Sunday, June 14, 2009
It Is What It Is Until It Isn't Anymore
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 14, 2009
Happy Birthday Rich, again...
Slip Sliding Along
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
The latest on my D-TV experiment...still not at perfection level yet...still great at times picture...still at times, perfect sound...still no favorite channels...I just hope that I will discover them once again for this change up in program channels is causing me to step out of my limited box that I used to have and to in a way, I have gained much, yet feel sort of losing lots as well...oh this change thing is a hard thing to go through...
So believe me, I understand those that find change to be difficult...yet, it is what it is, until it is, no more...
I do get to watch Oprah now and that is a large plus...yet I will miss Dr. Phil and The Doctors and Sixty Minutes, and Craig Ferguson, and CSI's of all flavors, Cold Case...Ghost Whisperers...I know I have already been not complaining, sort of kind of, not yet anyways, only explaining...
I also got to see my first ever, Desperate Housewifes Show and to tell you the truth, it kind of reminds me of the actor that married Demi, "Punked," sort of funny in a sad way...for their humor harms the receiver of their action...and any pain for even a short time...sometimes can have permanent ear marks upon it...know what I mean?
The company of 400 employees that I worked at and was put through sexual harrassment that lead up to my being raped by a supervisor...held the kind of humor of Punked...the guys were always a trying to figure out how to punk the others and sometimes I was the prime target, until one day when I reached into an open wheel grinding machine to mic a part that was 7 ft. in diameter and about 60 ft. long...while the extra large grinding wheel was a running.
If one doesn't know what size mic's that it takes to mic that large of a piece...imagine a 7 ft. size one.
My fellow working buddies, thought to be funny and placed a dead toad right near the grinding wheels turning head.
I didn't notice the dead frog/toad, until I had completely clamped down on the part I was a measuring its depth, a few inches it seemed from the running grinding it took me by surprize and I almost got hung up in the grinding wheel when I let go of my scream and momentary fright.
The guys all laughed at how shakened I had appeared and non I believe would ever understand how close I came to losing my hands...
I guess my not having DTV before I got a chance to watch my first Desperate Housewives...was perhaps a good thing...for I see the show no different than Gossip Girls or the other one Privileged...all soaps aimed to keep us locked up in a world of others acting, sillier than ourselves...hmmmm...a mind deflection technique...the taking off of our concentration from our own lives that we find more unentertaining than their own...
To tell you the truth...I am a finding my time spent with my local PBS television show to be quite entertaining as of late...good stuff. I can't wait to also be a regular donator to the station's success...
The below news release came across the Internet this evening...and just like I stated in my previous newsletter...Our president has his hands mighty full...for not only N. Korea is caught up in the survival mode...other nations are establishing their own right to bear nukes as well...
Personally, I was a kind hoping that the victor of the presidential election in Iran was going to be the new guy...yet it seems they are both calling each other the victor...and now I wonder, who will win and who will lose...and am wondering what will the next step be...
Yet I have already given this leader and all leaders up to and including our own, over to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and now I wait for the miracles to result...
Just like I wait for the return of my favorite is good, don't allow anyone to convince you differently...just because the storms are a moving through, doesn't mean that the shine will refuse to shine again...Keep faith, hope and trust that even this moment in time is important...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Disputed Iranian ballot complicates US diplomacy
By ROBERT BURNS, AP National Security Writer Robert Burns, Ap National Security Writer – 7 mins ago
WASHINGTON – The crackdown on dissent following the disputed elections in Iran puts the Obama administration in a tougher spot, as it sticks with diplomacy as the best way to end that country's nuclear weapons program.
Vice President Joe Biden said Sunday that efforts to engage Tehran, with the central goal of halting its pursuit of nuclear weapons, will continue. But the charges of vote fraud and the battles between police and opposition protesters appear to be major setbacks for the new U.S. administration's policy.
President Barack Obama already is under renewed political pressure at home to get tough with Iran.
Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., said Sunday the Iranian rulers had stolen the election and made a mockery of democracy. He urged Obama to speak out in defense of silenced Iranian demonstrators, but he offered no concrete steps to strengthen the U.S. case.
Biden made clear that the administration, while uncertain of the implications of the announced electoral victory of hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over his reformist opponent, Mir Hossein Mousavi, has no intention of abandoning its Iran policy. Obama has put Iran at the center of his policy of extending an open hand to adversaries; the Iranians so far have responded mainly with silence.
The administration is trying to understand whether Friday's vote accurately reflected Iranians' response to Obama's effort to end the nearly 30-year diplomatic estrangement from the Islamic Republic, Biden said during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press."
"That's the question," Biden said, adding: "Is this the result of the Iranian people's wishes? The hope is that the Iranian people, all their votes have been counted, they've been counted fairly. But look, we just don't know enough" since the voting.
While Ahmadinejad insisted the results showing his landslide victory were fair and legitimate, Biden said, "You know I have doubts."
For the time being, Biden said, the U.S. accepts the election's announced outcome, although questions about its legitimacy were raised by many other governments.
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said his country is "very worried" about the situation in Iran and he criticized the Iranian authorities' "somewhat brutal reaction" to the street protests in Tehran.
German's foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, said the "course of the election in Iran raises many questions." He called on Iranian authorities to explain what happened.
Two important U.S. allies — Afghanistan and Pakistan, both neighbors of Iran — offered official congratulations to Ahmadinejad for his re-election. Pakistan's president, Asif Ali Zardari, told him the victory was "an acknowledgment of your outstanding services."
Ahmadinejad dismissed the street protests — the worst unrest in a decade in Tehran — as "not important." He said Friday's vote was "real and free" and insisted the results showing his landslide victory were fair and legitimate.
The election was widely seen as an important event, but it held out little prospect of bringing substantial change in Iranian foreign policy.
Ahmadinejad is Iran's political face to the world, but the clerics and their military wing, known as the Revolutionary Guard, are the real masters of the country's destiny. They dictate every important policy and decide who is allowed to run for elected office.
"We should be very careful about overreacting to the Iranian election," said Anthony Cordesman, an analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, who has been a close observer of the Iranian scene for decades.
He said he believes Obama's advisers know the limits of change in Tehran as long as the country is ruled by supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his supporting cast of theocrats.
"They realize that it is the supreme leader and those around him who shape any movement in terms of U.S.-Iranian relations," Cordesman said. "This was going to be true regardless of who was elected as Iranian president. I don't think anyone expected that in an election where four candidates were allowed to run — who all had to conform to the control of the supreme leader — the outcome was going to produce dramatic changes in Iran's nuclear posture or its relations with other states in the region."
Among the complexities with Iran are its ties to Afghanistan, where tens of thousands of U.S. and allied troops are fighting a resilient insurgency and pouring enormous effort into helping establish a stable government. The U.S. has doubts about Iran's assertions of wanting to play a helpful role there, accusing Tehran of supplying arms and other military capabilities to Taliban fighters.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates told reporters on Friday in Belgium that Iran is playing a "double game" in Afghanistan — professing good intentions while quietly undermining security.
Gates' press secretary, Geoff Morrell, said in a telephone interview Sunday that Gates was told by U.S. commanders as recently as last week of a "pretty consistent flow" of improvised explosive devices and other Iranian weaponry into Afghanistan, although he said it has been relatively modest in numbers.
Iran also is a critical factor in a range of other issues of central importance to the United States, including international terrorism, energy security, the campaign to stabilize Iraq and the push for a wider Arab-Israeli peace.
Karim Sadjadpour, an Iran expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said Sunday that this probably means Obama will continue his outreach policy.
"Once the dust settles the United States will eventually have no choice but to talk to Tehran, but it will likely be a cold, hard-nosed dialogue rather than friendly greetings," Sadjadpour said.
The Divine Dance Of Light, Love & Peace Moments
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
June 14, 2009
Happy Birthday again, Rich!
Dear All One Family:
I feel since my last prayer to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, much lighter and freer...I know that what I am attempting to do by bringing forth my inner out of the box thoughts and giving them right, if it makes me feel better by saying all that I have.
For no longer do those words stay in the dark recesses of my inner being...and make me feel heavier and constricted...
Lots of people I have walked life paths similar with, have decided that to speak anything, brings it forth and because they want to be exactly where they are on the wheel of things...they choose a path different than Jada and myself.
To those folks that choose the silent world. It is your world as you create it. Because I choose a world different than your own doesn't make me wrong and you right or me right and you wrong.
We are just different and basically a world that is so different in thinking leaves one with no boredom.
A perfect world I believe is one where all thoughts move towards the same page, will it ever happen in our time?
Scripture in The Holy Bible tells all believers of it, Yes. A time span when, "the lion lays down with the lamb." A time when Jesus returns.
I believe that the Holocaust Museum murder's son...showed this Divine reality flash back in a large way...
"The sins of the parents will fall down upon the children for six generations."
I wonder how many generations of this 88 year old great grand dad...will pass by years in review and still somehow tie up their family's name with this deep of a stain of tarnishment!?
Time will tell all stories, real or not...
I know by the stories and pictures left us of the past that the Holocaust was real,and as well, I was fortunate enough to work on a Holocaust survivor...if her body didn't hold the emotions of a child that watched the horrific things done to her family and people by a nation blind sided to skin color and heritage...than I don't know my energy body fields that I believe I am interpreting...
I even told her perhaps ten years ago, during our only treatment session time together, to write her story so that the world never forgets that these things did occur...I didn't know then, that I would have to recount her story told me today or I would have written it down in my memory cells.
I didn't write it down, because I was too busy a handling my regular life stories...clients, families and friends members.
All I really remember of this sweet older lady...was that she was a visiting this area and had heard that for grief sufferers, I was the best to seek for I had perhaps ten life times of grief in one that I had to handle so that I would be better suited to handle the grief and sadness stricken land that was upon us all...
Moving On To A Lighter Side of Life-Hoping To Help Re-Establish Light, Love and Peace of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit in the land:
The other day, I found it quite synchronistic that our dear president, on his most recent trip to the Middle East, visited a pyramid and just happened upon a pyramid wall carving that showed a drawing of a ancient being that did resemble President Obama a bit...hmmmmm...perhaps the star seed connection mentioned by a few today world viewing futuristic philosophers; isn't all that a non reality mental hint bit...
Do I look at President Barack Obama as a god? No, as well, I don't look at myself as a goddess or priestess...I along with our president and all other awakened light house keepers, that have been assigned varying and different jobs/missions for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit is only here a trying to do our job to help mankind as best as we can do.
Intention is everything!
Enough for now...I do hope that all are having a wonderful day...I am for I know that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit are a holding the helm for all that want Them to.
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Howdy Doody Time Again?
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 14, 2009
Happy Birthday Rich!
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone - Associate Director/Contributing Writer
What Are Sanctions And Are They A Necessary Evil?Dear All One Family:
On the enclosed news article, it is stated that N. Korea is basically very angry at the increased sanctions that the U.N. has placed on them for their refusal to adhere to an order to halt nuclear research.
It is my understanding that they already had sanctions prior to these recent sanctions, so I would say that they are a land that was hard pressed and are even more now...
I am a large supporter of nuclear exploration being held in agreement with all lands, and obtaining that one end result...costs lands, plenty...
Yet I believe that it is vital that we as a world, come together and understand that what we send off to harm others, comes back and becomes our bed fellow as well...
Golden Rule, "Do unto others, that which you would have done unto you."
What I see here a happening is what is called a draw. North Korea a believing that South Korea stands on a fortress of nuclear weapon try, and North Korea who without America's approval feels like the unprotected black sheep of the land...
So in a large sense...kind of a primitive cave man style of existence thinking nation, divided against itself...The North and South Split up..."ahhhhhaha!" (Oprah moment coined-long ago expression) Had not this great land experienced this same great divide?
What I feel that could happen to North Korea were enough to believe it possible...that is. This.
Were it a perfect world for all. Yes that would perhaps equate to socialism...
Just imagine for a moment were that a perfect socialistic world or society...for remember socialism has never been designed and handled in the methodology that Karl Marx first illusion ed.
So no land has the patent on socialism.
What socialism means to me is the supreme deserve of all nations and lands a joining hands and understanding that we are all in this together.
What imprisons one land, imprisons them all.
Imagine a large multi trillion spoked wheel and each one of us on the planet, rich, poor, all rainbow colors of the land nationalities...a vital and important spoke of that wheel...and when a few fall down, from exhaustion or what ever; the entire microcosmic wheel also starts to slow down its ebb and tide.
That folks is basically the theory of the "Hundred Monkey," the one monkey that decided that the eating of dirty sweet potatoes that caused his teeth to break up from the hitting of hidden stones and such and the mouth full of grit and sand...decided one day to take his potato to the beach and wash it off...
(with our oceans toxic and garbage contaminated waters, I am not sure it is a better idea today...just a thinking outside of the box)
It was Legendre that the monkees on that one hundred mile distant island, all at the same instant the creative monkey made his decision to clean it off...all did it together...and that action spread to all other islands and it is a fact today that a monkey in all lands, will clean off his sweet potato before ingesting it...
So what influences one action, results in another reaction occurring.
Or as Albert Einstein, the rocket scientist, futuristic imaging, dreamer of his time... coined, "for every action, there is an action,"
Albert Einstein noted this in his E=MC squared, "Theory of Relativity"
Rocket science stuff in the intellectual looking at the world in the Big Bang Theory area...
Divine counseled stuff for those of us that believe in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, theory of life and the pursuit of Heaven...our next grand dimensional stand...and residence....a going Home kind of thing.
For explicit instructions are given in The Golden Rule Commandment. "Do Unto Others, That Which You Would Have Done Unto You."
To The Point After All Of That
Were North Korea to finally understand that their land will be in safer hands if we could agree to also disagree at times.
All nations have erred and have fallen short of God's glory...and yes perhaps there were times in our country's history that we had presidents and administrations that were a fallen short of the mark of acting how Jesus would act...
Yet i say, don't judge all presidents and administrations the same...take the good of all of their past decisions and the bad or indifferent ones...unless horrendously bad...and kind of throw it all up in the it as such to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to handle with unconditionally loving hands of Theirs...a releasing to God's altar for prayer, cleansing and forgiveness...
I as well am not a choosing to allow this one important cog/spokes of our huge microcosmic earth inhabitant wheel thoughts of a world based on yesterday's eyes and that of his daddy's generational thinking line cave man, must protect my land even if it means that the innocents will suffer the actions of the father who is supposed to be a writing excuse notes for his children that he is attending to...or supposed to be...
That to me is the problem with the land...they can't for the life of them, remember Home....and perhaps this type of action is their way to finally see if Home is real...
Unconscious desire to see what a world out of balance looks like...for when a nation receives sanctions placed on them for behavior undesired by the United Nations...I would have to say, that is no laughing matter...much hardship for the undeserving innocent ones that believes their president to be the man of the hour and never realizing how little they know...
As I see it, a father who believes all the things his father told him were right and correct and a moving forward with the same attitude, never realizing how grand of an example he is...a living in yesterday kind of world...a world a wanting to move from the self survival mode into the mode that we are all in this together.
I believe that those that get it, will survive and those that don't...oh heck, they don't care anyways, for the world of drama and chaos is more entertaining to those folks...than some good old and important spiritual stuff...
"Do Unto Others, That Which You Would Have Done Unto You"
Can all nations learn how to put down all arms and join hands in understanding that we are all in this together?
I don't know, I can only hope and pray and ask all others to do the same...please
My Sunday Prayer This Sunday June 14, 2009 Morning
Dear Heavenly Father, Jesus and Precious Holy Spirit:
I pray that all leaders, from all lands and well as our great star seed president...visit Your counsel regularly...for times are a bumping, tangling and a reeling...and without Your help, guidance and inspirations, we might just not make it.
It seems to me Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit that much hope is being replaced with the energy of fear and survival of the most strongest a wanting to become now!...a movement backward in time when we could not see what we can today.
I know this is not your will for Your land and people Father/Jesus and Holy I pray that you might illumine their eyes so that they can see...that all things belong to You and You alone...
I know Father that many lands have many names for You, yet I pray that You somehow help show us how to bridge the great divide and learn how to trust and dance in Your Light, Love and Peace, again.
I also know Father that if somehow You could teach us all how to forgive each others transgressions...for obviously Your scripture left for us to ponder over, hasn't awakened us yet to it...for many are found to be in the non forgiving and getting over it mode...
Please forgive me Father for all of my interpretation of scripture left to us in Your instructional book..."The Bible", that isn't quite worded the way others are an interpreting you know it is Your Way that I am trying most desperately to discover.
Take for instances
The part that goes something like this...about "how in order for you Father to forgive us, we must be the example first by first forgiving all others their transgressions...then what most don't realize is this, not only are we to ask for forgiveness of others, we also should cover both doors, and state, and forgive us as well, the part that we may have played to bring that disastrous condition to light in the first place.
Dear Father/Jesus and Holy Spirit, remember always that were this to go off and become a reality picture for the World to own and share...please remember I have asked for first class passage on the "Rapture Super Sonic Rocket-Home"
I thank You for watching over my family and friends and a handling all of my "On The Altar Prayers and Wishes."
Also Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, today, my best girl friend's brother from Okinawa and now living in Brazil...The only person I had ever worked on that didn't speak one word of English, other than yes.
Told his sister to always stay close to me, for I was very special and one day would see large success...a famous kind of picture he was shown of me in the work that he and his dad before him did...balance energies and read energy fields.
This child Father/Jesus and Holy Spirit of Yours, as you Know, told his sister to tell me, to pray that he would win the lottery so that he could come over here and show me how to be successful for he was tired of waiting for me to create it myself...
So Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, I pray that what ever Your son, Sin ski needs be given him according to Your will for his life...
All this I offer up to You in Jesus name, Amen. I thank You in advance for all answered prayers...
Enclosed News Service For Those A Wanting A Peek Through
By HYUNG-JIN KIM, Associated Press Writer Hyung-jin Kim, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 45 mins ago
SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea's communist regime has warned of a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula while vowing to step up its atomic bomb-making program in defiance of new U.N. sanctions.
The North's defiance presents a growing diplomatic headache for President Barack Obama as he prepares for talks Tuesday with his South Korean counterpart on the North's missile and nuclear programs.
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak told security-related ministers during an unscheduled meeting Sunday to "resolutely and squarely" cope with the North's latest threat, his office said. Lee is to leave for the U.S. on Monday morning.
A commentary Sunday in the North's main state-run Rodong Sinmun newspaper, carried by the official Korean Central News Agency, claimed the U.S. has 1,000 nuclear weapons in South Korea. Another commentary published Saturday in the state-run Tongil Sinbo weekly claimed the U.S. has been deploying a vast amount of nuclear weapons in South Korea and Japan.
North Korea "is completely within the range of U.S. nuclear attack and the Korean peninsula is becoming an area where the chances of a nuclear war are the highest in the world," the Tongil Sinbo commentary said.
Kim Yong-kyu, a spokesman at the U.S. military command in Seoul, called the latest accusation "baseless," saying Washington has no nuclear bombs in South Korea. U.S. tactical nuclear weapons were removed from South Korea in 1991 as part of arms reductions following the Cold War.
South Korea's Unification Ministry issued a statement Sunday demanding the North stop stoking tension, abandon its nuclear weapons and return to dialogue with the South.
On Saturday, North Korea's Foreign Ministry threatened war on any country that dared to stop its ships on the high seas under the new sanctions approved by the U.N. Security Council on Friday as punishment for the North's latest nuclear test.
It is not clear if the statements are simply rhetorical. Still, they are a huge setback for international attempts to rein in North Korea's nuclear ambitions following its second nuclear test on May 25. It first tested a nuclear device in 2006.
In Saturday's statement, North Korea said it has been enriching uranium to provide fuel for its light-water reactor. It was the first public acknowledgment the North is running a uranium enrichment program in addition to its known plutonium-based program. The two radioactive materials are key ingredients in making atomic bombs.
On Sunday, Yonhap news agency reported South Korea and the U.S. have mobilized spy satellites, reconnaissance aircraft and human intelligence networks to obtain evidence that the North has been running a uranium enrichment program.
South Korea's Defense Ministry said it could not confirm the report. The National Intelligence Service — South Korea's main spy agency — was not available for comment.
North Korea said more than one-third of 8,000 spent fuel rods in its possession has been reprocessed and all the plutonium extracted would be used to make atomic bombs. The country could harvest 13-18 pounds (6-8 kilograms) of plutonium — enough to make at least one nuclear bomb — if all the rods are reprocessed.
In addition, North Korea is believed to have enough plutonium for at least half a dozen atomic bombs.
North Korea says its nuclear program is a deterrent against the U.S., which it routinely accuses of plotting to topple its regime. Washington, which has 28,500 troops in South Korea, has repeatedly said it has no such intention.
The new U.N. sanctions are aimed at depriving the North of the financing used to build its rogue nuclear program. The resolution also authorized searches of North Korean ships suspected of transporting illicit ballistic missile and nuclear materials.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the new U.N. penalties provide the necessary tools to help check North Korea's continued pursuit of nuclear weapons.
The sanctions show that "North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons and the capacity to deliver those weapons through missiles is not going to be accepted by the neighbors as well as the greater international community," Clinton said Saturday at a news conference in Canada.
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