Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 27, 2008
Love Is The All In All
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear KR and All One Family:
Thank you for the following email. I would like to add my comments towards its realness in my life as well.
"You can live your whole life and never know who you are until you see the world through the eyes of others. Wake up and open your eyes. Live your life through those who love you." KR
I dear one, lived my whole life through the eyes of others and never once looked within myself to make sure that others around me, didn't have it wrong.
Since looking within myself, I found that it doesn't really matter what others around me believe about myself, to my own self, can I only be true, if that makes any sense at all?
What also I have discovered from living my life through those that supposedly love me, which I am sure that they do, yet the love that they give me in return for the love that I give away, is never equal...or at least it hasn't been to this point in time and thus I have decided that it is a common thing for those that supposedly love you the most, one is generally invisible to them and I don't really understand that concept fully yet, I only know it to be more true than not...
Invisible to family and friends.
Oh well, it is what it is, you know?
I did come across this the other day. It is from T...Red is my Dog.
He didn't write it, he only chose to send it forth to all of his subscribers on his website...Eckhart Tolle, New Earth Changes.
Thank you Tom, it rocks and I mean that sincerely! Powerful stuff and I am grateful to pass it along to all others.
Thank you Tom for all that you do...
[Eckhart_Tolle_A_New_Earth] This Moment Right NowSunday, June 22, 2008 10:20 AM
From: "redsmydog"
Be aware of what is in your mind, and gently move to control it. If
you are having negative thoughts, stop and restate them as positive
affirmations. State the opposite. If you are full of fear, stop and
breathe and fill yourself with love instead. If you are full of doubt,
stop and breathe and bring in faith...
The antidote to fear is action and love, action and choices which stem
from a loving connection with your true self. The antidote to doubt is
faith, a deep belief in yourself and what you are capable of, as well
as all of the help which is there for you...
Be aware also of your body. Realize that your body is a tuning fork,
in tune with your higher self. Pay attention to your center, your
solar plexus. Learn to know its feelings. Learn how it feels when it
is afraid. Learn how it feels when it is settled and calm. For now,
just pay attention...
As time goes on, you will want to make all your decisions from a calm
and settled place in your center. Begin by learning your body,
learning all of its signs. And then, stop before you speak. Stop
before you make choices. Stop and breathe and make sure you are in a
calm place in your mind and in your body, make sure that all fear is
gone, make sure that your center is relaxed and open and settled. Make
all of your choices from this place, and your entire life will begin
to transform...
Fear yells in your ears and in your mind. Doubt is a loud, insistent
whine. But truth speaks differently. Truth is strong and quiet, lying
inside your body with a settled strength, informing you of its
presence. And angels whisper gently....
You must learn to quiet your mind, through the training ground of
meditation, and through vigilant monitoring of fear and doubt, sending
them away. Quiet all of that noise down and then move into that calm
and settled place within you. Reach yourself down there. Learn to find
that place. Train yourself, through daily exercise, to build up a
connection to the truth which is you...
Create your life from the voices of fear and doubt and you will just
repeat old patterns over and over and over. Create your life from your
center of truth and you will shed those old patterns and begin to move
forward. Yes, with baby steps. Yes, with occasional falling down and
even a step or two backwards as you learn this new way of being...
Just one foot in front of the other, slowly, slowly. If the way is
clear or if it is shrouded in fog, still can you walk forward, step by
step, always moving with faith and courage, always feeling the truth
within you in your center and streaming into your mind from your
higher self...
Make these connections. Consciously work on them. Pay deep and close
attention to what is going on within you and then gradually learn to
bring it through, learn to bend it to the way you wish to be. And how
is that? You wish to be full of love, for yourself and for life
itself, and then let that overflow into a deep connection and love of
others. And you wish to be full of peace, a deep peace which is
focused in now, this moment only. Without worries over the future.
Without regrets from the past. Just peace, right now, right here,
inside an acceptance and understanding of things just as they are, in
all their perfection. And you wish to be full of joy. And this joy
will flow naturally out of the love and peace, when you have driven
fear and doubt out of your mind and body...
Joy. Yes, joy. You can have this. You can awaken each day greeting the
dawn like a bird, singing away in the tree, glorying in each moment as
it unfolds. This is the life you will create....
You can do this. It does not matter if you have tried before and think
that you failed. It is a process, a process which will continue all of
your life. No matter how well you begin to walk, there will be a next
stage, a next way of being which is even higher than that. Stay
focused always on what is inside you. Pay attention. Know that you
create the external from the internal. And that the most important
thing you can do for yourself is learn to take dominion over yourself,
over your mind and your body. This is the only control which matters.
You cannot control the world outside. But if you learn to control the
world inside, you will begin to have great influence on the world
You have great creative forces inside you. And they will out. Your
personal expression wants to be seen and to shine out in the world.
But it begins with controlling the other forces which you have allowed
to dominate up until now...
Right now, own this. Right now, take full responsibility for what you
think and what you do. Take full responsibility for everything that
happens inside your world. Watch your thoughts and take responsibility
for them. Take responsibility for your actions. Take responsibility
for what you do to and with your body...
The past does not matter. All that matters is this moment right now.
And the future will flow out of this. What you think about right now,
helps create the future which is moving toward you, flowing out of
you. You are creating your future with your thoughts, with your
choices, with all that you are...
So get to know yourself. Get to know the creative organism you are.
Begin to create a mind and body inside yourself which reflects the
truth of what you are, the joyous truth, the loving truth, the
peaceful truth. Create yourself from the inside out....
Now KR and All One Family, isn't this the most powerful stuff to have and to hold?
I also want to thank Oprah and Eckhart once again for the creation of so many after thoughts a putting additionals spin on " A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose," book and ten week workshop. See them all on Oprah.com, for free!
Also I would also suggest you check out on Oprah.com, not only the Soul Series that Wayne Dwyer and others has been doing with Oprah on Monday nights...as well as Dr. Oz and Oprah special when they had Dr. Brian Weiss...Past Life Regression Therapist, M.D.
For all those skeptics that still believe that we only go around one time...oh well, you probably won't be interested and that is okay too...I believe that I have been here, many lifetimes...and remember quite a few and have been given confirmation of several other key lifetimes...so I am a believer...it is just my nature, you know.
I also was sent an email to sign up for a telecommunicational class that had DreamHealer as the guest speaker...what a phenomenal one hour class...check out his website at dreamerhealer.com.
I have read two of his books, and loved them, and I also was given a CD of the healing visualizations and trust me...I love the CD and have had clients also a viewing them that wanted to come into healing balance.
I am sorry that more didn't get a chance to hear the conference call for it was astounding!
DreamHealer is also a college student, and currently is studying microbiology and has a rather left brained mind...so the clashing of medical with alternative medicine he knows is the future as well...this call was the all in all and I am hoping that Cheryl Richardson who stated that she was a taping it on her computer, has and will distribute it, for it was totally priceless...and because Adam is a healer...I could feel healing in areas of my body that I know haven't reached full strength and potential...quite interesting, not only did Adam's word strengthen me, his energy coming through the phone wires, did as well...just too priceless!
Thank you Cheryl for your gift of love to us all...
That is enough for this newsletter...
All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
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Monday, June 23
9 PM-10 PM EST.
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