Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
October 19, 2008
What Does It Mean To Be An Indigo?
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I have personally discovered many family members and friends that fit the category of an Indigo. I found the following description on a Healthy Living Site.
Perhaps it will help those that are a wondering why their friend or family member act so differently than other persons.
Please enjoy...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Do You Have An Indigo Child?
Indigo Children In The World Today
By Kat DeLong
If your child is bright, but easily frustrated, and empathetic, yet seems entitled, he or she may be an indigo child. …
The term “indigo child” has been used with increasing frequency over the past several decades by New Age practitioners to describe a particular psychological profile. These people share certain characteristics that many people hope will help change the vibrations of our world and create a better future for all of us. They feel that indigo children are the next step in the evolution of the human race and are here to save us from ourselves. Is your child an indigo child? Take a look at some of the most common characteristics and see. …
The Birth of the Indigo Child
The term “indigo child” appears to have been coined in the early 1980s by psychic and synesthete Nancy Anne Tappe, who classified personalities according to the color of their auras, or the energy that people give off. While there are many different colors of auras that indicate different personality types, she feels that in the next age of evolution, indigo will become the norm. Many people who propose the theory of indigo children believe that there have been indigo children born over the past 100 years, but that a great number of them, up to 85 percent, are being born now, primarily after 1982.
Characteristics of the Indigo Child
What is indigo? Children with indigo auras share a heightened awareness of the world around them and are said to possess enhanced capabilities. They also share some of these indigo child characteristics:
--They are bright, often with an amazing memory.
--They are sensitive and often seem wise beyond their years.
--They have a desire to live instinctively and often have trouble obeying rules that they don’t understand or feel don’t make logical sense.
These children are said to have unusually large, clear eyes. It is often said that they can “see right through you.”
--They tend to act entitled and don’t understand when they don’t get special treatment.
--They like creative thought – thinking “outside the box” – and get frustrated with systems that are ritualistic and without meaning.
--Children who may be indigos don’t often conform to the systems in our society and try to find a better way to do things.
--They may feel out of place in today’s world and have difficulty making friends in school. While some indigo children do well with others, some may seem antisocial to their peers.
--Even young indigo children can feel like they are searching for a greater purpose and often exhibit “big picture” thinking. They will go out of their way to find the truth.
--An indigo child often has a strong intuition, to the point that it may seem like they are psychic. They can easily read people and find hidden agendas.
If you find that your child has most of these characteristics, he or she may be an indigo child. There are complete lists of characteristics and indigo tests on many websites, including namestecafe.com/evolution/indigo.
Parenting the Indigo Child
If you feel that your child may indeed be an indigo child, you may wonder how to parent her. While she may posses some heightened capabilities, she still needs love and discipline like any other child.
Each child is different, but these tips may help you as you raise your special son or daughter:
--Indigo children are often self-directed and want to work out problems on their own. As a parent, you need to give your child safe boundaries, but then step back and let him solve issues on his own.
--Don’t try to “guilt trip” your indigo child or manipulate her into doing something. She will most likely see right through you and end up “pushing your buttons.” Honesty and explanation go a long way with most indigo children.
--Most indigo children are mature beyond their years and will respond best when treated with as much respect as possible. Try not to talk down to them, but discuss issues with them as you would with another adult.
--You may find that your child is unusually interested in a particular subject. Allow him to pursue it as much as you can, whether it is music, the arts or a rampant interest in dinosaurs.
--Find outlets for your indigo child’s creativity by exposing her to as many different opportunities as possible. Travel, attend concerts and go to museums. If you live near a city or college town, try to find events that will stimulate her interest.
--Your indigo child may be unusually emotional or appear cold and unfeeling. In either case, teach him how to properly handle his emotions both in public and private. Some relaxation techniques may prove helpful.
--Try to give him responsibility for himself as early as you can. Picking out clothes, household chores and participating in decisions will all help make your job easier as he takes charge of himself.
Many indigo children are diagnosed with ADD, ADHD or even autism. While many of the characteristics are similar, including a problem with authority and following rules, you may find that other therapies will work better than drugs to get your indigo child through the challenging school years. Because some indigo children have trouble with social interaction, they can be seen as high-functioning autistics, but show non-autistic characteristics, such as enjoying physical touch.
Are You an Indigo Child?
While most of the indigo children have been born in the past decade, some experts feel that a small portion of each generation for the past century have been indigos. You may be one if you have some or all of these characteristics:
---While you have empathy for others, stupidity makes you crazy.
---You have trouble with “broken” systems such as political, educational or medical.
---You have a burning desire to do something to change the world, but you may feel stuck and not know what you are meant to do.
---You may feel frustrated with the idea of the American Dream and live a lifestyle that is considered different from that of your peers.
---High school and adolescence may have been particularly difficult. You may have experienced early depression or helplessness
---You have difficulty with service-oriented jobs and look outside the norm for your career.
---You find yourself thinking about the world at large. World peace, poverty and the environment are often in your thoughts and may cause feelings of panic and frustration if you feel you are helpless to change things.
Because they are here to usher the world into a new phase, many indigo children feel more at peace when they are doing something that they feel will make a difference. Allow your child to volunteer or contribute to a cause she cares about. Let her get involved in politics by writing to the president or her congressperson to tell them how she feels.
If you are an indigo child, try to find a profession that will make a difference to the world, even in a small way. If you can wake up every morning feeling that your presence can make the world a better place, then you are fulfilling your destiny as an indigo child.
Are You A Good Mom?
Being a good mom means more than baking cookies and joining the PTA. An effective mother does things like structure meaningful family activities that help kids learn while having fun. She watches over her offspring, providing guidance, encouragement, and discipline. On the other hand, with a busy schedule and not enough "Me" time, babysitters and bowling can start to take center stage.