Saturday, April 4, 2009

To Brad, Stevie & Angeline

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
"The Frog That Spoke Too Much"

April 04, 2009

Dear All One Family:
I believe today I am going to take a break and allow Jada to come through with her pearls of wisdom.

Today's rendition is a correspondence she had given her grown adult children. one biological the other two, proxy daughters.

I guess the biggest premise that Jada is a laying down is her unconditional love for all three of them and how she cares what becomes of them in the world, simply due to the fact that each brought special meaning to her biological child, and one of her proxy daughters brought forth her youngest heir and that one simple reason for loving her unconditional should speak in itself...for a part of her will live on forever through her grand-daughter's genetic composition...that specialness is something that Jada states,none could ever take away or replace, for each grand child that Jada holds within her breast bone, is her fav!

Each and everyone of Jada's grandchildren fills her heart in a special and powerful way...each different, each similar, each unique!

Not only did Jada's proxy daughter give her a biological heir, she also brought her two older children into the mix and what a powerful mix that was! Those two special step-grand daughters, a grandma couldn't have been any prouder of.

So Jada has a lot at stake here...and she feels that the words out of consciousness is something that perhaps her son Brad, his fiance Stevie and Angeline his former wife, needs to hear from her.

Brad is wanting his mother to stay out of the mix, yet Jada knows what she knows...for she has taken it to God for over a year and now believes that what she has to say should at least be put on the table, so that just in case; that which she has been a saying to all that chose to listen...might if for only a second in time, be something that could help out in a situation that needed a different viewing.

Jada knows full well that by so getting involved, that it might turn the worm back towards herself and with that she is okay for if Jada hadn't taught her sons anything in their whole life, she only hopes that by teaching them unconditional love that she held for them, that they in return would return that love back to her...

Jada also prays that all who read this story and interpret it into their own life and what is a going on in their own planet earth space and time continuum...will also take the time to plant the seeds that she offers you of wisdom she learned and is still being taught...telling all to take what they want and do please leave the rest...

Be Blessed as always,
Love, Light and Peace

Open Letter To Brad, Stevie and Angeline.

Dearest son Brad:

Do you have any idea how much I love and need you in my life? Do you possibly have a clue how so very proud of you I am?

I know why you took that job overseas. You took it Number One, because you saw it as a chance to get your finances together and perhaps be able to afford a house of your own when you returned.

Especially since you were laid off and the job market in your specialty field was not a looking too promising in our economical down fall...picture.

Number Two: You took it to get your head on straight again, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.

Number Three: You took it to discover again what true love wanted to put distance between that which made you happy for a moment and that which didn't.

I know that one well son...for I have spent almost 16 years now a holed up in my cave a sorting through this and that aspect of myself that lived yesterday and one of today, who feels now grown up and ready to face what ever it is that God would have me face at this very moment in time.

I have given God that much power over my life...He is the Captain of my star ship called Jada Stone....Where God/Jesus/Holy Spirit leads me, I go more than willingly....for that is what true surrender is, you surrender your whole life over to Him and have trust, faith and belief that where ever you go, you are going on purpose and on time...

Each of us have our own destiny journey, for each of us have been given our own set of mission plans...what holds true for me, might not be for you and vice a versa...know what I mean dear son?

Just like my healing mission research project of 24 plus years all it seems like I am a flying at bust out level...I really am not...I am only in a holding pattern...for alternative health is back on tap in the land...we are a definitely going there for the traditional way has shown itself to not be all that effective, yet still very much needed in the a working together...medical and the only smart thing to do in a time of our country when less has to be more....make sense?

The same thing applies to putting distance between ones loved gives you a chance to totally reflect how much value and worth the other the other and vice a versa...sometimes this time is a good chance for ones own children to see the worth and value the parent or parents bring to them.

As you know, gratitude is something that I feel that all must gathered while on earth...for why in God's Name would He want ungrateful children in Heaven? Makes sense to me, doesn't it to you?

So sometimes distance is a necessary evil, bad tasting medicine that can come out with good in the end...something like allowing the butterfly to fly off, hoping that one day it will return to you and be yours for always...

Not paying too much attention to the absence of time, only to the memory that one holds of that very moment in time that took your breaths away in a good way.

I want you son to ask God to reveal to your heart, who it is that will keep your heart a beating the rest of your natural life on earth and perhaps extend it into your next life back Home with God.

What ever one you chose, is your choice totally, for I can love anyone that loves my son truly.

So understand that what I write strictly my observances and if they don't match up with your own perceptions, than simply give it over to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and ask that He reveal the truth to you and then pay attention to the answers that might just possibly come up...try it, you might like it...I have and do...about all things...and I am never sadden or not answered by any of my prayers of good God.

Like I stated before several times down through the years, God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's listening ears are never turned off...that is why I have to take Melatonin or Benedryl to help turn off all the thoughts of becoming better than I was yesterday.

I always ask God to assist with my sleep schedule; and because I have asked and sleep doesn't come as it should be from time to time; it simply means to me that lots more stuff has to be worked out between me and the mission that I believe that I am on.

Knowing that with God working with me and I not against Him, makes that journey oh so much easier...know what I mean?

I also know within myself that I am not the only one for many such as yourself have expressed the lack of total sleep time and what I have gathered from others such as myself and you is that; it is usually around 3AM and 4AM that we are awakened so that we can pray...and meditate on all that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would have us be and to also put the world on our altar time as well, for as you know...there are many spots on God's Earth Land that need the beacon of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit Light a shining bright.

So to all those lanterns that have grown dim from the lack of hope and too much fear, I ask that God fill each and every space according to His will for their lives...

Then I am able to fall back to sleep knowing that I did all that I could do to make this world a better place to be for us all.

I also believe that how I awaken also influences the energy of this planet...when I awaken feeling grouchy and irritable, it is usually because I had forgotten to thank God for this glorious and wonderful day...

As well as thanking Him for giving me the chance to become better than I was yesterday...

I also daily thank God for the parents that I had chosen to be my role models for it was through them that I am able to see me...

My middle grandson called me the most special love term the other day and it almost make me cry for he called me, "mini-me."

I don't know if he realizes what he called me for I believe he was strictly looking at tallness and shortness between us...yet what he stated, showed that he knew lots more than he openly spoke...

Unconscious words*

For not only were you and your brother a divine gift from God to me, I and your father, step father, step mother's job was to play the role model so that our grandchildren would hopefully copy from those role modeling parents, the way to be in the world...make sense now?

One of the things that I would like to leave with my loved ones is the fact that we all need to be more optimistic and less other words, if one lives in the world of positives and miracles, such is their life and if one hangs out with the pessimistic ones, one becomes the energy of that person...

My mother always told all of her kids this: "Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are."

The only way son that I feel that you could escape the negativity of others is not to hang out too much with them...for darkness is attracted to the light and darkness seekers like to hang out with light workers for they can capture the Light of God from them, without having to go to God to get it themselves...

That is the reason that many light beings find themselves so heavily burdened these days...all of their darkness loving loved ones, are a draining them of their God energy...don't let them...put on the armor of God and burn your sage incense...and stay in prayer and you will over turn the storms and will once again find the new light of day a dawning soon...

I have found dear son that when one doesn't take these additional steps in becoming Baptisted into The Holy stays in the mechanical Christian stage level...
a world that many Christians have found themselves and feel they are the only ones that have the handle on Righteousness...

Check out from one of my dear friends caught up in the world of fear and doubt; one that sent me the following email...and see how damaging you will feel if you believe it to be so...for I believe we can change the world with the way we are viewing the world and our God...Our God who loves and forgives us or why else was Jesus's whole purpose here? Just a throwing it out there...all can gather whatever they want to from the following clip...

One can choose either a world of light and love of God, or fear, worry, hell fires a raging...all can just go for whatever reality picture they want to draw forth from the me it just shows how much the punishment theory rings true for her life and I can simply pray that Our Father will show her a better way of being in the world...

If only son she would realize that all it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed and she could move mountains in her life...yet the Good News isn't for all persons...for we are all different...know what I mean?

Love you son.
More later...I promise...
Remember I say, see the miracle, experience the miracle...In other words, "If you can perceive it, you will achieve it." Napoleon Hill...

Want To Get Frightened and Full Of on"Glad I looked at David's Blog info & serious warning (click on WMD, in
attached). I've followed his life's work (among gangs/teens in NY City)
with interest and much respect. LA"

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Hatfield, Norman"
To: Betty Moorman ; Bill & Jane Anne
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 12:29:48 PM

Pastor now tells how to prep for imminent catastrophe
Wilkerson says be ready, 'See the salvation of the Lord'


Posted: March 09, 2009
8:35 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A nationally known pastor and author who predicts an imminent catastrophe of God's judgment on America is now telling concerned Christians it is time for peace and preparation, not panic.

"This is what I hear the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart concerning my own spiritual response to impending calamity," writes David Wilkerson, author of "The Cross and the Switchblade" and founder of a ministry to troubled New York street kids, on his blog today. "It is simply this: Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord."

As WND reported, Wilkerson drew attention by publishing on his blog over the weekend a vision for impending fires and riots sweeping through New York City and other cities across the country.

"An earth-shattering calamity is about to happen," he writes. "It is going to be so frightening, we are all going to tremble – even the godliest among us."

"It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut . Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires," he explains. "What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s wrath."

After such dire words, Wilkerson was asked how people should respond to his message.

I can only answer by sharing what the Holy Spirit is speaking to my own heart and what I am to do," writes Wilkerson. "I shared that I was led in a practical way to lay aside a month’s supply of food — because I have witnessed the panic in the wake of terrorism."

Wilkerson's call to prepare for catastrophic circumstances comes during a time when, as WND reported, the economic crisis has prompted a surge of business in the emergency preparedness industry.

Bill Heid of Survival Seeds, a company that sells "banks" of high-yielding vegetable seeds sealed for long-term storage, told WND, "The survivalist mentality used to be considered a fringe element, but now that economic times are such as they are, many more average, regular folks are adopting the same set of preparations."

But Wilkerson also sees a spiritual application of his message, calling Christians to exhibit peace and hope in God's salvation in the midst of fearful times.

"My warning is just one voice among many who are saying the same thing," writes Wilkerson. "We may all tremble for a season, but those who truly know God’s Word will be quickly comforted by the Holy Spirit. We will be baptized with a great peace – a supernatural quietness – which will be a tremendous witness to the fearful multitudes."

One of the many Christian leaders with a similar message is Dr. Gary Dull, pastor and founding member of The Faith and Freedom Institute.

" America was founded with a spiritual basis, but there are those who want to make it a purely secular nation," said Dull to an NBC reporter. "Because of the rejection of God and His values, we can expect nothing but His judgment. All one needs to do is to read in history and find out how that when a nation forgot God, God forgot the nation."

A past vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention is hoping believers pay attention to Wilkerson's message.

"I have known David Wilkerson for more than 25 years as well as many of his friends and associates," said Pastor Wiley Drake. "He is a godly man and I believe he is listening to God. I encourage each Christian to read and heed what God is saying through our brother."

Wilkerson is the founding pastor of Times Square Church in New York City , where he launched a ministry to gang members and drug addicts in 1958. He is a highly regarded mentor to other pastors in evangelical circles and travels the world holding conferences for other Christian ministers.

His work in New York in the 1950s and 1960s led to the formation of Teen Challenge – a nationwide ministry to reach out to people with life-controlling habits. Teen Challenge has grown to include 173 residential programs and numerous evangelism outreach centers in the U.S. , and 241 centers in 77 other countries. The program claims a recovery rate of 86 percent.

The story of Wilkerson's first five years of ministry in New York is told in "The Cross and the Switchblade," a book he co-authored in 1963. The book, which spawned a movie, became a best-selling phenomenon, and more than 15 million copies have been distributed in over 30 languages.

Walking Another Day In Paradise

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
April 04, 2009

"Hot Diggity Dog! Another Day Breaketh Dawn"

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:

This is the 108Th posting! I feel so blessed and honored to be addressing all that are currently and futuristic ally a reading these postings.

Thank you for allowing me the privilege of letting lose my thoughts that I am hopefully a praying will allow others to perhaps see themselves or others in a different light for it is all about the perception we hold of all things that move our current path of we create and manifest all that is in our world...

Too bold, too strong? No, at least not in my viewing and trust me; for I am out to please only one person and that is God/Jesus and Holy Spirit.

I believe because I am a child of God and carry that divine birthright, as we all do here on earth and other galaxies...(yes, I wrote it...I believe we have other civilizations, a hopefully smarter than our own...)

I say and believe this way, because Jesus told us before He was crucified for all of our mis-deeds, that He would never leave us and was leaving us His Holy Spirit to be our comforter and guide...

Then in Corinthians Chapter 13, we are told of the "gifts of the Spirit of God," we could receive once we ask for the Baptism of The Holy Spirit.

That is what I believe (Baptism of The Holy Spirit) turns all into magical awakened children of God.

This is what I believe that Jesus meant when He told all of His disciples at "The Last Supper," when he told them that what He does, they can too if one has Faith, Trust and Belief.

I also believe that these "gifts of The Holy Spirit of God," are absolutely necessary in the times upon us. I believe these gifts are to be our shield of protection from the waging storms that all are choosing to create for themselves...

Personally, I believe that this email (that was sent to me by a close friend and female police officer of the year in my area...a very awakened sentient child of God like myself...) to be a very true story, for I too have stories like this one to tell and perhaps have already written about several of them in my many other writings...over a now 30 year span...

So please take the time to savor over the enclosed email and instead of looking at with eyes of skepticism...perhaps look at it with the eyes of a child of God...and ask yourself...can believing be this simple? Is it true that one falls under a protective shield of God and His numerous angels just by having faith the size of a mustard seed? As outlined in The Bible?

I say yes, all can say whatever they want for it is only my life that I have to account for. All others can account for their own...for like I have wrote numerous times in the past...I will be the only one standing before God, telling Him what my intention was when ever I allowed myself to stray from the path, that would lead me Home to Him, the right way....

To Sunny Girl:
Thanks for this email and all the others you have sent me down through the years of our having known each other. Just knowing that there are special police officers like yourself out there a protecting us...makes me feel secure. I thank you for all that you bring to our world. You are a God send as you well know. Be Blessed always dear one...I am so proud of you and all of our police officers, civil servants, soldiers, over seas contractors, USO volunteers, teachers and all others whose lives are placed in harms way for the safety and good of all are my heroes...

Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

A girl went to her friends house and she
ended up s taying longer than planned, and had to walk home alone.

She wasn't afraid because it was a small COMMUNITY and she lived
only a few blocks away.

As she walked along under the bike trail
Diane asked God to keep her safe from harm and danger.

When she
reached the alley, which was a shortcut to her house, she decided
to take it.

However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man
standing at the end as though he were waiting for her.

She became
uneasy and began to pray, asking for God's protection.

Instantly a
comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped round her,
she felt as though someone was walking with her.

When she reached
the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived
home safely.

The following day, she read in the newspaper
that a young girl had been raped in the same alley just twenty
minutes after she had been there.

Feeling overwhelmed by this
tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to

Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young
woman, she decided to go to the police station.

She felt she could
recognize the man, so she told them her story.

The police asked
her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could
identify him.

She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she
had seen in the alley the night before.

When the man was told he
had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed.

officer thanked Diane for her bravery and asked if there was
anything they could do for her.

She asked if they would ask the man
one question.

Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her.

When the policeman asked him, he answered, 'Because she wasn't

She had two tall men walking on either side of her.

Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you're not alone.
People will not stand up for God..

Send this if you truly believe in God....

PS: God is always
there in your heart and loves you no matter what:

'If you deny me in
front of your friends, I shall deny you in front of my Father'

STAND UP FOR HIM 93% of people won't pass this on....
Will you be one
of them???
