Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
What Is The Premise and Need For Alternative Health Care Research
June 02, 2008
Dear All One Family:
As you know, I have been involved in the Alternative Health Care Field for over 24 years. I have always felt that the Medical and FDA facility that states that only medical is the road/way to total body health to be rather short sighted.
I say this because only less than 1/10 of a percent are we really solid matter, the rest of us is purely energy. The Medical Profession is merely a focusing on the body as a pump system of beingness and those of us in the alternative field know that it is lots more...
Even Thomas Edison the inventor of the light bulb...knew lots more than the profession today...for what did he state back in the 1800's? "The doctor of the future will prescribe no medications, yet only that of diet, nutrients, mind set and exercise...or something similar to this...
I know for all individuals a recovering from a fall or injury due to a motor vehicle accident...must go the medical approach methodology, no matter how much longer and the expense cost factor...simply because insurance companies will pay that route, fast and easily...
Do you now understand why I am a shooting for the moon in this methodology and approach for once we can recognition in our field with research...no longer will insurance companies...not have the excuse that they won't pay fully like the medical profession bills...
Especially since the baby boomers of which I am a part...are the fastest aging population we now have in place...we are going to need alternatives being compensated like the medical professions approaches...at least with the alternative approaches the likely hood of death becoming a reality isn't as great, plus the time to heal can also be accelerated...being antibiotic medications, pain drugs...will be kept at the minimal...not the maximum...
Medical Science purely looks at the body as a pump mechanism...those of us in this alternative and complementary health care field...know that we are lots more than that...We are a mind-body and spirit connection...
Tonie's Current 3/In One Body Therapy Treatment Approach:
K1 Whole Body Vibration Machine... www.onlinetoniewallace.com
40 Minute...body alive vibrational bodywork session. (incorporating from over 40 plus modalities of research)
20-35 Minute BioMat Experience, with parasubliminal mind entrainment session...
Of which the results to date have been astounding for its users...
Those most toxic due to mind, spirit or body ailments, generally see a either highly energetic post body or one that needs to take time for its self to be nurtured as it moves back towards a greater body balance phase...1 or 2 days is generally all that is needed.
The K1: (for those that haven't visited my site to check it all out... www.onlinetoniewallace.com)
Is totally mind expanding...The Russians came up with the original design...one that they created for their cosmonauts upon returning to earth's gravitational issues after being weightless for too long in space...it builds bone density plus increasing muscle tone and balance...plus due to the fact that all of us on the planet are moving into greater vibrational frequencies...it increases the vibrational spin of our bodies, thus throwing off lots of unused and unnecessary baggage...a.k.a...weight loss like Cher and Whoopi will attest...being they as well have their own... I feel ours is best...especially for the cost and durability and it also affords us the opportunity to share it with all...being it can set up a business that only involves a sharing the news...
I also like it because it only takes ten minutes a day to work out...of course the cardio portion of it is missing and one just needs to add...to the session through tread mill, biking or fast paced walking...
The 40 minute body electric session...is basically the sum collection of my 24 year educational/research into vibrational medicine body well therapies...see my website... www.onlinetoniewallace.com for the listings of them all...
Relieves pain and joint stiffness
Reduces stress and fatigue
Boosts the immune system
Burns calories and controls weight
Removes waste and toxins
Boosts energy and vitality
Regulates Psychological well being
Increases blood circulation
Decreases hyperactivity
Strengthens the cardiovascular system
Rejuvenates skin and cellular function
Induces deep Delta State of relaxation
I then throw in the parsubliminal mind entrainment set...so now then imagine how effective the entire session is...
The results from it are simply astounding for all the users...even those that only had one session...to date, I have had only two that had the two day...sluggish or highly energetic state...not bad being over 30 participants have already experienced it...and currently I have three that are experiencing it at least twice a week...all participants are nearing the 70 year mark...and not only visible physical youth defining attributes are being noted by them and the doctors that they are seeing...yet by family and friends and they are usually the last to notice much about us...
One last note:
The first time that I experienced the BioMat:
It was at the Mind, Body Spirit Expo in Raleigh, NC. in January 2008.
Before I got on the BioMat...I had canvased the entire convention...
I had already gotten a session from Tao...energetic body healer from Cleveland, Ohio...his body work on top of being deep...was highly vibrational in the aspect that to free my blocked energy channels...he threw me up in the air, flipped me onto my back...
At the time of this bodywork, I hadn't had a bodywork session, (yes, like a car mechanic, my body is always in need of repair...simply due to two torn medial meniscus es in both knees...and three herniated discs in my neck...both conditions due to a car accident I had 7 years ago...and because I didn't have the surgeries and physical therapies that the medical doctors I saw...prescribed, and I went almost totally alternative on my recovery approach...I had $6-7 Thousand dollars not paid by the insured car insurance company...simply because I didn't follow the medical program that all in our great land are pre slated to follow...This team of non medical personnel decided that my approach was excessive...yet what would have been the pay out costs...had surgery been institute...or the recovery and physical therapy portion...and were all that I have worked on in the 24 years had all had favorable results with their medical program of recovery...I might would have gone there...
So take all that into consideration...I should have been trashed...energetically as well as physically after Tao's session, then trying the K1 for the first time, walking for miles throughout the convention center...just to get a BioMat, parasubliminal session...to end my day on...
I felt born again after the BioMat...and my high energy...that came forth...never left...and I have been on fire since...of course...owning both the K1 and BioMat, only makes life sweeter yet...now I can jump on both of them, whenever I choose and do I see a large difference in my life simply because of them...yes, and don't forget about Oprah and Eckhart as well...that also tended to take me to another dimensional level...never before realized...
Please remember, that wee need the profession of medicine...yet not to the degree that we are currently using it...We have a God and they are not it...
Just my thoughts...take what you need and do please leave the rest...
More later...I promise.
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace