Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Attitude of Gratitude Moment in Time
This is dedicated to L.N....I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all those postings that you have sent me...recently that have helped elevate me even stronger forward...perhaps you knew you were doing that for me...perhaps not...now I know that you know...love you lots for all that you do for us all...
June 13, 2008
These are just a few of your most recent postings...I needed each and everyone...I don't know if you know it or not...my first church that lead me towards the ministry of spirituality...was the Unity Church of Warren, Michigan...the same one that Rev. Maryanne Williams, Minister, Writer.."Return To Love." Was a minister at...yet not at the time I was attending...Jack Boland was the minister...a true lovely giant of a Christian being...so thank you again for those postings as well...it is all a coming back to me...
All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Today's Daily Word - Friday, June 6, 2008
I express the joy of living in what I think, say, and do.
Each day I set and fulfill my intention to express the joy of living
in my thoughts, words, and actions. I am conscious of God's presence
in every situation and each person I meet. I recognize and honor the
good in all.
By choosing to show up for the day with an expectation of joy, I
experience happiness and satisfaction. I bring joy to others by
allowing it to flow unimpeded from God's love within my heart. With
each expression of joy, my capacity for joy grows.
I appreciate the accomplishments of others and share in their happy
events. I am encouraging, positive, and expectant of good results.
With each experience of sharing, I bring joy to others and to myself.
"For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains
and the hills before you shall burst into song."-Isaiah 55:12
published by Unity Church
To: nevillequotes@ yahoogroups. com
The 11th [chapter] of Mark is true: "Whatsoever you desire, when you
pray believe that you have it, and you shall receive it." "And as you
stand praying if you have aught against your brother, forgive him,
that your Father may forgive you." But you cannot forgive until you
distinguish between the state, and the individual in the state. You
create for [him] that other state, where he is your friend, bring him
out of his former state, and embrace him. That is the opening the
Western Gate – and then something happens within you. So, who spoke
this? "The merciful Son of Heaven to those whose Western Gate was
open, but sleeping humanity heard him not and slumbered on." [Blake.]
I can speak and you may not hear. This diet may not appeal to you. It
is only a state which you are in at present, for you are still God, no
matter what, and you are still unblemished. But all will awaken, for
God plays all the parts. Therefore "disaster beyond redemption is
impossible." Let no one tell you [that you] are better than the
other. You may be in a more wonderful state than the other, but that
is all. Good and evil belong to the tree of knowledge. We are rising
up to [a] more expanding world as we awaken. You will step into
another world as real as this one, and yet behind you in this world
you [will] discover you have left a little garment – your body. All
things exist in Imagination, and it is one with the supreme imagining
that creates and sustains the universe.
Now, you take the diet you desire. If you are not yet interested in
embracing someone you think is your opponent, and all you want is to
transcend your present level, then live in the state that proves you
have done it. You may never, after it comes about, give credit to
your wonderful Imagination, for it happens so naturally that you will
think it would have happened anyway. You may discount that your
Imagination did it. But the day will come when you will want to
transcend just things, and you will want that which does not have
earthly value. You will see those with great possessions and know they
are actually only moments from the grave, but up to the last second
before they flicker out they are still only conscious [of]
possessions. But it is all right, for they too will awaken in time,
though they do not even know that there is someone who walks among
them who is awake. In the world beyond worlds you are completely awake
and not known because of possessions – because then you own the world.
For there you know that you and your Father are one, and he creates
all out of nothing. Whatever you desire to create you create, and you
do not need atoms to do it; forever those you create out of your
Lecture # 311 – Neville 09/25/1959
Neville Goddard
You are Beings who intend to come forth and to continue to expand and
grow and change. What is the perfect age? "Well, it's the age where I
finally understand my freedom, and I finally understand that I am free
to create, and it's the age that I am at my most beautiful." And we
say, by whose standards? In other words, who gets to decide the
perfect age? And we say, rather than determining what the perfect age
is, why not decide what the perfect state of being is—and then
discover that you can find the perfect state of being at any age.
Excerpted from a workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, May 10th, 2003
All Is Well
Daily Word - Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Divine Order
I contribute to the divine order inherent in every situation.
My happiness and fulfillment in life are not dependent on having
things my way or forcing others to see things as I do. Releasing any
thought about needing to be in control, I cooperate with the divine
order that underlies every situation.
Surrendering all to God, I open myself to a pure wisdom that inspires
understanding regardless of the circumstance. With a deeper
discernment of the spiritual realm beyond the world of appearances, I
know that divine order is present.
My choices are framed with greater clarity as my awareness of divine
order continues to expand. Selective in the thoughts I hold, the words
I speak, and the actions I take, I contribute to the order of the world.
"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,
willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of
partiality or hypocrisy."- James 3:17
"The heavens are yours, the earth also is yours; the world and all
that is in it-you have founded them."-Psalm 89:11
published and created through Unity Church
__Learning To Decide
Virginia was thirty-eight years old when her asthma became
unbearable. She had lived with it most of her life, but now finally
it had reached the point where she scarcely was free of it for even
a few moments of the day. Anything set her to wheezing, even the
slightest emotional stress. She had taken pills, "shots," tried
diets, moved from one corner of the country to the other, but still
she continued to wheeze. At last she reached the point where she was
both physically and mentally exhausted. She entered a sanitarium in
an effort to regain her strength. There she settled into a state of
complete apathy, refused to communicate with others, seemed decided
not to disturb herself in any way. Her symptoms disappeared, of
course, because they had been caused by emotional disturbance and
Virginia now had suppressed her emotions completely. Eventually she
was discharged and sent home, but her family was horrified at the
change in her.
Her husband said, "Frankly, I'd a million times rather have her with
asthma. At least she often was gay and charming and always a warm
human being. Now she walks around like a zombie."
It was quite a problem to restore Virginia to life. By an act of
will she had almost anesthetized herself completely. She not only
had become incapable of feeling things emotionally, but physically
she evidenced much the same anesthesia. She had an extremely high
pain threshold, being insensitive to pinpricks over much of her
body. She was completely involuted. The ego had turned in on itself
by an act of will, and the rest of the world no longer existed for
her. She had suffered, no doubt about it, but not enough for the ego
to die. Rather it had magnified itself, grown inward in its
isolation, until at last, in its little microcosm, it had become an
entire universe.
Little by little Virginia was led back to life. One day she was
persuaded to umpire a ball game between the youngsters of the
neighborhood. Much persuasion was necessary, but eventually Virginia
took the field. Though she once had been an accomplished player
herself, for the first two innings Virginia obviously was confused.
Each time the pitcher threw the ball she stared at home plate with
visible effort. She was being forced to make a decision! After what
seemed minutes she would call a ball or strike. Her voice always
ended on a questioning note. In the third inning the team that
had been behind managed to get runners on all bases, and their
leading hitter came to bat. He hit a sharp grounder to left field,
and it rolled beyond the fielder. The three base runners scored, and
the hitter decided to stretch his triple to a home run. Meantime the
left fielder had retrieved the ball, and he threw it toward home
plate. The ball and the runner arrived at the same time. Everyone
was on his feet immediately. The runner was safe! He was out! It
depended on which side you were on. It was up to Virginia to call
the play.
Thirty faces stared at her, each in the grip of his own emotions,
each daring her to call against him. She could not possibly satisfy
more than half the people. She blanched, seemed to quaver for a
moment. Then in the summer sun, with the dust yet floating on the
warm air, she announced, "You're out!"
Shouts of approval and disapproval were equal. Those who stood to
lose by Virginia's decision surrounded her in a moment, shouted at
her, glared at her, seemed to hate her, demanded that she retract,
tell the truth, not lie. Then something happened. A change seemed to
come over Virginia. She straightened, seemed more poised, more
resolute, possessed of greater powers. She did not answer. She
turned and walked back to her position behind the pitcher's mound.
Those watching her sensed immediately the finality of her decision.
They retired to the sidelines.
It was only a small thing perhaps, a game between children that
occupied two hours of a Saturday afternoon, but it changed
Virginia's life. In those two hours she discovered herself,
discovered she could decide, could refuse to retreat, and she
learned that her decision could change the world. Today she is a
happy, integrated, vital person, all because she learned the power
of decision.
The Secret of Secrets:
Your Key to Subconscious Power
by New Thought Author U.S. Andersen
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