Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Reach For Allowance/Clayton Anthony Herrington
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
It is What It Is:
My answers to the political questions of my kids and family, friends: Plus a retraction from an earlier posting on Clayton Anthony Herrington...and an update.
Dear Christy & Joey and All One Family Members...please forgive me my inaccurate reporting of Clayton's biological I originally stated that Clayton wasn't loved by his biological parents, when in essence he was, and not the story that I had gotten second hand...please forgive me, plus now knowing that Clayton's biological parents are also family members, makes this story even more beautiful...I know that Clayton with you and Joey a taking care of him plus all the other family members...Clayton will be one lucky little man...hope all is well with him, as I ask all of those receiving these emails to also keep him in their thoughts and prayers, especially since he is facing some additional abdominal surgery...and I heard how much the formula and diapers are a setting you all back...I pray that God helps you through all of the rough corriders ahead...thank you for being Clayton's bright and shining star...thanks Becky for awakening me to all of these details, even by accident...I still love you lots too, you little monkey...
Be Blessed
Aunt Tonie
Now on to my oldest son's email...
First of all, with the article of my oldest son/daughter in law...about it being true that Obama didn't salute the flag or hold his hand over his I know that is a tragic mistake to have been a making since it isn't all that soon since 911 and a time that we still haven't recovered as a country from...
So yes, that was a large mistake, especially since he is supposed to be convincing us of his great love for this country.
Yet, one he did come through and demonstrate his love for his country by doing it at other lets all agree that he can put his hand over his heart and recite the words to the Pledge of Allegiance...okay?
Remember, it isn't easy for anyone to walk through the world and never mess up...that is why God came through in Jesus to see for Himself, what He had created and realized that we all had a bit of coconut head in us...also understand that even though Obama was born in the United States...he really wasn't raised our custom it would only make sense, wouldn't be his primarily, since...a lot of American and American kids aren't a honoring that pledge as well, for I have seen this a happening more and more at public events...thus is it any wonder that this custom wouldn't be present within Obama's subconscious, like it is for those of us that eyes start to tear up at the Pledge of Allegiance...
Different strokes for different know? I believe that just Obama a wanting to help this country become a better place and a knowing that more than not will be a saying he is wrong rather than right...than that to me is love for this country...a country definitely divided...and I believe a country still racially divided as well...
Too many voices are a being heard to say that the Moses Code interpretation my oldest grand daughter told me that a teacher told the this is what I did...I went to Google search engine and punched in Obama, Moses Code Interpretation...and what I got was similar to what my grand daughter had stated...and this is what I left them on the site that i joined so i could do this...
Message from Tonie Wallace:
I first became acquainted with the Moses Code from Dunvelo Melchizedek book...It told all about the Moses Code and the ability to see all of our names written in The Bible.
So I went to Amazon and ordered the CD Rom...I paid for it and everything, yet it was never shipped to me and then I was told that the old version, had been pulled to make room for the new version...
So how does one know if the information that was posted here is from the old version or the new?
Were this methodology of utilizing the Moses Code device been that real...why haven't our government officials a using it, to help straighten out this failing economy?
Or to stop us from going into Iraq? A War that has been fought over in The Middle East, since Christ lived...
Just my thoughts on the Moses Code...
I just recently discovered that Obama and the Moses Code had been linked into discussion...this information came from my grand daughter who just passed the 8th grade...
Her teacher supposedly stated it to them and also told that Obama would be killed in office and Hillary would take his place...
I am a person from the old school of thought...that which you imagine you can create...I believe all is in God's hands...Trust, Faith and Belief...
Besides, if President Bush is already stating that after "We The People," put into office the democratic House, Senate and Congress, President Bush stated that he could no longer utilize his role as President, being all three divisions were basically a fighting his efforts...thus, what would make John McClain...have any better luck were we to vote him in...just think about all that I am a asking...
I didn't buy the new version....for I felt that being the old was a working perfectly well, what need was there for a newer version? Perhaps the old didn't work as good or did it work too good? Again, thoughts to consider...
Pray dear you have never prayed before...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace
So once again I am in a neutral mode and putting all things on the table...I believe that the vitality that Obama refreshing, for it will take one dedicated to change to be able to weather the I think he is the all in all...not at this current time and place...for he has to put on the table for us all to see, the direction he will be a taking us or at least attempting to.
I have the entire government in my prayers, for I believe that only prayers will bring us through the terrible storm that wasn't only created in President Bush's watch...and all like myself could see that President Bush wasn't going to walk through no cool waters for he was a hot head...a wanting things his own way...
The proudest moments he gave me were recently...when he stated that he knew that he had acted in ways that indicated hard headiness, and that being his hands are tied as how to assist anymore with different policies and such being blocked by the democratic House, Senate and Congress...he would spend his remaining time in office a doing good for the country and world...
Now I say, let's give him a chance to put the cap back on our economy through learning how to negotiate better relationships with the world...sort of kind of leading the way kind of thing, you know?
Also, I want to also reiterate the fact that sometimes the old in us is greater than the new that can become flexible and see outside of the box...for the president that will lead the country out of this mess, has to be a spunky kind of person, a never giving up that which is right and good for the world, not only ourselves...
He will have to stand clear on all of the things that he is a planning to do for this country and that means doing his homework, for information such as what was on Rev. Williams video tape contained in past newsletters...were to be true...think of the ramifications? I would hate it for Rev. Williams to have put out there false testimonies...yet being the latest speech of President Bush...showed that he had error ed in the ways of handling the country in the past and was a wanting to change for the better...who knows for sure?
I am going into the voting booth after hearing all the things that McClain and Obama will be a giving us all over the next few months up to election time...and a weighing all the pros and cons and just before I pull the level for president and vice president of this country...I will pray, Dear Heavenly Father in the name of Your Sweet Son Jesus, Our Brother and Precious Holy Spirit, I pray that you place on my heart, who it is that will be president of this great mixed up country of ours...all this I ask in Jesus Christ name, Amen...and then I will pull the handle for who ever it is that I am be guided to vote for.
Afterwards, I will accept who ever it is that will become President...for it is in God's hands totally...anyways. And no, I am not calling the super delegate votes in the mix about being God...and a having more voice than the popular votes of the times.
What I am a believing is that lots of people all over the world are a praying that we get our acts together...and thus to the one that they call their Supreme Being of power, they are a taking all of us into their prayer were one to combine the efforts of those of us in the United States that believe in God...86% to be exact...prayers...oh my goodness...see what a great world we can bring into manifestation with just our country alone a praying for peace, financial stability, freedom and a stable government...dedicated to working with and for the people, instead against them...and not for themselves...that to me is a pretty hard number to follow up with...for the lure of greed in all directions, has taken many a visitors through the wrong door of awakening..."Tail Wagging Dog." -movie.
And sometimes that door opening is erasable and sometimes it isn't...lots hope and pray that what was given forth...isn't real...or do we have the candidates for president tell us if it is real or not...for shouldn't they know the truth?
Haven't they done their homework yet on it? I am sure that they have a better understanding of it being out there...for I didn't create it, I only sent it onward to all those that I love and care for...for if it is real, shouldn't we be a working on that problem and a deciding how we can stop the crash and burn effect that is given forward in it, that could possibly happen?
You know like the movie with the asteroid that was predicted to crash into the earth and bring earth to the poles reversing situation...prophecies by the Mayans, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus...etc., etc., etc., Native American Folk Lore as particular...In the movie, our country got all of the world's most intelligent and sat down with the problem...why hasn't the summit's been called on this one? I am just asking the question, not a venting, a only explaining and asking hard questions...for that is just who I am...
I wish everyone peace and I do pray that when the time comes around to voting day, the right candidate according to God's Will for us, will be in power and not slain while in power, for that is a terrible thing to do to our country and who ever finds that kind of behavior real...understand one thing..."what goes around, definitely comes around," I know from personal experience of myself and others close to me...and our country needs all the committed helpers we can get...too many like to sit on their tails and complain about the world, yet never take a moment in time and send into the policy deciders that we elected into office, our thoughts on anything...
So by chance we elected into office some self serving individuals that were caught asleep at the helm...of being the people they serve; watch tower...and we lost in the decision...I say to you all...please ask God to forgive you your transgressions...for I can only ask for my own to be forgiven...and know truly that I am forgiven...I can ask that "God forgive you for you knew not what you did," for that is Biblical, yet it is also up to you all, to get down on your hands and knees well..."two or more in prayer," kind of Biblical know?
Those are my thoughts this evening...I have had quite a productive day...I feel fantastic...not worried...only grateful that God, Mary, Jesus and Holy Spirit, know me better than I know myself...and grateful that I am not alone a walking through the world...know what I mean?
Life is good
All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Tonie Wallace
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
One more thing: This was on the Yahoo New Service Site: Today:
Many historians see little chance for McCain
David Paul Kuhn 2 hours, 30 minutes ago
One week into the general election, the polls show a dead heat. But many presidential scholars doubt that John McCain stands much of a chance, if any.
Historians belonging to both parties offered a litany of historical comparsons that give little hope to the Republican. Several saw Barack Obama’s prospects as the most promising for a Democrat since Roosevelt trounced Hoover in 1932.
“This should be an overwhelming Democratic victory,” said Allan Lichtman, an American University presidential historian who ran in a Maryland Democratic senatorial primary in 2006. Lichtman, whose forecasting model has correctly predicted the last six presidential popular vote winners, predicts that this year, “Republicans face what have always been insurmountable historical odds.” His system gives McCain a score on par with Jimmy Carter’s in 1980.
“McCain shouldn’t win it,” said presidential historian Joan Hoff, a professor at Montana State University and former president of the Center for the Study of the Presidency. She compared McCain’s prospects to those of Hubert Humphrey, whose 1968 loss to Richard Nixon resulted in large part from the unpopularity of sitting Democratic president Lyndon Johnson.
“It is one of the worst political environments for the party in power since World War II,” added Alan Abramowitz, a professor of public opinion and the presidency at Emory University. His forecasting model — which factors in gross domestic product, whether a party has completed two terms in the White House and net presidential approval rating — gives McCain about the same odds as Adlai Stevenson in 1952 and Carter in 1980 — both of whom were handily defeated in elections that returned the presidency to the previously out-of-power party. “It would be a pretty stunning upset if McCain won,” Abramowitz said.
What’s more, Republicans have held the presidency for all but 12 years since the South became solidly Republican in the realignment of 1968 — which is among the longest runs with one party dominating in American history. “These things go in cycles,” said presidential historian Robert Dallek, a professor at the University of California at Los Angeles. “The public gets tired of one approach to politics. There is always a measure of optimism in this country, so they turn to the other party.”
That desire for change also tends to manifest itself at the end of a president’s second term. Only twice in the 20th century has a party won a third consecutive term in the White House, most recently in 1988, when George H.W. Bush replaced the term-limited Ronald Reagan, who was about twice as popular in the last year of his presidency as President George W. Bush is now.
But the biggest obstacle in McCain’s path may be running in the same party as the most unpopular president America has had since at least the advent of modern polling. Only Harry Truman and Nixon — both of whom were dogged by unpopular wars abroad and political scandals at home — have been nearly as unpopular in their last year in office, and both men’s parties lost the presidency in the following election.
Though the Democratic-controlled Congress is nearly as unpopular as the president, Lichtman says the Democrats’ 2006 midterm wins resemble the midterm congressional gains of the out-party in 1966 and 1974, which both preceded a retaking of the White House two years later.
One of the few bright spots historians noted is that the public generally does not view McCain as a traditional Republican. And, as Republicans frequently point out, McCain is not an incumbent.
“Open-seat elections are somewhat different, so the referendum aspect is somewhat muted,” said James Campbell, a professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo who specializes in campaigns and elections.
“McCain would be in much better shape if Bush’s approval rating were at 45 to 50 percent,” Campbell continued. “But the history is that in-party candidates are not penalized or rewarded to the same degree as incumbents.”
Campbell still casts McCain as the underdog. But he said McCain might have more appeal to moderates than Obama if the electorate decides McCain is “center right” while Obama is “far left.” Democrats have been repeatedly undone when their nominee was viewed as too liberal, and even as polls show a rise in the number of self-identified Democrats, there has been no corresponding increase in the number of self-identified liberals.
Campbell also notes that McCain may benefit from the Democratic divisions that were on display in the primary, as Republicans did in 1968, when Democratic divisions over the war in Vietnam dogged Humphrey and helped hand Nixon victory.
Still, many historians remain extremely skeptical about McCain’s prospects. “I can’t think of an upset where the underdog faced quite the odds that McCain faces in this election,” said Sidney Milkis, a professor of presidential politics at the University of Virginia. Even "Truman didn’t face as difficult a political context as McCain.”
Again, I didn't write it...only pasted it here...
Love-Gratitude & Acknowledgement To My Dad
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Happy Father's Day God and Dad, Grandads And Everyone Gathered Here Today and in Celebration!
June 14, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
My biological father is in the heavenly spiritual realm...He left six months after my mother did...and it was a hard time for all, for we as well saw graduated a dear sister in law of ours...who went first and ahead of my mom, ten days later...two days after my birthday, September 15, thus the 17Th.
So when my dad left, our family was already heavily laden with the grief of losing such two closeness in our family of caring individuals.
I knew that my dad wanted to pass, along with my the actors in the movie..."The Notebook," did. He also told us all that if that couldn't happen, he wanted to leave before my mother did, for the thoughts of living in his world without her...was just too much for his already lonely heart...and all she was a doing was telling him of the beautiful lady in the garden, that is a asking her if she is ready to go Home?
As I watched him from a distance, I could see his health rapidly going down hill as his spirit ached for him to join my mom...My father made his graduation, Home, March 24Th, 2007...six months after my mom, September 17, 2006.
My father was strictly planted with the thoughts of going Home, and thus God gave him His blessing..."Ask and Yea Shall Receive," come alive.
For even though my father sometimes walked backwards in life, when he didn't know what was real or not...and was coming off strictly programming of his parents, peers, social world and such...and a time he didn't walk strictly for Our Lord, all that he knew was forgiven him, when he confessed his wrongs and stated that his will now was turned over to the Lord...and from that day forward...he took less and less steps backward and more forward than backward...
Thus my father left a very special legacy of being in the world standing straight up and no longer having a bend to our spine from years and years of having ones head stuck straight up their hiney, and checking on what condition, their condition is in and forgetting to look out into the world and a keeping a watch on our a world which is a changing right before our eyes...
My father couldn't have left his drunkard ways, along with my mother...if it hadn't been for God...a holding him tightly in His hands for almost 40 years...the days before my father asked for forgiveness, and walked without Him...were forgiven, once my father asked for forgiveness, and was told Biblically, that once is enough...and not to look back again on those days...provided one was sincere of intention, that is all that is necessary, and my father did an outstanding job, when he finally got going in life...To that moment in time, I celebrate the man he tried to be, instead of the one that once lived and called himself, a husband, and father of ten children.
I remember when I first sent my father the tape of movie; "The Notebook," at that time, my mother had just gotten over an episode quite similar to the Notebook leading mother had to hospitalized for she was going deeper into her dementia stages and was even becoming homicidal...drugs can do that, especially if not taken right or not given in the right doses for a woman that refused to drink water...for if one doesn't drink water, they can't help the body flush out the excessive drug accumulations in the body...results? Toxic overload, and followed by hospitalization...
I guess my father was just too tired to see his real world, unfold even more for about six months he just held onto the tape...and then one day he popped it into his DVD player...and that was the prompt to write his book...for in the movie, he did get to see the similarities to the leading characters and his life with my mom...for she too was of money, influence and power and marrying my dad, meant a lifetime of limitation...yet she took the run...and told me before dementia became her total mind set, "it was something that she will never forget and one if she had to do it all over again, would have chosen my dad..."
My mother made lots of sacrifices for my dad and never regretted it...and that too is how I have lived my world...all things on purpose, all things for a reason...not one, not one...
As all today take the time and reflect on the love story that one is a leaving their say that this one more reflects the life of 57 years, were they both here today...of my parents, is an honor and one that I will always cherish...for this is real love folks...I would be surprised if it didn't take all the awards...the year it came out...Now do you understand why an average acting guy won't be able to make me daddy set too high a table...thank you dad...for I have had enough of the average...I want the God Divine Inspired One, like you became later in your you lots Dad and always will...
I also love our Heavenly Father, Mother Mary, Jesus and Holy Spirit mostly and therefore today is also a celebration to Our Heavenly Father of which I will pray..."Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus and our Precious Holy Spirit, I pray that you be with all the fathers today...touch their hearts and show them how much love you have for each of them, and hold them close as they start to see more and more how their thinking is a shaping up our world...
Guide Them Heavenly Father, through all of their trials and tribulations as they start to struggle to awaken, and please show them Father, how You would have them be in the world...that is a seemingly wanting to bring itself to a crashing halt, like the world/city of Atlantis. A time again where self centered, power and greed driven ideology ways were the norm...and "doing unto others, what you would have done unto yourself" not even considered, times.
Bless and Be with all Father as we move through these trying times in our us and lead us Father through it all...the way you would have us travel...awaken our presidential candidates and all power to the people grid workers- to the fact that it will no longer be a world, set on self appeasement for the wealthy and the will have to be a system of greater sharing and caring than what it is today...for I believe it is about the love and nothing else...for if one can't love another, what does that say about the one unable to do this? Love all, rather they are right or wrong...simply due to the fact that we are all children of One God.
Understanding on the same hand, that yes sometimes, we just don't have to like their ways at all times or follow their ways when we choose not to...and sometimes when I see individuals of great wealth and find them a giving to certain select groups and overlooking other groups of similar needs and lesser provisions than the more popular groups that has lots of benefactors...I wonder why? It is just my nature...
Again Father, I pray for all those I love and love me as well and for the world...all this I ask in Jesus/Your Name, Amen.
Blessed Be To All
Love, Light and Peace
Thank You Heavenly for the gift of watching The NoteBook...last was like having a visitation from my dad as I saw the last few years of his life with my mom...a kind of sort of...unfold and began a new day in Heaven...what a gift...Praise Be To God!
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