Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
(just copy and paste to your search engine, the following link)
Dear All One Family:
The above link is a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace...you will have missed a lot if you don't hear it.
Also please note to those that don't like the word expression Negro mentioned in the introduction...Negro means, black...it isn't the same word as the slang "N" word, for the slang indicates lack of worth, value/and or absence of respect for the person any rainbow colored, (for remember we are all rainbow colored...for even white is in the rainbow colors as well) being called the slang version.
Negro to me is a term that fit the world at the time that it was written...it obviously is not a real way to view the world today.
Although I believe that it is a beautiful song, and he has a beautiful voice, I must admit that we must be careful of reverse prejudices...meaning, I have personally discovered in my thus far soul journey of this life time; those that are still stuck in what they experienced in their own life and that of their family both past and current and thus are prejudiced towards those of the lighter rainbow skin tone types.
That as well, must also stop. If we are to have any kind of balanced life in America. The elected into highest level of the land office, one that is a African America, should show to all that yesterday is over and today is the first day of a life that God would have us a living...
In other words, to reach balance point, we all must participate in a good way...putting aside yesterday to reach today...for yesterday will hold one back from today if they allow it. "Free choice." you know?
I say this because I have heard too many lighter rainbow skin tone fellow beings state that, "they are tired of listening to the black man and woman, acting as if I or my family had done them an injustice and they need to get over for that happened to their grandparents...and they had nothing to do with it."
One thing that I have discovered in this life's journey of mine; is that as long as one is holding on to baggage of the past, they can't see the actual moment that Eckhart Tolle writes about...in all of his wonderful books, that I have read.
I am not sure if he coined one of my favorite sayings or not, (avid book reader and career student)...I only know that when I heard it, it has never left my sacred conscious space of viewing.
Others that I have given these precious thoughts, have also agreed that it affected them the same way. I want to see how it could impact your world as well.
"As long as one is stuck in yesterday, one can't see the present moment, and there is where everything is a happening."
Which equates to me this mind set-perceptive visual. As long as one has a mental-foot in the past, or a mental-foot in the future, they are a missing the current moment, and by stepping into the current moment, where everything is a happening; you have arrived right on time.
I believe that the writing of the racist graffiti in a free expression area of a local university the day after election day, stating; "kill Obama," "Black House," was not a grand way to express ourselves...simply because I believe alleging harm to another, is not God's way.
I say this because of my understanding of Quantum Physics that stipulates that, "for every action, there is a reaction."
Should these kids be expelled from college?
I vote no...for they couldn't help all the fear this past presidential election left them with.
They are guilty of becoming the energy that surrounded them...perhaps school in combination with home, family and friends influences and their interpretation of the news.
Were I to be representing these four fear laden kids, I would ask for perhaps a year of community services and perhaps a 500 word essay on their thoughts as to why they felt that it was their right to express themselves in such a manner.
I feel that by doing this, the school/community wins for as Dr. Phil would state, "you can't change it unless you first acknowledge it." The kids involved wins for they will be able to see how their "grass root thoughts," has kept them back from obtaining all their God given rights, and United States Constitution Rights affords them...
When I call someone a racist-prejudiced...I am merely stating that if you don't take both sides of an issue into serious consideration before making a valued judgment, and voted strictly due to skin tone, you might have fallen into this category.
You might have been political party prejudiced, if you voted like you always do and gave neither too much time or consideration to look further into both candidates...and judged merely by appearance sake alone...no in depth look...for you voted like you have always been told to vote...
I call that political party stymied.
I believe that the next time that I hit the driver's license renewal period, I will state that I am an Independent...especially being I have taken so much heat for the Democratic Party and I really am for the right person...not the right party for I have seen errors in both parties candidates for years!
The last two election periods, I voted for Republican candidates. This past election process I voted proudly Democratic.
I didn't vote for him strictly due to his rainbow color...I voted for him because he spoke to the heart of Joe Grass Roots, as well as the wealthy that were a really a paying attention...to the issues...plain and simple...economy, jobs, wars, taxes, health care, education...and on and on and on...
I didn't get a chance to finish my correspondence to Rob Schenck...this time around...perhaps the next posting I will be able to focus on its completion. I have lots to say still...so please be patient with me.
If nothing else you will go away with a better picture of how I think and why...some of it you will like I believe and some perhaps not too much...
In closing, I would like for you to view this next email posting piece. I don't know who the author is...I wish that we all could have authored it...yet I am a practical person and know that we are all able to focus on whatever we choose to and being God was kicked out of the schools and government...forty years ago.
So to believe that God would have been present at this school, when this happened to those four students, moment of free speech...is highly unlikely...unless their religion that they carry within themselves...where ever they go...contains no "Golden Rule," concepts of; "Do unto others, that which you would have done unto yourself."
Be Blessed
One and All
Love, Light and Peace
The Necklace
"The cheerful little girl with bouncy golden curls was almost five. Waiting with her mother at the checkout stand, she saw them, a circle of glistening white pearls in a pink foil box.
'Oh mommy please, Mommy. Can I have them? Please, Mommy, please?'
Quickly the mother checked the back of the little foil box and then looked back into the pleading blue eyes of her little girl's upturned face.
'A dollar ninety-five. That's almost $2.00. If you really want them, I'll think of some extra chores for you and in no time you can save enough money to buy them for yourself. Your birthday's only a week away and you might get another crisp dollar bill from Grandma.'
As soon as Jenny got home, she emptied her penny bank and counted out 17 pennies. After dinner, she did more than her share of chores and she went to the neighbor and asked Mrs. McJames if she could pick dandelions for ten cents. On her birthday, Grandma did give her another new dollar bill and at last she had enough money to buy the necklace.
Jenny loved her pearls. They made her feel dressed up and grown up. She wore them everywhere, Sunday school, kindergarten, even to bed. The only time she took them off was when she went swimming or had a bubble bath. Mother said if they got wet, they might turn her neck green.
Jenny had a very loving daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, he would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story. One night as he finished the story, he asked Jenny, 'Do you love me?'
'Oh yes, daddy. You know that I love you.'
'Then give me your pearls.'
'Oh, daddy, not my pearls. But you can have Princess, the white horse from my collection, the one with the pink tail. Remember, daddy? The one you gave me. She's my very favorite.'
'That's okay, Honey, daddy loves you. Good night.' And he brushed her cheek with a kiss.
About a week later, after the story time, Jenny's daddy asked again, 'Do you love me?'
'Daddy, you know I love you.'
'Then give me your pearls.'
'Oh Daddy, not my pearls. But you can have my baby doll. The brand new one I got for my birthday. She is beautiful and you can have the yellow blanket that matches her sleeper.'
'That's okay. Sleep well. God bless you, little one. Daddy loves you.'
And as always, he brushed her cheek with a gentle kiss.
A few nights later when her daddy came in, Jenny was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed Indian style.
As he came close, he noticed her chin was trembling and one silent tear rolled down her cheek.
'What is it, Jenny? What's the matter?'
Jenny didn't say anything but lifted her little hand up to her daddy. And when she opened it, there was her little pearl necklace. With a little quiver, she finally said, 'Here, daddy; this is for you.'
With tears gathering in his own eyes, Jenny's daddy reached out with one hand to take the dime store necklace, and with the other hand he reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet case with a strand of genuine pearls and gave them to Jenny.
He had them all the time. He was just waiting for her to give up the dime-store stuff so he could give her the genuine treasure. So it is, with our Heavenly Father. He is waiting for us to give up the cheap things in our lives so that he can give us beautiful treasures.
God will never take away something without giving you something better in its place."
Allowing The Hope Ship To Float
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rob Schenck...Faith & Action Missionary to Capitol Hill part 4
November 11, 2008
Dear All One Family:
I want to thank you all for supporting me up to this most important juncture of my life's journey...I hope that what you read will resonant within the part of yourself that knows...that God is love, not pain and punishment...He will forgive us anything...God is good, beautiful and wonderful...and yes a jokester...Be careful of what you pray for, for you just might get it and then what?
Please stay patient with me...being I only had a small handful of President Elect Obama supporters...and the abuse was sometimes almost enough to take ones appetite away from them...tough election year...am grateful it is past...or is it?
I love you each and everyone...all of our Rainbow Nations Under God...we are all one and that isn't some of that hippie days thinking...it is reality for the old way isn't a working...now we finally have someone on board that is a willing to go all the way to a better world...and you are standing back and saying that God let you down by having this man in office...I say not...yet you can live in your head where ever you feel most safe, secure and loved...and I will stay in mine...for I awake each day happy...for my days and nights are always filled with the excitement about learning something new that I never knew before... life stays alive because each day is a new adventure...miracles all around for those a choosing to see them...some can, some never will...yet, were we all the same, what a boring world it would be...you know?
Now Back to Rob Schenck, response to a 50 plus worried America...isn't Rob just a love...I can't thank him enough for sending me this newsletter posting...for it opened up all kinds of thoughts that I was a having about how better America could become were we to put it all on God's altar of our prayers...love you guys...be blessed always...love, light and peace...Me!
What Having A Democratic Election Means
The land of democracy states one valuable thing...when this type of government has an election everyone is entitled to a vote...
Secondly, there will always be a loser and a winner...
And when ones vote doesn't bring them the result they want, never less...they accept the whole process and pray for who ever has taken office for I asked God to guide my decision...didn't everybody else?
Especially now that it looks like down is up and up is down in the land? Our nation that was founded on Christian principles demand that we "obey the laws of the land" and to pray...Man oh man!
Kicking God out of school has created this type of havoc in the land that we have forgotten our most basic needs of survival which is prayer?
In a few hours it will be almost 7 days since we received our president elect and to tell you the truth folks...I am still celebrating inside of myself, for in my world of primarily Republicans...I am still being insulted/ criticized and made to look dumb as hell for having a voted for the man...so thus the battle stage for me from others still very locked down from its media fear induced success project...something like, "ah we know how to make you talk to others," kind of thing, is still a raging onward.
At least one good thing to come out of the negative Republican Campaign was that it put lots of drama of suspense and the unknown out in our world it got the people talking before it went to them not a talking...lots of splits of close and not so close relationships came out of this election...that is sad...we all can't have our own opinions and everyone else be okay with that...
"People need loving the most when they deserve it the least." John Harringan
So please pardon me for being so soul expressive and honest here. I feel like it is part of my mission to express that which is inside of me and needs breathing and venting space to the world, for if things bother me, understand that I am a sensitive and thus am neutral until the energy of another enters my space and when I find myself surrounded more with fear energy than not...and it happens more than not, that is not a good thing...planetarily...for negative energy goes out of us and into the atmosphere a filling it with all of those fear charges and pretty soon, we start to have drought, or floods, or landslides, or earth quakes, or hurricanes, tornadoes and etc., etc., etc., our energy is effecting the planet...if we don't want a planet of negative energy, we simply tell all others how they are impacting the world and they don't care how their negative energy is effecting their children and their world at large as well...than what can I say? I only tried to give that which I would want given back to me...
Where I live, 60% voted Republican, 40% Democratic. I have a six out of ten shot to run into a Republican...and on the cup half full side, I have a 4 out of ten shot...to run into a Democratic. My practice in my energy vibration research field, is 80% Republicans...just a throwing the facts out to you, not complaining, yet I am a bit quiet, for their unhappiness about the election results...would be ruined by me dancing, singing and dancing, dancing and singing like Oprah and Will Smith...and too many to mention, others in the plus $200 thousand a year income bracket...or weren't you paying attention to that key thought?
Why didn't the number on tax changes believers based on Senator McCain's campaign, ring true for these folks...too caught up in his presence? In my estimation all that couldn't see that this man is for the people...than all need to take their sun glasses off for they are being blind sided with fear...
And fear will be the down comforter that tucks you in at night...and if that is what those folks want to call life...than go for it...I want to live with enough hope to keep my life is good trip a going, for I know that what one fears, comes at them greater.
Differences of Opinions
Mr.Schenck you obviously have your viewing of what you think is real and little ole me, I have my own...who is right? and who is wrong? shouldn't be the question...what should be the question is how do we make it work as a win win for both sides..and do we truthfully know for sure that our way will work for all of mankind?...taking in all of the variables that are different than our own?
For We Are A World Made Up of Different Cultures and Ways Of Expressing Ourselves
I know that I don't know all things. That is why I bring God, Jesus and Holy Spirit into my prayer equation...And just in case God is busy and can't get to my request as quickly as I would like...I bring in all of His hierarchy of Angels into the mix...
I really am not trying to change your way of thinking, for I am only responsible for my own way of looking at the world with my own soft vision eyes...I am just a trying to show you a different perspective than what you might have ever heard...so perhaps your spin might look a bit different after my correspondence...for all I am really trying to do is to offer you and the world a perhaps different way of a viewing all things...
My thoughts on abortions
I have never had one and never considered for a moment that it was something that I would ever want for myself...to end a soul-entering possibility-gift from God, our children, future and world...
End of Part 2 Hope Fills My Spirit
Looking Back To My Own True Life Experience, will help show you how an Ordained Spiritualist Minister can take such a stand, at least I hope that it does anyways...for the not taking of another's life is one of the Ten Commandments and having reviewed them several times over my whole life time...I can see how following those rules quite closely could make the difference between Heaven and Hell being a final given...hahahehehe...even though at times I believe hell is here on earth...For those individuals in my close network of friends, you had better hope that I am right and what traditional religion believes to be true...that there is a hell and you are going to want ice water and can't get it...forever!~ Is not correct...hahahehehe...and you know who I mean...
I have a framed Ten Commandments Picture hanging on my wall for years...as a constant remainder...that is why Rob I joined your site, trying to help get the set of rules...back in place in the White House and public places...for when they were withdrawn...silly greedy behaviors starting a springing up automatically, for God's way was too difficult...seeing only ones own gravy train instead of those that were a feeding their gravy train...started automatically a springing up along to all high corporate commodies...and we the people started to suffer...we were the ones a feeding into that main source feed and we were a getting the less..., many call it getting shitted upon...I call it, without God as our witness how can we witness to others?
Men are visual animals...they need pictures to remind them when they want/or are tempted to stray off of the path...I vote, put it back in the White House where it belongs...Thought for Today If We don't Chose To Follow God Rules, How Can We Judge Our Children When They Don't and Lose Their Way? Who were the teachers, guides and most significant good/bad learning experience...
So Rob Schenck
That is why we had hope that someone so intelligent, loving of America to the degree that he would take on such an unbelievable mess to fall upon our nation since the late 1920's of our land...
President Carter, allow me to be the first to tell you if you haven't already heard...you were given the blame for the collapse...something about the mortgage lending policies of old...you rescinded...and thus made it easier to purchase a home with all the barriers that my former husband and myself had when we purchased our lake front home back in 1982.
What the heck guys? When it came to our country's economic fall; who fell asleep, who was awake and if awake...how awake were they and what did they try to do to change it?
That is why I keep telling everyone that Senator McCain lost the election the moment he told Katie Couric that our economy was stable and two weeks later , the Market Crashed, followed by world banks, mortgage companies, insurance companies, now auto industries...a few years ago the airline industry, and a domino effect begins...simply being he had been in the Senate seat for 28 years...couldn't he see trouble ahead and why did he chose to listen to President Bush tell him to stay silent about the economy when people like me that haven't received health insurance coverage for our work and have to deal with the real man and woman at in my area...knew that after 9/11, we started a falling down and haven't gotten back up yet...
So the man that is to bring forth a change in our land, needs to honest and up front...gone are the days of a trusting nation, for now the only thing all in this nation can trust...is God.
"If He brings us to it, He will bring us through it."
With so many mathematical genius in our own land, such as my Algebra teacher, Dr. Clay from Oakland Community College..why haven't you ever called upon people like himself that love math so much that Dr. Clay told me personally when he traveled through all of its endless possibilities, that he almost got lost up into the world of numbers...
This man had to be good, for he took a person that didn't like math all that well, yet passed Algebra 1 & 2 with a A average. I never loved it...yet for semesters of my life...numbers started to make sense to me..This guy is someone that could play the numbers out to see what it is going to take to make a dent in the large deficit before us and our future world of our children and their children.
End of Part 3
Check Part 3 A New Possible Vision
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
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