Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
What Is A Wild Card?Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
May 23, 2009
Dear All One Family:
What Are My Thoughts On Distrust and Jealousy?Thanks for asking? Those who know who they are....
My thoughts about distrust and jealousy aren't very pretty, for I too have lived through those days that I couldn't trust even my shadow and to tell you the truth, those moments were my own very worst...
All those that have heard Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, knows well that which I speak..."Simply that all things are made up of energy, some of it good and beneficial for our growth and development, yet lots that isn't...from the simplest molecule to the most explosive dimension that could and hopefully will not cause our planet to tip off of its axis...as predicted by many yesterday age philosophers of old and ancient times...as well as many today's futuristic vision seers...
As to the earth tipping device a coming from a nuclear explosion or several...or an asteroid a falling from the sky...
We were also instructed in Revelations to be prepared for that moment in time that no one knows the exact moment...that Jesus will be a coming here in all of His glory and magnificence!
I believe that the job He left was for all to take on His mantle of comfort, joy and Divine Guidance, His precious Holy Spirit and all those found not a wearing it...perhaps not as well off as those found covered in Their Holy Radiance...
Now I could be wrong and I pray that if I am that Holy Father help me see a better and different way...
Those that can't see their divinity birth right plan...I call these wild cards for they see the big picture, lots differently, yet because I will never stop praying that all begin to see as myself and numerous others that have this divine knowning channel...know what I mean and those that don't...I can only pray that you find its magnificence peace...and continual presence...
Poem by Rudard Kipling, "IF"
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
This perhaps is one of my favorite poems of all times...
The parts of it, that state "neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, and all men count with you, but none too much; that says to me that the only one that should count number one is : God/Jesus and Holy Spirit. When that magical moment ocurs and you know without any doubt that with that power grid of Divine energy, nothing or any one can come against you...and that all things are on purpose, each serving a learning lesson that the individual soul essence needed to experience...rather for self or all others...
Something along the line of "The Sins Of The Parents Will Fall Down Upon The Children For Six Generations, " another biblical kind of thing...perception moment...been having lots of doom and gloom moments in time that I am a trying not to process...yet I did hear a local weather man state yesterday while a giving our weather service news, that Florida's temperatures a bit colder than our own and he also said something like, "no folks, I don't believe the North Pole is now down there." Yet the joke he threw out there...although coincidentally funny...never less he told on himself and that was that he has heard of the 2012 earth shift...
I say, when one holds the vision that the world won't end, only becomes better due to the struggle of major change...a planetary cleansing instead of total destruction is now primarily the two choices we have and hold before us...
I choose transitional change, those that want to choose total destruction, Armagedon, The Rapture...I am not saying that you are wrong, I am only stating once a gain that I have personally asked for a First Class Ticket out of here if you are right and I am not totally convinced...sort of covering both the left and right view point...
So as I keep an eye on the sky...Nasa web sites and such...and visual viewings as Revelations states that we must...I also take in all of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit magesty of design...for I can get lost in the magnificense, yet not too much that I am not paying attention to how the majority are a viewing our world...never fully realizing that they were by viewing it all in such a limited fashion, was helping weaken the structure of belief...that should have been increasing...
When I ponder the energy of crystals and know that all is one mass crystal of energy with masses amounts of thought impressions a going forth from one and all...and if one influences energies towards the negative, that power grows and grows until...the positive is all extinguished from its energetic beingness...
Yet being it is nothing more than energetic organized energy, and all one has to do when an experiencing complete divine drain is refill up with the power source of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, just by asking for divine intercession...and power to be given back to themselves.
That is also what I believe is meant when we were told in the Bible that we must return as the children we arrived as..."with the faith, trust and belief of a child"...that one that lives in the analytical world of facts and figures would call too simpliest..is supposed to be...
I also heard that over moderated drug and alcohol consumption is merely one trying to recapture the eternal peace and divine highness energy of Home that all will have to graduate towards...when destiny calls everyone back Home.
I for one believe that those who have found the path I have laid out above; will have the chance to stay eternally if they so choose and those that didn't quite get it right, might perhaps have to return to do it all over again...(you know, stuck in Ground Hog Day, kind of thing) Till we get it right...that is, hahahehehe...oh yes, I have personally been stuck in Ground Hog Day, too much...when I lost communication with Our Father/Jesus and Holy Spirit...so I know how dastardly it all is myself...
I also believe the same is for suicides...I believe that the person that commits suicide has to come back and re-teach a better lesson plan than the one they chose foolishly in the moment...to leave behind for others they say they care about...I say, not all suicides are handled the same...for if the person that committed the act and knew not what they were a doing, and acted as such...perhaps the parents of the child, that chose this road, will one day have to explain why the child wasn't given proper enough of instruction...
I say these things because it is my interpretation of Biblical hints, that once we take our children to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and tell them the way to return, that these same children might fall off of the path a bit, yet one day, hopefully before it is too late, they return...
In another words...no one but God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, know what was in the heart, head and body of one a wanting to leave in a manner, warned not proper...By
So rather than judge the moment, I will simply say that everytime that I hear of a life lost to their own design, I pray for them as if they were still alive and ask that Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, forgive them for they knew not what they did or the destruction of other lives that they left in their uncaring wake of momentary behavior...
Just my thoughts for the moment...once again.Thus I believe that because they crossed all the xx's instead of a crossing their t's and and a dotting their i"s...they have to come back and re-experience the life that they couldn't find bearable...and make it bearable given a ratio of a life lived to the third degree of severity than the one they just left...
For we were told that if we felt that we were unable to bear that which we were asked to bear for Him, that all we had to do in Jesus's Name, ask that our burdens be lighten and He promised He would do that very thing for us...as long as we had Faith, trust and belief...in Him...and only enough to fill a mustard seed, we could command mountains to move in our life...
Anyways, those are my thought reflections at this time...below I have included a correspondence with my oldest son...
I hope you find that which you might be looking for in it...I pray that if only one line makes sense to you and you only number one, that its seed taking root...will be blessed by God/Jesus and Holy Spirit.
To All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Jada Stone, Associate Editor/Contributor
"And all things, whatsover you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive."
St. Matthew 21:22
May 23, 2009
Dear Son:
What a wonderful letter...thank you for the confirmation that you are alright...that is all I need from time to time for my prayers for the safety of yourself and all those that are serving our country honorable, goes out towards...
I love our world that much!
Conversation with you has been quite limited, yet conversation with our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, are always on going...
For I know that each life that is given, effects others in the world and suffering is already at too high of a level...along with fear, pain and anguish...
Than you take those that choose to play the victim and thus try to go around creating other victims...man oh man, talk about drama kings and queens...you know what I mean?
I look forward son, to be able to once again be in your presence...to hold you, to kiss your cheek...and most definitely son, "it is what it is"...no more and definitely no less!
All one can do is "keep on a keeping on," for I know the per- dic a mont that you have found yourself in and asking why?
Financial and a desire to continue to serve your country...and glad am I that you are only looking for a year to help clear your bills so that you can join your lovely family and myself...what a day of total celebration that day will bring...
Yet know that like I do for your brother and all others, I do for you as well...for even here one can lose their physical life...
So the prayers from this special mom are always on going rather you are here or far away...for in God/Jesus and Holy Spirit Disneyland story book land...distance is not a problem..."Can You Hear Me?" Song, Bruce Springsteen, "Working On a Dream."
Son, it is a great CD album and one that I play when ever I write and for a large sense it calms me and helps me become even more creative than I am already...
I understand the need to not be able to give away your company's coordinates...for safety purposes and I understand that totally...or a date when you are a coming home to the states...I understand that as well.
Just know that where ever you are, my soul essence cord, am at your side anyways...to help comfort and protect you as I pray continuously that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit keep you and all over there, protected from the energies of others that means them harm...
Just a throwing out my thoughts, for all can do what ever it is that they call, "it is what it is..." Makes sense son? And if not, than just take what you need and please leave the rest...for it is my way and I can only call it, "that's my story and I am sticking with it."
All the above son brings me comfort, joy and peace. Comfort, joy and peace allows me the ability to keep on a dreaming larger and larger dreams...Instead of landing straight up and skinny at the level that the television show, "SuperNatural," left the world at in their final series, Armageddon Days...
An Armageddon that satan has now proclaimed the world as being the "master," over...
What do I have to say about the show's future...I guess it would be what ever they choose to write for in my world viewing estimation...evil is what ever you call it...
For I believe that Narcissism is perhaps the largest evil force that we have a going currently in the world...and some can call the devil the culprit...I call the naturally occurring state of one believing that they are God, when there is only One of Him...Although He is a combined force with Jesus and Holy Spirit, better known as you know, "The Trinity," or simply 3 times squared, multiplied and turned over again and again...
For when one believes that there is no other better and more qualified than themselves, that is in itself, a narcissistic thought reflection...for we are all replaceable...for we are all equally important to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...
Thus when one reads Roman's and discover from Apostle Paul's writing's that we held the victory over satan that was accomplished back fifty or so years after Jesus left...
So to the writers of SuperNatural, I say this...please write and lead us towards the victory over satan and do not depict horrendous outcomes of continuing homelessness and poverty conditions and job losses and market crashes and war worlds a continuing and always a brewing in the back ground like we know that we have always chosen as our back ground melodies...
You know son, the part that states that in "end times," all kinds of seals have been broken from a land that just couldn't believe in such a simple and silly explanation... of "doing unto others that which one would have done unto you." Golden Rule and perhaps the only rule that makes any sense in my whole of things, picture that keep me hoping and a keeping on...
Trust me son...perfect I am not and I am okay with that...when those that surround me at church and see my tears...those tears aren't because I feel so bad about my life...all of the time...for unbeknownst to many, tears aren't always about sadness, for I shed tears for gladness most of all...
Gladness that someone I love has spent another day without mind, body and spiritual pain...
So when ever one sees me crying...understand son that there are many forms of tears...
I have even known persons that stated that they cry crocodile tears...and in their mind's imaginings they are focusing on imaginary times of yesterday when life was all that bad and the only way that they could amend that time was to hold onto the pain filled moment and time of yesterday...
Perhaps this is what actors and actresses do...when they are trying to play the role of the star that they have chosen to enact their part...in order to assimilate the person's every perceived movement and thought impressions...they assume the energy...perhaps that is the reason that they are paid so much for their performance...because now they have to somehow cast that energy away from them, after the show opens...sort of like an exorcism... kind of different of an analogy, wouldn't you say son?
Imagine having to play the role of a vampire? Imagine...no thank you...keep those blood sucking fangs away from my tickilous neck...hahahehehe...man oh man, the writers of Hollywood, really sometimes totally amaze me...
For I do so much see them a helping lead the world towards, drama, suspense, violence and a continual a chasing our tails kind of outlook...for many are a saying, if we are all going towards Armageddon, than what the hell is the point?
And I am a saying that to lose hope is to lose it all , so instead I simply live with the ideology that all is what it is...and all I can do is to keeping on a hoping, wishing and a praying...thus am continuing my walk and talk...even if all call me ridiculous and off the wall or certifiable...as your brother would say to me...what a card that brother of yours is...I know you know what I mean...all those others that will one day read this admission of mine...and know what I mean...say/ pray Amen!
Your brother is a trick card, unto himself...So long he has been a trying to discover who he is and what his purpose is...that he somehow missed the signs as he traveled he thought alone...
Never full understanding that all along he was being personally carried by Jesus...
"Foot Prints..."
"On night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene he noticed, two set of foot prints, in the sand.
One belonging to him and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of foot prints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered him and so he questioned the Lord about it.
"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow You, you"d walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of foot prints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."
The Lord replied, "my precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."
As you know son, this framed picture and poem along with the framed picture and poem about "Children Learn What They Are Taught," hangs in my bathroom in my residence and has for years now...
My bathroom also plays a key role in that which I will be expressing now...for we can't discuss any minute detail of your work there, so I have to fill in those missing spaces with my own world and I hope that you don't take it personal...although I do ask that if any parts of it, might possibly fit with your mental thoughts, than grab it and leave the rest for it must belong to someone else a needing its conformational influence in their life.
Too many times, in my life I had those persons that would take things out of content and come back angry at me for having said that when they just knew that I was a talking to them or about them when in actuality, I was a throwing it all out to who ever might catch any of its significant parts and found it personally aimed at them...
In defense of my action, I want you to know that I am merely one of many messengers out there a trying to ful fill my mission to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, thus to try and silence me, is a like trying to kill the messenger and right now...all messengers a bring, light, hope and peace of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit should be raised up and not lowered...
For to keep these additional Knowning voices muted, is like a saying that only darkness matters and to be truth filled right now...all Hollywood writers and news media persons need to understand that a continuing the Light, Hope, and Peace creation/ creative manifestations is what they all should be a doing...
Writers such as the producers of Jericho...take that show to the next level, take it to President Obama a figuring out how to take a "pig's ear and turn it into a sow's ear."
In other words, taking a broken land due to man's eternal strive to over take others, instead of helping build self and others...symbiotically at the same time...
Perhaps writing about other nations once caught up in the imbalance of greed, fear and conquest issues a now figuring out how their behavior along with others a believing like themselves, was a helping their land return to Atlantis days...
For as you know son, we are what we say we are and our actions prove our point each and every time...
Something like that which you trust and love, will somehow love and trust you right back...
I went to your daughter's concert band concert last Sunday. I felt you there, even though you were far away...and I have already wrote about the experience which was like an Epiphany of yesterday...
Right down to the hospital nurse that gave me the contaminated Hepatitis B vaccine that took me out of work for quite a period of time...This nurse a showing me more compassion and caring than the hospital who could have been sued by me, yet wasn't, did...interesting isn't it?
Her sitting directly behind me, and she as well having a grand daughter in the same awards concert band as your own daughter...she too a going to Williams burg like your daughter and helping the band win the competition for their school.
Then my mind flipped to the Comfort to the Families of Desert Storm Troops, ceremony that the hospital put together using this same high school band and perhaps the same director that your daughter now has...and here you are again, back over in the Middle East, once again...synchronicities you know?
Too many synchroncitic moments to not pay attention to as appearing real and profound...even the one about never having ever appeared within the auditoriums confines...and that is after had loved a teacher there for more years than not...of the 16 I believe now years of knowing him...and dating him for at least 8 of them, hit or miss and mostly miss years...hahahehehe...ooh boy! Just gotta love those years for within all of them...this man was one of my greatest teachers, for he taught the lesson, well of distrust, and unforgiveness and accepting ones own part in the whole of things...
So as I sat in the confines of that room a looking over my present world of your little family displaced from you simply because they are the survivors of these recession period and point that we all are a journeying through in our own little ways...for I couldn't help but allow my mind to wonder back to the special moments in time that I carried this teacher with me and through it...yet never shared one moment in time within these walls confines...and then reflecting on all of the activities of the school that went on at this school that your daughter, my oldest grand daughter now attends and will graduate from...and later following your son doing the same if you still choose to live here after I leave...
The synchronicities were all just a bit over whelming and thus made it a very special moment as I again placed all that would ever sit in these seats...on my altar to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...for I believe that one that sees ones divinity purpose/plan such as I do, can easily do this great divine feat of gifting back that which was gifted me by Our Father...
Only because of our birth DNA are we able to do this...and to be truthful, I don't believe that satan ever married...so thus many believe they are satan's child and if they are...well, I am glad that he isn't my Father....and because God doesn't make any mistakes...my children are of Him and no one else!
Thus being said...I know that where ever I go and what ever I do, will be blessed and multiplied to the tenth and beyond degree, for I know that at my lowest points, I am being carried...and I trust that what ever I ask for in His Name, and Jesus and Holy Spirit...will be given to me.
"And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing you shall receive," St. Matthew 21:22.
Of course son...when one wakes up to the fact that they are a "light house," to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit," that also comes with the responsibility of accepting as well all those not so good choices in life role that one plays in the whole of things.
Even if that choice was only yes that they would play...because until one does and re-opens that channel between Father, Son and Holy Spirit, they are trapped in yesterday and always a chasing after their own tail...
That is what makes one that is trapped into self and not free to think outside of the box, a looking for the larger picture...in that current moment occurring all on its own...one always has a choice to be lonely or not...I am never lonely for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, always has me a writing and a doing this or that for all others and thus ending up rewarding me with the ensuing Grace also promised all in "end days," in Romans in our Bible.
"Thus in end times, I will pour additional Grace over all those unjustly handled."
"For vengeance's is mine, saith the Lord."
When dear son one is able to surrender over to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, one never has to worry about another thing...for They are a handling things...all one has to do is to make the right choices that will brighten rather than dim another's world journey or destiny...
So there you have it...I look and feel from within, rather than feeling that someone else is responsible for how I am a feeling at any given time...taking responsibility for ones own knowness is what I am a trying to reveal here...
I also want to apologize if at any time that I was asleep to my mission and forgot to show the divine lesson of forgiveness, trust and gratitude...and thus might have passed on these not so good virtues of life patterns...
My story is that I was asleep and didn't know any better...and if any time you want to calculate how the passed incorrect virtue pattern was a good one or not so good one to follow...look to see how its action, manifested the reaction...did I have victories or losses?
Allow those memories to help you decide, good choices or bad and indifferent ones...for it seems that we are always looking towards others to fix that which ails us when in essence we were merely a looking for ourselves and didn't know it...yet thought our victory and reward lied within another a always a little bit out of our reach...yet when we reached around ourselves, we found the part of ourselves most needing a tune up...was our own self all along...funny how life always seems to come around and around...know what I mean dear son?
Just like sons a wanting to copy the energies of their father...or step father or adult figure that they have chosen most of all, to re-pattern...themselves after.
You know I love and miss you...and it won't be long before we will be in each other's physical presence...
Mom loves you alot...Your brother equally as much as well...
Be Blessed
And Always Go Everywhere with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...especially asleep...for I believe God/Jesus and Holy Spirit have us working even then...and that is why we sometimes get up more tired than when we laid down...
Sleep both my sons, the sleep of angels for you are both that...
"Just like sons a wanting to copy the energies of their father...or step father or adult figure that they have chosen most of all, to re-pattern...themselves after." All mothers knowing that their daughters are a doing the same... For Children Do Learn That Which Is Taught Them."
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
On Fri, 5/22/09, Andrew Wrote:Subject: it is what it is
To: "Tonie Wallace"
Date: Friday, May 22, 2009, 11:24 PM
sorry havnt been talkative lately ,you had some good input about this work but i dont talk about it on the web,its not secured see,any way ill try calling sunday {technology go figure}remember if i dont its cause iam setting money back for r&r 1900.00 ticket i dont even talk date info cause that is unsafe aswell,i love you very much talk to you soon,love Andrew
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 08:25:39 -0700
From: toniewallace@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: mothers day
To: Andrew:
May 15, 2009
Dear Son:
I am sorry that I haven't written for a while, kind of been in hibernation...and not much on the computer...
Anyways...I am grateful to be able to communicate with you at all...nothing like Dear ole Desert Storm days... when I got to call an 800 number every day just to see if you were alright as of 24 hours prior...see the computer can be a good thing as well as a bad thing when bad thinking people, use it...know what I mean?
Oh how happy you make me...thanks dear son for the head's up on the calling cards. I was wondering why the silence from both my sons, yet your call on Sunday, made it alright and Brent's visit and grand gifts filled me with so much joy!
I am grateful that both you guys know the meaning of giving to others, sometimes more than to yourself.
This is how I have always learned to be and don't regret a single moment of it, just like I am sure you and your brother are...
I don't know if Kim told you about how I cried when I received the $500 gift. Along with all the other money that you & Kim have gifted me, for I like to be the giver and when I am the receiver of it, it makes me so uncomfortable, especially when I remembered how I acted when you announced your decision to follow your dream...and told me that you would help me financially being the economy was a raising so much havoc with my business that has been in a decline since 2001,,,
You would think it would be the exact opposite, yet I don't live in an area that would place my work above eating and surviving...perhaps I was that great of a teacher of wellness that their need for me became less, because I taught them how to fish...and thus fed them a lifetime...
At least that is how I have chosen to view it...any other way would mean that I wasn't at all appreciated...and losing another earth bound angel to this area really isn't a big deal...know what I mean?
So back to you and the moment you made me eat the words that I stated as to, "I don't want your blood money, for you are worth millions to me and not a hundred thousand dollars...give or take a few thousand...
I also cried because you made me proud to know that you would risk your life so that others like me and your family could have more...
That dear son is so cool...you be a cool dude...your brother as well...for his reasons were a bit different, yet similar to your own...help self, help others, give to others and you both do that job well.
I am very proud to be your mother...
I feel love and peace when I think thoughts of you and I know that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit celebrate as well, like I do, and thus I know that They are keeping you safe from harm...
With that peace filled knowledge, I can rest when others believe I am not...Also son please forgive for all my moments in time I was trying to be the mom instead of only a friend...I had to let my truths ring forth...and if at any time, you or brother, felt that I over stepped my limits...In defense, allow me to say, finding the middle ground is not an easy thing to do when one is a parent and only want her sons highest Good to God and mankind, to come forth...
Perhaps when you reach the age of 57 and counting vastly towards 58...you will understand why I had to press forward, even when all told me I should not...for until one sees the whole picture of the power of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's, whole protection...plan, and without it, life is about drama, chaos and unrest.
Besides son, wouldn't you want me to tell you the truth, for have I ever told you anything differently? If so, than perhaps it was a small white lie and I had to say it so that I wouldn't hurt your feelings...
And son, when I disagree with you, it is because I see things differently than yourself...it doesn't mean that I find you stupid or dim witted when I disagree...please remember that always okay?
We all should have the right to disagree when we don't agree...for we live in a world that for the most part, view things differently than what we do...I just wish that we could at least agree on the parts that would make this a better world for all, instead of only the elite few that seem to want to own more than they could ever possibly utilize adequately...for if as you know, we aren't a standing together for a better way for all to live peace ably, we are only a moving closer to destruction....
I am grateful that your brother has chosen to remain state side...He told me that it was a decision he reached after asking God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to put the decision heavy upon his heart for he knew that what ever decision he reached, would be the right one...
I understand he has his own apartment now and that is a good thing, for he needs time to come back from the war energies and a working it all out alone with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...is better than a trying to come to a good place with the distractions of others...making it a bit harder...know what I mean?
Son, I haven't been able to get the products sent out to you yet...this financial period I have been experiencing is making it rather hard to come up with any extra cash and the money you and Kim gave me, went for current bills, yet I am still rather hope filled, that a new day dawneth is almost upon me...time will tell.
Keep me in your prayers...for when it all breaks loose for me financially; it will be also for my family and friends...for just like you and your brother...we are most alike!
Love you lots and no I am not through writing you...only for a moment in time...
Be Safe and Always Go with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit a always a leading the way...
Be Blessed and Know That You Are!
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
--- On Wed, 5/6/09, Andrew wrote:
Subject: RE: mothers day
To: "Tonie Wallace"
Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 10:52 PM
ive been just watching my calls plus calling cards were sold out 4 sometime.i can keep in touch with you like this 4 now right anyway take it easy love you mom ,Andrew
Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 16:54:52 -0700
From: toniewallace@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: mothers day
To: Andrew
Hello son:
I know that you love me, thank you so much for all that you are doing for me and everyone!
You are the greatest son!
Be Blessed always
Love, Light and Peace
Thanks for the email...I hadn't heard from you for a while and I miss you.
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
--- On Mon, 5/4/09, Andrew Wrote:Subject: mothers day
To: "Tonie Wallace"
Date: Monday, May 4, 2009, 12:23 PM
well i guess its too close to send letters stating i love you wishing you a special mothers day we dont get very good supply of cards so ill be calling this time but know i still love and miss you love Andrew