Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
May 31, 2008
Volume 101
Dear All One Family:
Many, "Last Lecture Books," still left inside of me. Thus the need to keep expressing myself is obviously apparent to those closest to me. Yes, I am a talker and a writer, yet never to the extent that I have been a doing.
I know that is because I feel the sense of urgency to get set and located for the next few years are going to be a bit rough.
Thus I am merely trying to get prepared my friends, family and the world...not as a way to frightened them, yet to kind of be a road map for the world to better see clearly and brightly...so they can choose to become ready and prepared or stay just the way that they are, for they like it where they live inside of themselves.
Thus when I lay down my head and go to sleep at night...or when I get to close my school books and go Home, I will be remembered as the one that talked and wrote a lot...yet she did it all out of love...for all of mankind...even those that didn't accept, acknowledge or like her.
My life up to this point, has been quite the adventure of several lifetimes that I know I must have balanced already several times...hahahehe...yes, I be at times a bit of a hard head...yet I am trainable...good intentions, good mind, good heart...loves Father-Mother God, Son and Holy Spirit and believes in the "Gifts of Holy Spirit," as outlined in Corinthians Chapter 13- Holy Bible.
I know that I am heading for the dream that I am a visualizing if Oprah doesn't choose to partake of its unlimited possibilities for all of mankind...with my and my team of dreamers prototype...leading the way...all a sharing with the world and helping create Heaven on Earth.
For you know that the channel er that Fredericka shared in my newsletter to all...web feed address... stated that earth isn't going anyplace...only transforming and becoming clean and brand new...just like we are all a doing right now...in our own and special way...
The earth and ourselves are all one...thus in order for us all to survive during that changing vibrational energy format...we all must lay down the baggage of yesterday and walk into the sunlight of our life's real possibilities...knowing all along that you will be able to manifest that which you are a wanting...rather you want it or not.
My sister told me today about a large building sign along the freeway in Grand Rapids, Michigan...that causes the driver to think deeper thoughts...she thought it was highly inspirational for instead of getting upset and angry at the inconsiderate drivers and road conditions...ones mind is taken off the immediate and placed in the Now Moment of Time.
I don't remember exactly how the quotes went, yet they went something like this..."Entertain if you will, had Christopher Columbus not discovered America, would anyone else to have done it?
My answer to that first mind free floating spin...Yes, Christopher Columbus would have had a succeed or...for it wasn't any accident that America was discovered. America's Destiny...
Or the next one went something like this...where does your mind go when you aren't thinking?
My mind either soul travels when asleep or while awake, in the Now Moment...where all things are a happening in the very moment I spend a reflecting its neutrality...
I want all to know that to me, support is the all in all...for when one puts their concentration on the vibrational research healing/education center...they are in essence helping bring it into manifestation.
Another way that support helps manifest the dream center? Until one can see themselves a present there, they really aren't truly a supporting it...only a mouthing the words.
Three of the future directors...one that will be given the medical center as her little hot potatoe and one Oprahs Bed and Breakfast center, and one the Eco green technology center; have all stated a need to not have at residence center, those individuals that are only into the center for the financial part of it and not the grand picture vision we are trying to create all over the world...tired of only using the medical way...and wanting to experience more than surgery, prescriptions drugs as being the only way to health...
They are also wanting it to be a totally celebrated Christian center that allows others to come and teach...I couldn't agree more...
My sister also stated that it would be nice to have a grey cloud energy buster, for those that she loves and knows would be good for the center...a device that perhaps is hand held.
Little did she know that today, I went on line...to check out a another gift I was given by S..that is a foot bath that is supposed to pull parasites out of your feet...and on that website...I did find other vibrational energy devices that I know I will one day utilize in my research healing clinics...
So perhaps her idea isn't all that outside of the box...besides the parasubliminial and binary beat stuff that I am a already an implementing on the far infar ray amethyst table, medical device...has already shown to be a remarkable destressor...it is a hit with those that are a using it in my research program...
Plus the implementation of float tanks...meditation, music and dance, higher thought thinking lectures...like Greg Braden, Dunvelo, Dwyer, Chopra, Bradshaw, Gray...Montel...Eckhart Tolle...etc., etc., etc...think what kind of individuals would be a running and working at the center?
Next newsletter posting: SS...your letter of health advise needed...will follow
Be Blessed
Love,Light and Peace
Saturday, May 31, 2008
For Your Educational Listening Time-Oprah-Eckhart

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Casual News Brief * Responses to replies:
Correspondence from Fredaricka...
Hi everyone, this most definitely appears to be the next set of lessons for us on our journey, it is all about rebirth and living our divinity. Powerful energy emenates when reading the transcripts quite magical, one can also listen to the recording at the site. Embracing all in Pure White Source Light, Fredaricka http://loveandempow erment.com/ 1024_p1
http://www.solarys- teachings. com/DM-intro- 1.htm
Dear Fredaricka and all One Family:
I have found myself spending quite a few hours basking in the energies of these channeled messages. I know that they aren't for the fear ridden ones...and you know who you are...hahahehehe...yet to me...I feel strengthened from the experience and I definitely am not done a listening and watching the slide shows at the same time, plus I even like to read them as well. It is great having an option to do either or...Oprah and Eckhart have done the same things with their workshop...A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose.
All can download Oprah and Eckhart's workshop...from here... http://oprah.com/obc_classic/webcast/archive/archive-download.jsp
All can find my newsletter as well on my website... www.onlinetoniewallace.com see you there...as well.
I have already told all about the shift in consciousness that I received from the viewing of all ten week classes. This is simply good stuff...do please enjoy...and if you can't get on with the above click...please do go to oprah.com and let your heart and mind behold a different day...
May All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
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