Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 16, 2009
"Health Care Reform Is One Of The Hot Topics In Our Government, Currently"
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director, Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Yes you read my opening title correctly. I was informed that my recent email to our president will be published in his committee on Health Care Reform Book.
I was asked to edit it if I chose and submit a photo of myself along with.
I am honored by the mere fact that at long last, I am slowly making some progress...in the right direction as always...and even if I do stray from time to time from the markers, I always seem to hurriedly return so as to not lose my spot in the line...all those that know what I am a saying, please say Amen Sister!
Back and forward we flow on the game board of life...hahahehehe...knowing full well if we turn left when we should have stayed right, we would get lost and have to find our way back at go...
So for those that thought my ideas were too out landish and off of the wall...I still say that they are not and somehow our president's Health Care Reform, board are a feeling the same way as myself and numerous others all over the country a trying to help our President find himself and us out of the hole that those that couldn't see all that clearly, helped create for a land that seemed that they liked the left path better...
I thank God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for allowing this confirmational moment to occur in my life time...before I am too old to remember this moment...hahahehehe...Thirty years a writing my stuff, and finally some of my stuff is a being recognized as perhaps valuable...doesn't it feel wonderful knowing that one gets to be heard if only for a short while?
Too cool, I say, simply too cool!
The saddest part of this victory dance within myself, is that only a small hand ful of my friends and family would find it all that wonderful...for they are the ones that don't believe that because they couldn't impact the world and help change it, they thought no one else could as well...
I guess they never heard/read the saying that goes something like this, "think you are too small to make a difference, think what a difference it makes in ones sleep time, in a room with an active mosquito?" Author unknown, or something like that...hahahehehe
I know that my best friend from Okinawa, Japan and her brother the healing vibrational medicine man whose family did this type of healing work for God, for many generations passed down...for he told my friend, his sister that she was to stay close to me forever for one day I would be famous and would not forget to take her with me to fiancial independence land...
Right now, getting published in this manner is a start and with that door now opened, understand that I still have plenty to say on the subject for I don't believe our bodies were made to injest the chemicals that man kind had created to bring our bodies into balance...
When God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, already had a grander plan...el natural...and for the body condition states of the aging and severity of cases, medical intervention...
I still hear the words of Thomas Edison a sounding lightly in the background of my mental states..."The doctor of the future will prescribe no medicine, yet instruct the patient into the well being of their body with diet, exercise and proper mental processing." Now folks don't quote me 100% here...Just remember, all the stuff on these newsletters, will one day be subjected to editing...
These newsletters are in essence my rough drafts...for it seems as I write, more clarity seems to be abounding within my conscious and most importantly, my subconsciousness where dreams are born each and every night...
I therefore believe that research centers, universities and headed by eco-communities whose residents are the onsite research projects, plus the individuals chosen outside of the center to be research projects as well...and the teachers that will come forth from of our joint research projects will be our greatest aim...
Sort of like a teaching the world how to take care of its self...
I have been a visualing this type of research center with medicine and alternative and complementary health care a joining hands and searching for the answers to all of our body ails...several modalities at a time...
For let's face it folks...the viral world it seems to be generally accepted now...is now over running us, simply due to mutations of viruses caused by over antibiotic usuage and the easy availability of anti bacterial soaps and cleansers...
Discovering better ways of dealing with our bodies immune system disfunctions, with supplements that bring the body back into balance, naturally...I believe will be the cutting edge to surviving in a land over run with so many dysfunctions of the air, water, soil, and food products...for I believe we have to catch this run away train of increasing health care costs, and prescriptions...
Especially since the baby boomers which are the largest and fastest aging population we have...That includes me in that hit parade...for this year I will turn 58 and I am every bit proud that I have made it this far in life.
I am very grateful to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, for without Them, I wouldn't have or even cared to have gone this far on my journey...leading Home.
Those are my thoughts...at this time.
Now I am going to post the selected email I sent our wonderful president...later look forward to perhaps the vibration medicine two current cases that I submitted to their attorneys so that they could settle their cases with the insurance companies...one guy being told...the maximum we could possible get for you is $30K and out of that we will have to take our nominal fee of 30%, so you are a looking at about $13K.
This guy was involved in a semi rig accident that first of all totaled his boss's tractor and trailer...left him permanently changed forever...and the passenger car that created this life change for my 36 year old research client, only had a $30K maximum pay out suit amount, with Geico insurance.
I will perhaps bring you later, the update on this case for what happens when one is found negligent in such a case and only have a minimal amount to be paid out, they can be taken to court, sued and have to make payments to the injured party for sometimes the rest of their life...
My client is a threatening this action...for this chronic sufferring person, whose very job is in jeapody of being able to remain a doing it...for long...might not have another in which to pursue.
So sometimes, cheap policies, brings forth...disaterious after maths...think upon these things...well, before you make your decision about cheap and affordable costs versus, well covered policies.
Be Blessed Always!
Love, Light and Peace
d.tonie --
Thank you so much for sharing your story about health care and for allowing us to share it with the public to support health care reform.
Whether it's a story of personal experience with the deficiencies in our current system or of the experience of someone close to you, it is invaluable to us as we tell the larger story of why reform is necessary to the American public.
We're launching a new feature on our website next week to dramatically increase the visibility and impact of the stories that we have received.
This new section of our website -- "Health Care Stories for America" -- will make hundreds of thousands of stories available for folks to read and share challenges so many Americans face in getting quality, affordable health care.
Before they go live, we wanted to give you the opportunity to add a picture to your story and make any other final edits to it before it gets posted. Mitch Stewart
tonie --
May 20, 2009
Dear President Obama, First Lady: And All One Family:
I do stand with our president and state that we most definitely need health care reform...
First of I am just one of those Americans who has no health insurance and probably couldn't get health insurance due to two car accidents within a 1 year and 1/2 of each other and even though the first car wreck paid me $2500 to have a good time on, my second car wreck paid me $7K and the medical and alternative health care costs came to over $13K...both accidents were not my fault...
So now a long story short, I sit with already existing conditions...
I am also one of those persons that believe that preventative health care along side chronic maintenance care is lots better than just medical health care practices that most insurance companies are a supporting...
Versus alternative health care practices that are lower costing and less physically damaging and much more longevity life sustaining...
So by my having a health care provider, perhaps were I able to afford it;
Would not be as practical as a policy that included medical health care and prescription costs, as well as dental...along with alternative health care coverage for Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Naturalopathic Physicians...
Medical Massage and gym exercise memberships at a reduced rate for insurance coverage members...you know stuff like that...
Just dreaming big is what I am a doing!
By the way Mr. President, I have also noticed that many that carry different forms of health care programs are forced to see doctors that are not their own and sometimes gets lost in the system as they wait for the insurance companies to approve cancer treatment and such...
That is how far we are a going off the mark...Sir!
Free choice is no longer served up to the people...the insurance companies serve up who they can see or not...not right in my books, yet I could be wrong.
Another thing that I am a seeing Mr. President is persons unable to pay for their remaining prescription bills are self reducing or extracting meds that drs. tell them they must be a taking...that isn't a good thing as well...
Another thing that I am a seeing from persons without health care, they are a waiting too long in which to seek care due to the fear of being bankrupt from the journey of treatment...
Fear causes us to do lots of silly stuff as you are aware of...I am sure.
The next thing that I love about your health care reform is that numerous federal grants are being offered up in the alternative and complementary medical health care world...and that is a good thing...although many insurance companies are aware of all of the studies of old about these ancient sciences, long ago forgotten since Dow, Merck and other drug companies became Vogue in our high tech, industrial world of yesterday...
Our new world is now one of peace keeping, mopping up the sludge and a returning back to basics...
I applaud all of your efforts Mr. President...please see my web site blog...
Spiritual Ministries Vibrational Medicine Newsletters at www.onlinetoniewallace.com, you will find many postings out of my 150 plus newsletters that mention your race to the White House and my thoughts about the phenomenal job you are a doing...
I thank God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for you and all that you are a doing for our country...Your wife is the perfect complement for you...I thank God as well for her...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace