Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
What Color Is Love, Honor, Understanding and Respect?
February 26, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Hopefully this will be the close of my letter to President Obama. I have lots still to say, yet I am hopeful that I will be able to say lots with fewer words; please pray for me to obtain this large goal...hahahehehe...Be Blessed always!
Love, Light, Peace and Hope
Dear Mr. President:
I gained lots of hope from watching your Address To Congress the other night.
A few vital things stood out that I felt a bit apprehension about:
1. Cuts to Medicare. The Baby Boomer population as you know are the largest and vastly aging sector of your nation. I am part of that special sector and already I have no health care insurance and to have that which I haven't received yet; almost gives me a sinking feeling for all those currently on its life earned program, and all those like myself; not yet there...for it is my understanding that it has already been cut in the past and soon, it might not exist and that troubles me...
2. Cutting costs to fight war in Iraq and Afghanistan...yes, I would like to see pennies pinched where necessary, yet please Mr. President I know that you are proud of our brave men, women and all other Americans either serving to protect, or working over there to help restore, rebuild and clean up our presence over there...yet please make sure that you don't cut funds too much and they are kind of left out in the cold...unprotected or too low in numbers to adequately protect themselves or other innocents. God Bless you in all of your decisions.
3. Trade Agreements, & "Made In America" a once again common label being sung in America. I am not a math whiz and I along with the rest of America, do not know what trade agreements our politicians in the past have made with other countries; all I do know is that when America fall down, the rest of the world fall as well and that isn't a good thing.
I have seen in the News that Japan, like earlier mentioned in the long letter to you, had to bail out their failing economy with $7 Trillion and China today I have heard, spent $1 Trillion to bail out their own. If our great nation calls all our industries that have decided to go for the cheaper wage earners, tax breaks, deregulation of OSHA standards here in America, back home; how will that impact lands already on decline in all major business aspects like our own?
Won't that cause an even greater "domino effect?" Just thinking out loud Mr. President, no disrespect.
Being it seems like we have moved away from an "industrial nation," that means to me that perhaps our nation would be better served in technology goals that you with your education package proposals with the "recovery bail plan," makes so much sense and offering to give back to our government, country service hours in exchange for education assistance...to me is quite impressive...like I said earlier, I liked the majority of your thoughts reflected to us all...what a gift you are to our land!
Mortgage assistance plan. I like many other Americans, aren't all that happy with the idea of paying for others mortgages that they can't possibly handle. I personally would like to see, perhaps 3-4 mortgage payments added on to the back of their current mortgage and perhaps help in reducing the interest rates for those caught up in the balloon scam plan of devious banks and lending institutions. Just a thought.
Did I mention that I have a kid sister, with two babies that was left homeless by a court system in our state who awarded her fully paid off mobile home to the original seller simply due to her being 2 1/2 weeks late on her lot payment.
My sister and her husband hired an attorney to handle her case being she and all thought that in America this couldn't happen. Trust me it did, and the attorney who is African American, said that he thought he lost the case because he was black and the judge and original seller of the home was white. That was over a year ago.
My sister at that time was considered Hispanic/Latino descent simply due to the at the time current, nationality status labeling at the DMV office that states, if you have a parent or grand parent from another country, you are to check that box as to what your nationality label is:
If you happened to check my mutt, break-down mentioned earlier in this letter, how one can possibly call me Hispanic or Latino only, has always been beyond me, for I am proud of each drop of blood heritage that I carry within me, yet in America being Hispanic or Latino is not a good thing, being our land always seems to have an under dog that they must have (quite recently it was African Americans) and now it is the illegals and like you know, we are a country that likes to throw all into the mixes of others behaviors...Just speaking my truths, I hope all that I write hasn't offended you sir.
I want to also mention that I don't have a lot of sympathy for our banks or wall street along with our insurance companies. They are to me, the most greediest of all of our corporations and needless to say the most needy.
Needy Greedy
One of my past bill collectors is a bank in California called, Marin Bank. I got about 10 years ago a unsecured credit card. At the time that I got it, I needed a card that would act like an ATM card. (a time before ATM cards)
I used it twice only. Once for a meal I purchased with it and a tank of gas. I made payments on it for years and tried desperately to get it canceled because the interest rate on it was putting so much interest on the unpaid balance, you would have thought that this bank had issued me a credit line for $20K. It wasn't, it was for only $450 and they like I stated only allowed me to use it twice.
I told the collector the other day when they called about my now over $1K unpaid balance that they would not see another penny from me, for when I had it under $200 they slapped on interest fees and wouldn't allow me to cancel it until I paid the whole balance.
I know that Marin Bank has used this illusionary debt owed as an unpaid note towards gaining bail out funds...please Mr. President, watch out for these kind of under handed claims coming from banks that are now in trouble and wanting a hand out from us taxpayers. Thank you.
Thank you President and First Lady Obama for all that you and your team are doing for us all...It would have been a bad time in America if Senator McClain had won the nomination, for even though he stated at his goodbye,"I didn't win speech," that he would support you in office, it seems apparent that he told a vibe, for when it was time for his voice to be heard when the Republicans were a fighting your recovery plan bail out proposals, we heard the same thing that almost the last year of his run for presidency speeches..."too elaborate, too waste filled, too impractical," like DAH!
Again I will say, "if one isn't part of the solution, they are definitely part of the problem."
Please view my thoughts on part of the solution in my web blog, "Moving Towards Change," Health Care Research Dream Project. www.toniewallaceblogspot.com.
Your move towards solar, wind turbines, bio fuels...alternative health care research to me is simply inspiring...you are the greatest! I will keep you all in my prayers and thoughts for a change in America.
God Bless and God Speed
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace