Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
One Day Peace Will Triumphant All Over The World.
I believe that moment will happen when the "lion lies down with the lamb."
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone, Associate
Dear All One Family:
As I promised two newsletters back, that I kind of take a small seat back of this newsletter for Jada has lots she would like to say about Brad's latest news for us all.
So without further adieu:
Be/Feel Divinity Blessed always,
Love, Light and Peace of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit
Jada Stone
Dear darling youngest son, Brad, just knowing that you are here in the same land as myself; fills me with such peace.
Yet having you over in the land that all can't get along with each other, hasn't been the most pleasant experience I would have to say, for you especially and for all of us that wait for your safe return each and every time that you go away...
Mom knows full well, how trying to get over jet lag, and pull together some kind of picture as to what kind of a life would you have a working less and for not as much pay? The same oh, same oh of yesterday?
A always a trying to catch your financial tail and never quite a making the mark...more behind yesterday than today and how can that be? Kind of a thing.
Yet when you told me that the nervous energy you were a feeling was just as similar to a large degree and I went, oh my God! Even those that couldn't feel energy yesterday and since turning on the Divine-mantle of protection, can now feel the ebbing and flowing of the fear energy a brewing...
This energy pattern I am a telling all right now up front and personal, is what is a bringing us all of the viruses and pestilence and other destructive manifestations...think evil thoughts, evil thoughts are returned...junk the devil getting all of the blame, and start focusing on what is real and ahead of you, one step at a time...giving all things to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, calling it all good, for even if it is the most God awful to thing to ever become you, by asking God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, "what ever could I have done to warrant such terrible moment in time?"
Then what I generally do is this: Dear Father/Jesus and Holy Spirit, I say in prayer, "if I had any part in this a being created, please forgive me and those that perhaps knowingly or unknowingly, assisted."
I then say thank you Father for the lesson, for without lessons in life, we sometimes feel like we are no longer special to You. "for those that are given much, much is expected." Kind of thing.
For many persons, that might sound like someone caught up in drama. I say that I am someone that feels that where ever I need to improve, those areas need to be revealed to me...
Some would probably voice the opinion that it still sounds like I am caught up in the harmony of disharmonic behavior, I say not, for if many things that have been revealed to me in my own real and sometimes horrific life experiences and the experiences of so many others in my near 25 years of up front and personal contact with souls, all more lost than myself...and just through meeting them all, my lostness, somehow lead me to this very point in time and for the journey thus far, I thank God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, for each moment that my breath was taken away rather in a good, bad or indifferent momentarily in time.
I would also like to say that if I hadn't gone through all I did, I don't believe I would have arrived here on time...for Brad and Andrew...my sons, and all that will ever read these words, all things are just on time.
I know dear Brad that your heart is heavy, yet your spirit is still weighed down with so many decisions...give that as well to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit son...for I know that They answer all questions.
I also give them all of my panic moments for yes, if the world is all a bouncing around worried about this or that...of course there will pandemonium in the streets...the streets in case all aren't a paying attention for one reason or another, are starting to become in some areas with the homeless population...
That is desperation with a capital Poor, folk.
So depending on what area you find yourself in sons, the energy of the area will kind of tell its story on itself.
If an area is found to have more elderly than young population, you have an aging energy on your hands...as one tries to copy their neighbors energy sort of good behavior, sometimes the bad or indifferent ones takes residence within your own psyche before you know it...
Just like I told you to test the spiritual energy of all that surround you as well, and by testing this energy space all one has to do is state stimply, "Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, please show me what is real about this person and what isn't...so that I can make a valid decision as to rather we can inter mix or not, and then I say thank you, and Amen again.
Then I pay attention as to what comes back from that prayerful request, for when one lives in the magical land of trust, faith and belief...anything is possible...
That is just how I feel sons/all and Brad love, I do wish that you would reconsider those tapes of Steve G. Jones as an addition to your nightly activities, for just listening to "Inner Peace For Women," for thirty minutes, provides so much additional meditative properities to my life, when I find time to relax into one...life becomes brighter and more real and peace ful...just my thoughts, do what you have to do...
I would like it also if you would make some time in which to get worked by me...you know how it makes you feel better.
Anyways, just my thoughts for the moment...know that I love, need, and am very proud of you both...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace