, for if one can't find it in themselves to forgive all, God inspired His disciples to remind us that, "if we can't forgive all others, God can't forgive us for all of our transgressions...another verifiable moment...

Besides God will know if you have truly forgiven all others their transgressions to you, simply by how many reasons you couldn't go left instead of right.

When one throws all yesterday awakening moments down and release/relax into their own good night of faith, trust and belief...that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit is a handling all things and thus all that one is about and what ever they are a doing, is on purpose and not just a dream...the delusion then falls away and one is able is see for the first time, the unlimitedness of being and this past Sunday, the first minister ever to open my eyes clearly and on time was our Pastor Stoney of Turning Point Church.

He weaved his God/Jesus and Holy Spirit energy magic into his congregation quite awesomely this past Sunday, for I would never have believed it possible until I witnessed it personally along with my brother who has been my house guest for about 5 months now I believe.

Pastor Stoney told us all that he had never seen such a down cast looking group of ministering angels (or at least how I interpret it) as what he was a looking over at...

He also told us the story of when Jesus took Peter out fishing and showed him how the having of faith the size of a mustard seed could take that ones empty nets fill them over brimming with fish to feed a nation and the world.

He then told us that we shouldn't allow anyone to judge our journey, for it is only their own that they should be concerned about.

He also told us that we shouldn't hang out with those that hold our past actions against us...for it is again, only their own they should be a holding up in review.

For not single one is perfect except He that Fathered Us All...

Pastor Stoney also told us that at 7:30 that morning, God/Jesus and Holy Spirit still hadn't shared with him, the messages that They wanted him to share with us all...yet he knew somehow that "never less, would turn out magically the way They had chosen to journey...Surrender and Release and what a release in me it gave me for the Hope that later followed was just too inspiring to write adequately.

For after Pastor Stoney dusted us off from all of the should nots and shoulds that seemed to be missing in us, he ordered all of us that his sermon had touched a heart cord for glimpes of the Divine contained within us all, to come up to the altar for special blessings of strength and encouragement, and prayer.

I hesitated for a second and thought, hey silly one he was a talking to you, and just as I was preparing to go up to the altar, I noticed that all the ladies that I wanted to one day be like, filled with the radiance, love, light and peace, we all a rushing up to the altar as well and the long growing line, meant that all isn't as bad as it seems, for I am not alone and not the only one...and then a sadness fell over me, as I thought about what Revelations a saying about End Times, "how good would be viewed as bad, and bad good," and then I felt a small shudder of energy release that told me...this is what it means about Christians under attack in End Times...

And then I took my eyes away from all the rejection and displeasure that I had allowed all those that mean something to my personal life and centered it on giving back to my fellow light house of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, as I visualized all the radiant energy of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, a pulsating through not only the ones that were standing beside me, yet to all those gathered in the group a wanting special energetic blessings of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, yet to all those not wanting to look weak, instead of strong...

For the message that Pastor Stoney gave us that, was clear and honest and to the point...he accepts us all, just the way that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit gifted more and definitely no less...when I go away, I will miss them all...for no minister has ever touched the depths of my Divine being, so thoroughly, it is almost like he is a reading Tonie's and my newsletter...and knows how deep that I have allowed others to see me...

For he brought that up in his sermon...when he said, it is not unusual for others when allowed to see us deeply to find fault in that which they once thought perfect...he then said, don't allow them to side tract you...keep on a dreaming and reaching for that dream...for without our dreams, we have nothing to give us hope.

Too cool...I tell you!

Now in closing, I would like to include a little email from my daughter in law...all I can say is this. When one takes on the Mantle of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit Protective Light by accepting their divinity can believe in email postings such as this one. I do. I and Tonie Wallace are the large dreamers...

Please enjoy...thanks K. Loved it! Good job.

Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Jada Stone

Heaven Is Only A Stepping Stone Away

Sally jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room.

She said: "How is my little boy? Is he going to be all right? When can I see him?"

The surgeon said, "I'm sorry. We did all we could, but your boy didn't make it.

Sally said, "Why do little children get cancer? Doesn't God care any more? Where were you, God, when my son needed you?"

The surgeon asked, "Would you like some time alone with your son? One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes, before he's transported to the university.

Sally asked the nurse to stay with her while she said good-bye to son. She ran her fingers lovingly through his thick red curly hair.

"Would you like a lock of his hair?" the nurse asked.

Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of the boy's hair, put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally. The mother said, "It was Jimmy's idea to donate his body to the University for Study. He said it might help somebody else. "I said no at first, but Jimmy said, 'Mom, I won't be using it after I die. Maybe it will help some other little boy spend one more day with his Mom." She went on, "My Jimmy had a heart of gold. Always thinking of someone else. Always wanting to help others if he could.

Sally walked out of Children's mercy Hospital for the last time, after spending most of the last six months there. She put the bag with Jimmy's belongings on the seat beside her in the car. The drive home was difficult. It was even harder to enter the empty house. She carried Jimmy's belongings, and the plastic bag with the lock of his hair to her son's room. She started placing the model cars and other personal things back in his room exactly where he had always kept them. She laid down across his bed and, hugging his pillow, cried herself to sleep.

It was around midnight when Sally awoke. Laying beside her on the bed was a folded letter.

The letter said:

"Dear Mom, I know you're going to miss me; but don't think that I will ever forget you, or stop loving you, just 'cause I'm not around to say I LOVE YOU. I will always love you, Mom, even more with each day. Someday we will see each other again. Until then, if you want to adopt a little boy so you won't be so lonely, that's okay with me. He can have my room and old stuff to play with. But, if you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn't like the same things us boys do. You'll have to buy her dolls and stuff girls like, you know. Don't be sad thinking about me. This really is a neat place. Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything. The angels are so cool. I love to watch them fly. And, you know what? Jesus doesn't look like any of his pictures. Yet, when I saw Him, I knew it was Him. Jesus himself took me to see GOD! And guess what, Mom? I got to sit on God's knee and talk to Him, like I was somebody important. That's when I told Him that I wanted to write you a letter, to tell you good-bye and everything. But I already knew that wasn't allowed. Well, you know what Mom? God handed me some paper and His own personal pen to write you this letter. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel who is going to drop this letter off to you. God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked Him 'Where was He when I needed him?' "God said He was in the same place with me, as when His son Jesus was on the cross. He was right there, as He always is with all His children.

Oh, by the way, Mom, no one else can see what I've written except you. To everyone else this is just a blank piece of paper. Isn't that cool? I have to give God His pen back now. He needs it to write some more names in the Book of Life. Tonight I get to sit at the table with Jesus for supper. I'm, sure the food will be great.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I don't hurt anymore. The cancer is all gone. I'm glad because I couldn't stand that pain anymore and God couldn't stand to see me hurt so much, either. That's when He sent The Angel of Mercy to come get me.

The Angel said I was a Special Delivery! How about that?

Signed with Love from God, Jesus & Me.

(Let's see darkness stop this one.) Take 60-seconds and send this, within the hour, you will have caused a multitude of believers to pray to God for each other.

Then sit back and feel the Holy Spirit work in your life for doing what you know God loves
"When you're down to nothing, God is up to something.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Kingdom Away, Bruce Springsteen , "Working On A Dream"

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Thank You God! Brad Decides To Come Home!
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
April 27, 2009

Dear All One Family:
Just the grandest news! Brad has decided to come home. A saying goodbye to the war zone couldn't have come too soon! All Please Say Amen! To himself and all of his family and friends who love and miss him and his brother, that much!

A time in Jada's life that she would rather have had written a different way, yet understanding that it is what it is...not her destiny call, sort of thing...

Just so happy are all of us, for that is one returning hero, rather he knows it or not...for no grander time can one be having, than being a servant child of God.

Serving others.

Serving others so that others can fair better in the world so to speak..."do unto others that which you would have done unto you."

Especially service in a land that holds a different picture of God than what one is a holding majorly here in the homeland, the great USA!

That perhaps would have been the hardest thing to handle, not knowing who friend or foe was...yet in America, we have that same problem and that is why God/Jesus and Holy Spirit tells us to "test that spirit," by putting them through the fail proof method, asking God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to give one the clarity on that person as on all other things as well.

When one is a working in the land of such great unknown...sometimes God/Jesus and Holy Spirit puts it upon your spirit that it is time to fly back home.

Especially since in June, the largest military pull out of troops will begin and with their being rising incidents of car and suicide bombings, just a couple days ago, I believe over 150 persons were killed in the city of Baghdad alone.

Baghdad was the city that Jada's son Brad was a contract supervisor a having to take his crew of licensed heating and air cooling men, to their job sites, without police escort...yet, there were Iraqi policemen, yet totally trusting them he never calling on God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to help him stay invisible to the enemy, was all Jada was a doing when all it seemed, wanted her to keep silent and just allow her sons to discover for themselves, the way and Jada refused to hold her tongue, for if she did, would her son had stayed as calm as he was a trying to appear?..."a fake it, until you make it kind of thing."

Anyways, Jada is wanting her time in the Son, I will close for now and just allow her to weave her God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, magic...moment.

All be blessed and thank you for all of your prayers for me and all those I serve that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, has filled my abundant plate with by sending them to me, however they happened to come to me...all were for a accidents, nope not a one! Just like you all a reading this now or when ever you find the accident, not a one!

Be Blessed Always Again
Love, Light and Peace
Tonie Wallace


Dear All One Family:

All I can say is:

I am so grateful to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit that Brad my son has returned home.
I haven't talked to him yet and no messages have been left on my machine, so I guess he just assumes that I know of his latest leg of his journey.

I do because of his former wife, my former daughter in law. I know that he is at his and his brother's dad and step mother's place in Tennessee re-cooperating.

I know this again, simply due to my former daughter in law. For she is the only one that has been privileged to any information because I believe my son realized that she would automatically inform me of anything concerning my son, especially being she still loves my son and is the mother of his wonderful daughter.

Brad leans on his former wife when ever he feels he has fallen a bit and needs a bit of strength given him...being he had also tried doing the same for her, whenever things out of her control sometimes aroused during their eight years of marital separation...

I call them those idio moments of time, moments that sometimes happen from time to time.

Sort of a giving back moments; to moments giving one in past time, kind of a thing...all those that know what I mean, please say Amen!

Plus that is what one does to honor the parent of their child kind of thing...lead by example not by past words and thoughts and a time both were a looking at the world upside down and not together as a team...

All parents that can't do this, will suffer the incomplete viewing of parents and the vital role that they both contribute to in the working of the whole and sum total...of the concept that it takes a community to raise one's child.

Some people get this and some just can't...

For those that can't all I can say is this...what ever you fill your child's eyes and ears with, followed up by the energy that flows from you soul essence, that child will role play back to you, one day.

Trust me. For I have seen lots of duplications of energy of the father and step father and long term boyfriend, a sort of playing themselves out, kind of thing, within my two grown sons.

Some of their role modeled stuff is great, some not so...yet it is what it is...I accept the fact that I married, divorced and broke up from long term relationship, these kind of guys and it must have been for my sons benefit, or my sons wouldn't have chosen me for their learning lesson mission...for kids get to pick their parents...

I told my sons that I hold no ill feelings to anyone and that includes, the ex's, it is as simple as that. My sons and family members do not believe me, for they state that all I do is talk about the past and if I had let go of the past, why was I a revisiting it?

Many I have known, have accused me of the same crime...a talking too much about the past...yet I say, were it not for the past, how could we judge the moment in time that we are experiencing in the now moment?

What would be our measuring stick in which to better evaluate the moment in time, were we not to move back and forth from yesterday's learning experiences, to the now moment learning, sometimes, repeat experience?

I say, to all my family and friends; how can we stop chasing our tails if we don't stop and reflect on the past learning lessons of yesterday, if we don't?

I have also told all others that I know and love, that the greatest mistakes I have made have been those moments in time that I didn't call upon God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to have me with the decision making moment...and just thought I could wing it all on my own...those learning lessons were my hardest...something like one of my former adopted mom would say; "hard heads make soft arses, " kind of moment.

So when Brad talked to me over the phone, during our last conversation about two weeks ago, prior to the increased violence that had already claimed the highest amount of lives lost since January in Baghdad, and saw that number jumped to double in the past few days...that he was having sleepless nights again and an increase in panic attacks, especially feeling like the time for him was almost over to be in this God forsaken land of so much death and destruction, called war.

I told Brad then to just turn it over and see what the morrow brought him...I also told him that I knew getting to phones to make all the calls he needed to make to his loved ones...that I would be alright with him a letting K.R., call and keep me in the loop.

So I am not upset with Brad for the lack of communication with me at this turning point of his life journey, for Brad told me that he was giving it over to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and then follow his again I have to say, it was God/Jesus and Holy Spirit that returned him to us and I know that my oldest lovely son, will return as well from Iraq, when God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, leads him back.

I am just grateful that he is home and I pray that where ever his journey lead him through, I trust that the memories of that time will be forever sealed in a good way and that he understands that it all was for a reason.

In me it built lots of faith, for like I told a close friend, sister in Christ for over 15 years, when she felt prompted to call me to see what was up, discovered that both my sons were over in Iraq, she stated to me, "my you seem so calm about it," and you don't sound hysterical about it, either." Of which I simply stated, "were my sons still living within the same state as myself, were I to be a worrier, I would be worried all of the time."

I then told MoJO, when one places all things on ones altar, they let go and let God. Besides both my sons have convinced me that they are God's/Jesus and Holy Spirit's supporters...and that they asked God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for guidance before accepting their mission...and then I told them to watch and see with all the signs and easy going events that would magically present themselves, convincing that it is perhaps God's will that they go to Iraq and both claimed that doors opened easily...

So both were on a mission for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, so who was I to complain, yet again; I would have loved to have envisioned an easier way to awaken to that which is real, yet it is their reality/destiny at sake here that they are a creating and I have my own mission and sometimes they both have expressed their dislike in what I have it is what it is...some say go, some say hell no!

Some say potatoe and some say is what it is...same destination, different routes. Were the world to realize this, what a grand world it would be.

Accepting each other differences, while a doing no harm or ill will to another...unless of course we are called to defend...than "Katie barr the door," kind of thing...comes into play.

Hoping of course that compromise is first of all handled...and like my son Brad a feeling apprehensive about so many military troops being pulled out of Iraq now making it very dangerous for our remaining military and governmental contracting companies employees left there...I too feel the concern...yet, it is a battle that doesn't seem to have a bottom...

For these persons are caught in a battle that has raged since after Christ times...and it seems worst now than better, yet perhaps it was always bad and because we have military involvement over there; we have just begun to see the reality of a land divided...religiously. Sort of like the grape vine, news; not so hidden...being we are deep in the effects of our land being involved.

Our causalities of war, great and the devastation to our economy, being so much borrowed funds have been funneled over there in way of military support, lives lost and contracting jobs a rebuilding a land that still somewhat, is in the process of destruction and rebuilding and destruction again.

Somewhat like an oxi moronic moment a going on over and over again.

I personally would like to know why Iraq hasn't taken over some of the financial burdens of us a protecting and rebuilding their land...why does it seem like United States has to always be the one to pick up the tab of others?

Do I see it as fitting that other nations are a lending us money? Yes, I do, for one good turn deserves another given back...we as a great land are generally there for all other nations...we have given so much and yet there is still so much we need to do, yet all I ask is that we concentrate heavier on our land...for we are a needing so much help right now...

Joblessness, homelessness, rising costs of all things: food, lights, heat, water, taxes, clothing, housing, great are our needs.

I wish all nations would understand the need to work together...environmentally, socially, politically....we are all in this together...

Those are the things that I have been lead to share at this time...

I thank God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and I thank all you a visiting here with me, now.

Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

I love you sons, and am so proud of you both! Go with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...glad you are home Brad! Long for the time I get to see you both!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Obama, Bush: Never No Regrets

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
April 25, 2009

Dear All One Family:
Life is so good, even when it appears it is not, it still is.

Just ask God, Jesus and Holy Spirit to give you the clarity that you seek and by simply saying: Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, please reveal to me what it is that you need of me at that simple moment in time and say thank you, believing that all things have already been given...than take a step back and thank God for the gift that had not arrived yet, believing it will. Hope enough to fill a boat. Hope, faith trust and belief, "the size of a mustard seed," and hot diggity are there!

I and Jada believe that we have lost the magical side of ourselves through the loss or never found communicational channel between this world and the world we all originated from...Heaven.

It is this separatist voice that tells us that we are not worthy so many jump on no band wagon, because their low self esteem causes them to isn't the time to hesitate because it is in this new energy that has found us all awakening even more powerfully and wondrous; those that believe as such, that is...

No Regrets For Rallying For President Obama

Dear All, please understand; I caught plenty of flak over my favorite presidential cast for President Barack Obama, and just like my vote casted for Former President Gerald Bush, Jr. and senior as well...never no regrets, for like I told all: all please understand, I pray and ask for all major decisions that I make and a vote for president and vice president matters a lot, especially when we can look over all lands and see quite clearly, the choices that other countries have and my proud political side celebrates when the choice that I casted, became the president.

100 Days into President Barack Obama's Presidency, is not enough time to judge him...

Yet many that know that I voted for him, and didn't; are still a crying over their milk, instead of throwing that energy into Light, Love, Peace of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, as they pray over the government and all governmental leaders...of all lands, for we are not in this world alone, even though many countries are believing that to be real and some are still acting as if we are in the time of conquest, so instead of working together we are a moving a hundred miles at least, further from each other.

Not good.

For as I see it, each country represents a spoke on the large wheel of God's Earth and when one falls down, we all fall down...that was clearly visible in the economic collapse that echoed all over the world...something like America was the start of the dominoes a falling effect...

I personally give our President lots of kudos for being brave and patriotic enough to attempt to take the position...for we gave him a rotten mess and are concerned that he will sell us out to the Arabic Nations and all kinds of crap a flying...

I say this again...for I had given my opinion of the national deficit and one thing keeps a ringing in my ears...we have to at least try to do something...and I give him kudos again for trying to better this world and as far as I am concerned...the Republican party do not make me happy...

You are so intent on believing that what he is about is not healthy and I see the fear most are trying to exhibit and I probably will never vote Republican again, for I have several times in all the years I was a growing up, simply because I was raised in a Republican home and all that was said on the matter was, vote Republican or be stupid.

Republican Party, think of this way, Japan fall down, they put themselves into a 7 Trillion Dollar save Japan...think how small Japan look at the size of United States and all the outer laying states...It is quite obvious to me, that we are still ahead and yes, I am worried as well of the increasing amounts wanted to be additionally spent...yet, it is what it is and somethings we just have to believe that our prayers given with sincere a whole lot better than a trying to fight is every move...yet there are those that are still non trusting of the man and to those individuals I see, pray and ask God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to give you clarity...than believe the answers you seek, will be given...all answers I ever ask, come back answered, I just sometimes don't realize it, until much later, down the line...all those that know what I mean, please say Amen.

Anyhow, enough for now I want to leave you all with this Yahoo, Associate Press, Online News release...Story. I personally feel that it echoes much of my gratitude and continuing support for our President. I feel this reporting deserves a ten rating, for it even throws in some of the negative and worried voices of the Republican Party elected senators and such, a not so supportive...

Sometimes one can see many things in how a person feels about an issue. I personally felt comforted by all the positive reporting done in this news story...thank you Jonathon Martin.

We all need hope to keep our boat a floating, those that lose their hope, usually don't remain a float...simple law of life.

Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace

Jonathon Martin-April 25, 2009
Iowa on Obama-No regrets, a few worried.
DES MOINES — En route here for a nearby event, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said earlier this week, “Iowa will always be a special place for the president.”

It ought to be.

It’s no stretch to say that were it not for Iowa, which set him on a path to win the Democratic nomination and ultimately the White House, President Obama wouldn’t have the title.

But is Obama still special to Iowa? Nearly 100 days into his presidency, the answer is a qualified yes.

From waitresses to governors, Iowans want him to succeed and think he’s off to a good start despite tough circumstances. They’re patient about the country’s recovery – a reminder that Iowa has been less hard-hit than some other states.

But Republicans, and even some Democrats, are concerned about the amount of spending he’s piling up and the liberal wing of his party that helped lift his anti-war candidacy here is beginning to worry about his plans for Afghanistan.

While few in the state are ready to render a verdict on the man who just over two years ago introduced himself as “the skinny guy with a funny name,” there is one telling statistic: Obama is still enjoying favorable approval ratings in Iowa – 64 percent, according to a Des Moines Register Iowa Poll earlier this month.

It’s a number, said Gov. Chet Culver, that reflects the relationship Obama forged over his many visits to the state and the dizzying start that he’s off to in Washington.

“I think they’re really impressed with the intensity of the effort,” said Culver, a Democrat, after the president spoke to a group of workers at a wind energy factory in Newton Wednesday. “He is certainly getting a lot of points for working extremely hard to turn things around, not only domestically but internationally. They know him, they know how committed he is.”

Over at the Latin King restaurant, a venerable Italian place on Des Moines’s east side, Larry Chase cuts to the chase over a glass of after-lunch wine with three pals.

“Anybody who’s from Iowa knows, sometimes you’ve got to clean the barn,” said Chase, a self-described independent Republican who has a packaging business. “And he’s got a lot of [manure] in the barn he’s got to get rid of. Maybe he can get rid of it, maybe he can’t.”

Regardless of their political leanings, Iowans agree that Obama faces a crushing burden and that the rejuvenation of the economy won’t happen immediately.

“It’s going to take some time, but yes, he’ll get the job done,” said Dorothy Schabilion, a waitress at the Latin King who voted for Obama and took a moment to chat in between running credit cards. “It took eight years to get this way so it’s going to take some time to get back.”

But even Schabilion called the level of spending “outrageous” – a recurring sentiment among Iowans.

“I think a lot of people are withholding judgment [about Obama], but I also think there is grave concern about the level of debt,” said former Gov. Terry Branstad of the citizens he served for sixteen years.

Branstad, a Republican, pointed to the same Register poll that showed Obama’s popularity to note that Iowans are a pay-as-you-go lot of people.

Seventy-one percent of those surveyed oppose Culver’s hotly debated plan to spend hundreds of millions on a road and infrastructure bond – a sort-of statewide stimulus being hashed out this week in the statehouse.

The frenetic, end-of-session bustle was on in the elegant capitol, with legislative leaders dashing between chambers to cajole members and lobbyists who gathered outside, anxious to pick up the latest intelligence or make their final pitch.

State Rep. Wayne Ford, a Des Moines Democrat, cited the same poll as Branstad when asked what he heard from his many working-class constituents about Obama.

“Most of the time we’re hearing: ‘He’s doing a great job, I’m very excited - - but I hope my kids don’t have to pay for all these situations,’” said Ford, while standing just outside the House chamber where he’s served for over 12 years.

But while acknowledging that Obama’s presidency, “money-wise, is one of the most expensive in American history,” Ford said that “impact-wise, it will be measured along with [Franklin] Roosevelt.”

State Attorney General Tom Miller, a man who, Obama noted in Newton Wednesday , backed the president when “nobody could pronounce my name,” made the case for the cash flow.

“We face a very serious economic situation and we’ve got to spend some money to stimulate the economy,” said Miller.

“And if we’re going to solve these [long-term] problems we’ve got to spend some money,” he continued, citing energy, education and health care. “The alternative is to do nothing – and that’s not a good alternative.”

Obama is getting some unprecedented help here to make that case.

In a move that veteran Iowa political hands find remarkable, the vaunted Obama for America campaign structure is being revived in an effort to promote the president’s agenda.

Led by Derek Eadon, an Iowa-based staffer during the election, the state branch of Organizing for America hopes to keep the thousands of activists who parted with their time and money last year involved in promoting the president’s program.

Right now, Eadon is in the midst of a 17-stop “Listening Tour” throughout the state where he’s gathering supporters and discussing with them how they can keep their communities engaged in the Washington governing process.

Next month, the volunteers will host their own house parties to bring in more activists.

“We can’t stop growing our movement now,” wrote Eadon in an e-mail to the Obama e-mail list in Iowa to promote the tour.

They’ll do traditional grass-roots lobbying of members of Congress but also broader community service projects.

It’s all intended to keep the fervent group of supporters together and expand its reach, all with an eye on having an infrastructure in place for 2012.

Yet there is one issue that may threaten the cohesion of Obama’s base: Afghanistan.

Iowa is traditionally a dovish state and some Democratic activists here are beginning to worry about the increase of American troops in a conflict where the definition of victory is uncertain.

“That’s one of the areas where there is concern,” said Ed Fallon, a former state representative and outspoken Des Moines liberal who is otherwise thrilled with Obama. “There is a little bit of rumbling starting up. People are concerned about the direction we’re taking there.”

Herman Quirmbach, a Democratic state senator from Ames and an Iowa State professor, is similarly enthused about the president but said that “a lot of people are worried that we may get sucked in and stuck [in Afghanistan].”

“I think we need to define some limited, achievable objectives and then we’ve got to get, out” said Quirmbach, warning against “nation-building.”

Back at the Latin King, though, the focus is almost entirely on the economy. Chase, the independent Republican, is worried that “the taxpayers, the middle class, are the ones who are going to have to bear the brunt of [the deficit spending].”

Jim Loffredo, a “Democrat who doesn’t vote” who runs a family-owned produce-shipping business, told his buddy to ease off.

“Give the guy a chance – wait until at least August so, and then make the case,” urged Loffredo.

The patience is in part explained by Iowa’s economic situation. The businessmen at the table said the downturn hadn’t hurt them as much as some of their contemporaries in other states, a sentiment echoed by others.

“We’re doing better than ever and just had an amazing month,” said Ben Smith, who helps run Smitty’s, his family pork tenderloin restaurant on Des Moines’s southside.

Smith, a Rush Limbaugh fan, is worried that Obama will raise taxes but said that for now they’re doing a great business.

“We haven’t had real estate boom and bust as they have on the coasts,” explained Quirmbach. “Our banks have retained a higher lending standard.”

Wells Fargo, one of the city’s major employers, announced on the day Obama was in town that they were hiring 5,000 more employees to help process mortgage applications. A portion of the new positions will be added to the nearly 13,000-strong workforce the company already has in the state.

It’s that sort of progress that reassures Iowans that a rebound may be close – and it’s what comforts Obama backers about his political standing.

“He’s really off to a good start but it’s going to take time,” said Culver. “We have gotten to know him as well if not better than any state in the country, so we’re cheering him on every day and we know what he’s capable of accomplishing as president.”

Ford demurred about whether Iowa had a special stake in Obama, noting that the president “truly made himself.”

But he added with a grin, “Yeah, I’m gonna take ownership" -- before noting again that Obama had done it himself."

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone, Associate

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Don't Want A Baloney Sandwich, Yet Thank You Anyways! Letter To Dr. Phil & Robin

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Open Letter To Dr. Phil & Robin
Thursday April 23, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:

What you are being given below is one of my "Save The Children Project, One Child At A Time Moments," or what I call simply, helping put out another fire/victory for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit.

How you will preceive the following story is purely your own...some have called my writing Dr. Phil and Oprah a total waste of good time for nothing...I say nothing is wasted...for if nothing else, my dictating these thought reflections off of mind and heart, has somehow lighten the road and burden that these kind of things a happening around me have installed within my psyche and beingness...

It was a choice of getting involved even though it mattered to most, not...Like all other things in my world...when the going gets tough, the tough get going...and I don't regret one single moment of the time that I pounded away on my computer key board...I would do it again if necessary...and this was a necessary moment in time for me..."Saving Our Children, One Child At A Time"

These are the last two emails I sent to Dr. Phil & Robin

TMP's Battle To Stay A Float In The Heat of RNC A Wanting To Send Her To Jail and Her Kids To A Foster Home.

April 13, 2009

Dear Dr. Phil and Robin:

Tomorrow I will be going to court to watch a "Howdy Doody Court Case Go Down"

For tomorrow TMP will be in battle to save every shreds of her dignity and self respect that the court decides to leave her weary and torn and shattered soul image.

I didn't tell you about the latest to occur. A few days after TMP was given her charges simply based on the allegations of her 11 year old daughter a stating to the DSSI worker: that she had been molested by the step father and others, and a bunch of other sexual moments that the child stated happened…

Guilty, simply because...
TMP won't admit that her daughter wasn't lying and admit that she knew that these things had gone down to her and because TMP won't say these things the DSSI worker wants her to admit…for now the D.S.S.I worker who now believes 110% that it did occurred to the female child, just as the child stated it;

Simply based on the facts that an 11 year old child couldn't have an imagination this big, were it weren't real! And is now wanting to hang the mother-Tonya for having known about it a happening and allowing it...

Allegations based on testimony of a child programmed to speak and the gut feelings of a D.S.S.I worker…

Oh wait, it gets better...

A few days ago, TMP's dad who has temporary custody of her youngest son J.H. (10 years old) and wanting permanent custody of A.M. (16 years old), was a visiting T.P.'s daughter 11 year displaced child now in the home of her dad. (I believe one of 4 supervised visits with his granddaughter and grandsons together since Aug. 2008.) For it was the home of T.P's children dad and step mother...who have temporary custody of just now T.P's daughter until this case settles...

TMP miraculously called her dad while the supervised visit was a going on, something she had never done before and when her daughter heard her mother's voice over the phone her grandfather held, and asked if that was her mommy?

Upon which the little girl grabbed the phone and told her mommy that she did love her and missed her terribly and wanted to come home and it was all the doing of her daddy and step mother…for she was told what to say.

Remember this is a mommy who hadn't laid eyes or seen or talked to, since August 2008.

This is the mommy that was Heather's whole world until a year ago when the bio father decided that it was time for him to take responsibility for his two children by TMP.

So this was a child like I had alleged in all of my pleas for help for TMP and her husband that has been in jail since November, (what was that about 14 emails to you both about this case?) that I claimed was being prompted to tell the authorities what the parent and step parent that were the only ones allowed around this child unsupervised…you know something like the missing parent a wanting total control now that the child is old enough to baby sit and the mother a work aholic…due to need…her only crime in the whole thing!

and TMP has just been told that all the talks that she and her husband were a having while she visited him, would be used against her in court to show conspiracy...

For the DSSI worker told Tonya that by her visitation record...15 minutes a week since November he was thrown in jail awaiting trial; that it showed to the DSSI worker and the prosecutor that she took her husband's part over her own daughter...

Yet I alleged the child was under an alienation syndrome complex, and thus a child easily tormented by thoughts that mommy had stopped loving her and didn't care what happened to her.

Did you not have a show Dr. Phil on just this very subject about how children can be lead in the wrong direction with a bad program that stays with them at times forever? Thoughts of my mother a not loving me anymore and not a wanting me back, would have done me in at that age…

I also alleged that this would be a precedence setting court decision, for both victims TMP and her husband, have had allegations made against them that were false.

My proof is what Heather the child, said to TMP her mother, over the phone...In that 30 second phone call that she grabbed from the hands of her grandfather. That fate filled moment in time...

My hearsay words spoken to me by TMP
She told my adopted daughter, (her mother) that her daddy and step mom, made her say those things, and if she told anyone, that they did this that they would see to it, that she would go where no body could find her.

I don’t believe it was a threat on her life, yet to an 11 year old, it might have meant the same thing…in my estimation. I as well haven’t been able to talk to Heather…so I don’t have a clue as to what or how this little girl internalized the moment…do you have any ideas?

I also told TMB that her dad had to have been right there when Heather spoke those quick words to her mother...for I know that he moves quite slow and he is a big I can't see him a moving that fast away from a situation that he was supposedly to be in charge of...and that was to keep the mommy away from her children, rather physically or by phone.

So I asked TMB what did dad have to say about what had to say?

TMB first told me that her dad had told the DSSI worker what he had heard his grand daughter say, and the DSSI worker said that it was "here say."..I say, bull crap, for he was a key witness.

I have told many persons about all the emails I have sent you concerning TMB and what I call a key precedence setting case of injustice...

Yet I understand that this is the kind of land we are a living in currently...Little person falls down if they don’t have adequate representation in the land…for court appointed attorneys unless they are extra ordinary, don’t necessary give you the best job possible for they are too busy a handling the masses, for there is where we are today…many out of work…and a needing their services…

Later today, I again asked TMB again what her dad had to say about what he heard her daughter state over the phone while he was a sitting close by?

She told me that she doesn't remember anymore, simply because it doesn't matter for her daddy is a wanting custody of her older son, so she believes it probably wasn't the truth that he told her that he told the DSSI worker; for in her estimation there isn't anything he wouldn't do to get custody of her son his oldest grandchild Anthony so that he can give her oldest son all of the child support money that TMB once received so that he could use it as spending money during his last two years of receiving it...up to and including even taking him away from the mommy to do it.

Neet dad wouldn’t you say? How would you like to hear that her dad,'s dad; did the same thing to her dad’s mom, Tonya’s grandmother…Ahhh, “the sins of the parent a falling down upon the parents for six generations,” kind of thing, like what is stated in Our Bible.

I told TMB today, how sad I was to hear her response about her daddy...for this is key moment -turning point time for Tonya's case...and that for her to forget this key moment, that meant that the trauma of all of the last few days and weeks and months prior to that time it all hit her was definitely a hitting her hard and full in the face.

No wonder, dad wasn't a backing her up anymore, because it is only his back and his oldest grandson's back that he is a worried about...what becomes of his other grandson and grand daughter, and daughter mattered not…it seems.

I told her today, “that is too sad to fathom...for doesn't your daddy know TMB, that your failure is also his?”

I told her that I am asking God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to put it on her father's heart, mind and spirit that in Our of the key scriptures I have found contained within this one, "the sins of the parents will fall down upon the parents for six generations." This simply means if one doesn’t change the generational thinking and acting lineage, that loop and dip goes on for six more generations and her father is being given the opportunity to change the family program and can’t see clearly enough to do so…

I also told her that instead of her father a cutting her head off to spite his face...which to me is a very incorrect thing to do in my estimation and I told her, that he should be a holding her up and supporting her, yet is instead a slapping her down to where everyone else that is a wishing her to fail, lives. Know what I mean?

Allow me to state. It has been a few weeks past 2 years since my dad graduated Home to God. And I am so very grateful that my father passed Stop and went to Go for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...and that one little change made all the difference in the world…of myself and my siblings.

For the years prior to my parents a asking God/Jesus and Holy Spirit into their hearts and home...was pretty rough and I am so very grateful that they journeyed there for if it wasn't for the example they left me...I would have had a more difficult time on my "Stations of the Cross," for I believe that all believers grow to realize that is all their rough life is about...

I believe it is all that very simple...see a miracle, be a miracle...

For to be more Christ like, we have to experience all of life's ups and downs. Just like Christ did when He lived here on the planet called Earth.

Just like Christ did...and it isn't all that necessary how many wins or losses we have through the many storms that pass our way, what matters the most is how we played it all out...with faith, hope , trust, honesty, humility, gratitude and charity, etc., etc.;

Or self, greed, lust, fear, worry, envy, spirit of lack of everything, especially non-gratitude to God, etc., etc., etc…

Two choices, both very different life styles arising from them both.

I also told her to give it to God, "for if God, be for her, who could ever possibly come against her."

I also told her to pray to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and ask them while she slept (with the help of her anti depressants and sleep medication) to help her with her now growing bank of PTSD symptoms and to place on her heart, mind and soul, that which I told her over the phone and see if God will weave His magic into her day of and pending court appearance tomorrow.

I told her that I would be there to record the events for you Dr. Phil.

I promised my brother that I wouldn't have any loud outbursts for I got into trouble when I stood up and said in my brother's recent court appearance, "your honor, he doesn't have an income for he is on visit to our area, he hasn't had time to get a job."

I was ordered to sit down and shut up or face contempt of court charges. Then when I started praying allowing my lips to move, the jailer again ordered me to shut up or be taken out of the court room...

I immediately told him that I was a praying and then stopped a moving my lips...and kept praying with my lips not…hahahehe…man, the judge was a hard man and the jailer just as…

Dr. Phil & Robin:

So I will be good so that I don't go to jail for a speaking my truths out of turn, I will instead write them to you.

Yet if you want to try and make tomorrow appointment court will start at 9:30 A.M. o’clock in RNC, as previously stated.

I also told TMB that if she saw me a leaving before it ended. She is to know that I found it too uncomfortable and ridiculous to stay and listen to or too frustrating for me to or the other...for I have cleared my entire day of appointments to be with her and I will try my best with God’s help to stay in the current flow of things…hard as it might be…

I also told her that two other people besides myself were a praying for her to have Divine justice and intervention...and to have that being only one of the three are really related to her and that prayer filled person, isn't her dad, and with that I am truly so sorry to say...

So having the three of us a praying makes her a blessed person, for some people don't have another soul a praying with hope to God for a bright and better day.

And to think that all it takes is two or more a praying for her along with her a praying and God is right there within the mists of it all a going down...oh so very cool wouldn't you say Doc and Robin?

I also want to include another thing Doc., are you a putting all of 14 plus emails on TMB into a book for her and her husband's new life that will begin when this "Funny Farm Life-Court in America Story," goes down?

I do hope so...for they can sure use the compensation to begin again after the devastation of a storm created by a D.S.S.I, worker...that didn't do her C.S.I., or Forensic work up...for shouldn't a person that is investigating a felony case as what she presents?

First start of all: Measure the: possible intentions of charging parties?” Establishing Motive?

The first thing that I see a standing right out there and a slapping one in the face, is that the biological father; is $24,000 in back child support and if he gets both kids, he will never have to pay another dime for then the mother would have to pay him and his wife...especially a man that is mentally/slow handicap and doesn't work and the wife makes a small income when she does work.

For isn’t monetary gain one of the biggest motivations to create the biggest messes in our land?

Dr. Phil, and Robin, please imagine what kind of day Heather was having prior to the allegations of the charges when TMB was a full charge parent...Heather would call her mother's cell phone ten to 15 times or more a evening after school and until the time her mother got home from work...they had a very tight relationship, at least that is what I saw since H.H.'s birth.

This child had an open communication with her mother...imagine the loss of that one factor...know what I mean? Alienation, abandonment...all created by forces outside of this little girl...what are your thoughts in just that gray area alone?

Life time counseling perhaps...My separation from my mother happened when she was 80...I can't imagine being forced to remove my mother out of my life at 11.

Losing her when I did in my mid fifties was hard enough...I know you know what I mean.

Anyways, those are my thoughts at this moment in time...I will be back if I don't hear from you first...

RNC Courthouse,

I will probably put a little blirp about this in my newsletter so that perhaps some of the many that view it will also keep God's highest will for TMB's life in prayers tomorrow and always for I see that she is going to need it.

How she has held this all together is due to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, for I am forever a telling her, "If you can't change it, stop worrying about it and give it over to God."

For even if it doesn't turn out like you would have it turn out, when you find the learning lesson contained within it, you will then see that it was a very positive thing to happen...

Perhaps my saying that she might end up owning RMD County in earlier writings to you both, even if they might be bankrupt from the charges she will later levy against them for their total lack of evidence and investigative handling of this prejudiced D.SSI worker...may not be all that off the wall….

Just my thoughts a thrown out...I hope and pray that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's Intervention in this case will produce the results that will bring forth more Grace to her and her husband and children’s life than she could ever her remaining life time years here…

Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace-non legal adopted mom-16 years. and counting…

TMB's Story Continues

Dear Dr. Phil & Robin:
Lots have happened since the court date that T.zp. had last week and I asked you to be present.

What I took the court date to represent was the social worker, DSSI person (second to be assigned the case) was the legal formalities of taking TMB's children away from her since August...

I guess the DSSI person and her supervisor felt it necessary at this time to cover all of their thinking...

For all the court case that day on TMB was to establish the residences of both her this in between time of hers...court ordered temporary children assigned residences.

Heather the accusing minor, age 11 with her dad and step mother...where she has been since August.

Jordy, age 10 with his mother's father...

The positives of that day for TMB was that she gets one hour a week, (supervised by her dad) in which to visit with her ten year old long as she doesn't talk about the case with him.

That was more than before so TMB feels a bit ahead...still though, no contact with her daughter, even by phone.

I also got TMB's dad to admit that he heard his grand daughter state those things that I wrote before...daddy and step mother a making her state those lies and if she didn't, both daddy and step mother would send her off someplace, no one especially her mother would know where...

Not only did TMB's dad admit it to me, he also admitted it to his wife's sister who along with myself, were the only two women in the court room that were for TMB, as well as her dad.

Not only did TMB's dad admit it to his wife's sister, yet also the Guardian Ad Lightumn worker assigned by the state for the children's behalf...

I believe that Guardian AdLightumn folks are attorneys...I am not hopefully, this lady had her listening cap on...she acted like she did...for then TMB's dad then said that he had told the DSSI worker what he had heard in that short conversation that his grand daughter quickly uttered before he grabbed the phone from her...for this was a no, no thing...for mother and daughter were to not have conversation/contact between them...

I then told the Guardian Ad Lightumn if she would please see that when this child is with her mental health therapist that neither the step mom or dad were present in the room for it seems like this child was terrorized in saying what she had told the DSSI worker...

The Guardian AdLightumn worker then told me that she believed that the child was allowed to be in the therapist's presence alone...

Anyways, I felt like I had a good meeting with the Guardian AdLightumn worker...I believe she knew for the first time that perhaps all that had been appearing real, wasn't...time will tell how the story plays out from this point...

I also gave TMB a copy of the last email that I sent you and TMB had a copy of it made and given to the Guardian AdLightumn worker...for I told her that I had been a writing you about this Kangaroo case since about the time it first began...almost 14 emails by now at least...

She told me that was good, for it shows chronological reporting as it occurred...and by the way, nothing has come back given me by TMB since August to not be exact...everything she has given me in the way of reporting has been lies told me by her...

Just thought I would throw that out...for remember TMB's family had been trying to get me convinced that Tonya wasn't all that she appeared to be...and actually I found them correct...she is much more than what they could ever imagine to be good and a great mom!

For allow me to tell you what happened to TMB yesterday...she was called into court to discuss the problem they were a having with her ex husband and his wife on not getting her 11 year old daughter to her mental health therapist office for her weekly visit and had missed all but two of the ten therapist date.

So the judge moved the 11 year old girl to the home of her step mother's sister, who lives with a man that all believe is a drug dealer...oooh boy, here we go again!

TMB's dad wanted to get his grand daughter, being his daughter, TMB is living with his deceased wife's sister and it is many miles apart from where he lives.

No go...Heather is now in the company of additional strangers...kind of like the threat that her dad and step mom had made to her if she told the truth, came true...that is kind of how I am a viewing it...what do you think?

I am quite interested in the fact that she was being held from her therapy sessions, and I believe all that are supposed to be following this case and are standing on 110% believing they are right and TMB is wrong...should be kind of a re-viewing it, Wouldn't you think?

Anyways, TMB has stopped seeing her husband as instructed by her court appointed attorney, (8 weeks ago) because the state had already informed him that they will be a using all evidence of her visits and dates...of 15 minutes a week...on Tuesday nights only...against proof that she didn't believe her daughter's allegations...too much love for her husband; to see clearly kind of a thing...bad. bad mommy!

What did the attorney tell TMB after that court case appointment? This is before he had heard the testimony story of TMB's dad..."I will do my best to get your kids back to you, the state has no evidence in which to use against you or your husband."

The next court date scheduled is May 26, 2009...I don't know if the state will be ready by that time...for the judge told all parental parties present that if the persons assigned to this child doesn't get her to the mental health therapist visit...the next lodging place for this 11 year old child, is a girl's home in much further way than my place...

How nice...

Just thought I would throw this out to you both...

I feel more than ever positive that the DSSI worker's and their supervisors were negligent in the handling of this case...

For they didn't look a bit at motive arising from the estranged husband and step mother a wanting custody of two children that the father was back in child support payments totaling over $24,000 and according to his former father in law, a man too lazy to work and only worked until the child support payments started coming out of his checks...for he was a man not willing to support his own children and forced TMB to have to work additionally in order to recap the money the absent father should have been paying towards support of his two children.

I told you in all of my correspondences, that the only crime that TMB committed was that she worked too much...I don't really see that she had a choice myself, for she did the best that she could do and when the best isn't good enough...than all of us could fall victim to the same kind of "kangeroo court room behavior," Whose right and Who is wrong and does it matter?

I say yes, others may so no...

Just think of all the ramifications that has come from two kids a playing (father and step mother of Heather) adults...and think about the cost that it has cost all parties even a failing county department budget...all of this could have been eleviated...had the social worker, supervisor and court appointed attorneys for
T.P., as well as H.P. truly done a better job investigating the allegations...

Too mind bending to keep imagining...too sad that is what I am saying...

Anyways Be Blessed Always
Hope to hear from you soon.
Love, Light and Peace

check out and go to spiritual ministries newsletter to see what I did with this story...

I am doing this simply to show to all that I have more fires to put out than just the few that I have presented on my newsletters...besides you guys are all over my newsletters of yesterday...especially all the great and sound ideas that you have presented to all down through the years a working both your missions...that I have captured from time to time...

One Last Note
If you don't get to this perhaps wasn't meant to be...yet for years and years of writing you and Oprah...I don't believe it was all in vain or delusional either...for I have dreamt of working with you both for several years and somehow I know that I am at this time a helping work God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's Magic through you both...just like I feel that I will be a working with doctors such as what your son's show he is producing...The Doctors TV Show...a highly informative and cutting edge show, just like your own...

Good stuff, good people a trying to make a difference in a world wanting to look down side instead of up...a world wanting to yin instead of yanging...

I can't wait to try the bio hormonal idea of Robin' still expensive, yet one day i hope to have arrive where it is that I knew I was always a heading...know what I mean?

Love, Light and Peace
Be Blessed Always,