Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 11, 2009
Wellness Begins With Our Communicational Link Up With God/Jesus and Holy SpiritRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
As I am writing this I am hearing on the Insider the Hollywood Interpretation of Our Country's News according to their perception. The news story that caught my almost listening ear, is the story about the 71 grandmother who was tazzered by a police officer because she cussed at him for the ticket that he gave her...
This obvious aging woman had to have been doing the most unthinkable format of ill acting behavior; to receive that kind of treatment and his superiors must have found his behavior appropriate because he was at the time, not given any kind of repercussions for his behavior.
My comment? My goodness, that must have been some kind of public display that she put forth!...I know that right now we have severe times ahead in our financial stability of our state and all the commitments it must put forth each month for our state's continued progress...thus it might seem like we are being ticketed for offenses that we sometimes don't feel is appropriate...and perhaps in our estimation done to fix an ailing state financial picture.
I only have this comment. A 71 year old heart isn't all that swift working in most cases and tazzering someone of this age group, could end up in causing that person some serious health conditions...
I will be anxious to see how this comes out in the wash...for I too have had my moments in time when I was stopped and lost my cool briefly and said things I wouldn't have said normally...so I too have had those out of control moments and said that which I was a feeling...learning how to control the moment is something we all can work on...all that know what I am saying to be real, please say Amen!
Next on this posting's docket is a email that I got from one of my dear friends that like myself are a looking for their own health wellness program that will return them to a strong and healthy working body after years of self abuse and the rigors of life itself.
I hope that you will see parts of it, that might awaken that part of yourself that is a needing a better way.
I have already written that this friend of mine has come a million miles back into a body balance state...and like my own research self, her research as well, has been highly successful.
Please take what you need and do please leave the rest.
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
Most of these things I feel are just simple basic stuff...yet we all have to follow our own way...for what will work for one, may not for another...
These are Laura thoughtsHello all,
It's been a long time sine I've sent any health info. Here's a good
article I read just this morning. Enjoy.
To Your Health, Laura
Ps. My husband and I practice these recommendations as well as take good
food sourced immune strengthening supplements so we had no concerns while in
Mexico during the 'swine flu' outbreak last month. It's amazing to be in
control of our health and not think it's a matter of luck.
...recovering your health, rebuilding your immunity.
Some Startling Discoveries About the Swine Flu and Immunity
Worried about swine flu? Or any flu for that matter? While the swine flu
does not seem to be the pandemic some people suspected, we¹d like to switch
the focus to your immunity. Here¹s what you need to know to boost your
immunity for a lifetime of good health!
Seems like the scare of a pandemic is not panning out. But there¹s something
we can learn about the swine flu scare and any virus scare in general.
First of all, most of the solutions given for swine flu protection were
common sense, like washing your hands.
But in some cases, the ³hand washing² tip went too far. We recently visited
some hotels and noticed that they had Purell scattered throughout the lobby,
as a way to help people ³wash their hands.²
For those of you who don¹t know about Purell, it¹s a hand ³sanitizer² which
uses ethyl alcohol as the main active ingredient to kill germs. To use
Purell or products like it, you rub it into your hands like lotion and it is
supposed to protect you with its germ-killing power.
While Purell does not claim that it helps prevent swine flu, it does suggest
that it¹s good to use when you are on the go.
We disagree.
Here¹s why: The ingredients in Purell are harmful enough to show up as a 7
out of 10 in terms of toxicity, according to the Environmental Working
In fact, the Environmental Work Group reports the ingredients in Purell may
be potential causes for: endocrine disruption, allergies, immunotoxicity and
skin, eye or lung irritations.[2]
Many of these ingredients, found in Purell, are known toxins:
* Active ingredient: Ethyl Alcohol 62%
* Other ingredients: Isopropyl Alcohol, Carbomer, Tocopheryl Acetate,
Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Isopropyl Myristate and Fragrance.
Also using all these sanitizers cause bacteria to mutate and then when a
person really needs an antibiotic they will not work.
While washing your hands is helpful, consider using a non-toxic soap and
water. You can even carry your own convenient travel size that will fit in a
small baggie and can be carried on airplanes for travel.
But good health is not just about washing your hands. So let¹s put the
swine flu aside and talk instead about how to build strong immunity, so you
can feel empowered to create good health for the long-term!
The Importance of Building Your Immunity
Any illness, whether bacterial, fungal or viral, shows up in individuals who
are ³susceptible.²
What does it mean to be susceptible to illness? Simply that your immunity is
low. There are many reasons your immunity could be low.
Here are some of them:
* Chronic stress
* Poor diet
* Lack of sleep
* Acidic blood
* Poor digestive health
* Buildup of toxins
* Blocked detoxification pathways
* Infections
* Eating too much sugar
When your immunity is low, it¹s more difficult for your body to fight off a
virus, like the cold or flu. In fact, low immunity sets the stage for
illness and dis-ease.
Four Steps to boosting your immunity
1. Create energy you must have energy to heal. Unfortunately, in our
24/7 society, we¹ve lost our connection to creating natural energy and
instead, we look for stimulants to give us a boost.
Do you suffer from exhaustion or chronic fatigue? Are you drinking
coffee or energy drinks? Do you need several of them to make it through the
day? If so, your body needs energy.
To boost your energy naturally, here are some very important tips:
* Consume fermented foods and drinks Whether you make your own
cultured vegetables or use convenient probiotic foods found in health food
stores, fermented foods and drinks are the REAL energy boosters. Fermented
foods and drinks give you a true energy boost that nourishes your body AND
provides you with healthy microflora (probiotics) to clean up your body and
help keep your immunity strong.
* Consume more vegetables and sea vegetables.
* Reduce or better yet, eliminate sugar and use alternatives like
Stevia and Birch Bark Xylitol.
* Commit to getting more sleep.
* Reduce stress.
2. Correct digestion Too many people today suffer from symptoms of poor
digestion, like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain and
acid reflux. Follow a diet program for healing your digestive tract.
Following principles like eating 80% alkaline foods(veggies) and 20% acid
foods (meats) help your digestive system heal. Keeping the body at a neutral
PH is vital for health and immune strength.
If you are like most people and need a little more support, digestive
enzymes can help your digest and feel better after meals.
3. Conquer infection Whether you have bacterial, viral or fungal
infections (like candida), it¹s important to address them. The good news is
that changing the way you eat can help you conquer infection natually.
4. Cleanse Cleansing or detoxification is another very important
principle that is often overlooked in today¹s society. However, we are
starting to see more and more people with an interest in learning how to
Unfortunately, there are too many people going about detoxification
the wrong way or using products that end up breaking your body down, rather
than strengthening it.
Empower yourself with your best health! Give yourself the gift of good
health. Educate yourself. Find out the best ways to detoxify.
If you have symptoms like acne, yeast infections (candida), fatigue,
joint stiffness or pain, eczema, psoriasis, headaches, fuzzy thinking,
mucous discharge, constipation, diarrhea, vision changes, vitiligo, rashes
and other health issues that seem to persist, chances are, you have a
buildup of toxins. If your detoxification pathways are not open, you run the
risk of a congested liver and further illness.
Detoxification is KEY to looking and feeling your best.
Instead of living in fear about illness and disease, wouldn¹t you rather
empower yourself with strong immunity and good health?
While each of these steps mean a shift in your habits, you can take them
slowly step by step so that over time, you reap the rewards of your best
Medical bills underlie 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies: study
Remember that associate news press article? Look back to previous newsletters here to find it...thanks and be blessed, Tonie.
Today's show on "The Doctors," also addressed parasites in eating shusi...on the show they stated that the tape worms leave the body, I don't buy it...for I know of persons in the past that had tape worms that were on the edge of death.
I personally believe that more doctors and lab technicians should take the tropical medicine course that I believe is only offerred at Tulane University in Louisiana...for until then...I believe that many physcians we still go on believing that worms leave the body...yet they still can't explain why in cases such as cancerous tumors are extracted, that the site holds parasites as well a present along with the cancerous cells.
I have had more surgical nurses than not that stated that the surgeon generally either has them scrap the little creatures away or the surgeon does it themselves...
Another theory I hold towards cancer is that, is it parasitic communities that create the cancer? Or is it a weakened comprimised condition of the body that makes it more ammendable for the parasites to survive in? Thus what came first the chicken or the egg?
Thus tightening up ones immune system, makes more sense than a comprimsed immune system in my non medical assumption...thus another reason I am a wanting a research center that would house a medical portion of it that would have a "total body scan area such as what was on "The Doctors Show" today, a blood work up section lab, a nutritional research section....as well as the vibrational medicine & bodyworks-exercise section that I would head up...
Love again to all,