Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
April 19, 2009
Dear All One Family:
I believe this post holiday season of Christ's Resurrection has brought many interesting thoughts and reflections.
Below again we see Jada Stone a weaving her magic energies of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit into the lives of two persons, quite close to her heart, yet not too close that she can't stand on her own two feet and exclaim those things that are appearing real in her world at the moment and time that she is experiencing another one of those moments that she is a "putting out the fire for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit.
This is just another moment appearing real to others, and after deliberating meditation ally in prayer to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, she responds with unconditional love back to both parties involved in a dispute that is only going on with the one called, "shark bait, " for the other party involved, yet not yet directly, Jada's Stone brother, isn't even aware of the thoughts of his future seller of the property, he has been diligently a working on in preparing it for his proper living.business environment and pouring all of his hard earned money into it as well...for almost a month and a half by now...a man totally consumed by the dream he is a working, that the taking of the time to see if the future seller of the land he wants to buy is still okay with him and the verbal deal that he & her struck between them...
So in a way, this is kind of a personal conversation between the two "fires of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit," yet it isn't aimed directly at Jada's brother, more so towards Jada, thus a throwing Jada directly into the middle of it, yet Jada had begged them both to leave her out of it...And now that Jada is into it "hook, line and sinker," again she is forced to play the "messenger for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit," just a hoping that they don't "turn the worm against her," as they try to throw the first stones at her.
Yet it is quite easy to "kill the messenger," yet what is the point when one does that? Doesn't it seem that eventually the messenger just would want to go away and leave the chaotic world these persons are a creating for themselves.
Jada doesn't know why she always is a trying to help others see outside of themselves, she just feels that it is part of the mission that she agreed to do upon coming here to school house rock...
All she really wants to do is to try and understand the motives and intentions of others so that she can see her own self more clearly...
Jada and myself both believe that "faith the size of a mustard seed, can move mountains in ones life," and by telling all others about faith only being needed to the one mustard seed size degree, how more simpler can we both write it?
Long gone are the moments in time that we all could just stand by idly, a not paying attention until we are too old that it "doesn't matter anyways," kind of thing.
I believe all Christians of all denominations and faiths should be a taking on the full mantle of God protection in these times that we are imagining are real...
The mass consciousness energy balance level, is what is a creating that mass energy of "panic attack moments, more frequent than not....all by simply believing that we are all separate from God...we are His children and He loves us all dearly.
Most that are here on the planet and a mattering to the land...meaning those that are awakened or are increasingly more awakening each and everyday of which, there is where Jada and I believe we all are anyways...where ever we thought we showed up, we did, kind of thing.
Some would call this ""prophetic moment when we first understood, that we understood all along moment."
The exact moment in time when we become separate from Our Heavenly Daddy and Home, for we really aren't all that separate and many are transitioning every moment that we breathe...and understanding that what I speak is true.
For which the Power of the Trinity: "Father/Son/Brother and Holy Spirit, the Mantle of Divine Protection and Guidance Factor, I and others that believe as I, have discovered, affords us those peace filled moments in time, when life makes actual sense...for those that live in non peace filled moments as you worry what the next shoe of bad luck is a throwing itself into your side...or buttocks, hahahehe...is going to happen and where moments...
You all go for what ever it takes to find that peace filled place within yourself...I personally like the space and ticket reserved concepts that I am a holding towards the world as we know it, might be a changing aspect...2012 and beyond.
All can read them in the past newsletters that hold the most recent channeling that I received in my plus 47,000 yahoo mail box...(most not junk and spam mail either...good stuff...that I hope to one day get to....yes, life is that busy for me...)
These Channeling's from Ascended Masters of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit speak to my heart the softest...do check them out ...I am not sure which newsletter it was in for I am now into plus 100 releases...sorry, time seems to be more fleeting for me than ever and it seems that it is all going to change quite rapidly for Jada's and mine, research project...for now I am receiving the Top Ten Happiest States To Live In, email from my kid sister...thanks sis! Just in time...get intuit hit! Love Prayers and Blessings Always!
Perhaps I will include it in my next posting...for now Jada is getting ready to acknowledge Shark Bait's last posting...let's now read/listen in to their email conversation...
A Story Line That Jada Calls: "Am I, My Brother's Keeper?" Moment of Reflection
Jada's First Line Defense
It has now been a plus 8 years since I have been in any meaningful relationships...most of the few that I dated in that period, lasted until we both knew that we were too different to be compatible...short and most of the time...sweet...and if nothing else, they were moments that no one could ever take away from me and in all of the short, trying to understand you and see if you qualify in the world of compatibility that it is going to take to handle the kind of energy a coming at you, until the other Graduated Home kind of thing took place.
Because I pick up fast on energies, it really doesn't take me a long time to decide, good energy person/unhealthy energy person.
I have sometimes found myself to be too harsh and critical in my initial approach, yet down the road, I found myself on rare occasions, a discovering that sometimes it only takes a short while for a person to see a new and brighter day/way.
I have several success stories in my life time of 24 years working my research mission and dream for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...so I know that if all I end up a doing is a pushing a grocery cart down the streets and by ways a looking for tossed out soda and beer cans and bottles, just don't hit me with one as you throw it into my cart, trying to help me out...okay? Thanks and God Bless you always!
Anyways, shark bait has decided to write her story in a different manner...first comes my posting, than her response and now this last correspondence she is being creative and answering again in a dialog similar to the beginning...an answer to my answer...at least we are going at with opinions being openly expressed, sometimes too hard in either one of our opinions...yet that is what makes the world go round...opinions openly expressed, without fear of rejection given the other...for we both know that we are both "great works in progress, " yet sometimes we get a little stuck from stop to go...and so in hopes that I will some how discover that perhaps I was the one stuck and she found and discovered to be not what I had earlier foresaw...
I will allow you the reader to decide with your crime scene, forensic eyes who is up and who is down...knowing that it is easier for strangers to see a different you, than what you imagine you to be seen as...all that want to weigh in with thoughts...please feel free to...for I am not frigid in my thinking outside of the box moments, when I do discover that my eyes weren't as opened as they should have been...I have been known to change my mind...
When it came to my brother, family member or close friends, I treat all the same...right is right and wrong and narrow minded thinking, is not acceptable, especially if one wants to hang with me...for all that seek my services, seek them because they need them, and not because they are just a wanting to hang out and sleep away the moments that they could be a tuning into what their body, spirit and soul essence was a expressing through my intervention moments...That God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, was channeled through them...
and for them...
Those that slept away those precious moments or chose to turn a deaf ear, as far as I am concerned, were not meant to be ready to hear the things that flew out of my mind and was allowed frozen in time for others...for all things are as far as I am concerned and other quantum physics kind of thinking folks, like myself that all things are right on time...no accidents, plenty of coincidental moments in time that sometimes takes ones breathe away...all things on purpose isn't a very quieting thought for many caught up in the victim mode...
Anyways, those are my thoughts for the moment...hopefully when I complete Shark Bait's last email response, I will have clearer idea of who is right and who is wrong and does it really matter?
Pray for me, for I am one of the messengers sent to her to help her see all things more clearly...and she tells me I have it all wrong...and she is only victim to her blunt mouth...yet she likes the place of honesty to each other that we share and thus is free to say what she wants to say...with her knowing as well, that leaves me the space to respond as well...
So please do listen in and if you find I am not a viewing it as I should, please respond...I am listening...trust me for I only want to celebrate each of their Christ Light I see in them both, fairly and equally...that is my intention that I have set in stone...
Equal viewing for them both...follow along and see if I can hold the great divide for both of them are special to me in different and similar ways, for I feel for Shark Bait, as if she were a biological sister...a close ness that I don't take on lightly...for I have too many stories of close divine connected sisters that found me not acceptable enough to hold my back door as I held theirs...so the world of distrust of women calling you their divine soul sister and meaning it, hasn't been all that great and comforting of a number...so any trust that I give others, comes directly from the trust, faith and belief that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit is a directing my life and the life of others that He calls into the mission.
Rather long term guests or occasional visitors to my & Tonie's make shift research center...
So now I will try and answer all of Shark Bait's email response letter, explaining her reasons for dis satisfaction with the transaction results to date on my brother a purchasing her acreage, and double wide trailer, too long of a time to wait for updates...yet I say to Shark Bait, you have a man here in a corner, yet not for long...if it is too long in your estimation...understand that he has been trying for a month and a half to get that wreck of a place up to snuff...where did you see that I told you that he was a super man?
I said he was a broken wing man that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit sent me to help awaken the sleeping master within him...what ever it took to get him there, was the mission. Is it working?
Follow along shark bait and see...love you girl and yes, you do need some grounding time...when, I will let you know, for I didn't go to Church today because I am just drained from the past holy week and all I work I did for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...I also had a session scheduled with a nurse from the hospital and I can celled that...too much energy drain going on...I need R & R time and will be a taking it next weekend for my bro and I are going to the mountains and visit a "off the power grid community," utilizing solar power and we also will be touring with their electrician and seeing all of the natural buildings and facilities...too cool, I tell you!
Followed in the afternoon, we will be touring Deltec Homes in Ashe ville, an engineering genius constructed home that also has solar powered packages that he can distribute/sell/construct, a gift to the community here...that my bro wants to bring to the area he has chosen to call home...
Too large of a dream you might say? I say not...Is Taking Too Long To Manifest? Who says, you or God?
What he did yesterday, has very little to do with today, unless of course he is one of those coconut heads that just keeps a chasing the same ole tail over and over again, just different players, same outcomes.
My brother is obviously not one of those guys...how can I tell for sure? I guess because like you, he took inventory quite a long while ago and decided that so much of his life has been wasted for none to little gain and now that he should be looking at retirement years a head...he isn't, for he has just begun his dream come true...years...all of the crap of yesterday has lead him to this exact moment in time, kind of thing...
I Must Now Admonish and ask God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to forgive you, for I discovered that you turned a dangerous turn that when my dad turned it, I was present for the moment and remembered telling my dad who told my brother (not the one residing temporarily with me, yet one a little over a year older than him:
That he couldn't date a certain girl because her family came from poor holdings and behavior for they were on welfare.
My dad at the time had been earning a gross income of over a million a year and a waddling in the high expense style of that time that money could now afford him and somehow he thought himself more than that of lesser worth and economic value...
I told my dad, (best that I remembered, for I believe I was 18 years old then) "oh dad, how could you say something that ridiculous, you are not more, because you have more for don't you know, all God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would have you do is to pick up the cross and follow them and you do this by giving to those less fortunate than yourself...
I remember in my father's pre-working Christian Ethics world, him a telling me that I was crazy a talking like that...for he had earned all of these things and God had given him nothing but the sweat on his back and the empty bellies of his children, yesterday.
I the crazy child to him, than said, "daddy, I don't see a good time ahead for you if you don't ask God to forgive you in Jesus and Holy Spirit's name..." "For to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, the humble, poor and meek are the children that God most favors, for generally we are a just living on faith...and we call on Them, constantly when ever we are troubled or in pain or just casually a discussing this or that child of His.
Just For The Record
I don't recall how many years my father and mother had remaining before my father's self made fortune, started to sour and go flat...and he and my mother found themselves in the day to day struggles of won that gambled and lost it all, to only gain it in Earth To Heaven Dividends...
I told my father as well then, the story about the Indian Legend that states: "Do not judge another, until you have walked a mile in their moccasin, for you don't want to experience first hand, that which lead them to their own hole dug for themselves."
Just a throwing it out there Shark Bait...for we all have error ed and fallen short of the mark...realizing our divinity is the first step for then it takes us out of the role of victimization...and we stop seeing every body's life but our own as being real...and that isn't a good thing, because the world is composed of most a thinking different than others...
That is what makes the world go round and even more exciting...all different and most all a trying to bridge the gap that has separated us all since "The Tower of Babel." Biblical Times.
Your asking why my brother fell when he was a riding too high on the good life? He got too caught up in his self...He hadn't learned who his real Father was...he was a following somewhat, the lead of our dad...a man we were gifted by God with.
A man who didn't learn until twenty five years or there abouts, what was "up" and was a trying to not lead us down, yet his eyes hadn't awaken until it was time...simply because we were all of us that hadn't graduated yet, supposed to look outside our leadership and find our own way ourselves...for that was the challenge section of our journey mission...
For my father had lead us all incorrectly up until the last twenty five years of his life and he and our lovely mother, did the same and a fine job they did...for my parents only drank uncontrollable at times it seemed, because they had too much money and not enough interesting moments to have been discovered yet, for they didn't know what I knew even then...
All things isn't about how many toys makes you more popular/pleasing to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, it is all about each of us a generating: forgiveness, gratitude, generosity and good will to all others...seeing the Christ likeness in all, even those that you fear might harm you...that is when you call on God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to enlighten you about all things...
You don't need others to do this for you, you can do it yourself...for I know that if another hand never touches me with their God/Jesus and Holy Spirit energies a springing forth from them, I will be alright for They Run through me on automatic...yet of late, more than not are losing themselves in the fear mode energies and that is what all of us awakened Lighthouses for God that are on the planet now are supposed to be a doing, a helping circulate the Love, Light and Peace energies, versus the dark and negative ones of fear and worry...loss,
"See a miracle by being a miracle, kind of thing."
I see a miracle a happening in my brother because simply my father and mother were good role models once they took a hold of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's hand and never let go...that is why my brother will succeed, in his dream and visions...for he sees his business about helping others...the lessons our parents left us...and how we change our own lives by changing the way we view the world as...
Yes my brother has his license back from a two week mistaken decision he made almost 14 years ago...yet it isn't my job to keep tract, for the only job I have is a keeping tract of my own back side for it will be the only one God will be addressing when it is my turn to take the stand on my behalf of intentions I held when I fell short of the mark...know what I mean? Besides you will just have to wait on the book that my brother has wrote about all those moments in time that he thought he was a stepping on the right line, when he was a standing deep in shark poopy! Girl, you are too much...
Will get up with you shortly, if I am not knee deep into packing and moving that is...love you...
Also Little One
Just for the record...my brother is already a looking down the road with approaching his ideas about purchasing your land...he has been fervent in trying to get the place fixed up enough so that the bank lender that he has already been in contact with about getting a small business loan so that he can take the solar power classes in California and check out the solar panel distributor that wanted to bring a franchise of the solar panel warehouse here so that my brother can be a distributor for them...
My brother Shark Bait, has done quite a lot in the last month an a half...you can't see it because you are locked down in the reality that only your world matters...my bro wants to take the bank loan officer out to see the property he is a wanting to purchase from you...then the fair market value of the land and all the junk on it...and buildings that are near tear down and scrap step...will be missed hopefully by the bank...hahahehehe...yea right...
Oh well, anything is possible for the one bank guy thought all of my brother's ideas were good and solid and next week he will learn if he will be granted the loan for vehicle and air travel expenses and Solar Institute tuition...
So breathe and stop the nonsense that you aren't a stressing...for you are...and I am sorry to say that after your last correspondence, you have now been given back the title , Shark Bait...when will get to you...when God opens the door back up to my being able vibrationally to handle your pity party self...hahahehehe...you got it all girl and you still aren't a paying attention...wake up, wake up, please wake up...God isn't through with you yet and neither am I...even though you do need a time out or two...hahahehehe...love you girl...
Please behave...please
Be Blessed Always
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
--- On Sat, 4/18/09, Shark Bait> wrote:
Shark Bait, has responded under my posting opinions in each of the emails...It might be a bit hard to decipher...yet that is what she does to me from time to time...makes herself hard to decipher, even unto her own self at times...yet don't we all...love you.
April 16, 2009
Dear One:
My Correspondence to S.B.:Oh my goodness, what an approach to answering my email...a response following my thoughts to you...too cool, I tell you!
Now on to some of your answered thoughts...a few things jump out at me that I want to heart felt, extend my apologies if I some how made you feel guilty about allowing my brother to fix up a rather damaged double wide modular home and eventually
God Willing, will clean up all of the trash that others down through the eight years of your father's graduation to Heaven, moments in time since making his exit and you just couldn't deal with it anymore, for the memories were too pain filled; that you let
the entire past time play area of your dad, go unnoticed or taken care of. SB.
That is
not what I felt guilted into, it was what he did here I am glad he is fixing his double wide up, I get so mis understood and I try to be so blunt, and yes I have let my dad's play area go, but ya know when that is where his other family lived its kinda understandable why, and should also explain alot of things, dont assume you know everything or my reason for things So I am sorry that by my looking down the road of your near and dear future, like you asked me too, and saw this vision of a relationship of two persons, totally different than night and day, yet each having a project of God to perform and somehow that was to lead to their bumping together, for I was to be the catalyst for change...for you both.
Dear fellow child of God!
Do you have any clue as to how many changes he has already made and the expense that he has already put out of money that could have gone to help save this failing research center, yet put it into a home that you told me that you bought second hand and it was full of knife marks in several locations of it...
Then he painted each and every room a fresh coat of paint after filling in all of the holes...too numerous to mention...yet that was after he put on a new door being the old door was just a hanging, slightly open, which lets in all kinds of wood land creatures, and insects...
Let me see what else he has already done to it...a new floor in the kitchen and I believe both bathrooms...repaired the cup boards that were all just a kind of a hanging there...hahahehe...
He also fixed some damage to the main bathroom in the shower area...actually your place looks very nice, now...a wreck yesterday, going for a nice place, today and tomorrow it will be better than today!
Guarantee, for my brother is so very wanting of the place that he has put in countless hours of hard labor, all by himself...that is right!
A man that normally gets a take home pay check of $1800 a week...worked for one of my long termed married couples and earned $20 an hour and spent several weeks there a working and a putting that money into your place...yes, that is how serious he is of obtaining the objective of one day a owning that and yes he well knows that it is $10K an acre...S
.B.: what was it that occurred that changed all this?? and where is what was accomplished with this 1800? I already told you that I believed in my brother and his cutting edge dream of one day a owning that piece of land that you have allowed to go to hell...so to speak...sorry, you know that is the truth so help me God!
For the cars that my brother asked you if he could have them taken to the salvage yard and you said, "No!" "Those were the only remaining memories of Dad that you had."
Yet, I said, if these 5 cars? Are so precious, why in God's name would you allow them to be left outside in the natural elements, for rust too great to catch up with, would be my first thought, along with...rodents a eating all of the electrical stuff in the car and the nests that wild animals built into it...and perhaps even a snake pit or two...Yucks, yet what ever your howdy, wants to doody, is what I say...I know, how cares what you say?S.B.: probably because that is where he left them
Perhaps no one dear one cares what I say, all I can say is that it is all that I have to say and that is my story and I am a sticking to it...hahahehe.
One of the things dear one that I have discovered in people when I look over those that say go is the only way to go and the group of others that exclaim stop...is this.
Gratitude for all things is perhaps the biggest and single most thing that I look for in a person that places them in either the Outstanding category or just plain ole typical listing category that most I have found, live at...
My brother is a holding all the bills of all of his purchases...so if in the moment that you call it quits on him a being your guilt trip...he will have all of them to show you...as he will probably want compensation for...and the gift to you for your generous offer of one free month of rent, will be the labor that he did.
S.B.:once again I am mis understood, I have no problem with him being in the trailer, and by the way I said no deposit was in payment for what he did here, what I am talking about that I cant live forever on his excitement is the property, the $380,000 worth of property, how many years I am expected to hold it????? hmmm? jeez, this is why I dont rent to family, friends or friends family.
I also told you that my brother's dream was going to take some time...he has spent the almost month and a half just a getting it ready for him to occupy for someone had some pets in one of the bedrooms and he is going to have to lay down some carpet as well, and don't forget, all of the supplies right now are on him...you have put out not one cent towards this entire project.
S.B.no I havent, I dont have it and I really didnt want to rent it, I wanted to sell it as is, understand??? he is fixing something that will be his, so why should I
In fact you are also forgetting about the $300 you owe him for the electrical work he did on your place...was that not a grand deal...How many days of work did he give you and you never even gave him a cool glass of water?
S.B.:excuse the hell out of me, if you think back I was barely able to be out, and no I have not forgotten, as I said twice before, that takes care of deposit and that is the best I can do, and I am sorry that is not good enough for you
Why because you thought I was trying to get you both together? I told you what I saw ahead for my brother, and what I felt that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit were a doing to his life and how I saw him going for the top...
I told you that he was a lonely man with large dreams...did I want you to fall in love with him? I was a kind of hoping, until I got both your verdicts back on each other and saw that neither one of you could get it together because you were both too alike...S.B.we are not alike and I dont know what you mean by get it together, if you think I am not together then I guess we have differenmilyefinitions of together
A lacking in gratitude. Yet I see him a now way surpassing you...for if you can't see that you have the upper hand in this so called guilt deal...I am not seeing it as such...for do you know how much it cost to dump the kind of trash you have all over that so called dream deal of my brother?
S.B.and what kind of trash have I dumped on your brother??? I am just telling you how it is, lets see if I can spell it out a little better this time
1. the thing I felt guilted about was you pushing for him to come here and do electrical, something that I could not afford to pay for
2. renting him a double wide that would get him out of your hair, at a cheap price, even though I wanted to sell it not rent it, yes it needs work, it will be his, I cant pay to fix it, he does the work and it benefits him, and by the way just in case you havent noticed, I am not charging him anything yet
3. he wants 35-38 acres of land, wants me to wait God knows how long, and even then finance it myself all this after hearing that I really dont want to sell it, if I did I would have sold it with the rest now wouldnt I??? but I may have to to keep from losing my home
4. I did not ask him to do anything
5. I have no problem with helping people, but I have done it so much and been shit on, that I just dont have the "understanding" any more
My brother was simply looking for a piece of the world that he could finally call his own...when his dream starts to fly, I am sure that you will be the first one contacted...so rest assured...you have the upper hand at this point...
You are so far ahead of the deal, that it isn't funny...twenty cans of paint, equates to how much money? Plus the back breaking job of the work itself? The actual clean up mess that he is still encountering...
No steps for the back door.
A leak in the roof...had he not jumped in girl...how long do you think it would have taken for it to completely disintegrate?
Now let's talk about the heat pump...no heat or cooling in the double wide unit...my brother has to take it from one unit and put it on the unit he will be a renting, when his funds get to where he can have a licensed heating and air man come out and charge the used heat pump from an abandoned yesterday; rental trailer of yours....that will probably be another $150 dollars at least that won't come out of your broke pocket...S.B.:if it is sooooooo much trouble and effort, do yo want to forget it??? thats what it sounds like to me. I am aware of all that he is doing, and I appreciate it, but he saw what he was getting into with the double wide now didnt he??? and he still wanted to do it I know that you have an old refrigerator that you will be a supplying him, and he has to get the money up to pay someone to borrow their truck to move it into your rental place of his, .plus because it is so large, he will need another person to help him transport it from your home to the rental property, he will be occupying shortly...as soon as he can afford the deposit for the electric company, that is...see,
S.B.:hat is part of what I am saying, he doesnt have the money for lights, so where is the money coming from for the property? are you that blind? he's how old? no vehicle, no license, no money, no job, lives with you, I dont want you to be mad for me saying this and feeling this way, but do you see , do you?
All things take time and I am sorry that you are a hurting and in lots of pain, just understand that there is a lot of pain going down right now and basically the strong will survive and the weak will fade away, I guess...I don't know, for I am being kept strong so that I can help all of the weak ones...so they won't fade away, even if they want to find fault in all that I do, one day they will grow to realize why I was such a pain in their back side...hahahehe...you shark bait, no more! (say this affirmation, 21 times a day, until all pain and problems disappear)S.B.:you were never a pain in my ass, you always made my feet burn!!
Right Now, It Seems That
All I do know for sure is that I am getting rather tired a dealing with so many ungrateful people that are so fear laden that it drains me...to the point that leaving this area looks so much more inviting than a staying...
I guess you can say that about many people's life that have crossed over into my own energy perception as well..."staying, is harder than a leaving." Interesting isn't it...
Oh well, in the morning a new day always dawns and I look forward to each moment in life with gratitude...to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit from which all blessings/Grace and lessons flow...know what I mean?
You say banana, I say banana split...yum yum!
Dang girl, I just gained five pounds a thinking about a banana split!
I also dear one, don't think it is fair that you are wanting to rush my brother with you expensive elaborate fix it up, to where it is move in quality project. I don't know how much time it will take for him to get to where you are a wanting him to purchase the land, just because you are in hard times...you know you can't rush perfection?
S.B.:its not MY expensive elaborate fix up, please get that thru your coconut head, I wanted to sell it and get it off my plate. I am not rushing anybody, the trailer is his, the land is valuable and my salvation and if you dont see that and understand, that is not my problem, call me hard hearted or bitch or whatever comes to mind, thats just the way it is.
Everything, like all things work out for the good for those that serve the Lord, Son and Holy Spirit...all I wanted you to do was to look passed his yesterday, see his new future ahead and support that effort for how does a rushing him for a decision help anything?
Does he not have enough stress already? Just a throwing it all out to you dear one for we all are to look for the Christ in everybody or have you forgotten that?
no I S.B.:have not forgotten and never will How in God's name do you think I was a trying to make him your problem? Girl, it sounds like to me, that you are in a pitty party kind of frame of mind...and that isn't a good place to be, know what I mean..
S.B.:.probabaly because you are always trying to sell me on him, I am not having a pity party, way past that, onto the pain party now I also have an address in which to send the mold sample...to that biology lab...instead of concentrating on how little my brother is a moving along with his plan and dream to buy up your land...start concentrating on asking God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to lead you to where you are supposed to be...according to their will for your life...S
.B.:thank you, what is it? Just a suggestion for you know that I love you, and could this situation ever come between us? Only if you believe that you have more invested than he does and right now, I see you so far ahead of the game, that it makes me a bit sad that you would have such a dim viewing of my dear brother.
S.B.:I dont want anything to come between us, you are very special, no, extremely special and I love you dearly, and this is not a game to me, I dont do waiting games, or playing games, or drama games, just facts. Do you know that it was him that purchased your Easter basket and even did up the boiled eggs for you and paid for the candy that went into it...not me. I am flat broke girl friend...I put together two baskets of my own...one for my other single brother and one for my daughter in law, and two grandchildren...who are now teenagers...that is all the money I had to spend...
I get to do another two baskets for my other grandchildren in Charlotte this weekend...so your basket was from my brother, not because he is in love with you, only because he feels your confinement pains...and felt like you deserved something special this holiday season because you were laid up. S.B.:I thanked him and told him I appreciated it, and I do
Why SBNM, do you always feel that if anyone does anything special for you that they are wanting something from you? Tell me again, how does helping my brother, help me?S.B.:I dont feel like that, and even if somebody did want something from me, I have nothing to give mentally, physically, financially or emotionally, and me helping him gets him out so he doesnt cramp your style.
Spiritually and emotionally it does help me to know that my brother will have a nice place to lay his head down upon...and if he chooses to purchase it, he should be given at least three years to make that decision...
S.B.:three years? where did this figure come from? are you nuts or just unversed in real estate? perhaps that is totally out of the question...and you want your money within the next few months...being it seems like you have a urgency energy going on...that should have been worked out by you and him already...
Anyways, just my thoughts...you both can just give it to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit as I am doing...for I can't change it and I am not going to worry about it...I love you both hard heads...
Be Blessed
I know you don't have any siblings so it is hard for you to relate to how I feel about my family/siblings. Yet, I love you that much that were you on the other end of the stick like my brother is right now, I would fly to your defense as well.
So please understand that okay? Now it makes sense why you didn't even offer him a drink of water...too much fear had you a running...until you realized just now from this correspondence, that it wasn't you that he was a wanting to get involved with anyways...just look at what happens when we assume anything...know what I mean?
S.B.:how do you translate frustration and annoyed into fear??? how do your translate being sick and not well into fear? how do you translate not listening to what I told him into fear??? I have tried to be so clear and it just gets me into more trouble. I said that the peeps that are taking the horses would do the electric, and still I ended up with him here, doing things I said not to, and paying for it in more ways than one.S.B.:I dont know what else to say, I need and want you in my life on a daily/weekly (whatever fits your schedule) basis, I dont want any hard feelings because I think we both are the type that say whats on our minds and that is great, that is one reason why I love you so much.
Does this mean that you arent going to work on me anytime soon, seeing as I am an ungrateful, fearful, etc etc person in your view??? oh yeah, and broke too, but I can do your footsies in return.
I love you girl! I said that I wouldn't let this come between us and that I didn't want to get involved...and where the heck am I standing right now? hahahehehe
S.B.:hmmm, looks like you are standing in shark poop!!! haha, maybe we need to go to florida again!!!
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
--- To: Jada Stone @
Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 9:04 P
Dear lovely sister in Christ: Shark Bait No More!
Thursday 09, 2009
Wow girl! What a action packed week this holy week is turning out to be...
Friday , my brother J.C. and I are going to the area high school and join all of the churches there that we be a trying to help spiritual energy wise, bring balance and peace to our world utilizing the Christian principles within ourselves that we believe Our Father/Son/Brother and Holy Spirit would want us to share with our world.
It starts at 7PM. S.B.: I am so glad you like Turning Point, its a fantastic place!!
Saturday, My brother and I will be participating in the walk through Raeford with our church and other churches affiliated with "Out Reach Minisitries," in celebrating Jesus and Holy Spirit...too cool, march on Raeford.
I believe we will all be a meeting up about 11:00 P.M. that morning and I believe it won't take us all that long, yet I know I will be probably busy the rest of the day for one reason or the other.
And Sunday is as you know Easter Sunday. My brother & I can swing by though and pick you up and maybe take you out for an inexpensive meal...what do you think?
I haven't talked to my daughter in law and grand children yet. They may have other plans for me, time will tell. What I am saying here is...Church a definite if you want it...followed by however the wind of God Currents, take us....
I am glad that you are a mending and now am in a walking cast...and you can get worked on by me...hooray!
S.B.:Yeehah!! I cant wait, tell me when!
That probably won't be until next week and maybe we can swing by your place and pick you up and bring you for here is where all of my research equipment that is my future is contained.
My brother at the moment is still trying to get your place fixed up for him to move into...he still needs additional money to complete that task and jobs haven't been all that plentiful at this time, yet he is still very hope filled. S.B.:I need to get a contract worked up for the double wide rental, I thought I had a copy on my computer. still looking.
I believe what my brother is wanting is a chance to get closer to the field of solar energy. Perhaps work there to gather all of his necessary ideas and cost figures...still have S.B.:the fridge and microwave on hold for him, did he get his drivers license? I noticed he was driving sunday. thank you so much for coming by to get me, I soaked my foot for several hours and it finally stopped bleeding, it looks pretty good today.
So he might be fixing up the place so that soon he will be able to buy it when God deems it is time...thus it might be a place that he will future reside at, as he works the solar power business in our area and state...yet being he has to crawl before he walks, he might be sent out of state to work a while and learn the industry and thus it will be his little piece of the pie, later for him to enjoy totally. S.B.: I hope you and he both understand and remember that it is 10 an acre, what part that I want to sell, and that money is the key and time is of the essence because I am in debt up to my eyebrows and I cannot lose my home, I know he is excited, and that is great, just know that I cant survive on his excitement alone.
He has lots of great ideas about the place...and seeing this man with hope filled eyes is lots more enjoyable than seeing him in the eyes he once had when he first arrived here.
The last time that I was able to visit with you...you told me that my brother J.C. talks over you.
S.B.:Didnt say he talks over me, said he does NOT LISTEN to the content!
I want to explain something to you being you have had very little time around him, even though he worked on your lights /power situation four days and you were hardly around him at all.... S.B.:when I was around and explained what I wanted done and NOT done, it didnt work, so instead of getting more frustrated because he was basically guilted off on me, I disappeared like I did in Florida, dont think I dont appreciated what he did that worked, I do and I am paying him by not expecting a deposit on the double wide, thats the best I can do, and just keep in mind only because I love you, I have enough issues in my life without taking on others. He is a nice guy and I wish him the best, but sometimes I feel like you want me to care for him and I dont/cant/aint gonna/ and I feel a little awkward, so we need to get everything in writing so it wont get garbled in peoples minds and we end up sacrificing a beautiful relationship; am I making sense???
My brother J.C. is hard of hearing and you are light in voice. S.B.:thats funny, you are probably one of the few on earth that would say that, I can be pretty loud, as you would have found out if the crab/shark had gotten me!! My voice pitch has changed considerably since my brother has been living with me...and yes sometimes he does get totally immersed into his own thinking processes and when one talks to John in a regular voice, he believes he is the only one a talking...and thus it appears he is talking over you, when he is talking to hear his own self a talk. S.B.:so I 've noticed
Almost like one needing the fill the empty spaces so no one notices that one has very little in common with the other.
I keep telling him to ask God/Jesus/Holy Spirit the questions a present in his mind and heart and listen to that Divine inner voice within himself to discover the answers to his questions.
For lots of males, this is a hard thing to do.
Dear one, I noticed that your friend E. has a governmental email...is he in law enforcement? S.B.:no, county water/engineering
Anyways, send me an email later...with your thoughts. I love you girl.S.B.:I love you too, miss you too,
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
later check on my spiritual ministries newsletter what I write my sons/email group/ about last sunday's service.
Pastor Stoney is the total bomb...am so very happy I listened to you about the church...it is getting more and more awesome as we continue to allow Our Holy Spirit to weave His Magic within us and all those that we love!
Just too totally cool to imagine
Dear SBNM::
One more thing…another one of my adopted daughters that will head the future alternative field of our research facility university…her name is K.w.…like I left you on your machine,S.B.:me has no machine so I didnt get message has gotten an email correspondence from the head of the biology department at the university that she is a graduating more this May.
He wants you to send him a sample of it so that he can analyze it for you…too cool. No mention of the cost was given in the email correspondence.
Hopefully he has seen the need to take the threat of mold seriously enough to give you the accurate findings that you are needing.
I would tell you to wear a mask when a breaking it a part and perhaps wear some gloves as well.
Maybe put a sample big enough yet not so big that you won’t be able to send it to the doctors show after we get our findings from the university.
The Doctors Show had a segment about a week ago on mold and the terrible things it can do to human and pets…it was a great show and a great lead in for you…
Who knows what God/Jesus and Holy Spirit has in store for us all…just too cool I tell you!
I get the address from K.W., soon. S.B.:this is fantastic, I would like to know for sure if that is the root of my physical collapse, just knowing one way or the other, would be a great weight lifted from me, I appreciate all your input in this, you know so many people in so many diverse areas, thank you, thank you, thank you,