Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yesterday Was A Dream, Tomorrow Is The Reality

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Holding Onto Yesterday, Creates Sludge and Back Up,which creates dis-ease,Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:
Jada went a tripping backward to a correspondence that Shark Bait had sent her at the beginning of her rehabilitational period back into balance point. She states that she was sick and tired of all of the pain and knew from the get go that it was going to be a pain filled time for her...Yet she still persisted because she was tired of yesterday pain filled walking problems.

Today she is sorry for the decision, yet tomorrow the sun might start to burn brighter in her life, and then again it might not...yet I say, if she did get into the shark infested waters feeling like God/Jesus and Holy Spirit mantle of protection would protect her and now she was a wondering why Jada hadn't been as brave as herself? Something Shark Bait used as evidence as to why she felt that Jada wasn't a walking her talk...

Jada simply came back with: Some people feel that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit need testing...Jada does not...For Jada states: "I had just witnessed two hammer headed sharks, small babies, yet still powerful to take off a finger or two or three...hahahehehe...jumping into a portion of the ocean that isn't marked off for swimming, and full of sea weed as take it from one that lived on a fresh water lake front property home and seen first hand, up front and personal what sea weed carries from the fecal dropping of all of its birds that use it as a toilet. AKA..."swimmers itch," been there and got the glorious tee shirts...hip hip hooray!

Jada also explains that one of the reasons that she can't be a Buddha religion worshiper...because she has to honor all life forms and she also states that she has a mental PAC with all the creepy, crawly creatures...flies, spiders, snakes, cock roaches, bees and such...and it goes something like this: "I will allow you to have life and space if I happen upon you in your own natural habitat, when you cross over to mine, I am sorry it is bye, bye for you! Please forgive me and I ask God/Jesus/And Holy Spirit, to forgive me and you as They accept your soul essence into Heaven...amen good bye!"

As Jada explains her lack of witness testimony as to not having this leap of faith expression as Shark Bait, Jada states: "I couldn't possibly consider it weighing in all of the evidence, for if I told them they couldn't enter my world and survive, my jumping into the unmarked ocean territory, into their land, knowing that they were probably a watching the guys haul out their kids and handed them back...which might have upset ted them, and maybe not...the chance was too big...not all that brave...sorry one can't be strong all of the time, it isn't possible, or maybe it is?

Laughing and a dancing my way around...Love, Light and Peace, Jada.

Dear one:

I do hope that you are a using your Steve G. Jones meditation tapes...for I know that when I am not feeling my own 100% self...I run to those quiet moments that it is only me and Steve and he is a telling me how wonderful and special I am...you know...a helping me remember being the world isn't quite a showing me in my own standard called real moment...

When I turn myself over to wanting to feel positive about my world...I turn first to God, than over to Steve G. Jones and my magical energy/brain in sync glasses...just too cool! Not the same as one of my, "a whole body treatment/work over"...yet still good and to think I get my first body treatment in about 2 years and that was from a graduate student of the massage school program that I originally had the first patent on...at our local college here in town...

How was it? Not all that bad, not one of mine...yet that is alright too, for those that did get trained luckily by me...hold a part of my patented treatment format as well...are any of them me? Some more than others...all special, all mostly their own design...just like I have conclusively, that which God would have me have and all of my graduate students...the same is true for them all as well...

When you are able to come back to church, at the same time that my brother and I attend...you will sometimes see, the tall strikingly beautiful blond lady with two tall teenage sons...she is the one that when I first got introduced to our pastor, she was the one that made the intro...telling him that I was her teacher from the college and the one who helped put her into the field that she knows God would have her be in...

I then told our pastor that she was the one that ran tackle and guard over me so that the program could be instituted at the college for at the time that the program was being created at the college, Therapeutic/Medical Massage; was never a consideration for to the majority of the college board were under the impression that Therapeutic Massage was nothing more than adult sexual education...this tall blond...gathered up all of the students that attended my Massage Introduction, 101 class and got their signatures and turned them all in herself to the Dean of Students...

And that is how the two year associate Therapeutic Massage Class...originated...the one that I call Zena...became the "David who slew Goliath", lack of foresight can cause a lot of losses ...I will always be in her debt, as should all the past/present and future graduate students of massage therapy at our local college should be...

Life is good...or at least as good as what we call good...

I love you girl...you must have gone to bed...like you stated in your email...sleep the sleep of angels, for you are one of my brightest angel star on earth...

Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies

--- On Thu, 3/26/09, Shark Bait wrote:

Subject: Re: Test for Smart People]
Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 1:04 PM

hey, just woke up, not a good day, suz not here, not coming, fri eve sounds good, going back to bed
love ya

On Mar 26, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Jada Stone wrote:

Thanks Sharky Baitee:

This was fun and yes, I failed them all...perhaps that is a good thing, perhaps not...does it matter, no...and away we swing!wheeeeeeee

Hope all is well, being Suz is with you today, My brother and I will probably come over tomorrow night.

Love you girl
Be Blessed and Well

Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies

--- On Wed, 3/25/09,

From Shark Bait:

Subject: Fwd: Test for Smart People]
To: Jada Stone: Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 1:24 PM

The following short quiz consists of 4 questions and will tell you whether you are qualified to be a professional. Scroll down for each answer. The questions are NOT that difficult. But don't scroll down UNTIL you have answered the question!

1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, and close the door. This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way.
2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?

Did you say, Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant, and close the refrigerator?

Wrong answer.

Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door. This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your previous actions.

3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend.... except one. Which animal does not attend?

Correct Answer: The Elephant. The elephant is in the refrigerator. You just put him in there. This tests your memory.

Okay, even if you did not answer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your true abilities.

4. There is a river you must cross but it is used by crocodiles, and you do not have a boat. How do you manage it?

Correct Answer: You jump into the river and swim across. Have you not been listening? All the crocodiles are attending the Animal Meeting. This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.

According to Anderson Consulting Worldwide, around 90% of the professionals they tested got all questions wrong, but many preschoolers got several correct answers. Anderson Consulting says this conclusively disproves the theory that most professionals have the brains of a four-year-old.
Send this out to frustrate all of your smart friends.
PS: Just the fact that I sent it to you should make you feel good.


Straightening Up After The Lashing And Judgment Call...hahahehe

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.

Love Is A Non Judgmental Thing And Subjective And Interestingly, Objective to some.April 21, 2009

Dear All One Family:

When I continually look around and try to find what is right in the world versus what is wrong...things start a looking better and better...

Something like, that which we concentrate upon becomes our creation...kind of thing...see poorness, be poorness; kind of thing.

Just by looking at one object, all others simply fade away...take for instance the following posting...one of those spoof moments in time when one sees the world through the perceptive of another...kind of thing.

The sad part about this posting letter is that it hit a memory trigger in myself and remembered the nightmare dream I had about my sons dad before we finally quit the marriage together.

It was a dream where I had killed him and cut him up in a million pieces and tried to bury him in the small back yard of our first home owned together. Suburbia life...perhaps meant to be a happy time, appeared quite to all paying attention, not such to myself; for violence only begets violence.

So needless to say, this posting kind of struck a familiar cord...not good, I realize...yet oh so very true at times! All should admit that there were for the most part, more people a feeling similar or there wouldn't be so many firings a going on all of the time...especially now with the national divorce rate being well over fifty per cent and heading ghastly towards the sixty's...holy baloney!

So I can see quite clearly that communication problems plays out louder than sexual lack of interest moments...All learning to communicate with each other and understanding that what you have going is a team work action plan and it is both of you in it forever, come what ever storms lying in wait for you both to solve...

When one views this little ditty...understand that leaving is almost always better than staying in a bad place all of the time, for pretty soon something will blow...for chaos isn't a very pretty place to raise anyone...and the first person that is a growing up is ourselves and when we think we are already too grown to have to listen to the opinions of anyone else, for it is only that which we believe to be real, is real...than that is where the Biblical passage of "pride cometh before the fall."

Everyone I realize has a different definition of fall times, I realize that...to each their own imaginings...

those can dream of horrendous future results and those that can dream of magical results...what type would you want to choose?

Doom and gloom...or brightness and hope and a land one is still able to have their dreams...marriages between those that are committed to those loving them forever intentions.

I personally am tired of a place that calls everything upside down and I know that if I hang out with those kind of folks, I will find myself lost in the negative talk...simple, one becomes the energy that surrounds it...

Anyways, I have spent too much time like Jada a trying to explain, well knowing that most would view me as; venting...when at times, some out there in my magical reading world have been enough to make a minister cuss...yes, that is right I admit it...those dreaded curse words that come out of my mouth from time to time...

Some people I have discovered also base ones value and worth through the causal utterances of others...

My line of defense, sometimes one has to use strong words to show meaning to the situation, especially if one is found in the company of one wanting to remain asleep when I say the time to become unified with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit is upon us...

The time to take on our mantle of protection...simply because the next few years are going to be lots rougher as we struggle to right ourselves in a world that decided that God should be thrown out of school and school activities...and the throwing out of The Ten Commandments in the political justice making decisions arena...perhaps wasn't such a great idea...

Just a throwing it all out there...and one last thing...this time around...hahahehe...were it true that those in our government would allow, our television ministries to be taken off of the air...I call horrendous! I do hope that it was a spam and not the truth a trying to rear its ugly head again...for I kind of like the ability to have choices in life...you know, those times I don't have all the energy that I would like to own...and want to stay at home and express my self to others on the computer...I kind of like the fact that I can switch on any of my fabs...such as Dr Joyce Myers, Dr. Stanley, and so many others...what a terrible thing that would do to our already losing hope land...know what I mean?

Just a throwing it out there...when I google Snoops.com, I couldn't come up with any investigative study on it...so I have to believe that it is a fairly new trick of our government approach to perhaps insight more fear of our rights being abolished....for yes we do have groups a wanting to keep our differences separate...at any cost.

I say, at no other time in the history of our country, have we been able to simply write our president with our ideas of what change looks like to you...Of course the most outrageous and off the wall...especially if the ideas don't serve all equally in the mix...is going to have a hard time of taking off...

For right now we are seeing more and more dissolving of the middle class and the prophecy that Nostradamus saw, along with other early philosophers was that the middle class would dissolve and in its place, more of the poor class arising out of the ashes...

I see that as a reality until we can somehow bring our unbalanced state back into balance and that may take a while, as we battle the storms around and face the natural disasters created by that unbalanced way of thinking and being on the planet...

I therefore feel that all ministers, and church leaders of all denominations should be a teaching...the pulling down of the mantle of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit protection, reminding them of their heritage so that they will teach them how to be great fishermen/women, themselves...WE are Children of God...that is our heritage...plain and simple...

Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace

One key example that I want to leave all with is this...on the national news service channel that my brother and I were watching, the station showed the latest photograph from space...so I believe that nasaspace.com, one could probably find the latest shot from what the research team speculate is an asteroid a splitting apart...how I can tell you is the picture looked like a large hand of God with light emanations coming off the end of each finger that looked quite unusually, well defined...oh well, to each their own illusion of the big post bang party...

I see the picture from space that took so many years in which to capture it...quite seriously for in Revelations it talks about "End Times," (of which I say, end of the world as we know it now) keeping on our eyes on the sky...and besides I still get goose bumps when I think about...and goose bumps are a pretty good indicator as to something that I should take inventory in...and sometimes run from...hahahehe...

I personally imagine it as God/Jesus and Holy Spirit a putting Their hand out as a way of saying, stop the old crap and get on with the new now please, my little backward thinking children...

Those are my thoughts, all can have their own...anyways, here's my sis's posting...


"I am writing to say what an excellent product you have! I've used it
all of my married life, as my Mom always told me it was the best. Now that I am in my fifties I find it even better! In fact, about a month ago, I spilled some red wine on my new white blouse. My inconsiderate and uncaring husband started to belittle me about how clumsy I was, and generally started becoming a pain in the neck. One thing led to another and somehow I ended up with his blood on my new white blouse! I grabbed my bottle of Tide with bleach alternative, and to my surprise and satisfaction, all of the stains came out! In fact, the stains came out so well the detectives who came by yesterday told me that the DNA tests on my blouse were negative and then my attorney called and said that I
was no longer considered a suspect in the disappearance of my husband.
What a relief! Going through menopause is bad enough without being a murder suspect! I thank you, once again, for having a great product.
Well, gotta go, have to write to the Hefty bag people."

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dream Weavers Are My Inspiration And Strength

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
"Dream Weavers That Are Turned On Lighthouses of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's, Light, Love & Peace All Of The Time, That Is"
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Tuesday April 21, 2009

Dear All One Family:
After Jada's last email received from Shark Bait that somehow left Jada a bit more weary and wondering why those she is trying to help sort out this or that in their lives; so that they can finally get started living the magical moment to moment times of their lives that they are so badly questioning its realness.

Jada is now questioning the realness of her own reality by the viewing of one that says she has the Light, Love and Peace that God would have her own, and that Jada was now the one in question as to rather she was a walking and a talking her talk, really?

So let's follow along as best as we can being this book's format is a bit harder to grasp than all the others that I and now Jada, are submitting...sorry for the confusion...it is just what it is...

Just like the following posting from MoJo is, for she and I have traveled through lots of stuff in the time that she and I have known each other. Perhaps a span of what lady, 17 years?

Anyways, I thank her dearly for her contribution...for in it...much is given and I wasn't wrong to question the attributes of:
email posting to Shark Bait in previous correspondence:

"your words...Where is the love? Where is the
understanding? Where is the compassion? Where is the
empathy? Where is the sense of fairness and patience, let
alone, where oh where is the peace and radiance?"

Yet, in the Bible as seen stated below in the email posting of Paul...we are supposed to not only gather the virtues of Understanding, Compassion, Empathy, Fairness and Patience...we are supposed to gather as well, all of the following virtues:

love (agape);
joy (chara);
peace (eirene);
patience (makrothumia);
kindness (chrestotes);
goodness (agathosune);
faithfulness (pistis);
gentleness (prautes);
self-control (egkrateia).

Monday April 20, 2009

Dear All Family:

I got this email in response to Jada's last email to Shark Bait.

I am just so pleased with this collection of thoughts, that it took my breathe away...thank you MoJo for a caring that much to add your finiest, you little monkee...hahahehe.

I found it quite comforting to read all of the good stuff about "gifts of the Spirit," that arises in most that truly receive Baptism of The Holy Spirit.

I just want you to understand as well that some of us take our gifts more seriously than others and thus are able to take our mission on to the top that we imagine it can be, sort of a taking it all the way...

for we were all told that at Jesus's Last Supper where He told all of His followers and diciples that we they to partake of faith the size of a mustard seed, "they could move mountains in their lives."

Also as you know MoJo, I have always tried to reach higher than most...even when most it seemed; was always a lot futher back than most... ahhhh, there in lies the answer, those that are attracted to my mission plans and designs, are those that perhaps needs my guidance the most and don't even realize it, because they are asleep and are calling me the slumberer...ahhhh, it all makes sense, me thinks...hahahehe...Holy Snap!

Just another moment in time that Oprah calls, her "ah! Moments." You know those moments well don't you?

Moments when you finally wake up and smell the coffee, times...times that you finally get the sense out of the sense less...huraay! I Have The Victory Times!

Obviously with the one believing that they are awake a leading the way (By Attempting To Be The Way at least as best as they can) with the amount of resultant manifestions-Victories; numbering obviously much more... A simple, one and one makes two kind of thing...think one is powerful, one becomes powerful, kind of thing..

So if one recognizes that one is supposed to the catalyst for change for the better in all of God's children lead to her door through whatever mechanism His Holy Angels direct...to get them here, and I recognize that all that are lead to me, have been lead for various reasons and when I discover what those reasons were to begin with...and that makes that God child lead here awaken to the truth of what God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, would have them see, feel or experience...is it the fault of the messenger if what comes out of the awaken lighthouse's mouth isn't all that the one trying to awaken experiences from the touch back moment in time when the world was upside down and now with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's help that channels through my unconditional love approach/style to life and the direction They lead me, in bodywork modality styles I am guided to utilize at different moments to best utilize the dis-harmonic imbalance arising from injuries to the mind, body and spirit.

I also allow the images and pictures I see that come out of my explorational adventure into the body's toxic wasteland...for it is that I have discovered lives the most hideous and vile living dumps.

I know that you have heard monkee, of the book called, "Your Body Remembers All That You Tell It," or something real close to that title...in that book, it says quite a lot and it will help you further understand that it is also important that one not hold the opinions of others too closely, unless of course, the mass majority are a feeling this or that way and to cater to the mass consciousness level of thinking is perhaps not a good thing as well, so I believe little monkee, that when in doubt and you know in God's great world that there isn't a single thing that you can do to change that moment in time...giving it all up to God...and putting all of it, on the table before Him for clarification and protection...is all one can really do and then remain positive and hope filled for I have never given God/Jesus and Holy Spirit a prayer filled request that didn't get answered one way or the other...

Thanks girl for tapping into that Spiritual Divine Highway and pulling this out of the hat...

It says it all and a great intro into that subject about limiting the expansiveness of "The Gifts of The Spirit," for when I see the gift of clairvoyance...the sight of yesterday, today, tomorrow...is gifted in others, as well as yourself.

When I see the gift of prophecy, another future, and direct channel from God, given up...moments that could help impact a community needed to re-connect with the truths that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would have them hear...

Then there is the gift of discernment of spirits, which also is a very powerful gift in itself, for then one is able to see a good spirit from a bad or indifferent one and learn how to treat them all the same...a grand balancing act wouldn't you say?

So in the all in all of it, MoJo monkee, this Holy Spirit Baptism thing is perhaps the greatest key to the mystery of how do we get back to the garden of Eden, we imagine that it is already there...

For when one finds themselves back in the garden that was once taken away and now is returned, the only way that they could have gotten there, was by having the simple faith of a child, to believe it as such...too cool I tell you.

Then as well, look at all the other attributes that one has to additional gather in order to enjoy the "fruits of the spirit," this is all too cool...stepping into the magical candyland of our childhood...We Be All So Blessed

Much later, dear one. I now have an divine appointment arriving soon...and I need to get started on that.

One more thing dear all, in defense of my brother concerning Shark Bait a saying that all things he had done, weren't working...my brother did so many odd jobs for the money that it wasn't even real...stripping wires that had been laid that weren't meant for ground laying, for they short out...and all things were done with no parts being supplied, for Shark Bait, had no funds given him because she claimed she had none to give.

He returned power to her outside lights for her horse corral, yet when he told her that he needed new sensor lights, she said she had none to give him...so Shark Bait is over stretching her story a bit...yet that is what persons do when they can't find that peace filled state within themselves...look towards others as possibly being the problem for the world they live in, says so! Oh well, the life of princesses is not easy...

Love, Light and Peace To All
Jada Stone

Love Is
In 1 Corinthians 13, in the midst of Paul's description of the gifts of the Spirit, there is a section on love. While not directly about 'fruit', it is about what springs from love, and it is in much the same vein. According to verses 4-8, love:

suffers long;
is kind;
does not envy (ou zeloo);
does not parade itself (ou perereupmai);
does not get 'puffed up' (ou phusioutai);
does not behave rudely (ouk askemonei);
is not provoked;
does not think evilly, nor rejoice in sin;
rejoices in the truth;
bears all things;
believes all things;
hopes all things;
endures all things.

In Phillipians 4:8, Paul advises us to think on things that are:

noble, or worthy of high esteem (semnos);
lovely (prosphiles);
of good report (euphemos);
of any virtue, or excellence (arete);
worthy of praise (epainos).

Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies

--- On Mon, 4/20/09, mojo From:
Subject: Re: [Spiritual Ministries, Newsletters] How Big Of A Bite? Part 2
To: Jada Stone

If you don't read it all...at least scroll to the end to the RECAP....we all have the same "dis-ease" called LIFE....just different symptoms.

The most famous Bible passage about the 'fruit of the Spirit' is in Galatians 5:22, where the apostle Paul gives us a list of fruit. (Paul was into making lists.) The list is meant as a contrast to the list of the 'deeds of the flesh' found in 5:19-20. The fruit list is clearly not intended as an exhaustive description of the fruit, but was given to highlight the fruit that Paul wants the Galatian church to keep in mind. He lists the following fruit:

love (agape);
joy (chara);
peace (eirene);
patience (makrothumia);
kindness (chrestotes);
goodness (agathosune);
faithfulness (pistis);
gentleness (prautes);
self-control (egkrateia).
(Check out the links for each word above, and throughout the page. The Galatians passage can also be read as listing the other eight as subsets of the first : love. Many Bible students insist that the singular of 'fruit' be used, and not the plural.)

When Paul follows the list of the fruit of the Spirit by saying "against such things there is no law", he was talking about the fact that the religious authorities and the Hebrew Torah (law) are positive toward behavior that shows these characteristics. Even a staunch enemy of the church will likely find these qualities appealing. These are known to be positive characteristics by almost everyone, in most eras, in most lands.

Paul's Galatians list is made of stuff that is both something you are and something you do. It is the Spirit giving you the character of Christ. There are other such lists in the Epistles, and they are also relevant to any talk about the 'fruit of the Spirit'.

In 1 Corinthians 13, in the midst of Paul's description of the gifts of the Spirit, there is a section on love. While not directly about 'fruit', it is about what springs from love, and it is in much the same vein. According to verses 4-8, love:

suffers long;
is kind;
does not envy (ou zeloo);
does not parade itself (ou perereupmai);
does not get 'puffed up' (ou phusioutai);
does not behave rudely (ouk askemonei);
is not provoked;
does not think evilly, nor rejoice in sin;
rejoices in the truth;
bears all things;
believes all things;
hopes all things;
endures all things.
In Phillipians 4:8, Paul advises us to think on things that are:

noble, or worthy of high esteem (semnos);
lovely (prosphiles);
of good report (euphemos);
of any virtue, or excellence (arete);
worthy of praise (epainos).
In Colossians 3:12-16, the church members are told to put on (wear) these things:

tender mercies;
humility or self-smallness (tapeinophrasune);
a heart of compassion (oiktirmos);
Then, they are further instructed to:

bear with one another;
forgive one another;
let the peace of God rule their hearts;
be thankful (eucharistoi);
have God's Word live in them abundantly;
teach and admonish one another;
sing with grace in their hearts.
All this character stuff is to be done in the name of Jesus, to further the purposes He came for.
Go up to Top

These fruit lists describe what a Christian's character grows into, over time. There was no word in there about being given the Midas touch for resolving all financial woes. There's not even the slightest signal in there about tongues being the evidence of the Spirit's presence. There's nothing about crusading for a just society, though there is something about being just. These lists are completely silent about miraculous deeds or the gifts of wisdom or knowledge or discernment as signs of the Spirit's rule within a person. The lists give no special credit to official power or office or responsibility. It sounds instead like a repeated refrain from Jesus ( Matthew 7:16, 20) that one knows God's followers 'by their fruits'. Or, like the apostle Paul's urgings that the Roman church bear fruit for God, or James about being full of mercy and good fruit. Or John the Baptist, or even the proverb which says that "the fruit of righteousness is a tree of life"
(an early example of 'fruit' to describe results). These matters of character are the stuff which gives life-ness to life. It is holiness taking root in you. It is something you are, not just something you do or think.

In Jeremiah (6:19), God speaks of the disaster which is about to come, and speaks of it as "the fruit of their plans" -- that which comes from evil scheming. So bad character can also come to fruition.

The early church continued this concern about how those with the Spirit develop a character like Christ's. Some of them spend much of their writing time on describing what this character is. Polycarp, for instance, in his letter to the church in Philippi, wrote that the church's leaders are to have "a wide compassion for humanity", which does not put off doing kindnesses. (Think here of Jewish mitzvot ; it's about going beyond merely doing good, into being someone who is characterized by doing good, to honor God and for the sake of others.) He, like Paul, also writes about what is not a part of this character : gossip, the undermining of others, easily believing ill of others, loose sexual behavior, empty speech, quick temper, and most especially the eagerness for money.

The early Protestant pietists shared this concern. They knew from Scripture that if the Spirit dwells in a person, that person will start taking on the characteristics described as the fruit of the Spirit. The Spirit works to change Christians so they have the depth of character the Bible talks about. It's not automatic or sudden. Like everything else in this broken world and its broken people, it's something that arises only in part, not completely, in this life. We are always 'under construction', just like any good web site is. The Spirit never leaves "well enough" alone, but is always working for something better.

Many later pietists and Holiness believers, unfortunately, forgot how deeply marred we are by sin, and saw failure to live in these 'fruit' as proof that the Spirit was not at work. This resulted in a new legalism made of a decision to obey behavioral rules rooted in law, not in a soul which grew through the Spirit's work to bear good fruit.

We don't need to turn to the Law to give rise to character in ourselves and our children. We need to turn to the Spirit, and trust that the Spirit will be working overtime to change us, working literally till Kingdom come, refashioning us into being like Christ.

The early church understood this. They didn't go around saying they had the Holy Spirit and thus needed no human teachers. They instead took each other aside and corrected each other, and those who understood the Christian way best (especially the apostles) taught it to the others. Even the apostles were not above correction, as Paul so sharply points out in Galatians. They understood that by way of mutual education and the use of discernment, in the power of the Holy Spirit, they could grow as Christians. The evidence of growth was the fruit. The "fullness of the Spirit" is when the gifts are applied fruit-fully.
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Unity is a fruit of the Spirit, found in the "one anothers" of Colossians. But it is not always immediately so. Jesus' work set father against son and mother against daughter, and the Spirit takes after Jesus' ministry. In Acts 15, even though the Jerusalem Council was being guided by the Spirit, division arose. It takes some wrestling with the matter, a struggling done with an attitude of submission, of 'show us, Spirit!'. While this is going on, we may differ, even vigorously. But the disagreement itself can be part of the process the Spirit uses to get the matter sorted out.

Often what results is a surprising unity, in which we have spiritually grown and stepped toward the future in a vision for mission. Sometimes the disunity may represent differing paths which may have to co-exist in tension, at least for a while, to inform and correct each other. Either result can be fully in keeping with the Spirit's work.

The organism known as the Christian Church is able to hold and to benefit from the human race's many cultures, outlooks, theologies, histories and styles. Yet the Church can only be truly catholic ('of the whole') when it embraces and sustains the whole truth. It means not just being broad in most ways, it also means being clear about what to reject.

Conformity and uniformity tend to be deadening, but at specific times may be crucial to the task at hand. Try, for instance, fighting to defend one's country against invaders. If everyone had a different type of gun, the supply of munitions would be impossible and the nation would fall. Or, can you picture how repairs would be done if every individual car's parts were all unique to that particular car? The core identity of the Christian faith is what identifies church from non-church, it is what allows us to operate together, even for a moment, even on any one matter, as if we were one body. In a way, we are, or so says the Bible.

The fruit of the Spirit are like most things from God, in that they are both a personal way of life and a corporate way of life. The fruit don't have a 'communal' or 'individual' side; one is the other. It is in this way of life that Christ will be seen by others.


We can't be godly apart from the Spirit; we just don't have that ability.
As a matter of our nature, we are hell-bent on getting what we desire. Even the best of what we are gets twisted by this inner drive.
God has a very different way, and wants us to follow it. Since we can't, the Spirit grows us up, cleans us up, and makes good ('fruit') come from us, in the manner of Jesus Christ.
Where there are 'the fruit of the Spirit', the Spirit is at work. We can trust in it.
Each person in the Spirit has the fruit differently, and each fruit has a different shape in each person -- but all the fruit will show themselves in each Christian as he or she goes deeper into their walk with the Spirit.

From Jada Stone
> Subject: Re: [Spiritual Ministries, Newsletters] How Big Of A Bite? Part 2
> To: Shark Bait
> Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 12:53 PM
> April 20, 2009
> Dear One:
> Is this the mirror image of one dancing in the Light, Love
> and Peace of God. I threw all things out to you, as usual;
> with unconditional love and somehow you are a wanting to
> stop communicating?
> Perhaps this was a nice letter from you in your eyes, in my
> eyes it was one in which in spite of all of your insistence
> that you have somehow been a victim...and I am the one doing
> it to you, when in essence, no one can do anything to
> another, unless permission is given by that person wanting
> to play the role of a victim.
> Me calls it as I sees it...as for the name of Jada and how
> it got originated, yet you not been so caught up in your own
> life a doing this and a that to you, you would have been a
> following my spiritual ministries newsletters and seen first
> hand what it is that makes me laugh, sing and dance in the
> mornings...my little victory dance of gratitude to God/Jesus
> and Holy Spirit for another day in hopes of perhaps a doing
> things right/better that day.
> One can only have hope and I am not up for those that
> don't have any hope or small to medium amount and look
> towards all others as the crazies, if they have/give more
> than others..."crazy is as crazy does, " you know?
> What I Imagine My Brother To Be A Saying and Thinking Right
> Now
> Were my brother a writing this email himself he would
> probably say this. Shark Bait, I hear your concerns and
> worries. I have not been on the recovery journey all that
> long and yes, I know that you don't know me very well,
> so it is understandable where you are a coming from with the
> points that you have laid forth.
> As for the giving me the free one month's rent. I am
> fine with that.
> I am a working as hard as I can and yes, I am sorry for not
> having kept you in the loop of things, yet that is where I
> still am at...in the planning stages.
> It is perhaps my fault that all this between you and my sis
> has gone on and I apologize to you both for having to
> unravel what it is that I have in my plans that will benefit
> us all.
> I do want the land and trailer deal to go on as laid out
> originally...
> Jada Responds
> My last email posting to you Shark Bait, openly stated
> those above things. There is no drama here, I am a walking
> my talk and yet you are saying I am not.
> A bit confused here...read all things over again and see
> where it was stated that I have stopped caring about you.
> We did have fun in Florida, yet admit it...you weren't
> in the water a believing that no harm would come to
> you...you were a wishing it did because you feel broken and
> I am telling you that you are broken because you choose it
> to be such.
> I too could say that I am broken, yet I might be, yet I am
> not defeated, and never defeated enough to try and kill the
> messenger off...
> Read your words...Where is the love? Where is the
> understanding? Where is the compassion? Where is the
> empathy? Where is the sense of fairness and patience, let
> alone, where oh where is the peace and radiance?
> Just a tossing that out in the mix...you know I love you.
> "Peace Be Still."
> Be Blessed
> Love, Light and Peace
> Tonie
> Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational
> Therapies
> www.onlinetoniewallace.com
> http://tonie-wallaceblogspot.com
> --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Lisa
> wrote:
> From: Lisa
> Subject: Re: [Spiritual Ministries, Newsletters] How Big Of
> A Bite? Part 2
> To: "Tonie Wallace"
> Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 7:53 PM
> really glad you are exploring this in your newsletter, its
> amazing how one so judge-mental and selfrighteous can spot
> it so easily in others, like they say, spot it got. glad you
> forwarded the whole emails so others can see how you
> translated my thoughts and feelings into your brother being
> "bad or a bad person", if you read my comments, no
> where do I call him bad or a a bad person. all I
> unsuccessfully tried to convey to you was the fact that
> dreams, no matter how wonderful they are, do not pave your
> way in this worlds reality. I , like everyone else on this
> planet, have been thru things that you cannot even
> comprehend, and certainly havent experienced, so stand on
> your soap box and judge me all you like, the only judgement
> that matters is from God, and I have no doubt that I will
> not be found lacking. and yet my adventure is only starting
> see below for more responses from shark bait in blue
> Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine
> Research, Healing and Education Center.
> "Batter Up!"
> Dear All One Family:
> Jada hasn't said all that she needs to say to Shark
> Bait. She has said all things to her that she needed to that
> came straight from the heart, soul and spirit of Jada,
> asking God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to open the door so to
> speak, so that Shark Bait can get a better viewing of
> herself, and while Shark Bait is a getting a bird's eye
> viewing of who she seems to be to Jada, Jada is also taking
> inventory of her own self, to make sure that it isn't a
> mirrored reflection or/and simply "Memorex."
> For Jada believes that she has many more mountains that she
> had to move to get from her stop and go moments in life than
> Shark Bait ever could possibly imagine and thus feel almost
> like an expert being the count was too numerous to ever
> possibly remember...
> Yet Jada feels unlike Shark Bait, in that she feels that
> the especially bad moments that took her breathe away and
> made it seem like tomorrow would never arrive...it did and
> in its wake left the most stupendous moments ever imagined
> before...the positives contained in those difficult moments
> were the lessons hidden...too cool...lemons into lemonade,
> and so forth...
> Jada as well as myself also believe that gratitude to
> God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for all things, is perhaps the
> wisest boat one can be a floating in these gray times of our
> reality...
> Follow along, for I believe it will be another
> "learning lesson endeavor" you might not want to
> miss.
> Shark Bait Stated In Last email
> "That is not what I felt guilted into, it was what he
> did here I am glad he is fixing his double wide up, I get so
> mis understood and I try to be so blunt, and yes I have let
> my dad's play area go, but ya know when that is where
> his other family lived its kinda understandable why, and
> should also explain alot of things, dont assume you know
> everything or my reason for things."
> Jada Responds
> What he did there? Tried to help you get your lights back
> up to snuff? Waiting until now to allow you to not even
> mention that he did it while waiting for some other work to
> arrive, knowing that you couldn't pay for it at that
> time...he did work on credit and that made him a bad person?
> where did I say he was bad, aren't you being rather
> overbearing with that phrase that you conveniently pulled
> out of the air? once again, I thanked him for work that he
> did, even though it was not what I said that needed to be
> done and just for your reference NOTHING that was done is
> now working, but that does not matter.
> You asked him in...was I a prompting you to do it? Yes,
> because you were out in the woods all by yourself and needed
> lights to see by at night if only to feed your horses...and
> be able to make out shadows in the dark of the night...now
> if that is a bad thing...I am sorry again dear one...whoops,
> my mistake...I thought he was needed and that there
> wasn't another soul able to do it for free at the
> time..please forgive me my misunderstanding.
> As for trying to understand all things, I don't. I
> understand only that which God/Jesus and Holy Spirit makes
> clear to me and generally when I do that...I discover so
> many things out side of the ordinary box of thinking ways
> and patterns...
> So basically because I give all things to God/Jesus and
> Holy Spirit, that also means you up front and
> personal...sorry, just the way things are and I am not
> sorry...God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, are my Captains, I am
> merely the child servant of Theirs...
> you say you give all things to God, then why are we having
> this discussion on the Internet with you refuting every
> statement or feeling I have? I can do it too, see
> Shark Bait Response:
> "what was it that occurred that changed all this?? and
> where is what was accomplished with this 1800?"
> Jada's Response:
> This was already covered in the last correspondence to you
> where I compared your behavior of "judging," with
> a similar moment of my father's and told how he and my
> mother went from the land of plenty to the land of barely
> known, just by judging the actions of another, based on
> appearance sake alone...can it be a warning to you to ask
> for forgiveness, or just me having a good time a dreaming it
> up...you judge for yourself...know I love you, and I have
> asked God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to forgive you, for you
> obvious don't know what you are a doing." So I have
> already forgiven you for you are probably just acting out of
> past reflective moments when you were a thinking about
> playing the Annie Oakley story out.
> Just my thoughts...take what you need and do please leave
> the rest...
> Shark Bait's response to my stating that she left her
> beloved dad's play area to go back to dust from which
> they came...probably because "that is where he left
> them"
> Jada's Response
> Just thinking out loud again, how does a leaving
> daddy's beloved cars out in the fields and such just how
> he left them, make that memory long term? I don't know,
> telling my brother that he needs to put them all into the
> hangers and out of the weather, even though he stated that
> almost all had been deteriorated by the weather...and
> probably would bust up in pieces when moved...and all of the
> wonderland creatures that called it home for 8 years, a
> perhaps a having to be moved...praise God! that's where
> he left them for years before he died, what business is it
> of yours or anyone else why I do something with something
> that is mine? am I being judged again? seems so
> Oh well, it is your journey, I can only a judge my
> own...know what I mean, Annie?
> Shark Bait's Response
> "once again I am mis understood, I have no problem
> with him being in the trailer, and by the way I said no
> deposit was in payment for what he did here, what I am
> talking about that I cant live forever on his excitement is
> the property, the $380,000 worth of property, how many years
> I am expected to hold it????? hmmm? jeez, this is why I dont
> rent to family, friends or friends family."
> Jada's Response
> Shark Bait, you call a month and a half, forever? Oh my
> gosh, are you that much of a princess that you can't see
> how impossible and non-reasoning you are a creating in
> yourself?
> Is this a tool that you use on men that you find
> unacceptable to your own standards? One and a half months is
> forever to decide...especially one a just a coming out of
> his cocoon...(you thought I was going to write coconut head,
> I fooled you! hahahehehe)
> Impatience is not a pretty thing to watch go down,
> especially when it is totally unfair of a judgment
> call...now I could be wrong...perhaps others need to weigh
> in so that I am not a looking so unbelievably soft visioned
> and non-realistic.
> Kudos on the renting to family members and friends...yet if
> you don't, who will? That's right strangers...that
> is why I am having so hard of a time getting you to
> understand me. We are too close and thus I and all that I
> say is invisible and not understandable...the need to move
> me from all such family and friends is so great, because I
> am praying to be moved with folks that aren't so much
> into their own agenda and realize that my agenda isn't
> to alleviate my "cramped style problems," my
> agenda was to make it a win win for you both and again...I
> am some how caught in the middle...once again...that is
> alright...just another day in Paradise...I
> say...hahahehehe..
> Shark Bait's ResponseIn line with additional costs and
> labors that my brother has incurred to get her rental
> property suitable for occupancy:
> "no I havent, I dont have it and I really didnt want
> to rent it, I wanted to sell it as is, understand??? he is
> fixing something that will be his, so why should I?"
> Jada's response
> Yet when I first visited that rental property of yours, I
> looked it all over and went, oh my God, if she doesn't
> do something with it soon, it too will be just wasted
> opportunities like all of the rest of her daddy's
> playground stuff, and especially buildings...
> I was merely looking at saving, (like always) and you were
> looking at keeping the same and perhaps, what, a getting
> maybe $5,000 for the double wide trailer in the shape that
> it was, were you to find a buyer that would risk a moving it
> in the shape that it is in and the condition of the road
> that leads to it? wow, now you are an appraiser along with
> all you other titles, I am impressed, and it is hard to
> impress this "princess" as you have judged me to
> be, and by the way who is this Jada persona that you have
> adopted to address me?
> So you would rather have a bird in hand, without a
> venturing into the bush to see if anything else could be
> given up? More like a stopping before a going? Yeap, perhaps
> nothing is wrong with you except the princess syndrome that
> equates to "hurry up and get here, yesterday."
> You are absolutely right, a land lord doesn't have the
> responsibility to put out for costs on remodeling, heater,
> paints, lights, landscaping, clean up and such...especially
> in light of the matter that you were ready to just dump the
> headache, rather than incur another..."Run Forest,
> Run!" Or Annie get your gun moment...now tell me again,
> who is a holding onto the past again?
> Oh well, just a more thoughts of my own a throwing it all
> out there...
> Shark Bait's Response about not offering my brother a
> glass of water, when he gave up several days of electrical
> labor for only $300.
> "excuse the hell out of me, if you think back I was
> barely able to be out, and no I have not forgotten, as I
> said twice before, that takes care of deposit and that is
> the best I can do, and I am sorry that is not good enough
> for you"
> Jada's Response:
> Dear one:
> It isn't rather it was good enough for me or not...I
> just know that we are all instructed to give all a drink of
> water if they need it or not...I didn't know that you
> were exempt from that Biblical truth ism...You said that you
> were barely able to be out...yet I remember that you were,
> lots more than you realize...numerous friends and visitors a
> having you go this place and that.
> As for the deposit amount being applied...towards rent on
> the $300 dollars...and that is fair enough for you...what
> ever it is that Our Heavenly Father,Jesus and Holy Spirit
> would have you do in the name of fairness and justice should
> be all that you are a concentrating on...I am concentrating
> on only that Our Heavenly Father would have me do, be and
> say to all others...for it is only me, myself and I that
> will be present when I make my graduation pleas to God
> appearance, know what I mean?
> I didn't respond to your question about perhaps I was a
> changing my mind on the deal that you both made with
> other...dear one, again, it isn't a deal cut between my
> brother and myself and you, it was and will always be, one
> between the both of you.
> My brother states that one month ahead is just fine, just
> don't start a charging him until the place is
> habitable...at least.had no intention of charging him,
> obviously, or I would be already right? so please state the
> point you are trying to make
> .
> Shark Bait's Response on getting her act together
> comment by me.
> "we are not alike and I dont know what you mean by get
> it together, if you think I am not together then I guess we
> have differenmilyefinitions of together"
> Jada's Response
> Again you are wrong...I see you both very similar, yet
> different...both of you are back from the land of being
> taken advantage by others...and not very trusting, for my
> brother has already stated from the beginning that he was a
> wanting a contract for you were too up and down...and he
> didn't want to lose again and that was after I had tried
> to convince him that you were trust worthy and fair and
> kind...so again, my brother is more than willing to get it
> all down on paper...
> Yet getting the bank out there to access the property is
> probably first and far more important at this point...for
> neither of us are real estate people...and don't have a
> clue as to what is valuable and not in the way of land
> holdings in this county...know what I mean?
> Together is as together lives...and if your life is all
> that together, again forgive me for being so tact less...yet
> your writings don't represent it...especially since you
> believe that Florida was such a hot time for me...where did
> I say it was a hot time for you???? get your words straight
> please, I was thinking of the grand time you and I had being
> together, or am I wrong about that too??
> it wasn't for I found a victim a looking at life and
> not caring what became of her...as she bathed where baby
> sharks were recently caught...and it mattered not...so to go
> back to having to try and help you rescue yourself, I am
> getting tired...I didnt need you to rescue me then, but you
> are so high on your own pedestal that you could not see
> that, why didnt YOU trust in the Lord enough to get in shark
> infested water, knowing without doubt that no harm would
> befall you? I did and still do. You talk to the talk well
> enough, why dont you walk the walk??
> I told you that you were a awakened light house, that kept
> losing her flame and a needing a re-lighting...and all you
> really needed was one good igniting...and I know of several
> I have personally given you and here you are again, back to
> no flame, spark...dang... yes my flame does go out, but ya
> know what, it always recovers
> Shark Baits ResponseRev.
> "and what kind of trash have I dumped on your
> brother??? I am just telling you how it is, lets see if I
> can spell it out a little better this time 1. the thing I
> felt guilted about was you pushing for him to come here and
> do electrical, something that I could not afford to pay
> for2. renting him a double wide that would get him out of
> your hair, at a cheap price, even though I wanted to sell it
> not rent it, yes it needs work, it will be his, I cant pay
> to fix it, he does the work and it benefits him, and by the
> way just in case you havent noticed, I am not charging him
> anything yet3. he wants 35-38 acres of land, wants me to
> wait God knows how long, and even then finance it myself all
> this after hearing that I really dont want to sell it, if I
> did I would have sold it with the rest now wouldnt I??? but
> I may have to to keep from losing my home4. I did not ask
> him to do anything5. I have no problem with helping people,
> but I have done it so much and been
> shit on, that I just dont have the
> "understanding" any more"
> Jada's Response
> That was my brother's earlier vision. Now he is hoping
> the banks will see the same vision that he holds in solar
> power industry that will bring jobs here to the people a
> needing it and the technology so bad.
> Shark Bait's Response/Summation to the whole dilemma,
> that she is creating all the drama over:
> "if it is sooooooo much trouble and effort, do yo want
> to forget it??? thats what it sounds like to me. I am aware
> of all that he is doing, and I appreciate it, but he saw
> what he was getting into with the double wide now didnt
> he??? and he still wanted to do it"
> Again, this is a deal between you and me cut, it was
> between you and my brother...
> That I think is enough for me right now...
> I hope that lots of things have come into your
> consciousness with my writings this far...am rather bored
> with the whole subject right now...for obviously my brother
> isn't quitting on the idea, for he still is working day
> after day a trying to get the place fixed up...and now he
> states that he has perhaps a month of trash to haul off from
> all those folks that found your vacant land a great place to
> dump their trash...cheers little one...love you always. Jada
> I so dearly love your phrasing, "a month of
> trash" and that you are"rather bored"
> dear one, as you are so fond of calling me, make everything
> phrased and turned from your point of view like there is no
> other. Perhaps you have forgotten in all your judging, that
> each soul is different and comes from an unique view point,
> and that God permits them all. So while you are wallowing in
> your own pity party, "didn't go to Church today
> because I am just drained from the past holy week and all I
> work I
> did for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...I also had a session
> scheduled with a nurse from the hospital and I can celled
> that...too much energy drain going on (sounds like a pity
> party to me) just remember that YOU are in my prayers and I
> dont admonish or ask God to make you see my version of
> things, I just pray that you continue to be alive and
> healthy enough to continue doing whatever you see your task
> as being. This is the last I have to say about my property,
> I will eagerly await your asking God to be able to handle
> my frequency, and I will pray that I can handle yours.
> Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
> --
> Posted By Spiritual Ministries-Vibrational Medicine Healing
> Energy Patterns to Spiritual Ministries, Newsletters at
> 4/19/2009 04:07:00 PM