Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Could These Thoughts of Oil Manipulation, Represent Our Demise?
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
All One Family:
This was perhaps one of the most thought provoking pieces of email that I have ever received...It makes me want to pray even more intently for our land...for yes, it also confirmed to me that a guy of the age of John McClain...just in reality might be too old to handle the deteriorating condition of our country...for it is going to take more than hard work, it is going to take the country and its most intelligent body of people...to bring our country back front and center...
I know that lots of people that I have talked to about my thoughts on United States a becoming a third world country, fast, were met with laughter...
I also heard laughter about my dream of an attack on New York and the White House...(Pentagon, same thing, sort of) and was told basically two years prior to it, that it could never happen for no country would ever be that stupid as to come across the greatest country in the land...
So when I come across correspondence that back up my thoughts a being realized...that is nothing more than divine confirmation...
Especially in light, love and peace, it seems that more are trying to prove me either insane, too big of a dreamer, can't write, am not a very good business head, evil and God only knows what else...so please, just let your heart and head rule as you listen to Rev Williams...then and only then, will you kind of understand...my need for an alternative health research center that has the medical doctors on site that can do the necessary follow ups with all being researched, especially the founding members and their families...
A research and teaching facility, unlike any other in the world...for here not only will the world be able to come and study here...we as well will be privileged to see what the world as well, has to offer us up in the way of getting the people back to basics...sound living for an unsound world...
Rev. Williams confirmed the need for such a center...just by commenting that we are fastly becoming a third world country...just due to oil and oil alone...
Please give it your attention...
May You All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
"L. email...Dear L.:
It is too bad that you didn't get the opportunity to listen to Rev. Williams...he makes lots of sense...It is a keeper...thanks for all that you do...love you girl!
I can't open this, so wondering if I should share... Sorry if it's too
extreme or whatever.... My best oil man Christian friend from OK used to
tell me stories in the sixties in DC, and he has been proven right in
some things...tho he passed away and I can no longer ask his opinion,
If you have any interest in why things happen in the world and who makes them happen, this will be of interest to you. A Baptist minister speaks with first hand knowledge. Oil is merely the tool and the international bankers are the ones wielding that tool. All of this dovetails precisely with the information on the two DVD set entitled The Money Masters. I will loan these DVDs to those who may be interested. The presentation is so good that I tell folks that, if they pay attention, they should receive two college credits each in economics and history.
de oppresso liber (the American taxpayer),
Oil in the US
This is rather long, but I promise you it will shock and amaze you.Finally someone tells the truth about what is going on in this country and it's all about OIL.If you listen to every word to the end, most of your life long questions will be answered.I think that this man is risking his life by telling what he knows. This is Serious Stuff .... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3340274697167011147