Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Tearing Loose With Many Thoughts On Health-Care Reform
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone -Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
When one takes a good look through health care reform possibilities; inside as well as outside of the box...one discovers that Singapore, China as I already wrote our president about what a Harvard Foreign Exchange Student from Uruguay told me about Dubai, Iraq, whole scope is about creating a place of great comfort, beauty, peace, joy and financial prosperity for all that choose to participate...in helping them become better than they were, a yesterday.
That to me is a most welcomed and inviting concept...and one of our country's foreign exchange student, just graduated from Harvard, Suma Cum Laud...and Dubai hired her before she even graduated.
As a consultant for the government of Dubai, as she jet sets around the World a discovering bigger and better ways of helping Dubai become as big as they dreamed her into creation and thus manifestation.
I then asked her, why didn't she like our country enough to stay here and help work with our government a doing the same and she said sadly...I do love this country, yet because of so many financial ills, your country has sort of a closed door policy to immigrants...and that is what you know I am...student visa over...I have to go home or to other country's intelligent enough to see my worth and my value to their country.
I asked this Harvard grad, this question? If you had a magical nose that you could twitch and while doing, create/change anything you wanted to...When looking at our country that you fell in love with in just four years of attending Harvard...what would be the things you would change?
She stated:
Gay Rights
As she stated, "this is a special interest group," and just because their way isn't everybody Else's way, they still have the same rights as everybody else...have, and adopt children, marry and have all of the rights of straight married couples.
Tax breaks, right down to inheritance rights and right to be given the same sex partner's medical information and consent...
She also kind of hinted at that if people would concentrate on their own stuff more and less on others that mean them no harm...than what is the harm? How does the actions of others, that has nothing to do with others, measure anyone elses quality of life?
Perhaps then the judgment of it being against the law, would somehow lessen the guilt those of alternative life styles have to endure.
She then said the part about Immigration and I sadly dropped my head and I said; oh my God, the Statue of Liberty doesn't hold the same sacred meaning...not a good sign!...yet in the land of milk and honey that the greedy are a trying their hardest to destroy like Atlantis...was destroyed by the civilization that discovered, all the negative attributes of greed, power and control and in essence became their own gods and thought themselves all so powerful and God, not...
I believe if she were a writing this, she would state that when America sits down with all of the illegals and are a making their decision who can stay and who has to leave, I hope that they take in consideration the skilled trade workers and the migrant field workers...
For many have been here a long time and were never able to gain their green card...yet they love this country as well and has helped and watched it grow...
Before I leave this subject...I want also to mention that I was in deep uncomfortable conversation with a friend/client who was just a ranting and a raving about President Obama a saying we were not a Christian founded nation.
I know that I wrote this before in another newsletter, yet I didn't mention the part about how I had told this Republican, conservative friend as gently as I could about how many religions we have in America...and that I totally agreed with President Obama...when I looked back to the oath that each state took to become part of the United States, I see no wheres In God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's name...all I see is In God's name.
Yet in Scripture in the Holy Bible, it is written that none is over Jesus and because of all of Jesus's pain and sacrifices for taking on the past world, the present and future worlds of each of the sins of all of God's children ...special homage was assigned the Power of Jesus's Name...
Thus if we want prayers answered, we must first ask in Jesus and Holy Spirit's name before we have Our Father's full and total attention.
Many religions believe in God, not all religions believe Jesus to hold the key to
eternity's gate. Some religions call Jesus, Prophet, some call Him, not real...A religion that believes in God, isn't necessarily Christian...and there in lies the difference.
Most Jewish people believe in God and Jesus a prophet. They study the Old Testament, for as all that believe as I do, The New Testament replaced The Old...and the Old Testament is used primarily as a history book and a reminder what God was like prior to Him coming here in Jesus to get a peek through at his coconut heads...
Going Back To My Irate Republican Conservative, Type A Type-Client/Friend
This is what my friend/client then stated: If our Christianity got mixed with all the other religions that have chosen to come here in our Christian land...then they should be made to move because they are a upsetting the balance...
I then did a break dance of laughter and stated: Don't you know that we are all immigrants other than the Native Americans? Think about it...Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island...my goodness...don't think like me and you have to go home...
What most Americans that are a responding to President Obama's speech that has literally torn up the Internet lines...with criticisms from the conservative republicans...that are just a wanting to make him wrong and bad for this country...
Were someone to go to the poll that states our religious fiber in America...
83% believe in God. Of those 83% I would dare state that perhaps 50% believe in Jesus.
Christian equates to: Christ-Child-becoming more Christ like...
To those that want to read what I am saying and interpret a different angle...I have included it again...so maybe you can take another look through...please stop getting caught up in the words that you are a wanting to hear...
Anytime we go looking for negatives, we will most definitely discover them...
"that which you fear, comes at you greater." Albert Einstein
Then, just as I have stated that...I get this email posting...too much I tell you, too much! Please pray unendingly...
Please Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Dr Robert Verkerk, an internationally acclaimed expert with over 25 years of experience, will be addressing the Lewes-based Changing Times organisation to warn that a new EU directive is about to massively restrict public access to natural health products. (see www.anhcampaign.org)
Dr Verkerk, who for the last six years has headed the Alliance for Natural Health, the leading campaign to protect natural health worldwide, says:
'Our ability to choose natural health is at risk. For the last half century, a mechanism (Codex Alimentarius) has been in place to hand over control of our key commodities, namely energy, food and health products, to transnational corporations, working in cahoots with governments. Now it is about to be activated. We may be getting used to the fuel and food price increases - but are we ready to say goodbye to our freedom to choose natural health?"
Andy Thomas of Changing Times says:
'To find out who is controlling our ability to manage our health naturally - as well as how and why - people should come along to hear Dr Verkerk's riveting presentation. Everyone who currently enjoys the benefits of natural health products, alternative medicines and high-dose vitamins will be affected by the new rules, and we need to be aware of what we can do to change them."
Tonie's Closing ideas
Just something to consider as well, is for you to travel to my website www.toniewallace.com and click on the link, "Thoughts to Consider," and look for my immigration thoughts and reflections...as of late, July 09 they still haven't changed much...
Be Blessed Always,
Love, Light and Peace