Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
"Why Must We Live In A Land of No Longer Milk and Honey"
February 20, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
"Working On A Dream, Open Letter To President Barack Obama," Part 2
Jada and others like us that could see you clearly, all had to go into silence as our families, friends and business supporters all fall to the political fears generated by your constituents.
Even our celebration to your God Granted Victory, had to be done secretly...please let me tell you that you are the first presidential election that sent my joy and hope level to an all time high!
I thank God for your placement!
It took me a short while to move completely fear free into your support corner and once I got there through reading alot of the stuff that you and your wife, support web team members placed there, I was completely at peace with a land with you at the watch!
I believe that with your leadership and those that you have selected, and those not, a bipartisan vote will be possible, especially if we as a nation take the responsibility to pray for your God inspired insights to keep a flowing freely, for Japan is a whole lot smaller than our land.
Yet you are expected to do more, with less.
Yet you told us that it would take lots more and were given lots less and now if any of those that got bailed out, take vacations or give bonuses to those that are at the top already, and little to none gain occurs; it could cause you to lose more political/governmental policies favor?
Wow do you have a lot to carry!
Almost like trying to get a one-legged horse to walk straight and balanced...listen to "Working On A Dream,' by Bruce Springsteen, as you read this letter, for while it was a playing, I was a writing this letter to you.
Were I to have produced a movie of my life and struggles and dream of what my new tomorrow would be, the entire album of Mr. Springsteen would be a playing. Almost all of the songs fit beautiful that which I have and am a moving towards...all things on purpose as you know.
Oprah on her website asked that all write in what they experienced when you were elected and all the results were in.
I somehow never got a chance to write my thoughts there, so here goes that well remembered moment in time. I laughed, cried, jumped in the air, hooted and hollowed Thank You God/Jesus and Holy Spirit!
Then the phone started ringing at first from those that could see as far as I could...almost all of them saying the same as me, we got to be careful that we don't celebrate too loudly for those that thought differently than ourselves, out numbered us...
My toughest battles were with my family members, who thought me absolutely out of my freakin mind! They questioned all aspects of me, religion, loyalties to our country...you name it, we went there!
I believe I even lost a few clients here and there over my political views and some even used my Christianity views as a reason to ditch me from their lives...
Heck my battles weren't over after the election and all should have settled down to the fact that we had a African American/Muslin President, with a middle name of a past asleep dictator that America helped remove, a man his own country believed villainous enough to send back Home to God.
Guns sales went up dramatically! As the energy of fear ran a rampant. A fear highly charged by our own fear propagandized nation.
A fear energy that is still quite high as individuals close to me report, (Jada Stone) her two sons in their mid to late thirties a having to take employment in the war zones through contractor jobs, in order to keep what they have accumulated and feed their families being jobs are being lost...Katie Coric reported this a few nights ago, 13 jobs a minute!
I believe times are bad when it is more sensible to leave ones families to handle their own lives, as they dun "body armor," and the Armor of God and go to work in the War Zones a helping to reconstruct/construct during the clean up after the storm of disagreements had passed.
Can you imagine how much faith, trust, understanding, strength that it takes for the loved ones of these brave men and women that are over there a doing the same?
I know that you are aware of how much stress it takes to break one down that has no faith, those of us that do have faith, know that all it takes is, "faith the size of a mustard seed and we can command all mountains to move in our life."
I have you, your family and all policies creating team-mates on God's Altar of my prayers. That is also what I am telling all those still a whining and complaining that we are doomed having you on board...
I tell them that I don't seem doom and gloom, I see hope!
I also tell them that being I believe that God answers all prayers and I had prayed months before I casted my history changing vote, "Dear Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus, and Holy Spirit, I ask that you guide my hand when I cast my vote, for I want my vote to be thy Will for my life and those that I love and this great land of yours and us your children.
"not my will, not my will, but Thine be done in me."
I have also written that many in the field of being able to look outside the box, of things as myself, see you as a Star seed.
What is a Star seed? I have been told that I am one as well.
So allow me briefly to explain what the heck I think I am.
A Star seed is a mightily special child seed of God, planted deliberately onto our earthly existence planet to help bring forth the land from darkness into the light of God.
A celestial soul essence that after God asked who was a willing to do this or that mission; volunteered to come to Earth in a life time of trying to be the change the world was a needing.
A high level of being in God's Heavenly Kingdom that was giving extra gifts in which to help him/her awaken the sleeping masses...
An individual given so many extra gifts that sometimes they themselves fall asleep as the power mantle increased in intensity and they stopped seeing God/Jesus and Holy Spirit as the source of that power and fell hopelessly asleep in the mirroring pool of Narcissus and believed that they were the power.
Some of the noted star-seeds that speak to this are Hitler, Napoleon, to mention a small few!
When I look down the road with you at the mantle/helm...this is what I see.
I see an administration that will be successful at nearly all of their endeavors...especially if that President gets his country to their knees back to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit by telling them to visualize a pray new world, by first asking God into their life, first of all.
Then having them pray that each and every stroke of your pen and each and every thought that you make is for the better ment of our land and that each meeting that is held both here and all over the world is for that end and not for more greed, destruction and loss...ends.
By doing this simple move, you are guiding the world to take on the Armor of God, for right now that is all that I personally have left.
Faith that all is proceeding according to God's Will for my highest good. I wish that I could give this same peace to others that can't see that far yet...
Imagine me a trying to convince a friend that I have nick named "Shark Bait," that all is proceeding to God's Will for her life when she a disabled , non compensated past employee, health has completely left her and she believed it was due from being exposed to mold at her long termed job position held work place.
A place now sold, and Shark Bait was told that the mold didn't cause her cancer, or any other of her disabilities, thus she wasn't entitled to workmen compensation benefits...due to their insurance companies findings.
Now imagine Shark Bait, no longer with a job were it available, no insurance coverage for her illnesses...no unemployment benefits for she isn't able to work...and when she went to get a second mortgage on her home to be able to feed herself and pay her first mortgage was denied it by the lending facility because our local hospital here issued 21 hospital charges bills on her credit record.
Imagine a single woman in her early 40's, a losing her home and life gathered ownings, with plenty of assets; yet no job or ability to work now...a person kind of looking dazed and wondering how could American politicians allow this to be a good thing and my telling her that it will be alright, for God's hand is in it?
Now imagine me a telling a single nurse in her early 60's, that God's hand is in her life as well after she tells me that her dreams of retiring soon were crushed when her retirement 401k, went to a 201k.
A wonderful specialty nurse that gave to her mankind benefit ting the best that she had, it all.
She never took the time to marry, have children or even pets of her all. A nun in incognito...a person that all that ever beholds her presence, knows she walks and talks with Jesus, God and Holy Spirit.
I told her that Jesus was a carrying her now and that all would turn right, especially when the research university/community goes into manifestation.
I also told her that in Romans we are told that in "end times, all that was taken from us unjustly, would be returned to us in Grace, given now more abundantly."
I also told her in Romans as well, we are told that the victory over the devil has already been won.
I told her as well that I believe that it isn't the devil a running around a getting credit/blame for all that is a wrong in the world.
I told her that I believe like the Amy Grant song about there being two sides of each of us, one that knows the right thing to do and one that can't see, and thus do wrong.
I can't help but see how easy it would be to slide down the hill towards the viewing of life at "1/2 cup level," were I not continuing to keep re-filling my lantern with God's Love, Light and Peace, with prayer filled moments to Him with gratitude and excitement that even though I have shot straight to the moon with my dream I am a working straight out to you dear President, I believe; that even if I only catch a star; I will have at least givin our great land, my very best just in just having made the attempt at trying to see a world changed.
I also told her that, "if one isn't part of the solution, they are part of the problem," and currently more must be a whole lot a feeling negative that a change can occur in our land; or else there wouldn't be so much stress and fear energy in our land world.
I told her that individuals that live in a world that sees others out to get them because the devil is a running around creating all kinds of havoc and the world is no longer safe or buying themselves into an early grave for stress is a all time destroyer of our bodies, starting with the spiritual energy field filtering down from God and that once the spiritual energy flow with God is disrupted through too much fear energy within a person being held on, and not enough releasing of them to God through forgiveness, understanding and hope.
Then what I believe occurs is that without constant prayer loaded with good intentional requests, that spiritual channel becomes blocked and a down ward spiraling of energies through every body's electrical systems ethereal, mental, emotional, causal and once it hits the physical level, we end up with a wide range of what appears to be physical ailment states.
I also told her that if what is known today (as the only way to wellness profession) were to have viewed an individual who is physically broken in this manner; whole bodily; spirit, mind and body...I wonder what kind of a picture would it look like?
Would our medical profession still be given the rating of third largest death creator? Given this rap due to prescription medications and not surgical interventions.
I have also heard Mr. President that many of our pensioned retirees and disabled ones on fixed incomes, are having a hard time a purchasing their medications and thus aren't even taking them properly.
Then we all are worried that health-insurance companies known for charging high prices for coverages and doing a swell job of not properly covering their clients adequately when the client goes down for the count and the help they thought would be there when they needed it and entrusted thousands of dollars to the institution in years past, that cared not when their number was called...We are all worried that they might now want to play the, "or you had that problem in the past so we aren't a going to cover you now, number."
A number that I personally experienced my own self, so I know it is real and in existence in today's current world.
I have also seen car insurance companies a skim, scam me away when it was their own client's back they were a holding supposedly open.
What do I say it in this manner? Please allow me to tell you why?
I believe that because we hire an insurance company to represent, they are in essence us going forth and re compensating the person or persons we had injured most of the time, accidentally.
When our insurance company takes our created victim to the cleaners, we are a taking that victim there ourselves.
Perhaps that doesn't make sense to you right now...yet in my "what goes around, comes around logistical mind, it does to me and as such, I had to throw it out there for I believe that we all live in a "Pay Forward," Land. (please catch the movie, Pay Forward," and you will better understand what I am a trying to get at.)
The more Light, Love and Peace of God we send out to others, the more comes back...It just can't help but grow and magnify itself.
The more darkness, fear, worry and such energies that grows, the more sentient beings such as ourselves grow heavy with the burdens of others energies.
Thus we have to continually fill our energy spaces with God's Love, Light and Peace so that we can keep the heavy and dark energies away so that we don't fall asleep.
Because I work in helping release these dark and death defying energies from my family, friends and clients; I have found a need to burn sage rather abundantly as of late...as such I am a begging you one favor; please don't allow the FDA to take away our supplemental world of herbs, vitamins and alternative modalities...and please don't make salvia illegal, for you know it is sage.
I believe sage should be burned in all offices, stores and shops...perhaps not directly like one would smoke a joint, in incense form.
Many in the medical world are a buying into the idea that it is a hallucinogenic, I will tell you one thing, it doesn't make me high or want to jump from tall buildings, what it does do is calm my energies and helps remove the subtle energies of those down casted persons that visit my home office.
Our Native American Indians have used it for centuries to clear the energies of their dwellings and some have legend ed that it perhaps was one of the ingredients placed in their peace pipes...perhaps to give them clarity or peace of mind.
I use it in my home office to clear the energies of others that they believe are the demons a keeping them from experiencing a whole life wonderfully.
I call it my self defense against a land that wants to call everything, someone else's fault.
Just look at what the site that I get my bulk supplies wrote about sage and you will understand that once the FDA gets to ban salvia, there goes one of my greatest defenses against the energies of others lost to their own inner demons...and once the FDA wins this battle, one of natures finest, thinking outside the box, that could represent us losing them all.
Already we have lost ephedra and as far as I can see we lost a lot due to some individuals believing that is less worked, than more was a winning ticket.
I don't know about you Mr. President, I have seen a tremendous increase in upper respiratory ailments since ephedra went by by...For one of its medicinal aspects was that it kept the bronchial open and lungs cleared and for individuals such as myself that use tobacco to keep grounded so that I can work around those not so grounded, I know that the increased carcigenics used as pesticides on its crops, have caused a world win of trouble and since I am no longer able to take ephedra, I find that coughs and inflammation to be a more than common result.
I have placed lots of petitions to keep the FDA from taking away our choice to use alternative herbal, vitamin and mineral supplementations.
Not only are they more cost effective, they are also highly preventative medicine and one that has been mentioned in our Bible, several times. "herbs are to be your medicine and food."
End of Part 2