Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Untiring work of God's Messengers of Hope
September 15, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
September 15, 2008
Dear Ginny:
I want to thank you for all of your contributions to my website at www.onlinetoniewallace.com , "Ginny's Herbal Corner" I want to thank you for helping my friends and family members that have traveled to your site by email or phone...and were helped by you.
I want to thank you for all those persons that you have signed up under me in Nature Sunshine Company as well. I know that I have been a forfeiting my bonuses by not maintaining a set monthly pv...yet right now...just a keeping the rent sort of paid, and the lights, water, phone, food, gas a flowing in this economy...has taken up all of my mandatory reguirements of life.
I hope that I do get on the stick rather soon though...for I know that I am losing money by having this research center at such a precarious position...yet it is what it is, until it is not...just keep a praying for me...
Thank you again for all that you do for us all, with your newsletters and such...
Also, a family member of mine has this condition that I pulled a bit of stuff from the Web MD site...I know that she will be a contacting you soon...to seek help with the below condition...as well as her blood preassure and stuff and I also told her about the muscle testing that you do for flower essences...I hope you still have those to offer from folks...
Love you girl and I will be a resigning up again for my yearly membership before it expires, I believe the end of this month...is that correct?
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
Arnold-Chiari Malformation
It is possible that the main title of the report Arnold-Chiari Malformation is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report.
Arnold-Chiari Malformation
Cerebellomedullary Malformation Syndrome
Disorder Subdivisions
Chiari Type I (Chiari Malformation I)
Chiari Type II (Chiari Malformation II)
General Discussion
Arnold-Chiari malformation is a rare malformation of the brain that is sometimes, but not always, apparent at birth. It is characterized by abnormalities in the area where the brain and spinal cord meet that cause part of the cerebellum to protrude through the bottom of the skull (foramen magnum) into the spinal canal. This interferes with the flow of cerebral spinal fluid to and from the brain, leading to accumulation of cerebral spinal fluid in the empty spaces of the spine and brain. The portion of the cerebellum that protrudes into the spinal canal can become elongated and is called the "cerebellar tonsils" because it resembles the tonsils.
There are four types of Chiari malformation. Depending on the type, the impact on the affected individual may range from mild to severe.
American Syringomyelia Alliance Project, Inc. (ASAP)
300 N. Green Street, Suite 412
Longview, TX 75601
Tel: (903)236-7079
Fax: (903)757-7456
Tel: (800)272-7282
Email: info@asap.org
Internet: http://www.asap.org
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
1275 Mamaroneck Avenue
White Plains, NY 10605
Tel: (914)428-7100
Fax: (914)997-4763
Tel: (888)663-4637
Email: Askus@marchofdimes.com
Internet: http://www.marchofdimes.com
Spina Bifida Association of America
4590 MacArthur Boulevard NW
Suite 250
Washington, DC 20007-4226
Tel: (202)944-3285
Fax: (202)944-3295
Tel: (800)621-3141
Email: sbaa@sbaa.org
Internet: http://www.sbaa.org
Hydrocephalus Association
870 Market Street
Suite 705
San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel: 4157327040
Fax: 4157327044
Tel: 8885983789
Email: info@hydroassoc.org
Internet: http://www.hydroassoc.org
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
31 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892-2540
Tel: (301)496-5751
Fax: (301)402-2186
Tel: (800)352-9424
Email: braininfo@ninds.nih.gov
Internet: http://www.ninds.nih.gov/
Canadian Syringomyelia Network
69 Penny Crescent
Ontario, L3P 5X7
Tel: 9054718278
Fax: 9059444844
Email: barb@csn.ca
Internet: http://www.csn.ca
Hydrocephalus Support Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 4236
Chesterfield, MO 63006-4236
Tel: 6365328228
Fax: 3142515871
Email: hydrodb@earthlink.net
Birth Defect Research for Children, Inc.
930 Woodcock Rd
Suite 225
Orlando, FL 32803
Tel: 4078950802
Fax: 4078950824
Email: staff@birthdefects.org
Internet: http://www.birthdefects.org
World Arnold Chiari Malformation Association
31 Newtown Woods Road
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Tel: (610)353-4737
Email: internautbhm2@comcast.net
Internet: http://www.wacma.com
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
5550 Meadowbrook Drive
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-3852
Tel: (847)378-0500
Fax: (847)378-0600
Tel: (888)566-2267
Email: info@aans.org
Internet: http://www.NeurosurgeryToday.org and http://www.AANS.org
For a Complete Report:
This is an abstract of a report from the National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. ® (NORD). A copy of the complete report can be obtained for a small fee by visiting the NORD website. The complete report contains additional information including symptoms, causes, affected population, related disorders, standard and investigational treatments (if available), and references from medical literature. For a full-text version of this topic, see http://www.rarediseases.org/search/rdblist.html