Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Part 3 Opinions Run Rampant In The LandRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
May 30, 2009
Dear All One Family:
Again I haven't quite gotten around to posting J.J.'s favorite newspaper editorial...one he called quite good...hmmmm...I found it quite limiting and fear provoking, yet I could be wrong...I will allow all to see both sides of the opinion polls...and please don't forget about all those in between snaps and synapses...I personally like to see myself in the middle...kind of like a watching both sides for either direction...too left, too right, can be limiting vision wise...
I like to call that my neutral place position...just like I like to keep my diet and all other things to a middle or moderate position...for too much of anything can kill a person...you know?
So I try my best to stay out of the way of others that seem to want to go there, in spite of all those things I have tried to show them differently...that would lead to a more relaxed type of lifestyle than the one they were a wanting to choose for themselves...
So to the author of this newspaper editorial published commentary...I want to thank you for the opportunity that your article has offered me as a catalyst for change...for even though I do not agree with you as a whole, I still see your opinions as being necessary in the whole of things and how they seem to be a playing themselves out...
I believe as well, that what I have to say in response to your posting in the editorial opinion page...of our local newspaper...is key and valuable to the whole picture...for not only will I have a chance to put my opinion out there, perhaps it might as well give you another window in which to view things perhaps a bit differently and if not, that is okay as well...just let's agree to disagree and be over it, for I am so over all the Republicans that are still in anguish over the President that I feel God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, intended us to have or why would the election results be so far off the great middle?
Our President received 10 million more votes than the Republican Party...why doesn't that have any value in the whole of things, I don't know, yet I still offered that snippet as one example...
Now on to your posting...I will first post your thoughts and when I break off of your thoughts, it is to go to my own that your thoughts have generated a need to respond...okay?
Again, I am only allowing my thoughts to flow, just as you have your own...so thanks for the opportunity to be able to put my feelings down in such a manner...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
D.Z.'s Editorial Opinion PagePresident is lacking.. The president's conduct on his recent trip overseas has convinced me that he is not an adequate representative of the United States.
Tonie's Opinion
Dear Mr. D.Z.:
Right at the get go, I disagree! You find him lacking and I say,"in what category?" For a man in office a little over 100 days and got the excellent report card that he did...and what was it yesterday that the stock market that controls not only United States, yet other world countries economy...rose so high that it a 4 periods back, hike...and that stock market system is based on consumer confidence and if consumer confidence is higher, why such the negativity?
I say chill and stop the negative energy for don't we have enough already? Get over it please...pray if nothing else that our president awaken to all that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would have him have...please? All those that know what I say to be real, please say Amen sister!
He is so obsessed with appeasing the Europeans and the Muslim World that he has abdicated the responsibilities of the President. He should be representing the citizens of the United States. He is not responsible to the peoples of the other countries. I recent that he goes around the world apologizing for the United States, telling Europeans that we are arrogant and do not care about their status in the world.
Tonie's response:
Dear Mr. D.Z.:
Please once again allow me to offer up another viewing...with so many hot spots that our president has to handle at this current time...wouldn't it have been more fair had you actually heard the full context of his speech as given us by our news service?
Our president again, I disagree is responsible not only to the American people, yet also to the world...for what happens over there, happens here...or have you not heard of "The Hundredth Monkey Story?"
The speech that I thought I heard, didn't go as you have imagined...I believe what the president was a doing, was a saying in essence, man I don't know what all has transpired before in your dealings with America...
Today is a new day and we need to all be on the same page when it comes to the security of not only your land, yet mine as well...can we work together or not...now if that is to you a sell out...I don't see it as such...yet I could be wrong, yet in the interim as I wait and you wait to see who is right or is wrong...I want to hold a flavor of inner peace and thus just keep on a praying and a believing that one day we will hop out of where we have landed...
The message that I thought I heard D.Z., about our president not a caring what their country's status is...I didn't hear that part and being you are the first to bring me that data...well all I can say is this...I would find it hard to believe because what I get my our president's speeches each time...that he holds our heart interests the whole while...for he knows that when we are happy, all is happy in the land he has chosen to preside over...
For that is what a commander in chief is all about...keep saying over and over in your head, 10 million vote difference between him and Senator McCain...
Does anyone expect an instant miracle and proof? Obviously you and others like yourself do...my goodness, don't tell me you might be one of those types that always has to find something wrong in order to complain about something right?
What does he think the First and Second World Wars were all about? Does he not know the history of the 20th century? Where does he get off telling a Muslim country that the United States does not consider itself a Christian country? Has he not read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution? This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and they remain the principles governing this country. His bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia is an affront to all Americans. Our president does not bow down to anyone. He doesn't show Great Britain, one of our oldest allies, the respect they deserve, yet he bows down to the king of Saudi Arabia. How dare he!
Tonie's response:
Dear D.Z.:
Once again I am lost as to what it is that you are a meaning...How can one assume one knows how much history our president has learned...In line up with our president a telling a Muslim country that United States is not a Christian country...I already posted on a different posting...
To summarize: One Nation Under God, is not the same as a Nation under Jesus and Holy Spirit...together a forming the Trinity...
As for the bowing down to a King is not something that brings shame to America, for do you know how the cultures and habits of all lands? If you do, than you would understand that in some lands when one looks into another's eyes, that sometimes means, disrespect given...yet in my cultural upbringing, it means honesty...know what I mean...sometimes that which once seems obvious, might be, yet to others, not...
As for showing Great Britain disrespect, when did that happened? For I saw a totally different picture and to see the Queen of England wrap her arms around Our First Lady's waist...is supposed to be against the Kingdom of England's rules...so I am lost to this trail of thinking...oh well, just call me lost in space...hahahehehe...
He couldn't find the time to visit the graves of our greatest generation because he didn't want to offend the Germans, but he did make time to visit a mosque in Turkey. He offended every veteran when he gave the Germans more respect than the people who saved the German people from themselves. I am convinced that he and members of his administration have the historical and intellectual depth of a mud puddle.
written by D.Z.
Tonie's ResponseThis person lives in the same county as myself...not a neighbor though, thank you God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...
My goodness D.Z.: Again you label our president politically incorrect because he didn't visit the graves of our veterans of past wars...are you sure of that? And if he didn't...can you not imagine how much this man has to waddle through with his mud puddle of a brain?
When our president spoke on Memorial Day, I didn't see the disrespect to our vets of all wars, past, present and current; that you have so judgmentally have thrown at him...yet it is your picture that you are a carrying and if it makes you happy than please by any measure, hold on to it...
Just understand that our nation is under lots of undue stress and hardships and if this type of energy helps you become more than you were yesterday, than celebrate the moment is all that I can say.
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
Tonie C. Wallace