Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Thank You God! Brad Decides To Come Home!
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
April 27, 2009
Dear All One Family:
Just the grandest news! Brad has decided to come home. A saying goodbye to the war zone couldn't have come too soon! All Please Say Amen! To himself and all of his family and friends who love and miss him and his brother, that much!
A time in Jada's life that she would rather have had written a different way, yet understanding that it is what it is...not her destiny call, sort of thing...
Just so happy are all of us, for that is one returning hero, rather he knows it or not...for no grander time can one be having, than being a servant child of God.
Serving others.
Serving others so that others can fair better in the world so to speak..."do unto others that which you would have done unto you."
Especially service in a land that holds a different picture of God than what one is a holding majorly here in the homeland, the great USA!
That perhaps would have been the hardest thing to handle, not knowing who friend or foe was...yet in America, we have that same problem and that is why God/Jesus and Holy Spirit tells us to "test that spirit," by putting them through the fail proof method, asking God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to give one the clarity on that person as on all other things as well.
When one is a working in the land of such great unknown...sometimes God/Jesus and Holy Spirit puts it upon your spirit that it is time to fly back home.
Especially since in June, the largest military pull out of troops will begin and with their being rising incidents of car and suicide bombings, just a couple days ago, I believe over 150 persons were killed in the city of Baghdad alone.
Baghdad was the city that Jada's son Brad was a contract supervisor a having to take his crew of licensed heating and air cooling men, to their job sites, without police escort...yet, there were Iraqi policemen, yet totally trusting them he never could...so calling on God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to help him stay invisible to the enemy, was all Jada was a doing when all it seemed, wanted her to keep silent and just allow her sons to discover for themselves, the way and Jada refused to hold her tongue, for if she did, would her son had stayed as calm as he was a trying to appear?..."a fake it, until you make it kind of thing."
Anyways, Jada is wanting her time in the Son, now...so I will close for now and just allow her to weave her God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, magic...moment.
All be blessed and thank you for all of your prayers for me and all those I serve that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, has filled my abundant plate with by sending them to me, however they happened to come to me...all were for a reason...no accidents, nope not a one! Just like you all a reading this now or when ever you find the time...no accident, not a one!
Be Blessed Always Again
Love, Light and Peace
Tonie Wallace
Dear All One Family:
All I can say is:
I am so grateful to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit that Brad my son has returned home.
I haven't talked to him yet and no messages have been left on my machine, so I guess he just assumes that I know of his latest leg of his journey.
I do because of his former wife, my former daughter in law. I know that he is at his and his brother's dad and step mother's place in Tennessee re-cooperating.
I know this again, simply due to my former daughter in law. For she is the only one that has been privileged to any information because I believe my son realized that she would automatically inform me of anything concerning my son, especially being she still loves my son and is the mother of his wonderful daughter.
Brad leans on his former wife when ever he feels he has fallen a bit and needs a bit of strength given him...being he had also tried doing the same for her, whenever things out of her control sometimes aroused during their eight years of marital separation...
I call them those idio moments of time, moments that sometimes happen from time to time.
Sort of a giving back moments; to moments giving one in past time, kind of a thing...all those that know what I mean, please say Amen!
Plus that is what one does to honor the parent of their child kind of thing...lead by example not by past words and thoughts and a time both were a looking at the world upside down and not together as a team...
All parents that can't do this, will suffer the incomplete viewing of parents and the vital role that they both contribute to in the working of the whole and sum total...of the concept that it takes a community to raise one's child.
Some people get this and some just can't...
For those that can't all I can say is this...what ever you fill your child's eyes and ears with, followed up by the energy that flows from you soul essence, that child will role play back to you, one day.
Trust me. For I have seen lots of duplications of energy of the father and step father and long term boyfriend, a sort of playing themselves out, kind of thing, within my two grown sons.
Some of their role modeled stuff is great, some not so...yet it is what it is...I accept the fact that I married, divorced and broke up from long term relationship, these kind of guys and it must have been for my sons benefit, or my sons wouldn't have chosen me for their learning lesson mission...for kids get to pick their parents...
I told my sons that I hold no ill feelings to anyone and that includes, the ex's, it is as simple as that. My sons and family members do not believe me, for they state that all I do is talk about the past and if I had let go of the past, why was I a revisiting it?
Many I have known, have accused me of the same crime...a talking too much about the past...yet I say, were it not for the past, how could we judge the moment in time that we are experiencing in the now moment?
What would be our measuring stick in which to better evaluate the moment in time, were we not to move back and forth from yesterday's learning experiences, to the now moment learning, sometimes, repeat experience?
I say, to all my family and friends; how can we stop chasing our tails if we don't stop and reflect on the past learning lessons of yesterday, if we don't?
I have also told all others that I know and love, that the greatest mistakes I have made have been those moments in time that I didn't call upon God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to have me with the decision making moment...and just thought I could wing it all on my own...those learning lessons were my hardest...something like one of my former adopted mom would say; "hard heads make soft arses, " kind of moment.
So when Brad talked to me over the phone, during our last conversation about two weeks ago, prior to the increased violence that had already claimed the highest amount of lives lost since January in Baghdad, and saw that number jumped to double in the past few days...that he was having sleepless nights again and an increase in panic attacks, especially feeling like the time for him was almost over to be in this God forsaken land of so much death and destruction, called war.
I told Brad then to just turn it over and see what the morrow brought him...I also told him that I knew getting to phones to make all the calls he needed to make to his loved ones...that I would be alright with him a letting K.R., call and keep me in the loop.
So I am not upset with Brad for the lack of communication with me at this turning point of his life journey, for Brad told me that he was giving it over to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and then follow his gut...so again I have to say, it was God/Jesus and Holy Spirit that returned him to us and I know that my oldest lovely son, will return as well from Iraq, when God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, leads him back.
I am just grateful that he is home and I pray that where ever his journey lead him through, I trust that the memories of that time will be forever sealed in a good way and that he understands that it all was for a reason.
In me it built lots of faith, for like I told a close friend, sister in Christ for over 15 years, when she felt prompted to call me to see what was up, discovered that both my sons were over in Iraq, she stated to me, "my you seem so calm about it," and you don't sound hysterical about it, either." Of which I simply stated, "were my sons still living within the same state as myself, were I to be a worrier, I would be worried all of the time."
I then told MoJO, when one places all things on ones altar, they let go and let God. Besides both my sons have convinced me that they are God's/Jesus and Holy Spirit's supporters...and that they asked God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for guidance before accepting their mission...and then I told them to watch and see with all the signs and easy going events that would magically present themselves, convincing that it is perhaps God's will that they go to Iraq and both claimed that doors opened easily...
So both were on a mission for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, so who was I to complain, yet again; I would have loved to have envisioned an easier way to awaken to that which is real, yet it is their reality/destiny at sake here that they are a creating and I have my own mission and sometimes they both have expressed their dislike in what I have chosen...so it is what it is...some say go, some say hell no!
Some say potatoe and some say tomatoe...it is what it is...same destination, different routes. Were the world to realize this, what a grand world it would be.
Accepting each other differences, while a doing no harm or ill will to another...unless of course we are called to defend...than "Katie barr the door," kind of thing...comes into play.
Hoping of course that compromise is first of all handled...and like my son Brad a feeling apprehensive about so many military troops being pulled out of Iraq now making it very dangerous for our remaining military and governmental contracting companies employees left there...I too feel the concern...yet, it is a battle that doesn't seem to have a bottom...
For these persons are caught in a battle that has raged since after Christ times...and it seems worst now than better, yet perhaps it was always bad and because we have military involvement over there; we have just begun to see the reality of a land divided...religiously. Sort of like the grape vine, news; not so hidden...being we are deep in the effects of our land being involved.
Our causalities of war, great and the devastation to our economy, being so much borrowed funds have been funneled over there in way of military support, lives lost and contracting jobs a rebuilding a land that still somewhat, is in the process of destruction and rebuilding and destruction again.
Somewhat like an oxi moronic moment a going on over and over again.
I personally would like to know why Iraq hasn't taken over some of the financial burdens of us a protecting and rebuilding their land...why does it seem like United States has to always be the one to pick up the tab of others?
Do I see it as fitting that other nations are a lending us money? Yes, I do, for one good turn deserves another given back...we as a great land are generally there for all other nations...we have given so much and yet there is still so much we need to do, yet all I ask is that we concentrate heavier on our land...for we are a needing so much help right now...
Joblessness, homelessness, rising costs of all things: food, lights, heat, water, taxes, clothing, housing, vehicles...so great are our needs.
I wish all nations would understand the need to work together...environmentally, socially, politically....we are all in this together...
Those are the things that I have been lead to share at this time...
I thank God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and I thank all you a visiting here with me, now.
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
I love you sons, and am so proud of you both! Go with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...glad you are home Brad! Long for the time I get to see you both!