Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
We The People-Part Two President Elect Obama at the Helm*
Saturday November 8,2008
"May The God of your hope so fill you with all joy and Peace in believing (through the experience of your faith) that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope." Romans 15:13 AMP
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neighter have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.: 1 Corinthians 2:9
Dear All One Family:
As promised, I am baacckk! Just a putting down my memoirs of our nation's most historical moment yet to be realized!
I again ask that you have some patience with me in my train of thoughts that I am a placing here...these are things that I feel need to be said...so that I can have my peace about them...and you can have your proof that I felt this or that way when the change in America began...Election Day 2008
I am still responding to the letter sent me by Rob Schenck...Faith and Action Missionary Group for Capitol Hill...
If all that I write doesn't convince you and you still feel that I am wrong in all that I feel and believe, I simply ask that you send me prayers of enlightenment...for we can all use prayers... and I will send to God my prayers that you might also gather some enlightenment as well...thus it will be a win-win for all...agreed?
Rob Schenck
"At the same time, we must be honest with ourselves and with others as well as bold with a future Obama Administration, especially when it comes to those things that matter most: The sanctity of every human being, the sacredness of marriage as between one man and one woman in monogamous union, and the public acknowledgment of Almighty God."
Tonie's Response
I believe that being a Christian man...President Elect Obama will do all that he can do to ensure that we will always have public acknowledgment of Almighty God...for this nation has its very being upon God Our Father...to do less than that would weaken our country's foundation greatly...taking God out of the schools...happened over forty years ago and we still haven't recovered from that fall...
The abortion issue is something again...like the non allowance of same sex couples to marry...it is all individuals wagons they are a pulling on their own...I just remember back to the days when woman wanted abortions and couldn't get them legally, and got them illegally and lots of them died from the experience...how can we give that much power over our own body to the government?
When I have counseled with my own clients that have experienced abortions...I have discovered that they are a beating themselves up more than I feel God would have done...for we are told that we only have to confess our misdeed, once and be forgiven by God and yes I know that many step over that rule...too many times...yet they are the exception and not the rule...for abortions are done currently in the land and in spite of that fact, the amount of abortions I just heard about a month ago, are down in numbers considerably,at least enough to make the news media reporting.
Looking at the current American Economy Picture
Yet with more and more jobs being lost...and finances light...I don't know where that will take us towards in the future and a playing around and setting down rules...governing a woman's choice...is almost a bit too similar to a dictatorship to me...yet what do I know?
See, I told you that I was different...so please don't cast me out as a heathen...I really am a good person that just see things spun a different way than yourself and yes I have heard all the religious objections to how I am a feeling and believing...yet just remember it is my way, and you have your way as well...
"Judge not, least thee be judged."
Rob Schenck
"Whenever these core principles are deliberately violated by the new administration, or for that matter, the new Congress or the Courts, we will continue to first appeal to the consciences of our elected and appointed officials, asking them to change. If those appeals fail, we will boldly declare to them the truth and engage in whatever activities are allowed to us to persuade the authorities to do what is right and good. And we will always, always pray, seek the face of God and humbly intercede for mercy and grace in the time of need."
Tonie's Response
Dear Rob, perhaps this wasn't your intention...yet, I somehow picked up a sense of fear from what you just wrote...and I am rather tired of all of the fear coming from those that want us to believe that in the case we have been taken...unaware...these are the conditions we will follow...to secure back our land.
Do you not sense the flow of fear energy you are a permeating to us? Or is it my fear residual recovery process I am a still perhaps somehow, still needing a little more recovery time from the presidential campaign period of two years...Pitiful and disgraceful, yet I must congratulate those responsible for pulling off a highly negative and destructful fear campagin...now you rocket scientist types...please discover a way to return our land to the somewhat peaceful energy we had before the campaigns began. Please?
Also I would like all the churches and schools to start to ask their fear filled members to simply pray for the man who will be our Commander and Chief in January...and ask Our Father in the name of our sweet brother Jesus...and precious Holy Spirit to please bless, protect, fill him/First Lady and daughters and all the cabinet that are serving with him, with Divine inspiration and guidance for all know that this brave man named; President Elect Barack Obama...has taken on one heck of a mess...and because Our Father is an awesome God...He and He alone can change the world in a blink of an eye...mankind can change it with a firing off of a nuclear warhead...
That is all we as God's awakened children can do and especially those people wanting President Elect Barack Obama to change the world...He can if we ask God to help him.
Especially needed are the prayers of those that are frightened he is the Antichrist...do you not know how your fear energy could be a changing the world as we speak? All churches all over the world should be I believe, a telling their congregations to please help shut down with good prayer-faith-filled intentions...sent to our governmental team. Every prayer that goes forth helps all that much more...you say you can't do a thing to change things...I say you can by praying for if you are a praying and I am a praying...that is all that is needed to have God's presence amongst us in the moment...think about it...that is why I tell my people that can't afford the prices I am a normally a charging...I tell them to make up the difference in prayers for me...for they are worth more than gold...yea they are!
You all had to have heard Senator McCain state that President Elect Barack Obama is a good man at his farewell to the negative fear campaigns...speech. That should have been a signal to you that game point was over and to totally put down the fear garment, for the game was won by another...
I believe that some will as time goes along, yet I also have been told that others never will able to trust or like the new president and on the news tonight...11/10/2008...a school teacher was video taped by a student in her class a throwing out her remaining fear induced thoughts about our President Elect to her students and she is being investigated perhaps as I write...
End of Part 3 Land Of The Free, Home of the Brave! Happy Veterns Day all of my heroes of all wars...right up to the moment...I am so proud of you all! God Bless and Keep You All Safe Forever!