Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
January 28, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Today I have a very special gift to all, along with my commentaries and views presented to all, I have the views of Jada Stone whose path and myself so closely touch each other that sometimes I wonder if it isn't my own life she is a writing about.
Jada like myself, has two sons, both grown with lovely and wonderful grandchildren.
Jada having just presented with the drama of both sons a needing work and discovering contract jobs in our war zone that could for a while help pull them out of the hands of those that would grab what they have for a small percentage of its worth.
So the placing of their lives in the hands of these contract dealers of work horse folks, 14 hours a day, 7 days a week with 4 ten day visits a year off as their only flag of sanity, besides the large sums of money that they will now have at their or their families disposal.
This isn't a new story being told here, for our U.S. economy is indeed in grave light here and many families are a having to make the choice of safe or not so safe?
Jada like myself, understand the need, understand the desire...yet don't understand why so much stress to be coming from the grown men that have made this decision...yet, Jada doesn't hold herself responsible being all the things that her sons had ever done for her, gift cost wise, was exactly that; a gift that she never asked them for, so if they went over their credit card limitations, had she not warned them yesterday that one day that they would have to pay the piper?
Yet as you will all discover, without giving away too much of the story that is still unfolding...both sons have different reasons in going and because we are all different, Jada handles them differently yet the same...and that to me is quite a feat in itself for most parents, handle their children all the same, all of the time...
I hope that you will enjoy this story as I have...many lessons of perhaps your own, could unfold before your eyes, for remember, we are all in the process of reawakening...some more than others...all the same path, all the same journey, only different.
Be AT Peace
God Bless Everyone
Love, Light and Peace
I Am Sorry To Have To Open This Door, Yet I Am Not Sorry, Really
Jada Stone
Part One
Jada is not my real name, I had to pen her so that my grown sons would not have a problem with my not revealing their real names.
Why are my sons fear filled about telling their stories? Because they know that there are all kinds of enemies that would swoop in and take all that you have in life, with out a blinking an eye!
My sons kids aren't even allowed to tell their friends, because it might get out and before you know it, both sons have nothing left, kids, wife and things...
Stone as well is not my real last name, I birthed it simply due to both my sons a wanting me to hold a stone heart to their recent life career choices.
Both of them a knowing that I can't do that because I am their mother and will always be their mother, no matter what and also because I am an Ordained Spiritualist Minister, an instead of owning a stone heart, I would rather hold a faithful,trusting, loving and forgiving heart.
This is my story and I own it and am not afraid to speak my truths, for I believe, "the truth you will set you free."
All that I do, I do for those that I love.
Be at peace,
Mom Jada
Chapter Two
"Examining The Ticket To Hell", Part One
Sons, I know as a minister of God, a child belonging to Our Heavenly Father, I shouldn't have first seen the news of both of you boys a getting accepted in your professions, in your latest career endeavor as a ticket to hell, yet I have to first acknowledge it, to no longer own it.
I know as well that I have to be the light house here and not the candy shack of frail and fragile nerve endings...yet I know as well, that I am merely human and subject to bouts of depression, fear, and worry.
It took me quite a few days, to recover from the news that both of you gave within a week of each other.
Yet I felt I did quite well, telling you both that you are grown men now and because of such, you both have your own life's to live and destiny path to walk, just like I have and are doing.
I do feel though, that both of you, weren't happy with my response of free choice decision being yours and your immediate family, for if you both had been accepting of your own free will decision, would I have been the recipient of so much stress and grief that you both laid upon me before your departures?
Thus is why I question; did I say enough or not enough? Should I have screamed, hell no, you are not a going? Or just tell you that the mom that used to live in the land of little faith back in the days when the oldest of you two was over in Desert Storm with the Marines, a disarming land mines by hand....no longer lives and I won't be a going on antidepressants or sleep prescribed meds by the doctor.
I will instead, simply flying by God's arm sleeve, wing. Perhaps to both of you, that might seem a little bit stupid, yet to me, God is my everything and Jesus and Holy Spirit and all of God's family of angels a watching over us all...especially Archangel Michael, God's chosen angel of protection.
That is why you silly little gooses, I bought you each a necklace with Archangel Michael's chain and metal and made you promise that you would both wear them night and day, telling you that he would reach out and protect you along with God, Jesus, Mother Mary and precious Holy Spirit our Comforter and Guide.
To My Oldest Son
I realize that you never fully understood how prayer confirmation of the Archangel Michael necklace given you by the nun over in Desert Storm was to be one of my ultimate Epiphany moments, for you never really heard all that was in my heart when you made the choice to grow up and go into the Marines.
I made a contract with God to insure your safe passage there and back...For me it was a contract for I promised that if God brought you back to me in one piece and perhaps with damage of a physical nature, it was repairable. And by Him so granting of my wishes, I would stay in the field of His healing mission, a helping His Children, provided He grant me another wish of Him this time a sending only those children He would have me administer to...for I had been getting rather tired of only getting God's asleep children and a wanting to be left there, slumbering...and a wanting me to temporarily fix them from time to time...
Both of you sons should know the description I just told you, also I see within you both.
So prior to your escape from the critical voices you heard about yourself and wanted to put down, and discover the real you and what God's purpose was for your life; I was a wanting to go into a real job world...a simple 9 to 5 job, weekends off...and no round the clock calls from God's children a needing a fire put out...so yes son, I was a wanting to quit my healing mission and go into a sane world of only caring about a select few and not all of God's children. I was plain tired of all the extra chatter, even then not a paying all that well and when I was paid, due to my additional back lash of bills, more was given in number of treatments, for a lesser fee, I only seemed to be a falling behind instead of advancing.
So when you made your choice in life career, I saw ahead of you what it was going to look like for you over there and I wrote a poem that got published in our local newspaper, that told of all of the horrors that our loved ones was now a facing and somehow got the hospital where I worked then, to put on a salute to all of our brave loved ones over there a serving...and to gather with other family members that had family members a suffering their absence.
We even got the donated time of our local high school band to come and play patriotic songs so that we could all ease if we could, into our own skins without you all here with us.
It was a gala event that I helped get roiling with the hospital a even catering the event...I wished you could have seen it...it was truly special, yet it didn't fill the void that I was a having, knowing that you were in harms way and I could stop what ever was to be...my reach to God was my everything and just the other day, a close strong Christian friend told me when I told her your story of the nun walking across the desert to you, one of 450,000 soldiers present in that preoccupied land, called Kuwait, and handed you the necklace from around her neck, as she asked you were you Lance Corporal such and such and when she got a yes answer, told you that the necklace was yours...
One Sr. Marie Michele was engraved on the back of the Archangel Michael necklace.
My close Christian friend told me that she had read in The Bible (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)that the prayers of the mother are most favored by God. So to all I would recommend that you stay on good terms with your mother especially...so that her prayers will reach out and assist you when the storm clouds start amassing...Just a thought, all can do exactly as they choose to do...
I know that this story probably doesn't make you stop and take notice son, for even though you barely remember telling me the story after your return from Kuwait during the Desert Storm era...I remembered it well, for it was I who went all over this county a trying to find an Archangel Michael necklace and my search route took me to St. Anthony's in town and I told my story of wanting to secure an archangel Michael medal for you and they simply asked me your name, rank and division, never telling me what they had planned to help me get the medal to you.
You told me for the first time a few days ago, that you don't know what came first the medal or you stepping accidentally on the land mine and it not exploding...you even told me that you really thought that it was a dud.
I told you that I felt that explanation of yours is one that persons that see their glass half empty, instead of half filled...would have made, for I live in the land of miracles, all things on purpose, even the crap stuff...and especially the grand moments in time.
For I am an Ordained Spiritualist Minister and have been since 1994.
End of Part 2