Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 22, 2009
Walking Down That Life Rite of Passage Path/Journey A Holding God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's HandRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
When I look at health care reform, I see more need than not. One thing I would like to see is the free choice to choose the format of treatment that I need, starting with Alternative-Complementary Medical before surgery.
Most that know me, know that is because there are so many risks involved when a person goes under the knife, not to speak of the serious risks of infection, error and in my field; the cutting and severing of nerve endings that do not repair themselves...
Then one takes in the actual healing process of a wound and understands about scar tissue not able to do its job properly, because the tissue is all bunched up and thus starts a causing the muscular system that moves our bones to have a need to adjust a body out of position.
I am not saying that we need to throw the whole surgical process out of the window, what I am saying is that we need to try all other alternatives in order to evaluate the need of surgical intervention...after we tried the other stuff...make sense?
I am also of the opinion that the prescriptions that are prescribed to the patients should be monitored better by the FDA.
When I see the commercials from these drug companies on the television, and I see the side effects of the drug...I fall into the thinking state that the fix could possibly, perhaps make the original problem seem like something perhaps they shouldn't have complained so much about...hahahehe...even though it isn't funny...
So for all of those folks that believe that the drugging of our country isn't all that bad...than perhaps you aren't a paying attention to the news and about our water filtration system that can't pull all of the antibiotics and anti depression medications out of it.
Simply because when the water filtration system first went into place in our land...these chemicals were not present in the land...and if they were the common usage of them, was not all that great so it was probably being viewed as a trace element or two or three, and not a big deal...and today it is easily identifiable and a problem enough that the news media has picked up on it, simply because they don't have a clue how to remove it.
Those that have wallets that moths fly out of it when opened...being they wrote the books on penny pinching...would say; "Tonie why are you a hammering on the water filtration system door? Free antibiotics and anti depressives! Just turn on your tap water and drink freely and don't even have to go to the doctor's office to get a prescription for it all from them and don't even have to pay for it either."
Of which I respond:
You say potato and I say tomato, the taking of antibiotics on a regular or prolonged base does one simple thing...the antibiotics tell the immune system that it is a handling things and to stop its protective mechanisms.
Now with so many virus and bacteria out there in our world and the world of others...having an immune system that is asleep and not able to protect us is serious enough...for there is a thought process of medical scientists that were ones immune system strong enough, that even if the person came into direct contact with A.I.D.'s, they wouldn't be effected.
Plus even a single dose of antibiotics starts the colonization of yeast to proliferate and that also weakens an immune system that in between doses of antibiotics is told to scale the highest mountain in which to conquer the yeast growths that spreads like a form of parasitic take over and in some extreme cases I have even seen fungal hands and toe nails...for we are a circulatory system that moves the blood in our body from the top of our head, all the way to our feet.
Sometimes the folks with fungal toe nails have the problem so bad that the person's feet, stink like yeast dough...and in these cases the person has combined of jock itch, under arm irritations, bumps and rashes...and the doctors just tell them that with the feet, they have chronic athlete's feet.
Each person that I have ever seen with this condition, their medical doctors aren't alarmed by the condition.
Some doctors are still in the dark ages of medicine, and a coming from their early school training and education. I say to these asleep doctors...the veterinarians are way ahead of you all...for when they prescribe antibiotics for their pet patients, they also write a script for probiotics...being it is hard to feed an animal yogurt cultures...
Medical doctors that don't tell their patients that are on antibiotics to at least eat yogurt while on it...I feel aren't giving their patient their best medicine...
The really top notch medical doctors not only tell their patients to go to the health food store and obtain acidophilus, and with fungal toes and nail conditions...perhaps after the antibiotic dosage, refrain from taking in sugar laden products such as simple starches, yeast breads, alcohol and a good solid probiotic like unsweetened yogurt if one doesn't like the taste of yogurt.
The taking of antidepressants in our water are good for those that are depressed and need assistance in that area, yet what type and how much you are a taking in your drinking water, is the problem especially being, antidepressants largest problem is that it hosts so many side effects that suicidal tendencies are its largest and most common problem seen with them...
So there you have my largest concern with the dosing of Americans and such with common remedies that only put a bandage on the problem to begin with...and with the over load of antibiotics comes also the problem along with the yeast problem, is the kidney failures that they are a seeing in those of large regular dosing of these folks with antibiotics...
Those with chronic fatigue syndrome...I believe our doctors should look at the yeast colonization problems within the human body functions...many of these doctors don't realize that when one takes package yeast that one would make their own home made bread, add water and sugar and watch it grow and expand...the same kind of principle also occurs within our body.
So there you have it, my thoughts on our drinking water's condition and how I see it directly correlated back to our present health care system a needing reform.
Those that know me and have heard me talk about this subject, know that I am concerned about the problem with drugs prescribed to another, becoming my body fellow...
I have been in search of my own answers to this growing problem of candida albicans...colodial silver, Manatek Products, Muscadine Grape Seed Extract...and Omega 3, comes to mind as a good start in the direction of health...working with the problem, versus putting a temporary bandage on the problem and wishing, hoping for the best as with the medical doctors, protocol...
Just my thoughts again...take what you need and please leave that which you don't.
Just please remember that with a serious yeast take over with ones body, chronic fatigue is the most common symptom that one experiences...how can one recover from the assault to one's body that first caused the doctor to prescribe the antibiotics if ones body is too weak and tired from all the yeast micro organisms that are a taking over the body?
Please Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
So like the auto industry, this industry also was found asleep.