Saturday, May 16, 2009

I can See and Feel You, Can You Me?

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
May 16, 2009
A Reading for M.J.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone, Associate Editor

Dear All One Family:

Perhaps by now you are bored with all that I have written to M.J. I do hope not for I believe the next line of direction of thinking will perhaps help to enlighten all to the great need we have of no longer holding our silence, for even though to many "silence may be golden," in realm of all of the earth changes and such, I believe a standing out and a speaking our truths for the good of mankind is what we all should be a doing...

Even though I know, "different strokes for different folks."

All that I ask is that you take what you need from this and do please leave all the rest...Life is good and we are all worthy of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's graces...please don't ever forget that, please?

Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace

May 16, 2009

Dearest M.J.:

I guess I kind of answered lots of your questions in this email response with my last response...I do that kind of stuff all of the time as of late, further proof that time is a drawing tighter and tighter all of the wonder my body is feeling so rough these days...the energy of our planet dear a doing this to all of us, especially those that are a living in the end time mode and have lost hope.

I instead am living with enough hope to float every body's boats if need be. Even though the storm clouds want to form in my life, I am deliberately a choosing it spite how doom and gloomy everybody else wants to see their current world...I am deliberately a stating I will not until the "cows come really Home."

I don't even recall where I heard someone say in a crowd, "the problem as I see it, is that we all call reality a different picture. Therefore what everybody should be a doing is a re-examining their own reality picture to see if it contains the same ideologies for any relationship to work or work not together..."

I had to at the moment, call that a visit from an unexpected awakened angel. Simply because I had asked God/Jesus and Holy Spirit what was our world's biggest problem in our communication problem that has had us all a battling since Jesus left us with His precious Holy Spirit to be our comforter and guide?

Over two thousand years ago and counting...

I got my answer shortly after posing the question to God, in a crowd of people, mulling around me...yet I was still able to hear the words that spoke so conformational to me...for this is what I had always surmised...

How perfect was that moment in time? Living in the land of magic because of my belief system, doesn't make me no fun...for fun is what fun wants to call themselves...I find moment to moment blows of inspiration times to be lots more peace filled than moments when communication with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit is severed due to what ever choice I had made in life that was not in line with how Jesus would be behave, for remember, we are not only having to walk all of the stations of the cross that Jesus did in life, we are all supposed to model ourselves to at least if nothing else, to that which we are inspiration ally given after "asking ourselves; " How would Jesus act at that given moment in time," and use that inspirational insight to be the answer as to how one would conduct themselves in that very crucial moment to moment decision making and time continuum.

So thus when you ask me M.J., where am I, I can only ask you, "where are you?"

How are you? Imagine it took us this long to finally come to terms with where each other was located...we have to stop connecting this way...for I imagine times will become harder than they already are...and the energy of anger, worry and fear to those that can't simply believe in the magical world of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, will become in certain areas of our land, more intense than not...

So thus I pray that before wanting to fear that you have to be on the defense to be around me....I beg you to catch up on my past 148 editions and when you are through...I pray that you will take a second and third look through...and you will discover that after the storm of any condition that I have posted on this newsletter email website...I always came through the storm better for having visited it, for through the lessons of others as well as myself; comes great truths given all that are wanting to pay attention.

I also wanted you to know that I consider Jada's and mine newsletter to be a God send...and that place which I call home to several thousands that have visited it at least once...almost like my I proud of it? Absolutely for I have even send various clips of it to several world re known celebrities As well as Our Beloved President.

Oprah, Dr. Phil and The Doctors, plus all others that I have been known to email...down through the thirty plus years that I have been a life as seen through my own eyes...using God/Jesus and Holy Spirit as my glasses and soul inspired energy channel...that is why M.J., I am so weird...haven't you guessed that by now?

So please M.J., don't take offense that I use the subjects that we explore in our time together as a guide to others that might also find themselves in a similar moment in time...

Also allow me to state, if you don't want to share our time with others, than how can we take the moment of time and use it for the good of all? Keeping all things secret and personal only to a few, isn't a good way to further good will all over the land...

Besides dear sis, that which we do for others, we are actually doing for you don't know how just one sentence making sense to someone else could change their life...'thus nothng ventured, nothing gain kind of thing," is no longer appropriate behavior in these changing difficult times.

To help further to show you what I mean about all things that I have wrote yesterday and today, currently...see the newsletters...I did a seven card lay out tarot spread using the Animal Medicine Cards.

I first asked God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to give me the cards that would best help me help you see me more clearly and that which I am heartfully trying to express more clearly.

These were the cards drawn and not once, yet twice...that had never happened to me before because I had never felt the need to throw them twice and the first time that I did, the cards out of a 52 card deck, came up twice.

Quite interesting to say the least. Personally I would like it were you to get yourself a deck of them if you don't already own a set...they are the bomb....I hope you agree.

Card One...Card No. 27
, The Dragonfly. Which to me is a very powerful card because the Dragonfly is a magical creature and always signifies dramatic change...

Read this short blirp about it and see the deck book for lots more!
"Dragon fly medicine is of the dream time and illusionary facade. Forgotten to water your plants or give thanks for the food that sustains your body...Or break down the obstacles in preventing you from moving forward.

Seek out the parts of your life a needing revision. Too heavy or too thin?

Remember things are never as they first seem...

Card No. 9, Butterfly-Transformation

What butterfly is trying to teach is with its appearance in our life is to always ask what stage of transformation we are at at all times...
1. Egg stage
2. Larvae stage
3. Cocoon stage

Also by always a asking yourself these questions, one can realize where you are, for that is the first stage of awakening awareness...being aware of yourself being aware...

Butterfly medicine can bring you clarity in all things.

Mind-Body and Spirit, especially.

Also Butterfly medicine asists in finding new career directions or paths.

It also means that you are drawing near a new transformation of beingness.

Card 20 The Mouse
The mouse card signifies: "I will touch all things with my whiskers in order to experience it."

Paradoxically this is a good and a bad power thing.

1. Good when it comes to detail, and first hand experience.
2. Bad when you have to chew all things to pieces.

Because Mouse is food for many predators, mouse is timid and not all that trusting.

This has a high level of sensitivity of fear energies that always has a blinking danger lite button a stuck on the on position.

Mouse energy medicine angers many other energy medicine types for they are seen as the nit pickers of life.

Perfection always to the maximum...

Mouse types are capable of seeing the lint on your coat, yet not the stain on their own blouse or shirt.

Yet mouse energy is necessary for without it, there would be no systemization of knowledge.

Because without their nit picking ways, there would be no system of clarity for, "nothing ventured, nothing is gained," is their driving force of beingness, for they know that there is always more knowledge out there to be gained.

Mouse needs to understand that the development of their spirit largeness is their primary end result, needed.

As they learn the dance and flow of life, give, take and go on a giving some more...

Therefore, they are told to jump high for eventually you will find the sacred mountain...
The message here is to see what is in front of your face and take action accordingly.

Card No. 17-Mountain Lion

This card, can be a very difficult totem card: For it places directly in the problems of others and it seems to always get you being blamed for acting too fast or not at all...sort of like the center of the problem...right or wrong, you are generally told you are wrong...

You could become the perfect justification for the insecurities of others.

Mt. Lion medicince involves lessons on the use of power in leadership. It is the ability to lead without insisting that others follow.

It is the understanding that all individuals are potential leader in their own way.

By observing the graceful pounce of Mt. Lion, you will learn how to balance power, intentions and physical strength and grace...a balance of mind, body and spirit...

If you are aligned with cat medicine you are considered King of the Mountain and never allowed to be human or vulnerable. The pit falls are many, yet the rewards are later, great.

Remember to always speak your truths...

Responsibility is no more than the ability to respond to any situation...

Panic is not part of that motive/plan of action.

Weasel Card No. 33-Stealth

The weasel has tons of energy and ingenuity, yet it is a difficult totem to have.

Weasel ears hear what is really being said.

Weasel eyes see below and outside of the box of things and truly are a rare gift.

Weasel fur changes color with the seasons.

If this is your medicine your power of observation is keen.

You maybe a loner a hiding yourself away from others or perhaps even a recluse...

You are a powerful asset to any corporation leadership program, since you can see what the competition is a doing.

People may make a great mistake by sizing you up after only one viewing, being they can't see your power...

Those that try to outsmart you, rarely can...

Hawk Card #2-Messenger

If you have pulled this card than you have been given a key to the magic of life.

A question to ask yourself is: Is power the talent that you have yet are not using?

Also ask: have the color of the morning left you inspired to create? Or have you succumbered to the energy all around you?

If you hear the cry of a hawk, it could signify, new birth or simply to beaware or aware...

It also signifies the need for the be-holder to heighten awareness and receive the message.

Hawk medicine people are are of omens, messages from spirit and the color of a calling card given them three months prior. No details slips by them unnoticed.

If this card slips in your realm today, you are to be aware of signals in your life, so notice and receive them.

Either giving you a new career direction or asking you to circle over your own life and look at from a higher perspective viewing point.

Remember Hawk has a keen eye and a bold heart.
For hawk flies close to Grandfather Sun/Son.

Your last card M.J. was one called total surrender...which means to leave all things to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, yesterday, today and tomorrow...surrender all things...regrets, and such...

I love you girl...
I hope that you got out of this little endeavor...stuff to help you see more clearly for if it wasn't meant for you, it had to have been meant for me...

Be Always Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Sister Tonie

Sat, 5/16/09, M.J. writes:

Subject: Re: Fw: [Spiritual Ministries, Newsletters] Oh Boy, Disneyland!
To: "Tonie Wallace"
Date: Saturday, May 16, 2009, 11:41 AM

You missed it - - It is not that I claimed, "I am rare" - that is not what I said...I said....It's Mo and where are you? And what is going on with all the Jada stuff and emails you keep sending without a hello or how are you Mo? What I intended you to get is that I believe our connection is rare......I am not that narcissitic to think I am any more special than anyone else - - we are all connected - all ONE.

I too think of the collective conscious of the world and am deeply scratched by all the evil acted out here and spend most of my days praying as well. But I do not put myself on a pedastal to proclaim I do more, know more, and run deeper than anyone else.

I was not angry about your lack of response - - but CONFUSED. I get it now.

I tuly hope and pray you continue to supported on your path and are blessed with all you need and will keep in touch when you want to. Love Always, MO

--- On Sat, 5/16/09, Tonie Wallace wrote:

From: Tonie Wallace
Subject: Fw: [Spiritual Ministries, Newsletters] Oh Boy, Disneyland!
To: M.J.
Date: Saturday, May 16, 2009, 10:58 AM
Dear M.J:

What you write is exactly true, just like what I write is my truths...let's agree to disagree at times too, okay?

For to me that is what true sistership is all about and I am glad that you are a doing good as well and striving well in your continuing evolvement...myself as well, thanks for allowing me the chance to move into this realm...and no the emails that I send others, don't have their true identity and are situations affecting the whole planet and not just the world of a few like you imagine...

Remember the Hundredth Monkey, story? What effects one effects all parts of the world...
I told you that you haven't read too much of my stuff...we are too close, even though we are far away from each other...

This newsletter is primarily to you...if you choose to read it that is...there are others in my past editions as well that address you...yet you will never know what I have said or feel if you don't ever explore them...right? Love you lots! No cc.'s...notice that?

Love you girl.
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit

Response from M.J.may 16, 2009
ok Tone - - I accept your wishes to write to the masses instead of relating one on one. But that is what a relationship is - - relating - - and what God wants as well. He wants an individual relationship with us one on one.

Your newsletters are interesting, yes. Your correspondence with others that I am cc:d on seems more personal. I would not cc you on letters I write to others because you wouldn't know that person. So, I will continue to try to understand where you are and what you are doing and why.

Oh - - by the way, everything is going ok for me. I am so blessed to know I don't have a problem in the world and am just working on evolving like you.

Take Care
Love You

"Children Learn What They Live"

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
May 16, 2009
How Closely Energetically Are We Linked"

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone - Associate Editor

Dear All One Family:

M.J., unbeknownst to herself, was a emailing me as I was a publishing the previous newsletter...I guess to give all confirmation that "The Hundredth Monkey Story," is a real thing...Even though her and I are not only separated by distance, and years of our own personal journey stories...of ourselves and others...we still are psychically and energetically linked...I would like to name this edition...another synchronistic moment in time.

M.J., would probably call it, me a ratting her out moment...a sharing her deepest heart felt moment in time; yet in defense of myself, I would rather call it another heart expressed moment in my life.

I personally am not one a wanting to slam and dunk anyone yet that seems to be how those closest to me are a seeing me and a moving forward in time is all that I am being allowed to do as it seems that I am a running up against many that see me differently than how I see myself.

I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. Know what I mean?

Anyways, I can't allow anything to slow down the progression that I see myself a having to move towards. I hope that all will understand and if not, I pray that you will all forgive my arrogance and boldness.

Anyways before I post M.J.'s synchronstic response; allow me to post the words of Dorthory Law Nolte Ph.D., "Children Learn What They Live," copyrighted, 1972.

Always Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

"Children Learn What They Live"

"If a child lives with Criticism, he learns
to Condemn.

If a child lives with Hostility, he learns to Fight.

If a child lives with Ridicule, he learns to be Shy.

If a child lives with Shame, he learns to feel Guilty.

If a child lives with Tolerance, he learns to be Patient.

If a child lives with Encouragement, he learns to be Confident.

If a child lives with Praise, he learns to Appreciate.

If a child lives with Fairness, he learns Justice.

If a child lives with Security, he learns to have Faith.

If a child lives with Approval, he learns to Like Himself.

If a child lives with Acceptance and Friendship, he learns to find Love in the world."

Dorthory Law Nolte, Ph.D.

Tonie's comment on ageless poem
What I found interesting about this poem is that once I found it, I knew deep down inside of myself that no truer words could have been written and also as well, the middle name of this poet is the same as the last name of my dad's mother, a Danish born saintly being of a woman, who lived long into her ninety's. A woman I greatly admired and loved. My namesake as well.

I want to also add that even if one weren't given the virtues that D.L. Nolte expressed here...that still won't be an excuse when we return Home to God our Father.

It just means that one will receive more kudos for having realized that these good virtues were necessary to obtain.

Just my thoughts, take what you need and please leave the rest.

May 16, 10:59 response to M.J.
Dear M.J:

What you write is exactly true, just like what I write is my truths...let's agree to disagree at times too, okay?

For to me that is what true sistership is all about and I am glad that you are a doing good as well and striving well in your continuing evolvement...myself as well, again; thanks for allowing me the chance to move into this realm of thinking outside of the box...and no the emails that I send others, don't have their true identity and are situations affecting the whole planet and not just the world of a few like you imagine...

Remember the Hundredth Monkey, story? What effects one effects all parts of the world...

I told you previously that you haven't read too much of my stuff...and I believe it is because we are too close, even though we are far away from each other...and that is perhaps why it is that you don't choose to see my writings as anything more than soap opera moments of others, shared to all...

Hopefully by now you will see by the newsletter that I practically dedicated to you soley...that the Hundred Monkey Effect, is the real McCoy and if not, again at least I tried to convince myself that it is...check the synchronisity of what it is that I assumed you were a feeling and see if I didn't get it right.

Yet who is right and who is wrong, shouldn't matter at this point...for we have a sister hood that goes before time and will always continue...unless of course, you saw not!

For it takes two to tangle and it is very hard to boogie alone, yet I have done that as well forever it seems...of course with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's help that is.

I am very happy that all is going great for you. I wish I could say that for all that I know and are experiencing really hard times in life...and for them, all I can do is pray for them and hold them along with you on my altar of prayers to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, like I do for you.

Always keep me in your prayers no matter how you might perceive I am a living my non life, and I will always do the same for you, even if you were to quit. For I love you all that much.

Love you girl, always anyways...for it is what it is.

Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit

Response from M.J. May 16, 2009

ok Tone - - I accept your wishes to write to the masses instead of relating one on one. But that is what a relationship is - - relating - - and what God wants as well. He wants an individual relationship with us one on one.

Your newsletters are interesting, yes. Your correspondence with others that I am cc:d on seems more personal. I would not cc you on letters I write to others because you wouldn't know that person. So, I will continue to try to understand where you are and what you are doing and why.

Oh - - by the way, everything is going ok for me. I am so blessed to know I don't have a problem in the world and am just working on evolving like you.

Take Care
Love You

Oh Boy, Disneyland!

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Out of The Mouth of Babes
May 16, 2009

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone - Associate Editor

Dear All One Family:

I have decided to have my beginning moving sale perhaps next week end. The reason being that today it was supposed to rain later in the day and I didn't want to have to rush to place all of my remaining sale stuff safely out of the rain.

Besides, I wanted to spend that time writing for I don't have a lap top and until I get settled, coming here to write will be pretty difficult with a PC in storage.

What are my thoughts about moving at this time? The same as the last time I wrote and expressed what it was that I Am experiencing at this very juncture of the journey through that which I call life and the pursuit of happiness as I am experiencing it. All those that know what I speak to be true, please say Amen!

I still don't see the reasons that makes me want to believe that where I live and have my being is God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's true will for my life.

The work has picked up a small bit since I put it out to my clients, family and friends...yet, it is still not enough.

I can't imagine what kind of difficulties were I to be having were I physically disabled and unable to work or get disability. For yes, I am to the medical profession, broken; yet not enough to file for disability.

I am not stating that if allowed to continue the mental, physical and emotional route of financial hardship that I have been keeping afloat since 9/11-current time, place and station; I can't return to the full disability status for that is where stress, fear and worry has its totalitarian effects on one.

Believe ones world has fallen, body moves into that boogie step mechanism...For one is that which they believe they feels stupid and dim witted and not worth a single penny, than ques what? One will enact that role as if they feel that they must.


Usually what I have found results from an extended period of time in this type of frustrated moment is: depression or a sense of worthlessness.

This sense of worthlessness can then manifest in many flavors of mood swings...from that of anger management problems, addictive behaviors of all sorts, melancholy to loneliness and then extreme depression where medication is not only necessary yet mandatory.

Speaking from one that has been there and got all of the tee shirts...("the truth will set you free," kind of a thing...I know what I speak to be real.

I have also discovered that when I allowed my own boat to no longer float, my energies went where ever my consciousness and subconsciousness lead me...I have found as well, that when I allow myself to move through the crowds of victimization and all sorts of low energy soul essences, my energy also became depleted.

Thus I would find myself constantly in prayer with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit as a format of protection, guidance and nurturance...thusly said; I can't allow anything in my journey path to deflect me from holding open line communication with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit.

Some have told me that I live a life of boring behavior patterns, and that I needed a life and I simply told them that if they knew what I know and lived the life I have lived with and without God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and have found a life lived with all Three and the Host of Angels that come with the be the only way to survive these changing times of our land...and world...

Whereas these Christian believers that once or twice told me these things, don't have a clue that because I choose God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to be my "guiding light, love and peace," my world is magical in spite of the hardship for I know that no matter where I travel or what I do, I will be protected, guided and nurtured and even though they have all the excitement and I only the glory, worship and praise...I will in the whole of things, have so much more!

Eternal Grace

What Is This Thing Called Humility?

I believe humility is the moment that you realize that you are never alone, even though it appears that you are...

Yesterday I received an email from a never forgotten life journey friend, monkee, sis...

She was angry because I only sent her my newsletters and not a direct answer to her email...

She wanted me to answer questions such as: Where are you going? When are you going? Who is Jada Stone? And how the heck are you a doing anyway?

I told her suffering heart that a long time ago I had told her that there would come a day when time would be at a key turning point and that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would have me do so much more work for them and that my web site that I would one day create, would be the only way primarily to insure that I could be found...and that here is where I could be found.

I also told her years ago when she was in the "I don't want to listen anymore mode," that one day I would place all of my answers in my books for what it was that I was a telling her, I was also a telling too many others.

So as a better way of simplifying my dreams of all of my writings being published was born at that time.

I don't know if M.J. was happy with my answers and may have found them too vague or general or too this or that...all I can say is that it is what it is and nothing more...

M.J. wrote me back and stated, "I am not one of hundreds that you email, I am M.J., and I am rare"!

Of which I wrote back, of course you are rare and a treasure...and one that I won't ever forget, just understand that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit has us both a working different missions and my mission has taken me directly into the soul essences of all those that They have lead me to...

Thus I see my mission in a larger picture than their own immediate work a day world and such...for I see myself assisting all of mankind, not only those I am closely associated with...I say potatoe, you say tomatoe, kind of thing...Both worlds filled with fiber and bulk and nutrients, only different in taste, flavor and appearance.

Besides like I told her, had she been a reading my writings, she would have already discovered the answers to her questions for she was not the only one a asking me those questions...

I also told her that I was tired of one way relationships where as only questions asked of me and my responses having no importance...and that this was made evident by her lack of reading my/Jada's newsletters.

I don't know how M.J., felt after reading my emails to her directly, I only know that I am out to reach millions eventually and she only me. I wanted to tell her that many others have wrote me the same stuff as she and I told them all basically the same thing.

Many perhaps felt that I was being rude or too boastful...I say, I was being as humble, loving and honest as I could M.J. took the my response is totally on her...

"For he or she that you hold anger against, controls you." Author unknown.

To those that have already read these thoughts before, please understand that we all are not on the same page of life and that is what makes the world go round...

Thanks M.J., for allowing me to explore this direction of my deepest most inner thoughts and reflections...I love you monkee, and always will...and where ever I may choose to travel, you know you can always visit and maybe one day, will choose to move there as well.

This little ditty was sent me by S.B., she and her husband were the first couple I was to marry since becoming an Ordained Spiritualist Minister in 1994. Thank you S.B., I sometimes find myself a forgetting these wise old words and you have reminded me how important it is to keep them sacred and a part of me.

God Bless All, Always!
Love, Light and Peace

TWO Wolves
> One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a
> battle that goes
> on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is
> between two "wolves"
> inside us all.
> One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret,
> greed, arrogance,
> self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false
> pride, superiority,
> and ego.
> The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity,
> humility, kindness,
> benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and
> faith."
> The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked
> his grandfather:
> "Which wolf wins?"
> The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you
> feed."