Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Original message of CFW, prior to her last response posted on Part One
Part 3
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dearest CFW/Al and All One Family:
I am so grateful for the opportunity to be given this chance to once again travel down the journey pathway of thoughts that others and myself don't share...for after all isn't it about our uniqueness that makes all the difference in the world?
For Al wrote something about my a looking into horoscopes and astrology and in his estimation...that isn't what God would have us do...
So I guess, my writings instead of research has now taken a turn for explanation of what my spiritual ideas are all about...so I ask your tolerance...for I believe that all must call that which is a battle needed to be explained or just accepted and this one happens to be very important to me...for God's love, light and peace is really what I am about.
I do admit that I do have one extra measure of God Isness in my prayer filled mind world...Mother, and because I have gravitated towards the "Gifts of The Holy Spirit through Baptism," vows...the gifts that were the guarantee that Jesus hadn't left us all alone...and like He promised, we would be able to utilize these gifts if only we had faith, trust and belief...In Him...With the amount necessary to accomplish great feats such as moving mountains in one's life...only being the size of a mustard seed...
I received the Baptism of The Holy Spirit when I was in my early 20's and it to me, were only the gifts of the Holy spirit that I had from childhood up until the age of 13 when I asked God to take them away from me for they were a making me too different and no one liked me and besides seeing ghosts all night long and during the day time as well, was mighty draining for a child having lots of other things I could have been a doing/re-learning...rather than trying to help these lost souls go to the other side...and those that just liked to hang out and refused to go into The Light and go Home...
I wanted a life for the living and not one for yesterday's hanger outs...I asked God to help me out so that I wouldn't lose my life because of my differences, like I had done in previous life-times...
I only told Him that if I couldn't have these powers dismissed because my father was a wanting to commit me into an insane or just plain possessed asylum...
So I asked to receive back, my birth gifted powers of the Holy Spirit...and it has been coming back to me, slowly all of these years of embarking on that Pandora's door opening experiences...
I believe Monday on ET entertainment channel they are going to put on three children that they have found to have super intuitive gifts just like those of my childhood days, when I was found by all to be too strange.
So this is kind of a walk backward for me, for I started at this direction and now at 56 years of age, have to return again...why? Because my belief jumps out of The New Testament in its totality...with Corinthians, my soul essence flight grounds...
This posting of yours proved my intuitional hit, that you were a living back in a time of judgement, fear, worry, anxiety...and yet I have to allow all to go where ever their interpretation of real is to them...to me, knowing what all those negative attributes only bring about more stress and stress is a killer...besides, once again...had the Old Testament been all the all in all...would there had been a need for God through the life of Jesus...came in person to check out how His creative genius plan had gone wrong...and I believe found us an inferior commodity at best...hahahehehe...thus the exit plan, where as I believe all were forgiven and a new day was to begin from that point.
Yet many are stuck looking backward at what yesterday looked like, and are unable to see the present moment...
Yet all those that know that they know, right in the present moment of time, everything is a happening...and there is where everything worth anything is a happening...like Eckhart would state..."Be Present in The Now"
Something to Ponder: CFW.
When Jesus told us that all that He can do, we can do and more, if only we had faith, trust and belief. What did you take Him to mean? I took Him to mean, "the gifts of The Holy Spirit." I say potatoe and you say tomato...
I like the three children on that show to be aired soon...was also special as a child...so if you want to call that celebration of mine an evil and dark adventure...that is your illusion...and I thank God not mine...
So at least can we agree to disagree? Or something like that? I won't call your pathway of judgement mine and you won't call mine, yours...I can flex to that point of flexiblity...can/will you?
I know that you probably won't bend with me towards Obama...and I know not Oprah either...for she too has been labeled a misguided prophet...and no, I don't believe this country is a ready for a Ron Paul either...too much of too much at once and at his age...perhaps a lot more wind than real ideas...yet if his ideas were worthy enough to run for president...perhaps the book would help others a wanting to aspire to the command seat post..another way at looking at the situation...thank God we have senators, legislators, Congress to go through before any president puts into position, anything...
Having said that, can you now please take me off your terrorist list...I really am a love bug...just a looking outward after looking inward to see how I look at the world is a helping the world...
When I made the statement of Ron Paul a running with Obama...I didn't hear of Ron Paul an advocating a smaller government...give me a break, with the large set up that they have, they still can't get it right...that kind of down sizing, always breaks the systems butt, simply due to karma...I believe that...Rather instead, why not look at all of the departments and see what is working and isn't working...and figure how to get them all on the same page...those needing extra help...provide...for the handling of our country's affairs in a more dignified and caring attitude...wouldn't hurt...yet how to decide where all our limited funds are needing to come from, and where they are to go towards...will be the hardest task of any presidential body...of vote casters...that matters.
He says potatoes, I say tomatoes...He says, I can't eat potatoes, because they are a night shade plant and bad for my aching arthritis, so instead I will call potatoes coffee, and I call it yum...
...so please, those that matter, take me off your terrorist list...that is called the back step in a hurry boogie...hahahehe...whew, that was close...
Also CFW, please entertain that just because my spiritual path and your path is different, doesn't mean that we aren't a headed in the same direction...just going our own speed/divine inspiration and choices different ways...know what I mean?
Besides, I kind of came to the conclusion that Daniel (621 B.C.) also had dream visions...yet he wrote that for others to have this gift as well, were not of the Light of God? Now what kind of double talk was that? Is it any wonder that God had to come then again Himself-Jesus? We are all created equal and all are supposed to be getting along...and stop the killing the stealing, the taking, taking and not a giving back to the whole of things...
For there is where the imbalance starts to pull us oft to a direction of the opposite of our polarities...poles flipping directions...cute picture isn't it? For life is an energetic wave of infinity...like a figure eight on its side...when only a taking and not a giving figure eight circle of energy, somehow that throws the planet in a loped sided energy pattern...and when it becomes excessive from the tight of the ones a taking rather than a giving forth to support that which supported their highest good...an imbalance occurs...can I see this planet a flipping poles?...yes, when I see how much turmoil that we have in the world all around us...all contributing to that planetary grid-balance point...
The only provision that Jesus gave us that should have been our central guiding point, yet was somehow missed, was The Golden Rule, "Do unto others that which you would have done unto yourself." And most importantly, "judge not, least thee be judged...and found wanting."
Also because my real work is about research...and telling all of what Our Heavenly Father has done for my life and the lives of others close to me...I would rather not have to go here again...for yes it is important that the locals understand that I am not a witch...of any kind...I am a servant of God and would rather be thought of in that manner, than in the one that your mind wants to believe of me...and that is alright too dear kindred sister...I still love you, no matter how fear filled I make you feel...
May You All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie
Enough for now...and now I will present CFW...special prayer filled email to me...
Forwarded Message: Good Morning! 2008.06.03 - Dan.2:24-28 - God Reveals the Latter Days Good Morning! 2008.06.03 - Dan.2:24-28 - God Reveals the Latter DaysTuesday, June 3, 2008 7:36 AMFrom: encourager@biblewalking.comTo: encourager@biblewalking.comMessage contains attachmentsimage001.jpg (10KB), image003.jpg (5KB)Good Morning!
The king answered and said to Daniel, whose name was
Belteshazzar, Art thou able to make known unto me the dream
which I have seen, and the interpretation thereof?
Daniel answered in the presence of the king, and said, The secret
which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, the
soothsayers, show unto the king; But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and
maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Thy dream, and
the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these; (Dan 2:26-28)
People want to know the future. Not so long ago, our nation’s cross-country traffic was carried on two-lane roads bordered with barns, houses and driveways. Traveling was a great reading experience provided by signs that included Burma Shave, See Rock City, Coca-Cola and “Palms Read Here.”
Palm reading was occasionally mixed with Tarot Cards, reading of tea leaves, Ouija boards, séances and other mystical devices promising to tell interested people something about their future—for a fee. The palm readers had staying power supported by willing customers. “Telling the Future” is an ancient practice. The Old Testament forbade witchcraft in any form and it carried the death penalty because invariably it was demon-powered. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live (Exo 22:18). Only God can tell the future beyond mere human guessing of trends. We appreciate weather forecasters and also understand their limitations.
It was Daniel (God is my judge) and not the heathen name Belteshazzar (favored by Bel) who connected with the God of heaven and was able to recall another man’s dream and give him the meaning of it.
Art thou able to make known… “Quite obviously and, I think, logically, the king was rather skeptical. All of these wise men had not been able to come up with the dream and its interpretation, but here comes this young fellow Daniel who says he will be able to. The king asks him, "Do you mean to tell me that all the other wise men had no answer, but you think you can answer me? Maybe this is just another attempt of the wise men to stall for time!" His question sounds rather cynical, but Daniel has a marvelous answer for him:” (McGee).
…cannot the wise men,…show unto the king; We can take this to the bank. We need some strong preaching today on the world’s real future. The future of the world is in the dream of this pagan king. We worship personal freedom above the living God and fail to understand that our future without God is in the pig pen. The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof? (Jer 5:31)
In the sixties we began to sow to the wind with our explosion of sexual rebellion. Music and art embraced trash. I saw displayed on the walls of the Smithsonian Museum such pieces of art as old tires and then there came the famous crucifix of Christ upside down in a jar of urine. We want a bright future for ourselves by “having it my way.” For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind…(Hos 8:7). If we want a bright future, we will have to turn to the God of the bright future. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance (Psa 33:12).
But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets. There is only one book on earth that reveals the future and you can buy a copy at Dollar Tree for $2.00. Young people would do well to ask God who they ought to marry, what kind of work to pursue, which car to buy, which house to buy, etc. If we choose to live independent of God we are on your own. I have spent my entire adult life trying to help people pick up the mess they have made trying to live without God. It takes about ten years to get in over your head and most people who come for counseling do not want advice from God’s book. They want the counselor to confirm the ideas that are destroying them. They want advice on how to make bad ideas work.
…what shall be in the latter days. We have been in the latter days for the last two thousand years (Acts 2:17-20) and it is picking up speed as the nations align themselves for the anti-Christ to rise to the top of the European Union. If you want to know the real future, absorb Daniel 2 and you will have it. Things are going to get very bad and then very good. We are going to be looking at that certain word from the Lord. In the meantime, This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it (Psa 118:24).
I hope you will pass along these Good Morning! Letters. Dan Carr
Memory Verse for This Week:
But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days (Dan 2:28a).