Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
July 09, 2009
"Brow Beaten, Grieving From Being Stripped Of Her Husband and Children, She Took The Plea Bargain A Thinking She Was A Helping End The Problem; Only To Find Out Today She Had Created More!"
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Yesterday afternoon near the end of my second only session of the day, I fell into a heavy painful place within my body, to move was very painful and on the top of my skull it felt that I had a knife ripping through it...There wasn't any part of my body that didn't hurt...almost like I had been through an explosion and all I wanted to do was sleep forever!
I believe what had happened to me was the realization that everything my whole life and all the lack of advancement that I should have made in every career move I ever had chosen, was curtailed due to my skin coloration, sex...and lack of material wealth.
It had also dawned on me that all that one does for another, they are actually a doing for themselves...In other words, up until yesterday, I thought quite honestly that what I was trying to do in helping my adopted daughter obtain justice for herself and her husband...I was doing for them, never fully understanding that it wasn't only for them that I was a doing it for, I was also a trying to set free the little child within me that never was treated right simply due to my nationality, sex and status quo...
In combination with that need to change things for my adopted daughter and her husband, I wanted to make sure that all others that were to come along in this or any other sleepy backward town; that were of different skin coloration would have the opportunity to be treated right and fairly...so that atrocities as what I had seen from the first court room hearing...of my adopted daughter, would never be seen again in any court room in our great land...
That is why I brought our President Obama & First Lady Michelle into the mix of it, because in order to insure that persons of other nations change their diminishing opinion about America and its citizens, we need to treat the citizens of other lands fairly and justly...
It is no secret that America has always had an under dog class of people, first it was the real natives of our land the American Indians, then it was the blacks, followed closely by the Asians and now currently it is the illegal Hispanics of all countries.
I remember towards the end of Former President George Bush Jr. remaining time in office we as a nation got the word that we had over 13 million plus illegals in our country and then the push to secure our Southern border states against the invaders, really began as we watched thousands of the illegals getting rounded up like cattle and sent back to their own countries, pulling apart families as the parent or parents were sent back to their own home land, while their children born in America, got to stay and perhaps were placed in foster homes or adopted.
I remember at that time a getting tons of emails expressing why all of this was necessary for they were a costing our country a bundle in welfare costs, medical costs and such...that was the reason for my responses on my web blog, "Thoughts to Consider" and as I wrote it back then, my thoughts on the subject aren't all that different today. Check it out and you will see what I am a saying...to be true.
www.onlinetoniewallace.com, click on the link: Thoughts To Consider
I told my adopted daughter tonight what my thoughts were on her decision to take the plea bargain...I couldn't get up with her before because of her uncle's wake and yesterday's funeral...so catching her today was important because the Guardian Ad Liteum volunteer court appointed worker, expressed concern that my adopted daughter didn't fully understand what had gone down on Tuesday's court appearance ruling for her.
Especially about the part about visiting her husband under any and all circumstances, for she basically had written him a blank check to be gone from her forever...and if she visits him even one time after being told that he was to be dead to her from this point forward...she could face future prosecution for not abiding by her plea bargain terms...
I also told her that she would be watched for a month to see if she abided by the terms of her aunt a supervising her time with her son...thus trips out of town and state stuff would be better to have her aunt along, just in case she is seen by others wanting her to rot in prison and would thus play the card of not compliance to plea bargain terms.
Tonight my adopted daughter got very upset, for she didn't have a clue that a plea bargain was the admittal that her husband had in deed done those things that her daughter stated that he had...
I also told her that her first clue should have been when her attorney told her that she didn't have to worry about being prosecuted for anything...to those of us that watch television about crime shows, know that is called; the turning over of state's evidence...
Many small drug dealers when caught with the evidence of drugs, are offered by the state in return for their freedom if they give over the testimony of who their suppliers are, and then are free from prosecution...
My adopted daughter started to cry when I told her that she just placed her husband in the mouth of the judicial beast that would eat him alive...now that she basically gave the juvenile court system that which they needed so that they couldn't later get prosecuted by her later, when it is discovered that the daughter had indeed told lies on a man that all around her but her mother and little brother, hated and despised because he is an illegal Mexican.
She stated that tomorrow she was going to contact her attorney and have the plea bargain retracted...I told her that I thought it was too late for that...and I won't say that her attorney, DA, DSSI worker and DSSI Supervisor were a banking that she wouldn't have a clue that what they were a telling her was a sell out to her case and her noncompliance with a giving them that which they had tried in every manner possible to extract from her, her testimony that she indeed knew that her daughter wasn't a lying and that her husband had done the things, her little girl stated that he had...
I contend that my adopted daughter, being she had complied to all the other things that the DA, DSSI Crew, Judge had asked of her in order to regain her children again, my adopted daughter thought this was something else that she needed to do in order to get her children back...never understanding that what she gave them was the complete opposite of that which she thought was going to be gained...for now because of their entrapment words, she had given them an air tight case...and didn't even know it until I told her tonight...
In fact when her dad was a driving her back to her aunt's house...he told her that he thought things were a looking up for her...her son was at least around her now so the next step was going to counseling therapy with her daughter's therapist and perhaps not too far off, perhaps she would get her back and when she got her kids back, she could work on getting her husband back...and free from jail...
Now I know why I was the only one in the conference room with her attorney, dad and aunt and herself to cry uncontrollably, while her dad or herself or aunt didn't...I was the only one understanding that her court appointed attorney had sold her down the drain...and now she had a record of being a negligent, admitted mother...a mother who had to have known that her husband was sexually molesting her daughter when she went to work...and left her in his care...or else why would she have taken the plea bargain for neglect?
In defense of my adopted daughter, her dad and her aunt...were you to take the IQ's of all three and put them all together...you would probably come up to 100...for they are very simply hard working country folks...nothing more and definitely nothing less...
None of the three above mentioned people, as well as myself, had any clue that all it takes for one to have their whole life turned around, is to have a minor child; rather real or not, proven or not; state that something sexual occurred and one is then forced to live under the dogma of that allegation...forever!
Poor Michael Jackson, not only did it happen to him once, yet twice!
We the people did that to Michael, the most gentliest loving talented humanitarian spirit that had ever walked our land, for we were too blind to see that sometimes persons do bear false witness...to in their attempt to gather that which others are a wanting them to do...just because Michael was different than most, all just took it that it was true and when he was found not having enough evidence presented to lose the case and became acquitted...we just took it that because he gave both boys $20M that he got set free because he bought his way out...
Look at this case I have been a presenting for quite a while here on my site...because my adopted daughter did a bad thing by a marrying not only a Mexican, yet an illegal one at that!
My adopted daughter and myself have only gone through the experience once and both of us have nearly had a break down...Do I understand the need for medication after one is stripped of all of their rights and dignity?
I am very grateful that my medication is God/Jesus and Holy Spirit! I tried when it wasn't; the medication route when my oldest son was over in Desert Storm a defusing land mines for the Marines...all it did was make me numb to all the things around me so that I could move one foot in front of me...one foot at a time!
Be Blessed Always!
Love, Light and Peace