Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
July 27, 2009
Living In The Land For Twenty Years, And Finding Love Not Present Here
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
July 27, 2009
Dear All One Family:
Just a quick note on the update of my adopted daughter and her Mexican husband, still incarcerated since December 2008 for indecent sexual liberties on a minor.
My adopted daughter as you know, took a plea bargain for neglect so that she wouldn't have to have her daughter prejudice the case with a testimony that her 11 year old daughter's father and step mother stated she was prepared to take the stand to give, where as she would state that she told her mother she was raped (notice please the word, "raped", and the charge of indecent sexual liberties, they both are a million miles apart...yet the attorneys are still divided as to what they are a going after, the very beginning charge/testimony of this 11 year old child, whereas her step father touched her yet didn't penetrate, and then the ever changing stories that were to follow of rape on more than two occasions, even the pulling in of rape charges of my adopted daughter's former boyfriend, who her daughter stated to her father and step mother, happened as well 2-3 times...
The medical report from September on the 11 year old alleging abuse of touching inappropriately by her step dad: Whereas two 8 X 10 pictures of her vagina and rectum, are missing and no one but DSSI social worker and her department head, apparently are privileged to its results, for that is one of the key evidence that would prove that this is a trumped up case, hasn't reappeared from its original destination from the agency that ordered it to begin with....The Department of Social Services.
The medical report given DSSI states that the photos are included to substantiate the medical findings of the facility of the medical doctor doing the exam, ordered by DSSI.
The medical report states that the small tare in the cherry (hymen) was there, yet it was a healed over and not a fresh tare...yet there were signs of small trauma to the area...perhaps redden tissue, and when you look at the dates that supposedly this child stated that her step dad did the touching of her vagina, it shouldn't still be reddened, and the thin membrane that one loses in its entirety from the first penetration moment, still showing that the event that all were aware of, 3 years prior at least, was healed now?
Who all were aware of small tare in this child's cherry? (hymen)caused by this child stated then, a fall on her brother's bicycle, and the straight bar that all male bicycles have and having myself fallen on my own older brother's bike before I got my own, and know how bad that hurts when you go down with the bicycle...highly believable to me...
Again, Who All Knew That This Child Had Wreaked On The Bicycle of Her Brother, 3 years prior to alleged touching charges she made back in the later part of July 2008.
1. The doctor at the hospital that this child was taken to by her mother.
2. My adopted daughter's father and his live in girlfriend at the time
3. The grandmother of my adopted daughter, now deceased
4. Myself, and my adopted daughter's aunts on her dad's side.
5. Perhaps the aunt of my adopted daughter, her mother's sister of which she is currently living with, and has temporary custody of my adopted daughter's youngest son of which my adopted daughter was given the privilege of at least being in the presence of her youngest son, not custody given my adopted daughter, for that is what her aunt has until this nightmare is over.
I ask all that are reading this...
Why is it that none of the above were called in for their testimony? A testimony that could have prevented my adopted daughter from being beaten down from heavy interrogation/alienation and separation of her children and spouse; since August of 2008?
I also ask all a reading this...
Would you like to be given a charge of neglect, which forever indicates that you were negligent in the upbringing and care of your children? a charge that they had not one shred of proof for the cherry(hymen) I have been lead to understand can regrow itself if the vagina area is no longer re traumatized and sexual activity is halted for 7 years...I guess the fact that it was healed, not filled in, healed meaning no new assaults to that area...so the allegation my adopted daughter's, daughter of rape, is totally ludicrous! And I don't know of one parent that wants to wear a legal badge of neglect because they were at work when their child fell on the bicycle...now I could be wrong, for to some people, any attention good or bad is better than none at all, I guess...
Now Looking At What The DA Has Done Since The last Court Date Of My Adopted Daughter -Dr. Phil & Robin , please take note
Perhaps this came about from the email postings that I sent Dr.Phil & Robin, Oprah and President Obama and First Lady Michelle, concerning the need of a private meeting with my adopted daughter's daughter and asking her in a closed visual taping session, the questions pertaining to her alleged statements, without her dad or step mother even viewing presence...for I felt then and even more now that I remembered the reason that I severed all contact with my adopted mother, when she stated that her death wish for her children to follow up on, was this case, and that was perhaps 3 or 4 years ago...when I realized that my adopted mother had used me to get closer to her great grandchildren, being her grand daughter had had enough of the abuse of her dad and his family...read past 2 newsletters I wrote here again...
The DA I understand, took my adopted daughter's daughter into a closed taping room and asked her to state those statements about her mom being told by her that she was raped by her step dad, and she had been called a liar and was sent outside to play or something like that...this information came from my adopted daughter who got the story from her husband's court appointed attorney, after the attorney was allowed to review it:
Remember while reading this interpretation of the attorney for my adopted daughter's husband, still sitting in jail since the beginning of December 2008, not allowed visitation from his wife or kids since February 2009 and never allowed to see his wife and kids forever due to the plea bargain of neglect that I feel my adopted daughter was coerced in having to take, being this injury factor of past years, present in her daughter that was examined in September of 2008, and her daughter alleged happened between May & July of 2008...yet, my adopted daughter's attorney told her that she had to take the plea bargain or her daughter who was in the court house hidden out somewhere, was present and was willing to take the stand and testify that her mother knew she had been raped and called her a liar...yet my adopted daughter's attorney supposedly had reviewed all of the evidence that DSSI presented him, and never noticed that the photos that were stated on the convicting medical report as being sent to DSSI, never got a court order to obtain the proof that what he was a using to place this quite inhuman and unjustified action on my adopted daughter...
And why was it?
That no one, not the DA, not either of the attorneys that were appointed by the court to represent my adopted daughter and her husband, considered the medical evidence of a small tare that was healed yet not filled in...to indicate that this was an old old injury and something that couldn't possibly have happed two or three months prior? And no one was concerned that the photos never appeared...as of last week, they still are missing?
Before We Go There, Also Consider This
The cell phone call conversation that happened when my adopted daughter's dad was a visiting his grand daughter whose dad and step mother were given temporary custody by DSSI and who also were the ones that brought this little girl's story to light...to DSSI.
According my adopted daughter and her dad's story, told me personally of the incident:
My adopted daughter had called her dad to see how the visit with her child had gone being she hadn't been allowed to see or talk to her daughter since Oct. 2008...this phone call conversation that transpired was in 2009 and I believe around April or May of this year:
My adopted daughter called her dad, and her little girl said when she heard her mother's voice over the cell phone, "is that my mommy?" and before my adopted daughter's dad knew what was a happening his grand daughter grabbed the phone and as fast as she could say in this perhaps 30 seconds stolen time, said as fast as she could, something like this: "mommy, mommy, my step mother and dad, made me tell those lies, and they told me if I told the truth, that I would be sent off and to a place that no one would ever see me again, not even you!"
Visual Interpretation of DA Taping of My Adopted Daughter's Daughter; Per My Adopted Daughter's court appointed attorney for her husband, to my adopted daughter
This is what the court appointed attorney for my adopted daughter's husband stated about the taping she reviewed...she basically stated that when it came time for her little girl to state the things that she was willing to state the day that her mother was forced by her own attorney to take the plea bargain of neglect or face her daughter stating her knowledge of rape occurring and her a not doing anything yet calling her a liar and my daughter's court appointed attorney stating that in all cases he had ever seen in the past, that it would damage my adopted daughter's case considerably...
The court appointed attorney stated that her daughter dropped her head, and didn't look at the DA and stated in a low voice, "I know that my daddy is standing behind the glass a watching this." Of which the court appointed attorney stated that this was true, yet she didn't know how the little girl, knew he was there?
Now take into consideration this:
This is also the father of my adopted daughter's two youngest children and years back it was discovered that her children had belt marks on them and this father of my adopted daughters two children, tried to file a complaint against his former wife that she had done the beatings that left marks, and when it was discovered from the children's own statements, it was daddy who had done the beatings...
Also consider this as well
In this daddy's statements given the forensic examiner called forth by DSSI to take statements of all parties involved, yet didn't take the statements of my adopted daughter and passed her statements off on an assistant of his (the only statements of all parties ordered to be taken, even my adopted daughter's dad)...this seed given forth only daddy; who didn't pay $24,000 in back child support payments towards his minor children support to their mommy, causing her to work all the long hours she did to support her kids) also after 6 months or there abouts of having temporary custody per DSSI orders, stated to the dude that was supposed to compile all of the pertinent data that would discover if this child had been molested or raped" my adopted daughter's daughter, was stated in the report to the forensic examiner by her own daddy as being, " a habitual liar and that she lies about everything."
Perhaps it is nothing, or perhaps, this is exactly what I have been contending from the start to Dr. Phil & Robin, this is a trumped up case, formulated by the seed donor father of this child, and his obvious hatred towards my adopted daughter by his wife, this child's step mother...simply because to my adopted daughter's past knowledge that there had not been one time any of her children had ever stood behind a two way glass window...and how her daughter knew that someone could be a watching and it was true that her daddy was a watching...quite interesting to me...yet, my daddy when he touched me the first time, told me as well, that were I to tell my mommy, he would state that I was a lying too, and because my mommy loved him more than me, she would believe him and then would beat me to death for a lying on him...of which I told my dad, that I didn't care about being called a liar, my not telling my mommy (age 13) what happened was because I loved my mommy that much and didn't want to hurt her by telling her that my dad was not faithful to her, yet I would if I ever got wind that he touched either of my other two sisters, in a heart beat...being called a liar or getting beat for a speaking the truth.
I too could sense when ever my daddy was near, for that is how great my distaste and aversion to him since that initial time occurred, and then when he kept a trying to touch me even in the presence of my brothers who I got to ride along in the vehicle with my dad and myself, hoping he wouldn't touch me, yet did, a pretending he was a grabbing my knee, for he made me sit next to him while he drove, either picking me from events or a driving me to them...so my sensitivity to his energies of being around, were quite keen, and I would hide from him or make myself less visible...so as to not be put into the situation of having to avoid his highly disgusting and demeaning and degrading touches...
I want to also have you consider
Why weren't the therapist reports and the medical exam that my adopted daughter's youngest son was ordered to have as well, be entered in as evidence? Was it because it was too damaging to the prosecution of my adopted daughter and her husband, for he stated nothing occurred between his sissy and his step dad, for this little guy although small in size, was like a guard over his mommy and his sissy...and his sister had alleged sex games that were supposed to have gone on between him and her and therefore he had to have a medical exam and his photos as well of his penis and his rectum, too are a floating out there in space somewhere...
Also, none of the therapist's reports that again were ordered by DSSI, were even wanted by DSSI, even though my adopted daughter had to pay for all of them out of her own pocket? Could it have been because my adopted daughter didn't follow DSSI's explicit orders that she see one of their designated therapists, and because she didn't want her therapist of who she was a paying her hard earned money to, to be prejudiced to her case...for obviously DSSI had an agenda that they were a flying and when a DSSI worker is 150% proof positive that my adopted daughter and her husband was guilty of the charges that kept getting larger and larger as the months flew by, and personally had I been the one that trumped up charges were brought up against me like this had been done to her...
I would have done the exact same thing as my adopted daughter in getting my own therapist...for even though both DSSI therapists that had been involved in this case of my adopted daughter are African Americans, and I feel should have been more sympathetic to the racism and bigotry of the area that they serve and protect,for interestingly, the Guardian Ad Liteum volunteer that was court appointed to handle the dependent children of my adopted daughter, was given a project of going around their county and one of the largest issues facing that county in those persons she caught at home, racism was definitely listed as a problem in this county...
I had personally heard in the past and for many years the rumors that many African Americans have a deep resentment to the Mexican and Latino population, and I say that by now having a African/Moselm president was not grounds to escape prosecution for racism and the attemp at pulling off a trumped up case of molestation/rape created by a Mexican immigrant...that the evidence to release him and his family, was present and was hidden by not only them, yet all...both court appointed attorneys and the DA, that should have already had it in hand, before arresting the husband of my adopted daughter and alienating her children...by putting them away from her for almost a year now...next month, one year...and by definitely my adopted daughter's court appointed attorney that basically used scare and fear tactics that weren't even able to be used...rape? small tare in cherry? (hymen) please give us all that remembers what having a cherry still intact meant, a break!
Please allow me this last thing to say before I close for now...and that is what my adopted daughter's court appointed attorney told her about the visit with her husband and how she had just told my adopted daughter that no she still hadn't gotten the pictures, yet put through her request to the judge to receive it...
This attorney supposedly told my adopted daughter's husband that it is her recommendation that he take the plea bargain of 157 months for indecent sexual liberties taken on a minor, and that if he didn't, that there was a good chance that he could receive up to 30 years in prison...last month it was 20 years...and this time she spent with my adopted daughter's husband had followed the meeting she had with my adopted daughter where she had finally looked over the CME report she stated, and had started taking down the contradictions that she found that her daughter had made, throughout the report...and how she had a medical examiner on line and received the funds to have present at trial...to read the report and hopefully by then, have the photos that the CME report of her daughter's examination back in September, that had stated the pictures were enclosed, yet to date, no one apparently have seen them, that is that need to see them...other than the DSSI case worker who is like my adopted mother, 3 years ago, 150% positive of my adopted daughter's husband's guilt...
Just some thoughts to consider...as you wonder what it would be like for anyone that weren't a Mexican immigrant and still had this happen to them...for every case that is allowed to go through such as this one, sets precedence...my adopted daughter again is one of this states, native own, white, one of the states accepted persons family members...so it isn't only about illegal immigrants...for my adopted daughter's Constitutional rights have been taken from her...and she is an American from birth...peace out.
More Later
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace