Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Hello again! My hasn't it been a while since I visited this site. Please accept my apologies, for life like everyone else's everywhere; has lots of things and the things of so many others in my life on my already maximum loaded plate.
Besides it takes me a while to sort through all of the clutter in order to find the hidden pearls, contained within the clutter...and just by finding them, you find the treasure of the moment rather it be a good pearl or a fake one, never less; the same in value for it awoken one to the moment and that really is all we have you know?
The world is really in a fear filled environment due to the distant and hopefully and prayer fully, not close to our homeland; war drums, and the financial collapse that we are experiencing that even President George Bush stated in his Farewell Speech; that it was almost all due to the stock market and banking systems that are in place in our land; that fed themselves quite fully on our backs...nice...paraphrase I realize, yet it is my interpretation...view it yourself and tell me what you think.
I only ask that you be kind to me, for I found it to be a very grand speech! and quite humbling actually...and this is coming from a person who voted for President Bush yet voted for our President Elect, Barack Obama, so understand I was also one of those that voiced disapproval when things were a falling down upon him and this great country that I love and all the brave men and women that have risked their lives so this great country of ours could go on and on...and those countries wanting democracy to be their battle call, could have it...
So my perspective may not be your own, yet it is mine and I take full ownership of it.
I believe that President Bush did the best that he could give, especially having been handed a loaded gun to begin with...for many have been a saying that President Bill Clinton dropped the ball when we didn't take numbers with the Marine Military Base that was hit while on his watch...and we looked away and cried with our brave men and women whose loved ones lives were lost...and there are those that are saying that by retiring military bases and cutting back on our national defense by President Bill Clinton...sort of left us open to attack...Trade Center, twice...and then The Pentagon...my goodness, right next door to the White House...
So like President George Bush stated, "he doesn't know what the history books will write about him," I say, "I don't as well know what truths will be given or not...all I feel is this, Good Ole George Bush did the very best that he could do and if that wasn't enough...with all that he was given while on his watch, please forgive him for even though I will always believe that a good communicator is the key to negotiations being negotiated or not and right now...I am anxious to see the chaos end...yet like President George stated...it has never been a settled matter over in our holy cities...and that to me is a hoot as well.
For just imagining that our holiest of holy cities are at war with each other and others...is quite ironic at most, wouldn't you say? Especially being it could be such a wonderful tourist trap for folks like myself...and now the thoughts of traveling over there this summer...doesn't look all that promising...and that saddens me greatly for I would love to see our holy lands and can't because it might just be a little bit too dangerous for an American and her family of loved ones.
Especially being there was something mentioned in Revelations that stated when blood of His people was shed in His Holy Cities, look towards the end of time.
Being we are all His children and these battles have been a going on forever...I do believe God has given us more than ample time to bring down the end of time and the the changes He wrote of...
Yet I don't believe 2012 will be the end of the world...only a new beginning and lots and lots of changes...much harder though, yet I believe that all the fear and darkness seekers, will be no longer present here for it is going to take lots of light energy in which to fix a planet that has decided to flip on its axises...and if everything is a flipping...those that are too heavy with the weight of fear, and all those other non virtuous energies that don't contain a speck of Light, Love and Peace, those beings will lose their balance...and have to return Home.
The Light Bearers and Peaceful Warriors will be primarily the only ones present to reign in this new, brave world.
And those that know they are vessels of light, love and peace, will all somehow find the others like themselves that will help and assist all the light beings now starting to awaken...at astounding numbers, I might add! Thank You God for the support of my fellow awakened earth bound angels and those of the unseen world, known as Heaven.
I too believe that the world I envision after 2012 will be quite similar; almost like the channeling that Kryon wrote and I presented to you all in the last posting...here.
You know he did get it right about the financial collapse of our banking and Wall Street folks...President Bush confirmed that fact, long after Kryon did...think about it...read it again and see what I mean, okay?
One other thing I would like to add about President Bush's Farewell Speech was that when he was asked by one reporter what kind of things did he wish that our 44Th president would consider while our land and world is on his watch, and something similar to this is what I caught...
President Bush stated many things and my mind only caught that which was most pertinent to the moment that I believe I am a living under...understand what I am trying to say?
President Bush hoped that President Elect Barack would never stop trying to gain free trade around the world...for to him this just made good sense to open up trade with all lands and set the competitive motion that would benefit us all.
I say,
I personally would like to see it set up in such a way that our country doesn't lose as much industry that we have, for without jobs, who will pay the taxes, one hand feeds another...perhaps as well, we could make it just as beneficial to rebuild America while we are a rebuilding other lands...perhaps that is too much to ask at this point of our depression time span...perhaps not...just a throwing it out there, know what I mean?
Also President Bush also believes that if we fall totally into rebuilding our land only, and start to pull towards a me only time space, that too would be detrimental to our future growth potential...I as well agree, for isn't it the Golden Rule that states that; we must, "do unto others that which you would have done unto you?"
So yes I see the drift of your "dangling participrocals"...yet, why can't we do both at the same time? Can we as a nation of God's Children, teach others to fish, like Jesus told Peter to do, so that they could feed themselves a life-time.
One other thing that I heard was President Bush's comments about Katrina and the reaction time of our government, of which President Bush stated that our reaction time was on point for over 30,000 people had been taken off of their roof tops...and I say to President Bush this comment: Dear President Bush, it wasn'y the military man power response time that they were a talking about, it was the financial assistance help to rebuild their city, they were a talking about...for the project is still far from being completed and persons are still without shelter of their own there...so I believe that a bit of selfishness here is needed not only by Katrina survivors yet also...Texas, Washington State, California, Iowa and all other points of our grand land that are needing help with their latest disaster events...for lots of areas of our great land of America, looks like the battle torn areas of other countries that we are a rebuilding for them, at our cost and that kind of concerns me as well...so I am just a throwing out some stuff to see where the seeds of inspiration will sprout...Not a complaining, only a explaining...
All in all, President Bush, your farewell speech made me proud to be an American...I will miss your cowboy nature...and I did feel safe under your watch Mr. President...thank you for all that you attempted to do for us all...do enjoy your private life...and may your dreams ride on the backs of angels...and thank you for sharing your feelings and hopes for President Elect Barack, for I am very hope filled for our future with him at the helm as well...
Now having said that
I will now close for the morning...hahahehe...tomorrow I hope to post a follow up to President Bush's Farewell Speech...with a story of a mother of two grown sons with families that have chosen to brave the war zones of Iraq for employment...The author's name is Jada and her story I hope will as inspirational for the reader as it was for me...
It is a story that is so similar to my own, that many will wonder if I wasn't the writer of it myself...
Please watch for it...
Love, Light and Peace To All
Be Blessed