Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
I Don't Want You To Go Away, Yet If You Must, I Will Miss You As AlwaysRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone-Associate
Dear All One Family:
When I posted the news letter the other day, I forgot to include one very vital piece of information...concerning one of my greatest "first," moments professional wise and one that qualifies me to hold the position of Clinical Director of Vibrational Medicine Therapies is the simple fact that when I graduated from Myomassology Training in Michigan back in 1985, from Irene Gautier School of Myomassology; was that I started two weeks out from graduation to the start of Michigan's first Wholistic Health Clinic that incorporated under one roof, 5 Chiropractic Doctors, 2 Medical Doctors, 1 Mental Health Counselor, 1 Physical Therapist, 1 Health Food Store, and my department, Myomassology...and mine along with the Chiropractic Doctors and Medical Doctors, was the most long running successful businesses housed under the first of its kind in Michigan.
It was at this almost a year run that I met two cable television Guest Hosts and was asked to talk about the world of massage bodyworks as I understood it.
I was given these two talk presentations because of the great success and body wise convincing need for this kind of alternative approach along with the medical establishment...why didn't it work out? Insurance companies lied up front and personal to me about accepting claim payments on accident and auto injuries and when it was all said and done, I kind of was run out of financial support when the insurance companies kept holding up my compensation for claims filed...I couldn't hold on any longer than I did and my ex husband believe that all was lost to us when I had to close my door and take down my business sign...
So when I talk about let downs and deception...I kind of hold the longest line up of failed business venture and attempts...yet did I or was the timing not right...
Some of my close friends and family members have told me, more times than not, "with all of your experiences, what has it all brought you? With it you couldn't buy a cup of coffee unless you throw a $1.00 in with it..."
Yet again, I say, you say potatoe and I say tomatoe...it is what it is and let's see where it all takes us before I go picking out my grocery cart, okay? For I am just a waiting on The Lord to lead me where He would have me go...call me crazy, yet please never call me lazy for I am just a working 24/7 for The Master: God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...
My dear friend MoJo, asked me in her last correspondence, "where will you go?" and to her I am a saying, where ever He Jesus and Holy Spirit leads me, for sometimes you can explain it, you just know that you are in the height of something pretty spectacular a occurring...follow these newsletters until I have to pack the ole girl up and put her into storage for a while...just keep a looking for my white smoke to come a billowing out behind me as I move silently into my next blessed life situations...
I love you all and pray that you will always feel blessed and loved by God Our Father, His Son/Our Brother Jesus and Precious Holy Spirit
Light, Love and Peace
Jada Stone
My goodness Bradley! talk about not having read many of my newsletters!
We are merely having a communication melt down. For how can we both communicate adequately with each other, when only myself is on the right page?
Don't you remember me a telling you that there would come a time when the only best way you would have to communicate with me was on my website and you told me that you were a hanging out in MySpace and I could find you there...
A.K.A...communicational break down.
As for you telling me that the reason that you only contacted me a few times from Iraq was because I had the guts to ask you if you were exaggerating the dangerous conditions over there and wrote my response somewhere in one of my newsletters to you...directly, up front and personal...
I told you then and am telling you again, here and now; You were my son that exaggerated all things as a way to make others laugh, the jokester kind of thing...and that what you were a telling me was important enough for me to send off to the President of The United States...yet I had to make sure that you had surrendered to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and it was their inspiration that was a leading you to these considerations...and not the old Brad of yesterday...a always a pushing the margin a bit to emphasis your point.
A crying wolf too much that one day the wolf came along and eat you up...because no one could believe you were a telling the truth...
So forgive me for being so insensitive for caring enough to send the truth to President Obama...of which I did...catch the newsletter before you continue to chew on me so much okay?
Now onto this Messiah thing that you have thrown out to me.
Son, when I say that all must walk the "stations of The Cross," in order to understand more completely what becoming Christ Like is about...that doesn't mean we become Christ, just more like Him in action and behavior towards all others...
So no, I am not perfect and I am no saint, I am just trying to do the very best job that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit leads me to be...I have wrote this as well before...and before again, I told you that a time would come along that I would grow tired of all of the talking to you that is becoming almost too much of a strain to keep repeating, so writing it all down...is the best thing I can give all...for some people listen well, some have exceptional eye sight and some have more learning retention from a reading it...my problem is, if my editors don't put an index along with all of my writings it has now become hard and difficult to tell all where to go to get my take on various subjects that I know well...
Before I get to Angeline's story and self discovery moment...one of which when I spoke of to you, you almost jumped through the phone a warning to leave her alone...and stop harassing her...I simply have to say this: You have been a trying to get me away from her since long before you left for Iraq and I can't do it and won't do it, even if that means that your and my communication is spaced.
She is the mother and step mother of two of my precious grand children that you have been gifted from God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to receive for they chose you and Angeline, just like I chose my parents, etc., etc.,
What I saw visible in your former wife and mother of your daughter...wasn't pretty.
I didn't say she wasn't pretty...I just said that when I started to work on her and saw how pain my therapy was a bringing her...I told her that she was very toxic...and that all of the weight that she had amassed in such a short time...I believe she stated, forty pounds, was simply due to her a wanting to go into hiding, for the love she loved, didn't love her all that much and right now she knew it, yet was still a waiting and a hoping and a leaving the light on so to speak, just in case her little butterfly that she had allowed to escape, ever decided that he liked the nest she held, with his daughter, the best of all.
So until then, she was going to layer herself up with so many layers that no love would ever get in...just in case you did return to her.
A woman missing the love of a good man...sometimes finds food to take the place of love...for food is comforting and it doesn't talk back or tell large tales...
I also told her that I totally understand why my grand daughter found my work so uncomforting, because her mommy did...as I heard her yell don't do this or do that...as I worked on her...which was to me, a grand example of parents being the role model to their children...
Yet I did understand the dilemma that my former daughter in law had found herself in...for once pain begins, the road back home is a lot further away...and because muscles are supposed to be neutral in feel when trigger points are being released, when their is a pain spasm pattern, that indicates quite highly, imbalances...
I also told her that her digestive system was all off kilter...that it could have been the steroids that were a giving her the chipmunk cheeks, and thus meant liver imbalances and being food was her comfort and friend...she was only making the condition more difficult to process clearly.
I also told her that I found the back of her neck muscles to be kind of soggy and that meant that her neck and all the fear she had had, yesterday of her once at birth brain defect that was documented from the doctor to no longer be in existence...still held the residue of all of those fear filled moments in time...and that stretching exercises and cardio exercise were just good choices, as well as limiting her carbs and perhaps even her diet sodas for it is a well documented fact that diet sodas actually act as a hunger stimulant and many folks that I know that drink them too much, have lots of extra weight and appetite...I told her that it would be better to drink less real sugar laden drinks than more non sugar, yet sugar substituted drinks...
So you can call it me being mean and ugly...I was only a doing my job...like always!
And when I told you that I knew that you had been a drinking, for that is the only time that you feel brave enough to tear me apart or at least try...simply because you are a wanting to use me as a trigger and sounding board to cast off all of the repressed energies that you don't feel safe enough to unload on others...I knew then that I wasn't wrong and that you were a not wanting me to see you so clearly...and that is why you stated you hadn't drank a drink since January. I knew better.
What I have discovered about alcohol is that is a depressant...and when one is depressed already, even though they shouldn't be...knowing they are a warrior of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...and have the mantle of protective energies sent them...this level of depression is not the typical norm and excessive alcohol takes a half empty vessel and turns them into a empty vessel...which was easily visible this morning...yet I am happy that at least you were able to share your thoughts and feelings on the moment...
For it is in that moment of time that is real or at least appearing real and that is when those that really love you and have your best interest always at hand, stand up and tell you what you need to hear, versus what you would rather hear...
I am just calling an ace an ace...
I am sorry that some of your newly found fellow contractor friends over in Iraq were injured...and that you somehow feel like you have skipped out on them...When one moves through the war zone, that is what one can expect, war zone activities...have you ever heard the saying that friends some of them come for a moment in our life and some a day and some a life time, yet rather they come for a moment or a life time, they still never less, leave footprints in our heart forever...Son please make them good foot prints memories, I do.
I did write about this possibility in one of the newsletters that I wrote you...don't remember which one though...PTSD symptoms and Steve G. Jones, does have a hypnosis tape on that as well...plus 3,000 others...good stuff...too bad you won't give them a try...easier to have panic attacks I guess...
I feel like Angeline that in you there is so much good and very little waste, yet until you see the good...all the wasted country music moments in time that make you feel somehow vindicated...will only lead to your physical, mental and emotional demise...life is good and wow wouldn't it be fabulous if you started moving towards life instead of always a running away from it?
The setting of ones priorities is always a good place to begin, you know? Rather you were over there with them or not, wouldn't have changed the outcome of their destinies...just like were you to have a destiny to graduate to Heaven, it wouldn't matter if you were here state side or in Iraq or Afghanistan...
Life is what you make it and what you have chosen...just like I don't blame a soul on where my back side has found me a traveling...for I know that one day all this and more will make sense...and just like I am a thanking you for at least a letting me in on the dark side you have been a carrying for a while...
I am not especially happy with all you were a wanting me to lose my grip about and slam and dunk you, yet I am still grateful that I was on board...for now you have to do is simply walk your talk...Saved by God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, surrendered will to Them, and thus am walking with the invisible body shield of protection that They have and are providing me with...and then the weakness level that I have seen around you, falls away and you become strong and can sleep, breathe more deeply and fully happens...
A.K.A., life becomes soft vision instead of such harsh reality filled...know what I mean?
Enough for now...
I will be back for I still have other stuff in which to discuss with you. I do hope that you take the time to catch up with all of my postings to you...quite a few, yeap there is!
Be Blessed always
Love, Light and Peace Always Surround You