Rev. Tonie C. Wallace, L.M.B.T, Vibrational Energy Therapist, Licensed Esthetician
Ordained Spiritualist Minister (1995)
Sunday May 04, 2008
Volume 90
Dear Linda and All One Family:
What I found so hilarious about this posting is that even though the pictures are indicative of a few retired persons that I know...it is definitely not the pictures of many that I also know that have taken the retirement walk...
Actually, many of my retirement folks have a harder time a scheduling time for themselves so that they can receive the work that has been showing itself to help reverse the thought patterns and actions of yesterday. Telling me that they really don't know how they were able to get things done when they worked full time, went to school and tried to raise a family.
I call it setting a priority of putting self before the work a day situations of living in the real world.
Perhaps to many I was simply wanting to only sell my time...It that was the case than why did I strive so diligently to convince my congregation of hard heads that what I had to offer wasn't only relaxation exemplified! It was a complete system of wellness advice. Mind, Body and Spirit...that which I am about.
My mission quest was simply wellness. I didn't have low self esteem and that is why I only charged a nominal fee for my services. For I knew that my graduation from my mind, body and spirit emotional/electrical body works school back in the mid 80's in Michigan, that I was to be a works in progress kind of student and to prove my validity, I needed to have the certificates on the wall. For many in the non trusting and believing in a thing beings, would question not only my race, yesterday, religion, thoughts amid psychic strengths and such...yet even the certificates...
(see Roger, I told you that by not giving me a certificate, it would reach out and bite me one day...it did...yet I am over riding its effects by reaching out to other Reiki Masters, not afraid to send out to the universe...they intention in stone...yet it is all good...for I have perhaps about twenty Reiki Masters, some of my own as well...a sending me so much healing energy that it almost takes my breath away when they gather to send me their best...around 10 P.M. each evening..., so it is all good...I thank you again Roger for bringing me to that point of energy work that I could now not only send distant healing, I can also train and teach all of mine, that which you gave so freely...I still owe you for that opening that I needed...I love you still Roger.
Linda: I got my retirement energy a tested from my one day job a working as a waitress..
I guess the Cher imitation exercise design...is a doing that to me after only a month of usage...Due to my monetary needs, I chose the job because it was part time...5-6 hours a day. Also because of low business contacts, I thought by going to a slow restaurant, I could remember what it was like to be a waitress again... For my first job ever was waitressing. I was 14 years old and I told my dad that was considering a giving away two of my siblings because of our mother's health being so poor and him not having the finances to pay all of the medical bills of our sick mother and feed us to.
I was also tired of my well meaning friends and Dr. Phil a stating that before one can quit something, they need to first test the waters...
So okay, wanting to quiet the voices in my head a telling me that I was only imagining all of the outcomes I was experiencing, I threw myself whole heartily back out in the world to shake the bushes so to speak...
I did as Eckhart and Oprah suggested in their workshop talks...I threw it all into the moment and viewed it all a happening as a third person...taking none of it too seriously, yet serious enough to do a good job for $2.46 an hour, plus tips.
Thanks to you Linda, I got to bring home $34 dollars in tips. That plus the $30 dollars I got paid for that day, came to $64 for the 5 1/2 hours on the clock I worked.
That left me simply due to all the heavy exertion to my body in recovery from two serious car wrecks that left me with a 50% disability. The last one in November of 2001. Whereas my first M.R.I.'s on the neck area showed, three herniated discs.
A condition attested to by Chiropractic physicians that I contacted...to be permanent. A condition that Medical Doctors state is never self reversing and deemed surgical when the pain level is too great to handle on the left side of my body, most afflicted...
I also have a 5% disability rating for my low back area...due to an over lifting accident on the job that also was a being viewed as a surgical need...and I chose it not...and that was the start of my healing adventure...
So feeling after the job ended, my low back a tightening up like it did when I first injured it, in 1981, I became quite concerned that this little side trip had to have a deeper meaning than just the obvious...money and advertisement of my real work...
You already saw the monetary gain...knowing that your ten dollar tip, took it to $34...picture...knowing that I make that much in one 45 minute treatment session.
With my other medical devices...of course the love donational prices have to increase so this is what I am going to do...to recoup my investment...I am going to state...$120 love donational request. All can pay as they feel prompted to pay...being I am going to set a $70 minimum standard offering fee.
For all are going from a 45 minute session time to 1 hour and 45 minute session. I will also charge for individual time frames on just the treatments themselves.
BioMat. $45 for a twenty to 35 minute session.
K1. $25 for a ten minute session. $35 with training.
Perhaps one of my first things as founder is set up contribution funds to be fed into an empty account so that I can advertise...in hopes of shaking the bushes the proper way.
On the note of talking to the customers. I didn't have the time for I was a running too hard to keep every ones drink glasses full...and for this I got...$1 per guest...
As you know, becoming acquainted with the owner of the company was the best thing...for she lead me to resources that could help generate my business here...being I am surrounded by those that I attend to and love a telling me that "all need to rescue themselves."
So at this current time and junction...I don't know if the information came on time or not...time will tell you know...
Did you see my last newsletter about the trip to the mountains and the web site contained on it? When one gives over their life to God's lead and is still questioned as being, out there in many viewings...I can only say that perhaps I am...and is why perhaps I am not all that noticeable simply due to my lack of having all that many in this area, deemed as successive
at what I do...Is that why I am always it seems limited in my research approach?
So moving to an area that seems to incorporate those with a higher mind set than where I am a living currently and for over twenty years...than it would make sense that a move to an area is going to do only one thing...perhaps take the life that I seem to not be living and put it on a different perspective for I have always felt closer to God in the mountains, yet I don't like to drive them during the winter so I have a plus and a minus a going there...
Yet I am quite the home body so I believe that keeping my house well supplied with extras during the storms a passing outside...just in case...would be good...don't you? Yet I know that I am not afraid for I know that if I fall in love with the area...I can make it there, "for love is where the heart is."
And yes, I will miss everyone forever...yet, one never knows how long forever is for anyone...you know what I mean...
Also Linda...Wednesday would be better if you came at 1:30 P.M. instead of 1:00. One of my friends is wanting to bring one of her dear friends who is 90 years old going on 70...So her time might run into yours and I know how you value all of your time with me...
So if you would do this for me...I would be greatly appreciative...
I think I want to close for now...I just went through a 15 hour on and off sleep, and I just believe that is my way of expressing my sadness in having to make a move that doesn't seem at this moment to be all that wise, yet it does...if you know what I mean.
I am leaving it all up to God's hands...The trip itself will either energize me or depress me...for being a sentient being and taking two more sentient beings along for the ride of discovery...I know that it will be all I seek and more...for I just feel it...The Acupuncture College in the Mountains...also excites me. I might finally get my doctorate in that as well...living in the valley closed me off from that avenue in the past.
I am sorry that you didn't get to experience the Lumbee Indian Festival...I think you would have had a ball...you know that they have been fighting to get the nation of Indians a recognized as a tribe...too cool...
As for Tim, he has had three acupuncture treatments and is a doing the Mannatek nutrients as instructed and light stretching exercises and lots of mental exercises...all is good...he sounds great on the phone and happy that he didn't choose to follow the VA hospital route...he is also getting charged up again about our products...now having the strength slowly returning...
I can't wait for him to start back on the K1, yet all in time...all in time.
Linda and all:
What is below is an email that I got from my upline in Limu, nutritional juice.
It seems that his interpretation of where Heaven is, is right here on earth and that we are to strive to stay healthy and faith filled and turn our earth in Heaven... Both him and his wife are into nutritional supplementations and aromatherapy healing...
Another dear and close friend believes that we will rise to another vibrational level of being similar to paralle existence...and of course if ones vibration is too heavy from all of the fear that they are a carrying as their safety net...they won't be able to arise and will have to face all the changes that earth will be a going through from 2012 onward...
In a way, I like her vision even better than my own...for in my own I saw the transitional phase as one filled with lots of suffering and she basically told me, baby, you are a working your magic mission now...all the suffering that you thought was in preparation...you were experiencing and because you didn't see it that unusual while going through it...for your mind told you that the experience was going to be rough, and one hardly able to move through it...so you basically expected a worstening time that what was your worst...so I guess that it is all good....
Who is right and who is wrong? Is it important? Perhaps to those that have no visions of tomorrow...perhaps...Both state some interesting thoughts...
Think about it...
Thanks for the many interesting emails.
I had to reply to this one since Dina and I are very interested in the Bible and what it tells us about subjects such as death.
For instance, Jesus called those going to heaven a "little flock" at Luke 12:32. Paul said those going to heaven would rule as kings. ( 2 Tim. 2:12 ) They will rule over the earth according to Revelation 5:10.
These and many more scriptures would indicate that only a relatively small number of humans would go to heaven, by God's choosing, and for a specific reason. So the "wonderful way to explain death" would apply to only some people. What about the rest?
Jesus explained the state of the dead when he resurrected Lazarus. In John 11:11,12 he said Lazarus was "sleeping" when describing his being dead. That goes along with the Bible's description of death at Ecclesiastes 9: 5,10 that the dead are "conscious of nothing at all".
Think of this,Tonie. If Lazarus, being a good man,went to heaven, why would Jesus bring him back to the earth to deal with sin and death all over again? Why did he not just offer the "wonderful way to explain death" to those mourning over his death?
What Jesus did, instead, was give us a glimpse of what the future holds for those who pray for his " kingdom to come, his will be done on earth, as in heaven." ( Matthew 6:9,10 )
There are nine different accounts of people being resurrected in the scriptures ( John 11:38-44; Acts 9:36-42, 20:7-12; 1 Kings 17:17-24,;2 Kings 4:32-37; 13:20,21; Matthew 28:5-7; Luke 7:11-17; 8:40-56 ) All came back to the earth. Only Jesus was described as going to heaven after being resurrected.
This earth was created for man to live on. That is still God's purpose! ( Psalms 37: 10,11 )
Only those who are willing to do his will, as laid out in his word, will live there. Then, by means of his kingdom arrangement, with Christ as king, peace will reign and we will be brought back to perfection, the way Adam and Eve were in the beginning. We will have all the natural health products in what we eat every day.
No more sickness!! No more death!!! ( Revelation 21: 3,4 )
I have much more I could say on this subject, but I'll let you digest this.
Let me know if you have questions or would like to know more.
Donn Stanley
It's the best explanation I have ever heard! Love it!!
A sick man turned to his doctor,
as he was preparing to leave the examination room and said,
"Doctor, I am afraid to die.
Tell me what lies on the other side."
Very quietly, the doctor said, "I don't know."
"You don't know?
You, a Christian man, do not know what is on the other side?"
The doctor was holding the handle of the door;
on the other side came a sound of scratching and whining,
and as he opened the door,
a dog sprang into the room
and leaped on him with an eager show of gladness.
Turning to the patient, the doctor said,
"Did you notice my dog?
He's never been in this room before.
He didn't know what was inside.
He knew nothing except that his master was here,
and when the door opened, he sprang in without fear.
I know little of what is on the other side of death,
but I do know one thing...
I know my Master is there and that is enough."
(sorry - cannot break this)
May today there be peace within you.
May you trust God that you are exactly
where you are meant to be.
I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet
when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
Linda Alderman
From: LHAlderman@webtv.net (Linda Alderman)
Date: Sat, 3 May 2008 15:11:51 -0400
To: toniewallace@yahoo.com
Subject: Tonie..."Hoot" animations w/Question... Why do I Like Retirement
... Re first animation...If we don't buy those new "dancing machines"
used by Cher, we'll find ourselves a movin on a scooter,... Maybe Tim
will us on a bicycle tour, with his beloved dog... ha Right now I should
be there in So Pines, as usual, but two of my old "lighter knot" trees
in front yard are still burning real flames, and it's windy.... No
Lumbee dance today, but I did get Chap Jordon to go, since he lives in
Laurinburg... Guess Wed at 1pm is on your book for me... LA